"A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RILEY: POP CULTURE & POSSIBILITIES" is really taking off because all of you have been supporting it. I THANK YOU!!!! And in addition to being written about in a NEWSDAY column (no two weeks after we launched), cutting-edge menswear designer AMERICAN CHANG (www.americanchang.com) has nominated 'A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RILEY' for its "1ST ANNUAL GOLDEN POODLE AWARD" under the category of: "MOST INTERESTING WAY TO PASS THE TIME..." (http://americanchang.com/changlinks.html) 
The last week before Christmas has been chockful of many more things than my "12 DAYS OF DREAMGIRLS" campaign. I conducted a wonderful interview with multi-talented director J. Maurice Jamal for the re-designed and upcoming issue of ROCKSTAR Magazine (formerly "Ballroom Rockstar" Magazine, which featured me in its debut issue earlier this year). Well, it's poised for a reinvention in February. And I look forward to sharing more with you about my interview and Jamal's sophomore film project, the very funny and poignant "DIRTY LAUNDRY" (starring Loretta Devine, Rockmond Dunbar, Jennifer Lewis, etc. www.dirtylaundrythemovie.com). Also, I'll key you into some ROCKSTAR buzz come the New Year.
(On the bottom right picture below, see Jamal, my friend Camille - in lavender - and me in the middle).
Additionally, I had a few holiday sets to attend, including my favorite boutique N's Christmas gathering. (www.nharlemnewyork.com)
That Wednesday, the eve of my departure, made for a night of social adventure that would never end. But it was important for me to stay in it as I continued to run into some special folks who - without knowing - I needed to see before I left for Georgia.
There was my Brian Palmer who owns NATIVE and he and I got the chance to fellowship over cocktails at his restaurant.
My Carl Nelson is off to South Africa through the New Year, and I got the chance to not only catch up with him. But he had the most awesome business card holder for me (featuring an animated, interpreted image of the original "DREAMGIRLS" icon
[THREE CHOREOGRAPHED LEGS PEEKING OUT OF THE SLIT OF THREE LONG AND UNIFORM GOWNS as created by Deborah Gregory (www.cheetahrama.com/ ) and made available via HARLEMMADE, owned by another friend Murphy with whom I got the chance to hang out at an afterset downtown in Manhattan. www.harlemmade.com/ ]. I also saw my dear friend/former casting director and actress Sidra Smith, who has been spending lots of time in Ghana of late. But she came home to pack her bags (from having been here in NYC for five years) and go back to Ghana where she has been called. She has been over there producing a politically-based talk show called Time with David hosted by David Ampofo, who came with Sidra to New York and I got to meet him at the N party. Aside from producing one of West Africa's most popular Interview programs, she is also running a public relations company in which David Ampofo is the CEO. She says she has learned more from all of this in the last eight months of being in Ghana than she's learned in eight years. With that, she's selling all of her earthly goods (at least the ones in her Harlem apartment) and the proceeds from that sale will go to AGAPE CHILDREN'S HOME. They support sixty seven (67) boys who have no mother, father or family. Most of them are from Ghana and Liberia. Sidra spends every weekend with them and it has been the most wonderful experience ever for her, she says. See her with three of the fellows she wishes she could adopt. And one day she may be able to do just that. CONGRATS SIDRA! To learn more about the orphan home and organization, please visit www.agapegospelmission.org 
And of course, inside all of this, I did take the time to see my #7 and #8 "DREAMGIRLS". I'm happy to report that the film is still the same (smile!) and it still continues to knock my socks off. At screening #7 at The Ziegfeld, I ran into singer extraordinaire Marva Hicks who was in attendance with Star Jones Reynolds. We all had a pleasant exchange about the film. (Mrs. Reynolds filled in on Michael Eric Dyson's radio show last week in New York City as that update goes. She's in reinvention mode for her career and - to me (in that brief moment) - read kinder and gentler? I love a comeback. So, I'm open --- eyes and heart --- to see what she has in store.).
At screening #8, which was a matinee at The Ziegfeld, Tony-Award-winning choreographer and director George Faison ("The Wiz") came over to me and said "HI!". Faison, who I believe has a cameo in "DREAMGIRLS", too invited me up to his fabled and famous "Firehouse" where I understand glorious Harlem parties transpire at the click of a shiny red pump. I look forward to experiencing one of them. Come screening #9 (of 12), I'll know for sure.
(Actually, with the pic I've selected, I'm almost certain it's him in the Cadillac Car scene where he buys a Cadillac and gets the keys to the car... and the 45 single of "Cadillac Car" by James Thunder Early). I too had to wrap up another of my last TV projects before taking the time to update my own resume reel. Every year this time, when I get a little room to breathe from my busy itinerary, I always take some time to update my resume reel with my latest work. It's good down-time (uninterrupted) to look at where I've been and - inside that - what's working and not working. I can then begin to identify and create where I'm going. (And usually, the editor of my updates and tweaks is Paul, who is an editor at my favorite post-house to do business: Murray Hill. www.murrayhillstudios.com/ ) 
With that, I am including a 10-minute link on my blog "A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RILEY: POP CULTURE & POSSIBILITIES" (per one of the promised features PR... around components that demo my work i.e. the media, marketing materials, demo material, etc.).
This link will excerpt some great freelance I've had a chance to do over this last year, including some scenes from my role as host of MOTOROLA's "Music Biz 101" symposium for American college students, who flew into NYC to learn the basics of the business from hot industry players like TIMBALAND,
The balance of the reel includes work from the last year and change on back to the turn of the new millennium, including the pilot "tvQ" which I hosted for Hurricane Productions and one of my guest spots on ESPN 2's "Cold Pizza". In reflection, I'm clear I am on the right path, moving - with momentum and surrender - to the next level. MEANWHILE, not on the blog for legal purposes, there's much more work that I've done that you hopefully have caught on national TV. 
And here's to a 2007 that will allow me to push my God-given talents to the next level. These links are the measurable results. The rest is HIS WILL as I manage THE WAY.
Come the New Year, I am already poised to work on a primetime special that will see the light of day in February. Also, in the wake of my interview with "THE DREAMGIRL" Jennifer Hudson back in August at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, I'm looking to do some more hosting and moderating to promote and support some exciting film releases in 2007. And I see more opportunities to weigh-in on pop culture and entertainment across the spectrum of programming that continues to churn onto our airwaves.
And don't forget: "A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RILEY: POP CULTURE & POSSIBILITIES". Lots more on that front in the New Year!
And expect my "12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" down in Georgia to include musings around sweet tea, Picadilly cafeteria, time with family, Walmart, Krystal, soul food, seafood, Tamia, Fantasia, and Mary J. Blige's greatest hits, etc. It's WHO I BE when in Atlanta and Savannah with my family! SMILE!
Patrick L. Riley
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