I’m looking forward to a return home tomorrow to celebrate Ant’s birthday which is coming up on April 22nd. I’ve been on the road – so we’ve got lots of celebrating and catching up to do. On one hand, it would be great to breathe a little bit, but – prior to my two week stint in Chicago on an assignment – we anticipated a friend or two of Ant’s would be coming to town. His frat brother Chris is popping up from North Carolina. You’ll recall, he hung out with us last year soon after Ant arrived (http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2007/3/11/success-is-nothing-without-someone-you-love-to-share-it-with.html). He’s a sweet guy. So, it will be good to hang out with him again.
But I must get re-energized for the festivities as I want Ant to have a great time for his birthday (plus, you’ll recall how kind he was on my last birthday i.e. Manila, Beyonce, karaoke, OH MY!!!!!).
Still, my last couple of weeks in Chicago won’t be easy to shake off.
It started a couple of weeks ago when I got into Chicago. As is always my tradition of late, Chicago Carl aims to manage my social calendar outside of my work day. This ensures I don’t fall into my doldrums as I can when I’m away from home for long stretches of time. On one of the first nights, we went to Dixie Kitchen (www.dixiekitchenchicago.com/). We attempted Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles on the south side, but they were closed (www.roscoes.tribe.net/). Then, we wanted to do “Park 52" (http://www.park52chicago.com) – the latest in elegant dining for Hyde Park, but it too was closed. Regardless, Dixie Kitchen served us just fine with its soul food fare. My best friend from Morehouse Eddie joined Carl and me and we had a nice time, though Eddie was still disappointed that I would not be in New York for his approaching long weekend – including “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof” (www.cat2008onbroadway.com/), which I’ve still yet to see.
(Fortunately, Ant, Ern, and Michael held down the fort and took care of him on a few of the nights. On one evening, they went to Element nightclub in Manhattan [http://www.elementny.com/] and Ant’s “Amazing Grace” Manivone even joined in on the fun!).
Meanwhile, Carl showed me a little of the nightlife in Chicago. We went to “Circuit” in Boys town a couple of times (http://www.circuitclub.com). They do drag shows and – on our most recent night, which was a birthday celebration for the promoter Otis – we saw a go-go boy or two. It was entertaining (enough). Remember Jermaine Sellers (http://www.myspace.com/jermainesellers) from BET’s Sunday’s Best (www.bet.com/OnTV/BETShows/sundaybest/). See this clip and more on YOU TUBE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivtrB6jIkjo). He was in the house to sing happy birthday to Otis.
And he graciously posed with me – announcing also that he’s going to be co-hosting BET’s Sunday’s Best with Kirk Franklin next season and hosting “106th and Gospel” all by himself. CONGRATS JERMAINE! Keep doing your thing!
Speaking of IDOL competitions, I didn’t get a chance to see Mariah last night (though I anticipate getting it in upon my return home via DVD), but I had to be on top of viewing it last Tuesday night as I had to fly back to New York City for the day to do my Z-100 Idol Diva Chat with mid-day radio personality Shelley Wade (http://z100.com/cc-common/common-nyc/podcast/single_page.html?podcast=americanidol6chats). Here you can hear the most recent (with Shelley’s producer Jessica Pierro) and previous podcasts that Shelley has done (with and without me). Though I thought Michael Johns’ butt would keep him in the race, his butt was sent home last week (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtybxu9Tpr0).
And thanks to Shelley for the recurring invites to weigh-in as I do on all things Idol and pop culture, but also, thanks for the invite to see Rihanna (www.rihannanow.com/) at The Highline Ballroom (www.highlineballroom.com/). And we must get that Waverly Inn in sometime soon.
After I high-tailed it back to Chicago to continue my assignment from my Z-100 appearance, I got to smother some of my sadness for only seeing Anthony for two hours with airport McDonald’s comfort food (www.mcdonalds.com/). This, in the wake of a deep cleansing facial and chemical peel from my favorite New York City dermatologist Dr. Lisa Airan (www.lisaairan.com/). But my fast food moment with the golden arches carried much more significance than an artery-clogging Big Mac. I tried the new “Southern Style Chicken Sandwich” and “Freshly Brewed Sweet Tea”. Don’t let the sophistication fool you, I love a good chicken sandwich (I’m from Savannah) and I’m happy to say that it pleasantly surprised me – even giving my other favorite Chick-fil-a a run for its money on flavor and juiciness (http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2006/11/12/chick-fil-a.html).
