Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Just Call My Name (1)
just call her name
alyson williams
Tuesday 5 inside the Fall 2014 Series of Billie's Black Presents All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley felt like a continuation of my birthday fete last week - especially when my friend - the legendary Alyson Williams surprised me! The awesome diva of jazz & r&b was making good on a promise she made to me a few weeks ago that she would come by and bless our stage (as she did a few years ago our inaugural All Star Karaoke at now-closed Native).
And let me tell you: she SANG her face off:
And what a way to kick off THANKSGIVING (and Lady Phyll's birthday dinner) as our packed house was largely comprised of our ALL STAR KARAOKE FAITHFULS for whom I am MOST GRATEFUL this season and year.
Also, GARGANTUAN THANKS to our sponsors Riley Land Gourmet Pantry - on board with us since the beginning, and our Fall 2014 Series title sponsor at Billie's Black Gourmet Soul: Miss Jessie's.
And a special shout out to artist Vanessa Bonaparte Design (
Her collection of Harlem-inspired platters is on display at Billie's Black Bar Lounge & Restaurant. Via raffle, she generously donated a beautiful, framed print of her work "Church Lady".
All of our sponsors provided great giveaways for all in attendance plus special take-aways for select participants - inspiring quality Holiday gifting ideas at a reasonable price point.
Please support them all where applicable. And SPECIAL THANKS to friend, TheGrio and msnbc's own Chris Witherspoon for coming by to support our night during which we sought his assistance to help present our prizes. Thanks Chris!
#Ferguson remained on our song selection - from theater great - most recently from Billy Porter's WHILE I YET LIVE - Larry Powell's "What's Going On?" to my first-time stab at "Stand Up For Love" by Destiny's Child:
With shaking heads, we still called joy forth - excited to hear news that we're still able to win dancing contests: Congrats to Alfonso Ribeiro who had BETTER won Dancing with the Stars this season. He did.
Meanwhile, there's #Ferguson. I thought Selma Movie #selmafilm - was a period piece and the overcoming was well over this ilk of scene in the movie of Black people and justice. Thanks to Ava DuVernay for letting us know this is not new and the work continues on some strong shoulders and tired feet. #smh Please be safe out there and take care of each other. Hold your families close.
In this healing time for humanity, remember to laugh, count those blessings, and connect to your loved ones with light and kindness. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! And we'll be back next Tuesday at 7p for "Billie's Black Presents All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley" - and every Tuesday through December 2014.
As always, THANKS TO MY TEAM: Derrick Hemphill, Bernice Wooden, my partner Anthony Harper, Michael K. Watts, EPHRIAM, GENEVA, Husain Mello Deas Williams, our #motownmay Motown the Musical winner; and more!
#billiesblack #allstarkaraoke #motownmay
Hi folks! I’m the host for THE ADVOCATE MONEY MINUTE – episodes of which run on-line. A little over 5 minutes into this clip, see my PROMO for NEXT WEEK’S SHOW:
MEANWHILE, as my archive for MONEY MINUTE goes, here’s the promo for the season: and here’s the first show on CONVERSATIONS: and another episode on RETIREMENT:
ALSO: LOOK FOR ME ON Arise Entertainment 360 in the coming days - for guest co-hosting and another of my signature Broadway segments. AS ALWAYS, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
#OUT100 #moneyminute #wellsfargo #advocate #thenewadvocatemoneyminute #allstarkaraoke #billiesblack #ARISE360 #CENTRICTV
Shout out to my dear friends Nikita Stewart and Brian Henderson for inviting Anthony Harper and me to Thanksgiving Dinner – including the chance for me to hang with Nikita’s daughter, singer/songwriter Ella… and to meet (and clown around) with Brian’s amazing kids.
We had a BLAST – eating, drinking, and laughing as we enjoyed a YOUTUBE party.
Once my ITIS kicked in (after the delicious meal), I fell asleep on the couch…and the FUN REALLY BEGAN! LOL! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE! XOXOXOXOXO
I always say Darius Booker is one of my FAVORITE SINGERS… and it’s true! (EXHIBIT A: plus he’s a PRO who collaborates vocally LIVE with many of our R&B greats – including Tevin Campbell and Syleena Johnson. And whenever he can get us in, he blesses Billie's Black Presents All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley). But what I didn’t know is he can prepare an entire THANKSGIVING MEAL on the Saturday after the holiday for many of his fellow singers (and Ant and me). And he’s now left me – on this Sunday – saying Darius Booker is one of my FAVORITE CHEFS! THANK YOU, DARIUS! XOXOXOXOXOXO #billiesblack #allstarkaraoke
12.1.05 - Anthony Harper and Patrick L. Riley. 9 years.... #endlesslove