Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Domestic Violence (1)
introducing motivational speaker antoinette white
Hi folks!
LIFE OF RILEY always has something baking towards keeping the creative juices flowing and the revenue streaming (and I look forward to sharing some of those updates, once they firm up --- including some synergies to which I look forward to inviting you).
MEANWHILE, my current hustle includes my own appearances and - primarily - my Brand Ambassador work for Miss Jessie's... and something new. Please read on...:
- NEW LIFE OF RILEY PARTNER for the next few months: MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER and AUTHOR ANTOINETTE WHITE (based in the DC/MD/VA area). I'm attracting SPEAKING/PANEL opportunities and PRESS in promotion of her self-published memoir "WHO'S PROTECTING ME?".
I met Antoinette while on hosting duties for XSCAPE PR 2017 Memorial Day arts & music festival. She was brought in for the Authors Showcase...and I was so moved by her PRESENTATION and her TESTIMONIAL.
- And I really couldn't put the book down. I just had to see where this emotional tale was going to take me - from heart-ache to heart-break to healing, OH MY!!! And Antoinette STAYED THE COURSE...and via her TRIUMPH, she now UPLIFTS others!
- A series of personal triumphs helped Antoinette find the faith to overcome sexual abuse, unstable living situations, her sister's sudden death, homelessness, a failed marriage, and years of underemployment.
- Antoinette is CEO of "Mission to Motivate LLC" which provides Corporate Morale Improvement workshops and programs that refresh and uplift your labor force, improving performance, quality, productivity, and efficiency from bottom to top. For more info:
- SPEECH EXCERPTS: RESET Conference - Oklahoma: ....Homeless speech: ...RESET Conference 1of 2 - VA: ....RESET Conference 2of 2 - VA: ..."Minute of Motivation" every Tuesday:
- SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: ...Twitter: Antoinette White (@mission2motivat): .... Instagram:
- Please advise if you have room for Antoinette White inside any of your programming/presenter needs (Antoinette currently lives in: DC/MD/VA area). Or if not, PLEASE SHARE with someone who might. We THANK YOU - as always - for your support!

Miss Jessie's bags will be available via the NABJ vendor fair booth. Pop by and pick up MissJessie's latest.

Miss Jessie's VIP bags will be available at the NABJ A&E Task Force Reception featuring cast-members from OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network's Queen Sugar and Greenleaf OWN.

Miss Jessie's VIP bags will be made available to NABJ guests on the Dayvee Sutton & NewOrleans Tourism's "Beyond the Usual" food and jazz tour.

Miko will also be available for any select press and promo on Friday, August 11th and the morning of Saturday, August 12th.
Some of Miss Jessie's recent New Orleans press:

a. New Orleans' own Brassy Brown NOLA journalist Kiri Lanice Walton talks to Miko about hair (of course), black female entrepreneurship and Miko's life today:

b. Miko was a Keynote Speaker at the Inc. GrowCo conference a couple of months ago:
c. Miko was an invited guest on The 504 with Sheba Turk:
d. We appreciate multiple WBOK-AM impressions with NOABJ President Rachel D. Graham and THE GOOD LIFE with EILEEN CARTER.

5. Miko is EXCITED to meet some more New Orleans media pros - for TV or radio appearances; on-line or phoner interviews; additional product donation synergies; and select invites. She's in town and available on Friday, August 11th and the morning of Saturday, August 12th.
6. If you see Miko and the Miss Jessie's team, come STRIKE A POSE with her...and post some MISS JESSIE'S LOVE on social media:
@mikobranch Twitter and Instagram
@miss_jessies Twitter and Instagram
SOME SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES you folks can use in addition to your own of course:
#Legacy of #TitiBranch

AND FINALLY: I have been on the festival circuit all this year in promotion of an independent film that goes down as my FILM DEBUT.

a. Official Selection at the 2nd annual HUFF - Hampton University Film Festival.
b. Winter 2016 presented STEPS as an Official Selection in the Jersey City International Television and Film Festival-JCITFF; STEPS took home BEST DIRECTOR (for our AWESOME Co-Directors Jay Rodriguez and Rock Davis); and BEST NARRATIVE FEATURE FILM!
c. STEPS PREMIEREd on my birthday in Jersey City November 2015.
d. In April 2016, we did a Harlem NYC PREMIERE at#MISTHarlem.
e. Peachtree Village International Film Festival in Atlanta, GA (Closing Selection).
f. Newark International Film Festival (Inaugural Event).
g. Urban World Film Festival (Official Selection).
h. Brooklyn Academy of Music. May 2017.
#STEPSthemovie #STEPS #LifeofRiley #RudySTEPS

Address: 111 W. 7th St.
Suite 205
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: 213-212-4760

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 8am - 6pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only
#LifeOfRiley #OldvineFlorals