You folks know I’m always working on many things at once. In addition to my normal load of location assignments and celebrity/pop culture interviews, I have been working on some other projects and on attracting some summer work as some of my more regulated fare goes on hiatus.
With that, you’ll recall Latina filmmaker Sue May signed me to contribute to her low-budget, independent documentary “Big Sister, Little Sister” (www.bslsthedoc.com - in progress; www.myspace.com/bslsthedoc) to book a half dozen or so high profile women of color to share their experiences at their high school prom, graduation, and first post-high-school memories (likely college). I am excited to report that "America's Next Top Model" Cycle 4 Naima has committed to be the NARRATOR of "Big Sister, Little Sister" (and will additionally be interviewed for the companion public service video "New Girl Next Door").
Additionally for our special cameos, I have successfully booked CNN's Soledad O'Brien and international journalist Lisa Ling, though we’re still working out scheduling with those two ladies. A few more bookings (from a tall wish list of great names) and we’ll be ready to shoot. Feel free to reach out to me (patarack@hotmail.com), if you or your client might want more information to be considered for our cameos or if you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation to this project which has many funding opportunities.
In addition to this work, I am committed to co-produce the National Association of Black Journalists’ Hall of Fame Banquet with my Morehouse buddy Michael K. Watts (www.nabj.org). It’s scheduled for July at the Unity Convention in Chicago (www.unityjournalists.org/) or (www.2008unity.org/). And it is always a total honor to create a flow for a program that honors those journalists who are out there in the trenches and also to pay homage to those on whose shoulders we stand.
Additionally, I’m in talks to join a creative team that will produce a workout video for a pop diva; I’ve been asked to consider hosting a web series; and I’ll be putting some new energy into this space’s upgrade – website home, video content, new titles/graphics, etc.
Plus, my nephew (Noot… I call him) has accepted a summer internship with HBO (www.hbo.com/), which will require he travel up from Atlanta (where he is soon to be a rising junior at Morehouse College - www.morehouse.edu/) and stay with Ant and me in our Ridgefield Park, New Jersey co-op. Send a prayer for Ant who must manage his new summer work with a very popular radio-diva-turned-TV-talk-show-host (more on that later) with living under one roof with not one, but TWO “Riley”s! And actually, my nephew is the easier Riley of us two. I’m sure we’ll do fine. (But PRAY! SMILE! For real…).
Hopefully Ant will remember what a special time we had in celebration of his birthday and play nice. Upon my return from Chicago, Ant and I were joined by his frat brother and friend Chris who came up from Durham, North Carolina to join in the festivities. We did a round of celebrating with Ant’s Amazing Grace (who just moved to New York from Brooklyn) at The Ritz on Restaurant Row in the Theater District.
We were excited to run into my Morehouse brother Mario (responsible for Ant and my meeting on that special night at the after party for Broadway’s “The Color Purple”).
The following day, Ant and I did a round of generic manicures, pedicures, haircuts, etc. before grabbing a bite at Dallas BBQ (cheap eats) – www.bbqnyc.com. Imagine my surprise as I hear someone calling my name as soon as we walk onto the dining room floor. At closer inspection, I see that it’s my new friend Chico Debarge ( http://www.myspace.com/chicodebarge1) who had just performed a few days prior in Chicago . Remember? (http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2008/4/16/as-the-sun-has-its-place-up-in-the-sky.html).
Well, he was with Young Nik (www.youngnik.musicnation.com/) - a hot songwriter who is working with Chico and has worked with 50 Cent and a number of others in R&B and hip hop. She's a sweet girl. Going from the well-known Fort Greene Projects to The Source magazine, she was awarded unsigned Hype in June 05' for her talent. Young Nik was honorably invited to be one of seven chosen for HOT 97's own DJ Kay Slays' show as one of the hottest unsigned females in the tri-state area. She was also called out by Miss Jones; another HOT 97 morning show personality, to do a promo "The summer of 2006" that is still in rotation now, the "ballin'" remix "good mornin'". Young Nik also performed at Miss Jones birthday party for 2006. She too has recorded her own music "On The Rize!" and a host of other collaborations.
Also, Chico got to meet my Ant and as always, he was showing up as such a kind soul. Happy to have met him and now run into him again. Can't wait for his new project. Hopefully I will get to hear some of it before it comes out. Chico invited me to hang out in the studio one day soon. (I'll be sipping on hot tea, just in case he needs me on the mic. SMILE!).
