UPON MY RETURN FROM THE HOLIDAYS, I HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. I was back one day from the holidays before a dispatch to Phoenix, Arizona came in. Can’t detail much of the trip, but I got the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with some really cool people. Then, upon my return, I got to be an intimate audience with classical violinist Laurent Korcia – one of People Magazine’s sexiest men alive.
In addition to that, he proved to be very warm and charming - sharing candidly how challenging it is to adjust to how the American press seems sometimes more interested in his looks than his virtuosity with the violin. But so we're clear, he is one of Europe’s most acclaimed and captivating musicians.
Ant, Manivone, and I got to enjoy excerpts from his latest release “Cinema” which – in addition to the theme of his PBS concert special debut, “Laurent Korcia – Live at Les Folies” – celebrates 100 years of music in film and features many famous film scores from classics like “The Godfather” (www.myspace.com/laurentkorcia). Both projects will debut on the airwaves and in stores in March.
We also met a couple of cool industry colleagues (also invited by Laurent's publicity team), including Claude Grunitsky, TRACE Magazine's Chairman and Editor-in-Chief (www.trace212.com/), and John Oseid with Conde Nast Traveler magazine (www.cntraveller.com/).
Manivone had to step out as she, our good girlfriend Cy, and another friend Tom are graduates of the Momentum Education BASIC course, which Ant and I have taken and praised (www.momentumeducation.com). She had a follow-up appointment. The night prior, Ant and I got to celebrate them all (and some of their classmates) at our spot Dallas BBQ (www.dallasbbq.com/). CONGRATS TO THEM as they take BIG STEPS into their INFINITE POSSIBILITIES!!!
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our good friend Hal. He held a special 25 BDAY set in the East Village at The Leopard Lounge (www.leopardloungenyc.com). Lots of fun (as much as we had at my bday party which Hal attended).
1. My girl Marcia Pendelton (www.walktallgirlproductions.com) is working on another great stage piece “The Love Project” with Rhodessa Jones and Idris Ackamoor. It’s an organic, interactive piece that is considered part house party, part TV talk show, and part cabaret that testifies to the network of human relations that define our time. Take a look: http://www.culturalodyssey.org/v2/season/loveproject/video.php.
2. Buddy Stephen Beasley’s group The sbP w/Ryan Vosler - www.myspace.com/Ryan Vosler - is doing two shows in the next month. Sunday 1.18.08 @ 9pm
The Annex
152 Orchard Street
Saturday 2.8.08 2 10pm
Club Europa
98 Meserole
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
3. Check out the new site of my friend/sculptor Donald Brown: www.donaldbrown.tv. It will feature all things about his artwork. Take 30 seconds to register now at: http://www.donaldbrown.tv/#/register/4532350986. See two of the sculptures he created to promote and inspire positive change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2g8lUy0qzA
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJTTYaoDhnI.
4. After a hiatus, Marcos, Eddie and Robert are starting a new venture Uptown in Harlem (REM Productions, they call themselves).
They are hosting an event on Tuesdays at a relatively new black-owned business called Oh Restaurant/Lounge on 145th Street between Amsterdam and Convent (www.OhLouongeNYC.com). THIRST NYC is the name of their night (www.ThirstNyc.com). CONGRATS, GUYS! CAN’T WAIT TO COME BY!
5. “American Idol” starts its new season tonight (www.americanidol.com/). Several from the sophomore class of Ruben – including Frenchie and Trenyce – are co-starring in a road show of stage classic “Ain’t Misbehavin’”. For more information, visit www.AintMisbehavinOnTour.com.
6. If you can’t catch this talented group on the road (but are in NYC), come by ‘the house that Eartha (once) built’ – Café Carlyle (www.thecarlyle.com)and check out Loston Harris and his trio (www.lostonharris.com/).
7. Have you tried the Red Bull Cola yet? (www.redbullcola.com/)
8. Have you seen Toni Braxton’s new PSA on autism (www.autismspeaks.org)? Style and substance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omdo_Ud9i9U. BEAUTIFUL!
9. Have you wondered where the actress who played Lydia Liza Gutman on the old “Steve Harvey Show” is? Well, watching a syndicated repeat of it, I’m reminded of how much she makes me laugh and has made me laugh over the years. On the episode I clocked, she was channeling her inner-Diana-Ross at the high school graduation. I love this girl. Where are you, Lori Beth Denberg?????? HOLLA!
10. "MOTOWN" is 50. Check out the Detroit Free Press' series: http://www.freep.com/article/20090109/MULTI/90109095/1035.
In order to make this trip work, it required some creativity and many frequent flier miles. Too, it meant I had to fly from Newark to St. Louis to Atlanta for the first leg. My man’s birthday gift, Diahann Carroll’s memoir, kept me royally entertained. I was really excited to see my good girlfriend/birthday mate Robin Stone acknowledged by Ms. Carroll as the writer with whom she first began the process of putting this book together. I stayed with my sister and her husband in their lovely Lithonia home. The aroma of Christmas cookies (snickerdoodles and pecan sandies) met my nostrils at the door. Too, I got to spend some time with my cousin Floyd, who is getting ready for the real world as he navigates through his last year of college. On Christmas Eve, we packed the car up and headed to the home of my dad and his wife Diana. As always, they were stellar hosts and made sure our bellies stayed full of grits, eggs, sausage, and all things Southern cuisine.