I don’t normally trust the chicken dishes from McDonald’s (not that I frequent the fast food chain, but I know what I like there. And I went so far as to get a bonus Big Mac in case I didn’t like the new chicken sandwich). I didn’t need the Big Mac. The chicken sandwich was so good! (WHAT????!!!!!!! MCDONALD’s is pop culture! SMILE!)
I got back to Chicago in time to do to Iggy's (http://www.iggys.com/) where Chicago Carl and I met Joqquin (who wanted advisement on bump fighter stuff as he was admiring my shiny and smooth – at the time – bald head. I squeezed in a haircut while in New York as well). To Joqquin and all who care, I recommend the following:
WAVE BY DESIGN ANTI BUMPING SERUM/After Shave Razor Bump Treatment - http://www.designessentials.com/de/search.jsp?sr=wave%20by%20design
And Chicago Carl says my good friend Lloyd Boston has some great recommendations for smooth shaving on his site: www.lloydboston.com/. While dining, we listened to the smooth, acoustic sounds of Vessy Mink (www.myspace.com/vessyminkmusic) a young lady who did a stunning version of Cyndi Lauper's "All Through The Night". Chicago Carl and I also got to get our J. Alexander’s in (my “Houston’s” knock-off) - www.jalexanders.com/. His “Amazing Grace” (one of many) Bionce Foxx (www.wgci.com/pages/f_bionce.html) joined us and it’s always great to see her.
Chicago proved a backdrop for other friends I haven’t seen in a minute. My friend Gil Robertson (www.robertsontreatment.com/) was in town with a client Kimberly Holland who founded and owns Icon Management Inc. (www.jurgita.com/agencies-id98766.html). Based in Atlanta, her sports agency is a home for athletes who need representation and a nurturing vision behind them. She and Gil were in Chicago for the United States Olympic Committee’s media conference (www.usoc.org/). Kimberly has a repository of talented sprinters who have won Olympic gold before and are en route to Beijing – Olympics 2008 to win some more. We chatted about their clients and more over drinks at Le Sardine (www.lasardine.com/) followed by another round at the elegantly appointed Palmer House (www.hilton.com) where I ran into the always-colorful-and- heartfelt Q – hairstylist for all the divas – like Iman and Naomi Campbell.
He was in town working with VIBE Magazine (www.vibe.com/) on a shoot they were doing with the USOC. I too ran into Ebony Magazine (www.ebony.com) Senior Writer Adrienne P. Samuels, my NABJ sister.
And Q (with whom I segued from Gil and Kimberly who turned in – at a point) introduced me to the Toronto-based photography team with whom he was working: Mark Zibert (www.markzibert.com/) and Andy Ferreira (www.andyferreira.com) – great guys with whom we broke bread at Miller’s Pub (www.millerspub.com).
In search of something new, Andy mentioned he may be moving to Hamburg, I told him he should come to New York City before he goes to Europe and see “Passing Strange”, Ant’s and my new favorite Broadway musical (www.passingstrangeonbroadway.com).
Of course, I can’t be in Chicago for any stretch of time without my Ti-Ti getting in on some of the action. You know that she is a staple in “… the life of Riley…” She and I had some wonderful evenings out in Chicago – almost to the point where we felt like we were dating. At least, Lebron James thought so (www.nba.com/playerfile/lebron_james/).
The Vogue (www.vogue.com/) cover model (first African American man to grace it) and NBA superstar was at Lumens (www.lumen-chicago.com) – a hot nightspot to which Ti-Ti took me for a little set.
As he clearly looked as if he was interested in Ti-Ti (who brokered getting me – and only me – a picture with him that night for the blog), it seemed he got it twisted as he communicated to her that he was reticent to talk to her further as he thought she was with me. Well, it’s neither here nor there. But we sure got a giggle out of it. And lots more giggles as she, her friend Kendra G (www.kendrag.com/), girlfriend Kim, and I had a great time.
I got the chance to hang a bit with another of Ti-Ti’s girlfriends Tiffany Nicole ( www.thegarmentroom.com/ ) about whom I wrote when she did a big Vintage show in New York City’s SOHO last summer (http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2007/6/4/brothers-and-sisters-play-and-real.html).