Guess what? Jason and Marqice are back “… in the life of Riley…”. They are ALWAYS in my world, but have been missing from the BLOG chronicles of late. Well, since Marqice too celebrates his birthday during this time (as he and Ant are a few days apart from each other on the birthday tip). With that, we have to take time to celebrate him too. With Chris, Manivone, and Manivone’s roommate Alea in tow, we schlepped out to Queens for a lovely set at which many of our usual suspects – from Marlynn to Troy to Alexia to Lesley "Butttahfly Soul" – were in the house.
We all got to share how much Marqice means to us.
He even got emotional at a point.
And as is always the case, I ran into a ‘blast from the past’ though we’d never met. His name is Daniel Frazier who hails from Brunswick, Georgia – which is a stone’s throw from Savannah, Georgia (my home). He went to Glynn Academy (http://glynn.schooldesk.net/Default.aspx?TabID=1222&Action=Show) – a friendly rival to my alma mater Windsor Forest High School ( WINDSORHS.SCCPSS.ORG ). It turns out that he too went to Morehouse College ( www.morehouse.edu/ ), but a few years before me. And his father Alfonzo Frazier is a legendary jazz musician who is actually from Savannah, Georgia. Along with Daniel’s grandmother Addie Gibbs Frazier, his father was laid to rest in the historic and haunted Bonaventure Cemetary ( www.bonaventurehistorical.org/ ). HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARQICE! WE LOVE YOU!
The next day, I enrolled Chris and Ant to join me on my new jones for the McDonald’s southern-style chicken sandwich ( www.mcdonalds.com/ ). While we snacked in Chris’ car (while Ant secured the ingredients for his birthday brownie that he and Manivone were going to make at her Brooklyn place), I got a call from my dear friend and Morehouse brother Devon, who I write often is my pop culture soulmate (We love all things “Dreamgirls”, “Diana Ross”, and more in common). He is an actor who I’m proud to say (again) is on the road with “Rent” (www.siteforrent.com/). The touring cast was to perform in Savannah and he called to find out where he should eat, hang out, etc. Though it’s been many years since I’d been to Savannah, I did recall “Lady & Sons” as a staple the last time I was there ( www.ladyandsons.com ). Always good to hear from my Devon!
From supermarket to Brooklyn, Ant got to blow out his candles. Jason and Marqice joined in the festivities.
And we got the celebration off to a festive start.
Then, we all went to The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (www.cosm.org) – Ant’s new spot (Remember? He was first introduced to it at the Erykah Badu listening party - http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2008/2/22/cup-runneth-over.html). It’s chockfull of metaphysical art! He was happy to be there.
And friends Ern, Mara, and others joined us. But the celebration didn’t stop there. We went to Cafeteria (www.cafeteria247.com) for a little post-museum snack.
On Tuesday, the actual birthday (that he shares with America Ferrera whose character “Ugly Betty” celebrated her birthday this week on the show), Ant chose AJA Asian Bistro (www.AJA-Asianbistro.com) as the backdrop. It was special because not only did Manivone join us, but a dear childhood friend to Manivone and Ant both – Paul – was in town (and instrumental in sending some production work Ant’s way for VH-1’s new “Apprentice”-style reality show).
Paul brought some of his colleagues to the set and those three got to walk down memory lane.
Also, my buddies who hold Ant dear – Mario and Michael – came to toast his special day. Some new friends – including Edwin (with whom we have Momentum – www.momentumeducation.com – in common) joined us.
It was another great night!
A couple of days later, Edwin invited us down to the village to enjoy drinks and live entertainment at Terra Blues (www.terrablues.com). Our friends in common (with Edwin) – Raoul and Rubin – came on this night and it was great to see them (as always).
Though the karaoke machine hadn’t been hooked up before Ant, Manivone, and I had to leave, Rubin, Raoul, and I began a little dress rehearsal.
From there, Ant, Manivone, and I segued to my favorite boutique N Harlem (www.nharlemnewyork.com/) to enjoy “wines and spirits” with singer Rahsaan Patterson whose new album “Wines & Spirits” is out (www.rahsaan.com and/or www.myspace.com/rahspace).
I love his voice and it was nice to meet him.
It too was great to see all of my buddies at “N” – the owners Nikoa, Lenn, and Larry. And also Natasha, Jamar, and Gail who is getting ready to participate in an art show at Fuse Gallery (www.fusegallerynyc.com).
It’s called “Sweet City Woman: Group show Curated by Queen Andrea and GMO$”, who are joined by Toofly, Alice Mizrachi, Muck, and Gillian Goldstein. It runs from May 3rd through May 31st. CONGRATS GAIL!