And we had lots of great conversation, including a chat about ‘legends’ – including Eartha Kitt. In a twist of fate, we’d find out five hours later (into Christmas morning) that she passed away. LOVE HER! My late mom’s side of the family gathered on one side of town at my cousin Lecia’s new digs (with her husband Skip) while Dad’s side reunited at my Aunt Goldie’s house. It’s not unlike my family to break out in a program and this year was no exception. We sang old Gospel songs that mom loved and a number of other hits from our church repertoire. On one of the evenings, I was my Dad’s date at his high school reunion. He graduated in the early ‘50s from Woodville High School. The event took place at the Savannah’s elegant Desoto Hilton (www.hilton.com).
Later on that night, many of my classmates from high school 20 years ago (SEE OUR REUNION: http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2008/6/17/someday-well-be-together-we-still-together-kinda.html) gathered.
Carey Hilliards was our spot (www.savannahmenu.com). My Amazing Grace Natalie and her husband Dwayne inspired the gathering and our “E-wing crew” – as we once called ourselves – were in the house i.e.
Tish (seen with fellow Spelman sister Nat - showcasing their alma mater's paraphernalia);
and best buddies Jay;
and Earl.
Looking to identify what else was popping off in the city (We found out one classmate and former girlfriend Rachel was at a Playdates gathering in town - http://playdatesavannah.com/ – an alternative to the club scene... and it sounded like a good ol’ time. We’ll have to get that in the next time.),
our group ended up at River Street for drinks at Wet Willies (www.wetwillies.com) followed by karaoke at Bernie’s (www.berniesriverstreet.com). Tish and I did Mariah Carey/Jackson 5’s “I’ll Be There”.
And I led ALL in Diana’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. The next day, we went bowling and other classmates came out like Miss Mona.
Nat and D even brought their cute little girls Lydia and Hannah who were so taken with their "Uncle Patrick" and I them.
After a couple of matches, many of us went to Ern’s mom’s place for a great sendoff meal.
On the heels of Savannah, I got one more night in Atlanta before I segued to my next leg. That gave me some one-on-one time with best friend Michael who took me to The Vortex in Downtown Atlanta (www.thevortexbarandgrill.com/). We caught up on all things November and December as our busy lives in New York City don’t always allow us to catch up as we’d like. My Detroit-based Greg Dunmore – visiting Atlanta for the holiday – came and joined me for a night on the town. We went to popular nightspots Bulldogs and Jungle (www.secretroom.net) where one of the drag show performers gave homage to Eartha Kitt. Greg updated me on his great works – including an awesome piece on Aretha Franklin's first all-Christmas CD, "This Christmas Aretha" on which she sings duet with her son, Eddie Franklin (WWW.JAZZJEWELS.TV and WWW.PULSEBEAT.TV). Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hARfS1ZVRY4.
We ran into the gay best friend of Sheree from “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and the best gay buddy Alex of another ‘real housewife of Atlanta’ (but not on the show nor in Atlanta anymore) Kelci Stringer.
On this night, Greg and I were sure to get an obligatory “Waffle House” in... and it was good (www.wafflehouse.com).
Dallas was my layover city for my final leg en route to Denver, Ant’s home.
He was ever the host and brought all of his buddies out to greet me – starting with his friend Mike who hosted a little welcome-to-Denver set at his place.
There were a slew of loved ones who received me warmly and hospitably -including our home host/Ant's art mentor Rodney (www.rodneywallace.com) and his girlfriend Jean...
and a host of others --- ALL SHOWING LOVE i.e. Dena and Denise (at their “Gypsy House” - www.myspace.com/gypsy_housecafe - where we rang in the New Year); Brina (who I got to meet earlier in 2008 via NYC); Kevin (music lover); Reggie (Ant's artist friend); Lonni Byrd (and her new Denver business); etc. Too, we enjoyed lovely meals at places like jazz supper club Dazzle (www.dazzlejazz.com) and Blackberries coffee shop (www.blackberriesonline.com/). It was a GREAT TRIP and nice to be in a new domain of which I'm not that familiar, being hosted and pampered a bit. SMILE!
I spent LOADS of quality time with Ant's sister Chanel (who is a year older than he) and her 2-month-old little man Nassir Onyx (WHAT A JOY!).
Holiday time is a schlepping, exhaustive time. (And doing all I did on 'fumes' [LITTLE TO NO MONEY] made it that much more stressful than a 'vacation' should be). But I dug deep down inside to CHOOSE JOY through many of the money challenges, annual depression (I can have at home around family matters), and uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. And it - for the most part - worked. I did my best to keep the BLUES at bay... and not ALWAYS (though sometimes) with a BAND-AID. And as 2009 has rolled out, I am excited to be stepping BOLDLY into this 'season of change'.

References (30)
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