She is coming back to New York City this month (so check out her website for more information). But on this night in Chicago, she, Chicago Carl, Ti-Ti, and I joined Brian Boswell O’Neil (to whom Ti-Ti has been trying to introduce me for over a year now) for an evening at Bliss Spa (http://www.blissworld.com/category/spa.do) and W Hotel (www.starwoodhotels.com). Brian is the manager. The occasion was a Tom Ford eyewear trunk show (www.tomford.com/). What a lovely spa! And such nice people in the mix.
Afterwards, Ti-Ti, Chicago Carl, and I did Mexican and wine at Ti-Ti’s place – one of two trips I would make to see Ti-Ti’s new living space in Buena Park.
Ti-Ti’s and my other domestic night was followed by a casual meal at Bar on Buena (www.baronbuena.com/). Great burgers and chili! Then, our below-the-radar start was followed by one of my true highlights of the evening (and in a long time) at Park West. To give you a sense of what the moment I’m about to chronicle meant, we must go back. Let’s take a couple of my fellow Windsor Forest High School classmate Jenifer Johnson’s pictures from her profile on my Class of 88s website (www.windsorforest88.com). They are shots of me in the ‘80s – sporting a high-fade box a la Fresh Prince, short shorts that accent my bony legs, and Dwayne-Wayne glasses (WHAT A SIGHT! LOL!). Though this is more our Senior year, the look of that time says it all.
During that time (and even further back to elementary school and middle school), I LOVED Debarge!
Like so many of the members of this legendary family, I’ve been blessed with a falsetto that I sometimes use as their records have played – dating back to “Switch” (the group which older brothers Tommy and Bobby Debarge formed on Motown - www.soulwalking.co.uk/Switch.html).
And then came “Debarge” (starring El, Bunny, Mark, James, and Randy). From “I Like It” to “All This Love” to “Share My World” to “Time Will Reveal” to “Love Me (In A Special Way)” to “A Dream” and on and on, I could go. I remember the first time – after “Time Will Reveal” (the single) was released – that I heard the first piano chords of "Love Me (In A Special Way)", the title track and follow-up single to ‘Time’ on the radio (E-93 - www.e93fm.com/ - which played all things hits and – Ern and I would find out years later, songs that weren’t hits… but they were to us, but I digress…). It was 1983 and my mom was getting ready to drop me off to the Coastal Empire Fair to meet my friends. I had to have that album at first listen and did get it soon thereafter for my birthday. And it still stands the test of time as one of my favorite albums. "Time Will Reveal"; “Stay With Me” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CinavBPMy-I); and "A Dream" are three of my other favorites on that project. (We got to see "Debarge" in Savannah as they promoted that album. They opened for Luther.).
And then, came the younger brother Chico (http://www.myspace.com/chicodebarge1) who – in his own right – worked the charts in 1988 (more around the time of the pix you see of me above) and again in the mid-‘90s and he continued to carry the torch of excellence in song that his big brothers and sister shared with the world in the ‘80s. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm_2Gd5denQ)
Now, fast forward to a few years ago when I meet a beautiful, sweet, and funny lady named Sherry. I think we were in Santa Barbara when we met, but we see each other often in Chicago. I find out – somewhere during this time – that she is the first cousin to the Debarge clan. Her mother is the sister of Mama Debarge. Moreover, I find out that Sherry and her twin sister Shelly sometimes sing background for Chico when he does shows around town and there so happened to be one that they were doing during my time in Chicago and they invited Ti-Ti and me.
It was an annual gathering sponsored and organized by Chicago’s Urban League (www.cul-chicago.org/). Before KRS-1 (www.krs-one.com/) rocked the mic, the packed audience was serenaded by an in-good-shape-and-form Chico Debarge. We were provided VIP seating right up front and we were really excited to see "our" Sherry and her twin sister Shelly working the background vocals. (Sherry - a little under the weather - said she wanted to call me up to flesh out the high parts as I have been rocking my "Debarge"-esque/wannabe falsetto around Sherry since I found out The Debarges are her cousins! I was ready too!). In addition to Chico's respectable but modest catalog of hits (he has a new album out June 24th with Kedar management - http://www.myspace.com/chicodebarge1) and he – with class and candor - paid homage to his family's legacy in the music business. He did "I Like It" (from their "All This Love" album). He did oft-sampled "Stay With Me" (in its original entirety) from "In A Special Way". He spoke openly about his own drug problems and stint in jail.
