To most, they met Donnie via his his critically-acclaimed CD, “The Colored Section”, released independently in 2002 (and then on Motown in 2003).
But I met him at the turn of the century via our mutual friend (and his once-manager) Anasa, also my Spelman sister, who I met in Atlanta through a friend Reinaldo. On the night we met in New York City, after India.Arie performed a set in the Village (before her Motown debut was released). Donnie and I hit it off instantly and walked through the streets - singing selections from "Dreamgirls" at the top of our lungs. Clearly, he thrives when using the top of his. I went hoarse. But we had such a great time and everything he would do in New York City, Atlanta, or anywhere USA when I was in town, I always make it a point to speak and he always receives me warmly and with enthusiasm for that moment we shared.
Last year, he performed for the National Association of Black Journalists (www.nabj.org) in Indianapolis, Indiana. And though he is delivering his sophomore release "The Daily News” (SoulThought Records) this week, we got a preview of it in August 2006. And as always, he was ENERGY beyond ENERGY! His voice is likened to Stevie Wonder and Donnie Hathaway, but there are some titanium forces at work as well. It's smoky. It's clear. It's soulful. It's gospel. It's chockful of contradictions as the man himself (and any artist).
Around the time I last saw Donnie, I found out my man Anthony loves his music too. Just last week, he was MY-SPACE-ing about and pointed out that Donnie is soon to come to town. We'll go check him out. Also, Donnie is poised to hit the road on a pre-release CD tour in August delivering “The Daily News” to Atlanta, Washington, DC, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and New York. For more, visit: www.myspace.com/donniemusic

References (4)
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