I’ve referenced Whitney Houston’s hairstylist and weaver Ellin Lavar ( www.ellinlavar.com/ ) before in the blog. I’ve mentioned having interviewed her before. Well, her second season of “Hair Trauma” ( www.wetv.com/shows/details/SH008536760000 ) is on and she and her siblings/co-workers are at it again. Meanwhile, Ki-Ki and I did a 2nd day together in New York City – a day where fashion and – most in particular – HAIR ruled!!!!
The day started – however – with “soul food” as prepared by Amy Ruth (www. amyruthsharlem.com/ ). Ki-Ki had the brainchild that we should host our good girlfriend Lindz (from Chicago by way of St. Louis) and her boo Eric (from St Louis) on a Harlem Tour – starting with Chicken and Waffles.
After we caught up with all that Lindz and Eric had done on this - their first trip to New York City, I had to stop by Amy Ruth’s celebrity wall of fame and pose with MISS ROSS, who was on the wall alongside many soul greats.
Then, my friends at N (www. nharlemnewyork.com/ ) opened up their store (which is normally closed on Mondays) just for me to share their awesome inventory. All of the owners Nikoa, Lenn, and Larry were there. They had already pulled special pieces in the ladies’ sizes. It was a class act! Both Ki-Ki and Lindz were pleased with their findings.
And Eric found some things as well. And of course, I couldn’t be in the store without taking a piece (though this particular purchase was for Anthony, who couldn’t join us as he had to work). We soon filled our our N shopping quota.
From there, we spent the day together – highlighting Harlem’s landmarks. Though we were planning to go to “Century 21” on Wall Street (so Ant could pop by and say HI as his work was in that area), Lindz, Eric, and I decided to pop by our friend Ted Gibson’s salon (www.tedgibsonsalon.com/) to say HI!.
His clients include and/or have included Anne Hathaway and Angelina Jolie. And he and I share the month of November as our birthday month (“Scorpio in the HOUSE!!!”). One minute we were visiting. The next minute, Ted was looking at Lindz’s locks and salivating at them. He wanted to chop some of her tresses off.
Meanwhile, Ted’s partner Jason (also his colorist), wanted to lighten her hair up a bit.
At this point, Eric just stood by and supported. I enjoyed the stellar hospitality of Ted's staff - from cappuccinos to white wine to gift bags.
Anthony would come on to join us at the salon – so that we could see the BIG FINISH!
The pictures speak for themselves! Lindz was gorgeous!
And TED is truly THE BEST (not just for what he can do with a pair of scissors in a woman’s hair...
...but because he is – hands down – one of the nicest guys I know).
He, Jason, Ant, and I are excited to hang out more in 2008 and become the BFFs we’re destined to be. SMILE!

References (1)
Response: WebsiteA Day In "The Life Of Riley" - Blog - “…HAVING A LOT OF HAIR IS A BIG RESPONSIBILITY…” DIANA ROSS
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