PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley


Entries in RWANDA (1)




The good news is Ant & I figured out a way to spend Christmas with our respective families in Denver and Savannah. Unfortunately we will do it separately. I took him to airport this morning. I'm leaving Thursday for GA. Ant would like me to come ring in New Year's with he and his peeps in Denver but we'll accept a windfall/hookup if that is to be. Otherwise, Ant and I will reconnect when he returns from Denver at the top of the year. And we’ll make the best of the distance during a holiday to which we are used to spending together. FOR NEXT YEAR: We DECLARE WIN-WIN all around: stops by each of our homes… and something TROPICAL or EUROPEAN to boot. MARK MY WORDS!

Meanwhile, as we look ahead to greener pastures (the fiscal kind), we’re doing the best we can to manage life – calling joy forth as much as we can.



Well, now that THE PRINCESS & THE FROG is doing so well at the box office, I'm reminded that back in August of this year, I got the chance to introduce Disney's first African American princess to the National Association of Black Journalists. I hosted an event that featured the voice of Princess Tiana, Anika Noni-Rose; additionally, we presented the first Princess Tiana (who will meet & greet at Disney's amusement parks). And we previewed the first 30 minutes of the animated wonder. See an excerpt of that night on this link:


My Amazing Grace Nichole brought TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY to all of her friends this weekend. She threw a HOLIDAY PARTY at her New Rochelle home. Her many friends from the neighborhood (and beyond) came. Also, her sister Tori came up from DC to showcase and sell her beautiful art (from paintings to greeting cards). AWESOME NIGHT ALL AROUND!


My friends Brian and Kelli came to NYC from L.A. (where they often hosted me while I was out there). From West Village's The Path Cafe to brunch at The Garage to karaoke at our spot... to Atomic Wings 1st anniversary (our boy Devon Christopher’s spot) to Harlem hanging, we had a GREAT TIME! And Brian and Kelli also took Ant and me out on the town again later in the week. CAFETERIA for dinner. BAR 89 in SOHO afterward. KARAOKE night cap. Always FUN! We got to meet Kelli’s law school friends John and Emily.


Had a great night of spiritual renewal and love with Ant, Nichole, Monica, and my family at MOMENTUM ( It was good to reconnect to such a rich work – including being with my LEADERSHIP buddies David and Judy again. This adult education sequence continues to nurture our choices and ways of being in this life. Extra LOVE for MOMENTUM’s founder Robin Lynn.


Popular blog YBF is abuzz about Erykah Badu's new music ( I blogged about attending her NYC listening set at the end of last week ( Now my nephew – a YBF aficionado – will know about it! LOL!


Ant's and my buddies Ra-Fael and rah-B threw a holiday set to thank their many industry friends for support with their publicity firm 2Rs Entertainment & Media, Inc. ( HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Our friend Ulysses Carter (who works Miss Whitney Houston's publicity) was there. MIGUEL PERDOMO - Male Supermodel - Recipient of 2009 Gillette Fusion Man of Style Award - is one of 2Rs star clients… and always a lot of fun to be around. L.A. actor Kairon John was also in the house as well as dear friend/BLEU Publisher Devon Christopher.

On another night, Ant & I got caught in the blizzard after hanging out with friend Will. He inspired an impromptu set at the Harlem brownstone of our beloved Tommie. This, along with his brilliant wife, our Emmy-award-winning friend, Mara Schiavocampo. This, after checking out our girlfriend Cy's holiday tree. It’s been most uplifting for Ant and me to be around loved ones. 


Before I could pull myself together from this Brittany Murphy news (Dead at 32), I uncover that sitcom icon RIP Alaina Reed Hall (Rose from 227 & Olivia from Sesame Street) passed away this weekend of breast cancer @ 65. RIP. Remember the 227 theme song? 227 Theme Song.Trying not to wait for the 3rd pop cultural shoe to drop, but in my personal life, I want to extend my condolences to my girlfriend Cristal whose father Dwight transitioned last week. Ern and I got to attend the funeral and extend our love to Cristal, her mother Sheila, and the rest of the family with whom we’ve spent lots of time (at their gorgeous getaway in the Poconos).



The African-American Film Critics Association (AAFCA) has named “Precious” as the Best Picture of 2009.  Directed by Lee Daniels, the Lionsgate release captured a majority vote by the organization, which is comprised of African-American media professionals from across the nation. 

AAFCA 2009 Film Selections

The African-American Film Critics Association’s Top Ten Films of 2009 are as follows in order of distinction:


  1.  Precious
  2.  The Princess and The Frog
  3.  Up In The Air
  4.  The Hurt Locker
  5.  This Is It
  6.  American Violet
  7.  Goodbye Solo
  8.  Medicine for Melancholy
  9.  Good Hair
  10.  Up


Best Actor                               Morgan Freeman, “Invictus”

Best Actress                           Nicole Beharie, “American Violet”

Best Supporting Actress        Mo’Nique, “Precious”

Best Supporting Actor            Anthony Mackie. “The Hurt Locker”

Best Director                           Lee Daniels, “Precious”

Best Screenplay (tie) Geoffrey Fletcher, "Precious"

                                       R. Clements, R. Edwards, J. Musker, "The Princess & The Frog"

Special Achievement     Michael Jackson


LA Times 1:


LA Times 2:




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NPR Tony Cox Show:


ALSO: My friend Cassandra Freeman just wrapped the film KINYARWANDA in Rwanda, yes Africa! Below is one of the trailers to the movie! CHECK IT OUT!