He thanked the fans for sticking with him (and his siblings who too have experienced some struggles over the years). Too, he shouted out his mother Mama Debarge's MY SPACE page (http://www.myspace.com/mamadebarge) and how she prays for folks via that hip, young social network. Moreover, he spoke openly about AIDS and the need for African Americans to be safe with sex as the horrible disease claimed the life of his brother Bobby who formed SWITCH. With that, he did a touching, haunting, nostalgic rendition of "I CALL YOUR NAME" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmNztRHEnzc) in memory of his brother. A touching moment! Overall, it was an awesome show and the ladies (SHERRY and SHELLY) truly held their own.
Afterwards, we went backstage and held court with Chico. We were offered the sponsor’s drink Bombay Sapphire Gin (www.bombaysapphire.com/). Chico posed for pictures and made me feel like I was a DEBARGE (a dream from childhood). When I walked in, he said "These girls (his cousins and background singers Sherry and Shelly) LOVE you so much. They worship the ground you walk on. So, it's so nice to finally meet you. You are family. So, give me a hug!".
I was so honored (and - y'all know me - slightly aroused, but no funny business here. He was ever the gentleman and - through the night - like an old friend or slightly older brother with whom I could just kick it.
He was very present. Wanted to make sure everybody was comfortable and having a good time. And he's just an all-around great guy! When post-show/dressing-room action was wrapping up, he asked if we wanted to join him for the after-party at "Flat Water" Restaurant which transforms its basement (right on the Illinois River) into a late-night lounge/club (www.flatwater.us/). There was a VIP area for Chico and his entourage - now including Ti-Ti, Sherry, her husband Derrick, Shelly, a host of other friends, and me. I sat next to Chico and we chatted through much of the night – laughing and people watching. But, at his nudging, I also got up and danced with the girls and - as we did "Da Butt" and ‘dropped it like it’s hot’ - as if we were 21, a little crook in some of our 37-year-old knees reminded us all that our "black doesn't crack" but that our knees sometimes do. Regardless, it was an energetic, awesome night that reconnected me (and - for the first time - connected me) to a chunk of musical history that I cherish and still hold dear to this day. It was like A DREAM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uknY5SFn96c). MAKE SURE TO GET CHICO'S ALBUM WHEN IT COMES OUT THIS SUMMER. K? THANKS SHERRY... for the invite... and making - in no small way - one of my DREAMs come true!
On another night, my other Chicago BFF Ki-Ki and I got some one-on-one time plus two of her girlfriends she’s been wanting me to meet. An awesome makeup artist named Val and the lovely and funny Kim Coles (LOVE HER!!!!). We were to meet at “Bandera” – owned by same restaurant as Houston’s (www.hillstone.com/) but the wait was too long for the ladies. So, “Big Bowl” it was (www.bigbowl.com). But the scene and the cuisine mattered not because there was inevitably going to be ‘food for the soul’ on this night. Ki-Ki and I already have a spiritual bond. Come to find out that she and Val have a connect in their own way. Kim, who has been in Chicago hosting the now-canceled “I-Village” (www. intheloop.ivillage.com/ ), considered Ki-Ki to be an angel as she knew no one here in Chicago when she moved here (though she’s now heading back West). And now, Kim, Val, and I have a bond. Kim is such an energy - bright, present, connected, open, loving, spiritual, and just precious. She's a "melange" of all the qualities I love in a friend (See, Kim? I used it!). And in asking me about my birthday, she pointed out that I share a birthday with her “Living Single” co-stars Erika Alexander and TC Carson.
We shared so much as this day proved a long and exhausting day for some of us at the table (arguably even morale depleting), but by dinner's end (great asian, soothing tea, and decadent desserts to boot), we were uplifted - less from the food (though it helped) and more from each other's company and sharing. I spoke of the life work I've done with Momentum Education (www.momentumeducation.com) - imparting (in brief) some nuggets that have supported me, including "The Empowered Relationship with the breakdown" and "Breaks in Belonging". I also shared with them a book a friend recently shared with me “The Greatest Secret in the World” by OG Mandino (www.amazon.com/Greatest-Secret-World-Og-Mandino/dp/0553280384).