Afterwards, we hung out with Jamar and his buddy Ryan (who I’ve written about before and who I’m happy to report is working on a pilot for IFC (Independent Film Channel - www.IFC.com). He's a performer and his comic troop Poykpac can be seen on You Tube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiZVc_EJMQM (and other links) - and soon in NYC - www.poykpac.com/. CONGRATS RYAN!
Working hard and playing hard is what we do. Ant and I had a full day of work – respectively – on last Friday. I got the chance to join Michael K. Watts for a quick lunch at Times Square “Ruby Tuesday” ( www.rubytuesday.com/ ) before stumbling into my Morehouse brother George R. Greenidge Jr. who is Founder and President of National Black College Alliance (www.nbcalliance.org). He told me he is going to bring much of the good work he’s doing by way of Boston to New York City. Then, I joined Ant at Thai Select (right by the Lincoln Tunnel) for his lite bite.
We called it a night early – so we could go to “Six Flags Great Adventure” (www.sixflags.com/) the next day in continuation of Ant’s birthday extravaganza!!! Our guest list for this set included Ern and Kimberly Jajuan. We were all quite energetic and excited at the top of our evening.
Then, we began to ride one ‘ridiculously-fast’ rollercoaster after another. What fun! But scary!!!
Afterwards, we were wiped out. See Ern? Is he joking? SMILE!
But we had a great time.
While walking along the park, we ran into my friend Ronnie Wright who is “photographer for the stars” ( http://www.myspace.com/ronniewright_photographer ) and is featured in Vibe Magazine ( www.vibe.com/ ) this month. I always see Ronnie at the big parties in New York City via the red carpet or VIP sections. He’s always been kind and manages to get great shots of me. This time, I turned the camera on him and made sure he and I were on the front side of the lens.
After our “Six Flags” time, we did another round of BBQ (72nd near Central Park West this time) to join Ern’s friend Tina who wanted to celebrate Ant as well. It was great to see her and we all enjoyed a night of good food, drinks, and home entertainment (Ern’s Tivo! SMILE!).
On Sunday, we found a great way to keep Ant’s BDAY Extravaganza going, by seeing Laurence Fishburne in the Broadway play (one-man-show) “Thurgood” ( www.thurgoodbroadway.com/ ). He is awesome and I highly recommend this 90-minute show (no intermission) to you all. My friend Natalie Clarke who is Senior Director of Marketing and Client Services for Walker International Communications Group, Inc (www.walkercommunicationsgroup.com) sent me a deal to share with you. THREE EASY WAYS TO ORDER:
1. ONLINE. Click here, or visit www.broadwayoffers.com and enter code THWCEB8.
2. BY PHONE. Call 212-947-8844 and mention code THWCEB8.
3. IN PERSON. Beginning March 24, bring a print out of this offer to the Booth Theatre Box Office, 222 West 45th Street.
Performance schedule: Tues.-Sat. at 8; Wed. & Sat. at 2, Sun. at 3
While at this performance, I ran into my friend Terrance Dean (who I talked about in the previous entry - http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2008/4/16/as-the-sun-has-its-place-up-in-the-sky.html). His highly- anticipated memoir is hitting the bookstores on May 13th from Atria/Simon & Schuster. “ Hiding in Hip Hop: On the Down Low in the Entertainment Industry-From Music To Hollywood” is the explosive tale of his tumultuous life as a down low brother in not only the entertainment business, but within the testosterone-driven world of Hip Hop no less!
Sincere to his unending commitment as an activist, author and motivator, Terrance Dean has launched a personal blog in advance of the novel's release, "Reclaim Your Voice, Reclaim Your Life, Reclaim Your Power" at www.TerranceDean.blogspot.com. The blog reflects Dean's own periodic musings as he embarks on this next dimension of his life's journey. KEEP BEING THAT DIFFERENCE, TERRANCE!
While hanging out down there in the theater district, I ran into Peter Gallagher who is co-starring with Morgan Freeman in “The Country Girl” – also on Broadway (www.thecountrygirlonbroadway.com). I loved him in one of my first HBO movies in the early ‘80s “The Idolmaker” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Idolmaker). Remember that?
After the show, we went to see Amy Poeller and Tina Fey in “Baby Mama” (www.babymamamovie.net/). LOVED IT!
On Monday, Phillip Bloch (www.phillipbloch.com/) invited me to join him for a Tribeca Film Festival dinner that The Creative Coalition (www.TheCreativeCoalition.org) was putting on at Meatpacking district’s STK (www.stkhouse.com). It was a room full of who’s who in film – from Matthew Modine to Bloch himself (who is soon to be featured in another flick titled “Gospel Hill” – Giancarlo Esposito’s directorial debut – also starring Nia Long, Angela Bassett, and a host of others).
