It’s still Fashion Week! ( www.mbfashionweek.com/newyork/ )
Today, Ant and I attended our new fav designer R. Scott French (www.rscottfrench.com/) who presented his new Fall 2008 line of men’s suits and casual wear.
He was happy to see us afterwards and wants us to come to the showroom to see everything up-close-and-personal. Of course, I will walk out with half of it. (Well, probably not, given my budget… but I might take a piece or two).
The troop of models looked familiar. This guy Jared Cotter – a Top 20 finalist from “American Idol” ( www.americanidol.com/contestants/season6/jared_cotter/ ) – was one of them. Remember his “Let’s Get It On”? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kspgDt1Mvyk)
And a handful of them were plucked from “Make Me A Supermodel” (www.bravotv.com/Make_Me_A_Supermodel/).
Afterwards, we saw their mentor and the show’s host Tyson schooling them on perhaps where they fell stiff. He took took a moment to pose with me.
Tyra, on the other hand, couldn’t stop to pose, but was happy to see me as I approached her with the cliché of all clichés when you run into a supermodel you’ve met before (and interviewed before) but are not sure if they remember you: “Do you remember me?” (“Uggh!” I say to myself. “Why did you say that?”).
She said “Of course, I remember you! How are you?” As her crew, glam squad, security, and entourage cradled her out of the tent, she waved. Another VERY PRESENT diva for my list of PRESENT DIVAS – including Diana, Beyonce, Janet, and Kimora.
Also in attendance: Miss Chrisette Michelle ( www.defjam.com/site/artist_home.php?artist_id=611 ) or ( www.myspace.com/chrisettemichele ) with a short cut that contrasted the shoulder-length locks she was sporting when we saw her perform a few months back.
She was very sweet and approachable.
She was sitting next to Trey Songz ( www.treysongz.com/ ).
He too was warm and full of hugs and smiles.
I liked him a lot.
Just an all-around good guy.
Also, stylist and actor with the most Phillip Bloch (www.phillipbloch.com/) was in the house (recently seen in the film "The Unseen" - now on DVD - www.morofilms.com/theunseen/).
He sat next to former model/photographer/hottie, "America's Next Top Model"s Nigel Barker (www.cwtv.com/shows/americas-next-top-model09/cast/cycle09-nbarker), who posed across the runway for me.
And from HBO's "The Wire" (www.hbo.com/thewire/), J. D. Williams was in the house - sporting his R. Scott French (as I sported as well). He was seated next to us and quite nice. I got a pic of he and Ant.
As we left the Salon, we stumbled into Robert Verdi (2nd time for our 2nd show thus far - http://www.robertverdi.com/). He was doing his fashion coverage on the American Express Fashion Network (http://www.americanexpress.com/style).
We opted out of the After Party which was scheduled nine hours after the wrap of the 11:00 am show. But it was scheduled to be held at Equinox Fitness ( www.equinoxfitness.com/ ) on 10th Avenue (between 16th and 17th Streets). Tommy ( www.tommy.com/ ) is next for us on Thursday; however, a litany of potential assignments came in today that may prevent me from attending. But if all pops off with this particular project, I might be able to walk out of R. Scott French’s showroom with half of the line after all.

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