Well, IT’S A NEW DAY!!!!!! OBAMA is IN! And we are ALL now a part of HISTORY! I’m reminded of a song by my DIANA (who I hope will sing this Stevie-Wonder-penned song “Force Behind The Power” – and more – during Inauguration time in January: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV8Rb98Bb_8
And/Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG7_yl9-9xs And/Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km3gzupyYlA). The lyric says it all and captures what is clearly acknowledgement that there are times in history where spirituality and resilience of the underdog shines through brightly to A NEW DAY of LOVE and LIGHT:
Since the beginning of all life's beginnings
Right at the very dawning of the sun
Any and everyone had cause and reason
For in good all good is done
Now down in every heart there are two forces
One is for the wrong, one's for the right
But never do you have to fear with this as armor
For good always wins the fight
What's that force behind the power that wakes you each day
What's that force behind the power that chases evil away
What's that force behind the power that puts a smile on your face
It is love, pure love, it is love
In every book of truth it has been written
That we are measured by the things we do
If for the good of all is what you like doing
Then all that good will come to you
That doesn't mean you have to be a rich man
You could be a person living on the street
But if you give but only words to lift someone higher
Then a heart of gold is what you will be
What's that force behind the power that wakes you each day
What's that force behind the power that chases evil away
What's that force behind the power that puts a smile on your face
It is love, pure love, it is love
What's that force behind the power that makes you willing to share
What's that force behind the power that for a lost soul you're there
What's that force behind the power that's not to busy to care
It is love, pure love, it is love
Not trying to preach about it, but no one can do without it
What's that force behind the power that will lend a hand
What's that force behind the power when others can't yes you can
What's that force behind the power it's greater than any man
It is love, God's love, it is love
What's that force behind the power that tears walls down of hate
What's that force behind the power that is never too late
What's that force behind the power that forever will wait
It is love, God's love, it is love
Inside of the grim snapshot of a broken-down America right now – in war and economic straits, it is clear something needed to change. And OBAMA is the tangible, active symbol of that CHANGE. But like Miss Ross cautioned while performing “REACH OUT AND TOUCH (SOMEBODY’S HAND)” at The Kennedy Center in celebration of the 1986 launch of Martin Luther King’s birthday as a national holiday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIkUvqrERXs). Miss Ross pointed out that no matter the charisma, brilliance, and effectiveness of our BLACK LEADERS who reign supreme, there’s still work for each of us to do – beyond our impressive turnout to VOTE: “...Sometimes we sit back and wait for our LEADERS to save us, but the TRUTH is we’re the saviors. We have to do the work through UNITY, through BEING TOGETHER, through REACHING OUT AND TOUCHING...” Hear, hear MISS ROSS! (By the way, check out Vanity Fair’s feature on MOTOWN’s 50th Anniversary - http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2008/12/motown200812?currentPage=1) And Hear, hear PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA!!!

References (4)
Response: Tiffany Milano
Response: GtJxJnWYA Day In "The Life Of Riley" - Blog - “THE FORCE BEHIND THE POWER (...IS OBAMA) ”
Response: carpenterA Day In "The Life Of Riley" - Blog - “THE FORCE BEHIND THE POWER (...IS OBAMA) ”
Response: Phil St OresA Day In "The Life Of Riley" - Blog - “THE FORCE BEHIND THE POWER (...IS OBAMA) ”
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