We talked about my Diana and her recent appearance on “Inside The Actor’s Studio”:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTl4fICfPtwWe talked about Diana’s legendary TV appearance on her “Central Park Concert”.
It was 1983 and we all remembered where we were on both days - the day it rained and the make-good concert the following day:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7nGUy-OkPoWhat a treat!
I will hopefully get to see Miss Diana Ross again on May 4th as she is headlining “Divas With Heart” (http://radiocity.com/events/divas-with-heart-0508.html?s7455c19474178o47862t7472n35043e). It’s a benefit for the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory that also features Patti LaBelle and Chaka Khan. It features the American Theater Orchestra under the musical direction of Paul Gemignani.
In closing, I want to mention that w orld-renowned musician Wynton Marsalis has penned the first ever mass for The Abyssinian Baptist Church 200th Bicentennial Celebration. It’s scheduled for this Saturday (www.abyssinian.org/). The Abyssinian Baptist Church is the oldest African-American Baptist church in New York and it is considered the first mega church in the United States of America. Celebrating their 200th bicentennial, the Abyssinian Baptist Church has not only witnessed, but also participated in shaping the African -American experience. Wynton Marsalis feels a profound connection to the Black church as he feels Jazz is a direct derivative of the hymns created in church.
Some shout outs to my New York City peeps:
1. CONGRATS to my Frankie Edozien ( www.edozien.net ) and/or (www.africanmag.com). The NYU Journalism Department is pleased to announce that he will be joining its full-time faculty. “Professor” Edozien is an award-winning city reporter and co-founder of The African magazine. He will direct the summer Journalism in Ghana: Reporting Africa program and then teach full-time beginning this fall. So PROUD of him! ( http://journalism.nyu.edu/ )
2. Meanwhile, one of my other National Association of Black Journalists favorites Mara Schiavocampo, Digital Correspondent for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams (www.msnbc.com) is featured in the new edition of Emmy Magazine (www.emmys.tv/). So PROUD of her!
3. And I too am PROUD of my good friend and fellow journalist Terrance Dean who will have heads turning and lips dropping as he has written and is set to begin the blitz around his riveting memoir Hiding In Hip Hop. It uncovers a hidden and well-known unspoken secret. Deep within the confines of Hip-Hop is a prominent gay sub-culture. A world that industry insiders are keenly aware of, but choose to ignore. From the testosterone of men striving to be on top and in control, to the “by any means necessary” bravado in an industry that thrives on power, homosexuality is a reality at nearly every level of Hip-Hop. Hiding In Hip Hop is a heartfelt sojourn of a young man searching for self, love, and sexual identity in the most homophobic places – the black family, community, church, and Hip Hop. Dean takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster ride as he becomes romantically involved with some of Hollywood’s and Hip Hop’s elite, and into an underground world of down low brothers, sex parties, and love starved celebrities. Struggling to find a place for himself in a homophobic culture Dean’s compelling story is one of hope, love, and in spite of everything, coming to terms with one’s self and being a catalyst for change and empowerment in the game of Hip-Hop. Order your copy today: http://www.amazon.com/Hiding-Hip-Hop-Entertainment-Industry
Speaking of hip hop (but not the down low – the tutu notwithstanding), see my brother-in-law Vincent and Outkast’s own (and our other Savannah homeboy) Antwan "Big Boi" Patton, at his Atlanta Ballet premiere of “big” (www.atlantaballet.com/). It is a hip-hop inspired ballet which is receiving rave reviews and is expected to tour Europe. Patton performs live on stage alongside a series of new ballet set-pieces by the company's choreographer, Lauri Stallings. The music includes Patton's unreleased single “Sir Lucious Leftfoot Saves the Day” and a fusion of Guiseppe Verdi's “La Traviata” with the OutKast track “Morris Brown”. Look what Savannah can produce, huh?
Speaking of church (and as all roads lead back to Savannah), my Savannah homeboy and Morehouse brother Raphael Warnock is now the senior pastor at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church. From here, Martin Luther King led a movement. CBS News recently did a feature on him and how he’s continuing the Dream in Dr. King’s house:
It reminds me of a wonderful performance of “We Shall Overcome” that Miss Ross did a few years back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFgiku_E1jA

References (24)
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