Also, Phillip is poised to star in a reality show with Vivica A. Fox. Stay tuned for more on that. We had a lovely time – catching up as it had been a minute since we had a chance to talk and catch up.
We met Noreen Mulvanerty, RN who is the inventor of Omyst (www.Omyst.com) - a healing herbal first aid spray containing pure and organically grown ingredients. It's an age old medicine powerful enough to heal yet gentle enough to soothe all minor cuts, scratches, rashes, minor burns, & insect bites. Of course, Phillip and I found time to talk all things pop culture and divas. Phillip said to me “You can definitely hold your own in a pop culture conversation and I'm often considered to be quite a whiz kid on the subject. But you my dear, are definitely an equal!” So sweet! THANKS PHILLIP! But if I was that good, I would have known that Miss Ross was just a stone’s throw from our dinner at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of “Iron Man”.
On Tuesday, Ant and I got the chance to catch a new duo of sisters Kelly and Kamille, a.k.a. Karmina (www.karmina.com/). In their press materials, they are described as “…part
Sarah McLaughlin, Loreena McKennitt, Indigo girls, and Jewel – with some of the edge and attitude of Evanescence and Avril Lavigne thrown in…” We just call them soulful, sweet, and stellar singers. The cozy backdrop of Cibar Lounge (www.cibarlounge.com) helped set the scene as well. One of their songs “The Kiss” speaks of a forbidden love (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIc4-_vvJgY). Ant and I related to that. Afterwards, their publicist Claire Mercuri made sure we met the ladies whose personalities are as sweet as their sound.
We got to enjoy the night with good industry girlfriends Janet Lee (producer extraordinaire) and Audra Boltion (a publicist at Harper Collins).
While enjoying the music and our catch up, Ant inspired the ladies to join us for another round of karaoke at One 7 (http://karaoke17.com/).
These girls came to play and we were happy to have them join us. We had lots of fun!
And we have committed to do it again really soon!
Well, Wednesday came and it meant I had another round of my “American Idol” chat with Z100s popular midday personality Shelley Wade (http://zzone.z100.com/shelley/blog/2008/04/30/idol_diva_chat). I just knew Syesha Mercado would get the boot, though she was the strongest performer on that night (Neil Diamond). My thought was she hadn’t quite generated the strong fan base (as she’s been in the bottom three every week this season).
And that finally, she would be bested by – to some estimates – subpar Brooke White or Jason Castro. Well, justice was served and – though I like her – Brooke went home (deservedly so). After I did my radio bit, I had to come home and make sense of many bills (as a long-overdue windfall had just come in from one of my clients).
But that night, Merkato 55 (www.merkato55.com/) was the magical backdrop for a dinner that my friend Theo put together for Extra TV’s Tanika Ray (www.extratv.warnerbros.com/) and me. Tanika, who is my Spelman sister (She attended Spelman while I attended Morehouse) brought one of her dear friends from college Nikki into the mix. She too is a Spelmanite and we were both familiar with each other from that time. Merkato 55’s cuisine is overseen by master chef Marcus Samuelsson. Samuelsson was born in Ethiopia but grew up with his adoptive parents in Sweden. And now, having explored one side of his culinary heritage (Swedish at Aquavite – www.aquavit.org/), he has turned his expertise to this “African” fusion motif. It’s on Gansevoort Street, in the epicenter of the meatpacking district. As beautiful as the restaurant was and as good as the food was, the company was tops!
It was great to spend time with Tanika who I see all the time on red carpets, at parties, and premieres… but to just sit and talk and connect deepened our special bond. We thank Theo for that as he is always so good about bringing good folks together. Too, it was great to get to know Nikki. And the hospitality of the Merkato 55 folks was wonderful. The night went so well (and since Tanika was not leaving until she could see Anthony, who she met in Vegas at the NABJ Convention - http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2007/8/13/audacity-of-hope-and-dreams-in-vegas.html). We chose Hotel Gansevoort (www.hotelgansevoort.com/) for the after set. And Ant joined us.
It really was a wonderful night!
I told you my friend Frankie Edozien is now a journalism professor at NYU (www.edozien.net). He pulled us all together last night – back in the meatpacking district – for a celebration. He chose Los Dados (www.losdadosmexican.com/) – also on Gansevoort - for the celebration. CONGRATS FRANKIE!
