I want to briefly TESTIFY on a young man I had the opportunity to meet in the summer of 2005. His name is Kevin Ross. And we met at a course he and I have taken called Momentum Education (www.momentumeducation.com), which is a series of life courses that have helped me shape my world and choices powerfully. It too has supported me in upgrading the relationships in my life. I've mentioned the work here before:(http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2006/10/25/love-is-in-the-air.html).
That said, a young lady named Jackie - also having taken the work (who is so generous of SPIRIT) - thought Kevin and I would hit it off. Kevin, a DREAM Producer and DESIGNER LIFE Coach, has helmed some of these classes, introduction nights, and his own brand of this type of work. Through this work (and - truth be told - my life), I have maintained a STAND for all people's POSSIBILITIES and wasn't quite sure what Kevin and I would ever be able to do for each other. Still, inside of our meeting, was POSSIBILITY that has begun to show up since that time.
Fast forward a few months after our meeting, I'm reminded that Kevin felt he needed to be at the opening night (December 1, 2005) of Broadway's "The Color Purple", which - by the way - has just announced that on April 10, another of my favorites Fantasia will take over the part of Miss Celie, a role my dear friend LaChanze originated and for which she took home the Tony Award last year.
I've referenced that special, historical night as one in which I met my current life partner Anthony, but many other miracles were brewing in tandem as that special evening unfolded. The most prominent moment that I think of centers around Kevin's desire to attend. Now keep in mind, people ask me all the time for access to shows, parties, and premieres. Sometimes I can accommodate. Other times I cannot. Because I knew with whom (and whose) I was dealing, I alerted Kevin if he was willing to be a STAND INSIDE OF POSSIBILITY and NOT SO ATTACHED TO HOW MY SUPPORT COULD LOOK, he should simply come on out and PLAY TO WIN! (TRANSLATION: I didn't have an extra ticket for the show or the afterparty, but figured if he was willing to just SHOW UP, perhaps something could be managed IN THE MOMENT). You see, many would want to ENSURE they are ON THE LIST or TAKEN CARE OF before they got dressed and took to commuting to the city for an UNSURE THING. But KEVIN, from the beginning, was in the POSSIBILITY. And once he arrived, I saw his INTENTIONS unfold as he escorted the show's key producer into the theater (ALL HIS DESIGN). A mutual friend set him up with a ticket to see the show. And I was successful at hooking him up with a ticket for the AFTER- PARTY. Quite simply, if you look at what "THE COLOR PURPLE" is about as a story of THE POWER OF LOVE (over oppression), TRANSFORMATION, and POSSIBILITIES, WHY NOT?
I found myself impressed with Kevin that night as each MIRACLE unfolded for him. But I was even more impressed at myself in JUMPING ABOARD his TRAIN OF POSSIBILITIES from the vantage point of an OUTWARD FOCUS (Keep in mind, I was already taken care of for the night!) to have someone else's DREAMS come true. It was a tangible, substantive TESTIMONIAL around our POWER to BE A DIFFERENCE for others and how WE (EACH OF US) can GET OUT OF OUR WAY to be a STAND for someone else... JUST BECAUSE.... It's a GOOD FEELING!!!
On from there, Kevin and I would stay in touch, even uncovering that we were both Morehouse Men, a distinction and chunk of evidence that often clarifies a part of how each of us shows up in the world. Morehouse College and its mystique for graduating strong, Black men is nothing new. (www.morehouse.edu). I'd find Kevin would call or e-mail and check in at moments where I needed to hear some of his HELPFUL and POWERFUL advisement. This, amidst his busy schedule as international inspirational speaker, business consultant, designer life coach, minister, and author of "Heavenly Words for Hard Times", "Living the Designer Life", and "T.O.U.G.H.: Talk for Living the Designer Life". He says "My mission is to inspire and empower millions of people to design and live the lives and businesses of their dreams in the context of freedom, love, and joy!". Inside of me (and what shows up in my life), Kevin asked me to speak to his students via a conference call one day last September. Admittedly taken aback, I didn't know what I could share with his students that would make more of a difference than his structured curriculum. But let me tell you, they could not shut me up as I approached the call organically and TRUSTED GOD would order my STEPS and my CONVERSATION. And quite simply, I shared my TRUTH - AUTHENTICALLY, LOVINGLY, and VULNERABLY. The FEEDBACK from Kevin and his group was off the charts. And again, though my EGO could take everything they said and rest on it, my HEART took everything they said and knew that because I was SHARING OPENLY, LIVES (other than my own) could change. And that's the GOOD FEELING we could all afford to EMBRACE in our lives as we FOCUS SO MUCH ON SELF and WHAT'S MISSING that we LOSE SIGHT of how effortlessly GRATITUDE can DIVINELY distract us from our MEANTIME LONGINGS and ARMOR - even STIMULATE - our DEEPEST DESIRES... before we even know it. It's the LAWS OF ATTRACTION (thesecret.org/) at work. And a shift in our MINDSET and our FOCUS can LAND us on our DREAMS. KEVIN also talks about this in the context of "THE SECRET".
Check these 2 links out:
(1) - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUKUk0dF1M)
(2) - (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVZMPntuoWM)
Also, BE INSPIRED by Kevin's 100 Day Reality Challenge. Then, visit www.cocreatingourreality.com to register. Watch as Kevin Ross gives you tips for getting started in the challenge:
Well, let me now share with you how the UNIVERSE works and supports LIKE ENERGIES. One of my very good girlfriends who I credit as one of my "Amazing Graces" Lisa Goodnight and I go way back to 1992 when we met in Detroit at the National Association of Black Journalists. We have been that ENERGY for each other over many years. The UNIVERSE has used us as VESSELs many times to COMPLIMENT each other's DREAMS into ACTION. I was a DIFFERENCE to have her commitment to leave New Jersey and go back to Maryland with a JOB in tow as I would be the defining reference that landed her with a position that got her back home. She is responsible for being my CHEERLEADER around doing more PUBLIC SPEAKING and HOSTING --- a tier of my talents that I'm always aiming to have show up on the next level. As a result, some of the entities to which she's introduced me STILL call on me today for revenue-generating opportunities that elevate my profile. And to all of that (and on the days when nothing shows up), I LOVE HER and SHE LOVES ME.
Well, now LISA is a freelance writer out of the D.C.-area and called me for a story she was doing in "Black Enterprise" on the importance of chasing down your dreams and pursuing the dreams. Moreover, she wanted to gather a list of ideas on ways that people can move out of their unhappiness/unfulfillment into possibilities. She wanted a life coach. Well, of course, I knew the perfect person: Kevin Ross.

References (1)
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