You'll recall, I mentioned Demarco Majors from a previous entry: http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2007/12/16/extreme-makeover.html He's the one who used to work at The Gym, a gay sports bar in Chelsea (www.gymsportsbar.com/). He's a former ABA professional basketball player, who was reportedly kicked out of the ABA based on a rumor that he was gay. He didn’t deny it, according to interviews I’ve seen him do, because he is gay. He’s now out in the mix discussing the challenges of being an out gay ex-professional basketball player. Well, Ant and I ran into him last night and he says he is working on a reality show that chronicles his work with a gay basketball team. It'll be out this summer. I'll tell you what I know when it becomes available. CONGRATS! Keep doing your thing!
My friend Jakki recommended “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman (www.fivelovelanguages.com/). Haven’t read it yet, but soon to buy. She offers it’s a great insight into how to speak to your partners in life and the ones you love. Ant and I do well, but every little bit helps. Thanks Jakki.
My friend Tracey Moore Marable is preparing to launch another “The Spirited Actor Monologue Class”. Her website www.thespiritedactor.com will give you all your information.
NABJ buddy and fellow journalist Craig Seymour has a racy book coming out. It’s “ALL I COULD BARE: My Life in the Strip Clubs of Gay D.C.” – a frank, funny, explicit, and surprisingly inspiring story about how a stint dancing naked in gay clubs helped a college professor discover his true self (www.craigspoplife.blogspot.com/).
Another NABJ friend Adrienne Samuels – senior writer for EBONY (www.ebonyjet.com/). Well, she recently appeared on TYRA
(www.tyrashow.warnerbros.com/) – talking all things light-skinned and dark-skinned.
My good girlfriend since childhood Tonja hipped me to this new artist Keyoshe (www.keyoshe.com and www.myspace.com/keyoshemusic) – it’s something new for R&B. Check her out! Thanks Tonja!
Dear friend Earline Franklin does a lot of work with COMCAST (www.comcast.com/) in Detroit. She will call on me from time to time to help her secure a contact here or participation for her clients on a program there, etc. I helped her secure Jurnee Smolett (from “Great Debaters”) for an event they were doing. And she was recently looking for one of the dance groups “Status Quo” on Randy Jackson’s MTV dance-off (www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/dance_crew/series.jhtml). She and I also worked closely on an event that I co-produced for NABJ a few years back when she was managing now-ill Angela Bofill who performed for us (one of her last before the stroke). She too represents Miki Howard from time to time (they are old friends) and Miki – one of my favorite R&B divas – has a new website www.miki-howard.com Last I saw Miki, she was performing at Harlem Grill and invited me on stage to join her on “Until You Come Back To Me”. What a highlight!
Do you guys remember “THE JONES GIRLS”? Well, Shirley Jones was the lead singer of the R&B trio which featured Brenda and Valerie as the other two members. Also, as “The Jones Sisters”, these ladies sang background for Diana Ross in the ‘70s. Well, Shirley recently made her BLUES ALLEY debut in Washington , DC . The “girls” began singing Gospel as kids in DETROIT with their mom and later toured the world as background singers for DIANA ROSS.
"MISS. ROSS" told her friends KENNY GAMBLE and LEON HUFF to sign them to PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL RECORDS in 1978 & kicked off their careers as stars. Their hits include "YOU GONNA MAKE LOVE SOMEBODY ELSE," "NIGHTS OVER EGYPT " & "I JUST LOVE THE MAN" to name a few. In 1986, SHIRLEY had a solo NO. 1 BILLBOARD R&B HIT - "DO YOU GET ENOUGH LOVE?" SHIRLEY has been performing solo since the death of her sister VALERIE a few years ago and her sister BRENDA retired from performing.
You can check out what SHIRLEY's been up to at: www.myspace.com/shirleyjonesmusic
SHIRLEY recently completed a tour of Great Britain with JEAN CARNE and ALYSON WILLIAMS.
Below are YOU TUBE videos of their LONDON concert at JAZZ CAFE and SHIRLEY's 1986 "DO YOU GET ENOUGH LOVE" video:
For more info about SHIRLEY JONES' BLUES ALLEY debut, go to www.bluesalley.com .
This, as I await seeing Shirley’s former boss DIANA ROSS twice on Sunday at Radio City Music Hall as she headlines a show that also features Chaka Khan, Patti Labelle & Gladys Knight (http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/1217228). She just turned it out last weekend in Tobago and I'm so excited to see her at Radio City - the first time since 1995's "Take Me Higher" tour. Stay tuned for the next blog which will be ROSS-filled and FABULOUS, I trust!

References (18)
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