Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Miko Branch (9)
introducing motivational speaker antoinette white
Hi folks!
LIFE OF RILEY always has something baking towards keeping the creative juices flowing and the revenue streaming (and I look forward to sharing some of those updates, once they firm up --- including some synergies to which I look forward to inviting you).
MEANWHILE, my current hustle includes my own appearances and - primarily - my Brand Ambassador work for Miss Jessie's... and something new. Please read on...:
- NEW LIFE OF RILEY PARTNER for the next few months: MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER and AUTHOR ANTOINETTE WHITE (based in the DC/MD/VA area). I'm attracting SPEAKING/PANEL opportunities and PRESS in promotion of her self-published memoir "WHO'S PROTECTING ME?".
I met Antoinette while on hosting duties for XSCAPE PR 2017 Memorial Day arts & music festival. She was brought in for the Authors Showcase...and I was so moved by her PRESENTATION and her TESTIMONIAL.
- And I really couldn't put the book down. I just had to see where this emotional tale was going to take me - from heart-ache to heart-break to healing, OH MY!!! And Antoinette STAYED THE COURSE...and via her TRIUMPH, she now UPLIFTS others!
- A series of personal triumphs helped Antoinette find the faith to overcome sexual abuse, unstable living situations, her sister's sudden death, homelessness, a failed marriage, and years of underemployment.
- Antoinette is CEO of "Mission to Motivate LLC" which provides Corporate Morale Improvement workshops and programs that refresh and uplift your labor force, improving performance, quality, productivity, and efficiency from bottom to top. For more info:
- SPEECH EXCERPTS: RESET Conference - Oklahoma: ....Homeless speech: ...RESET Conference 1of 2 - VA: ....RESET Conference 2of 2 - VA: ..."Minute of Motivation" every Tuesday:
- SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: ...Twitter: Antoinette White (@mission2motivat): .... Instagram:
- Please advise if you have room for Antoinette White inside any of your programming/presenter needs (Antoinette currently lives in: DC/MD/VA area). Or if not, PLEASE SHARE with someone who might. We THANK YOU - as always - for your support!

Miss Jessie's bags will be available via the NABJ vendor fair booth. Pop by and pick up MissJessie's latest.

Miss Jessie's VIP bags will be available at the NABJ A&E Task Force Reception featuring cast-members from OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network's Queen Sugar and Greenleaf OWN.

Miss Jessie's VIP bags will be made available to NABJ guests on the Dayvee Sutton & NewOrleans Tourism's "Beyond the Usual" food and jazz tour.

Miko will also be available for any select press and promo on Friday, August 11th and the morning of Saturday, August 12th.
Some of Miss Jessie's recent New Orleans press:

a. New Orleans' own Brassy Brown NOLA journalist Kiri Lanice Walton talks to Miko about hair (of course), black female entrepreneurship and Miko's life today:

b. Miko was a Keynote Speaker at the Inc. GrowCo conference a couple of months ago:
c. Miko was an invited guest on The 504 with Sheba Turk:
d. We appreciate multiple WBOK-AM impressions with NOABJ President Rachel D. Graham and THE GOOD LIFE with EILEEN CARTER.

5. Miko is EXCITED to meet some more New Orleans media pros - for TV or radio appearances; on-line or phoner interviews; additional product donation synergies; and select invites. She's in town and available on Friday, August 11th and the morning of Saturday, August 12th.
6. If you see Miko and the Miss Jessie's team, come STRIKE A POSE with her...and post some MISS JESSIE'S LOVE on social media:
@mikobranch Twitter and Instagram
@miss_jessies Twitter and Instagram
SOME SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES you folks can use in addition to your own of course:
#Legacy of #TitiBranch

AND FINALLY: I have been on the festival circuit all this year in promotion of an independent film that goes down as my FILM DEBUT.

a. Official Selection at the 2nd annual HUFF - Hampton University Film Festival.
b. Winter 2016 presented STEPS as an Official Selection in the Jersey City International Television and Film Festival-JCITFF; STEPS took home BEST DIRECTOR (for our AWESOME Co-Directors Jay Rodriguez and Rock Davis); and BEST NARRATIVE FEATURE FILM!
c. STEPS PREMIEREd on my birthday in Jersey City November 2015.
d. In April 2016, we did a Harlem NYC PREMIERE at#MISTHarlem.
e. Peachtree Village International Film Festival in Atlanta, GA (Closing Selection).
f. Newark International Film Festival (Inaugural Event).
g. Urban World Film Festival (Official Selection).
h. Brooklyn Academy of Music. May 2017.
#STEPSthemovie #STEPS #LifeofRiley #RudySTEPS

Address: 111 W. 7th St.
Suite 205
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Phone: 213-212-4760

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 8am - 6pm
Sunday: By Appointment Only
#LifeOfRiley #OldvineFlorals

extraordinary mary
You might have needed to know me in the ‘70s or ‘80s to know that #LifeofRiley – ALSO – considers MARY TYLER MOORE an ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! And though our moment would not be photographed, I also got an opportunity to interview Mary Tyler Moore in her New York City, 5th Avenue pad for recurring freelance client “The Oprah Winfrey Show” --- a few years after OPRAH’s 1996 in-studio “ugly cry” moment with her. That was in 2000 or so...and Mary and I talked all things DOGS for this "Remembering Your Spirit" segment which also required Mary and I take a field trip to the ASPCA - so she could visit some of her "furry friends". Well, I’m not going to start COUNTING CELEBRITY DEATHS and tying them into some Nielsen ratings for dead people in 2017. But MARY TYLER MOORE was #1 ....and today is the day MARY TYLER MOORE exits earth stage left (as her spirit soars well beyond the heights of her iconic hat toss in the title sequence of her legendary MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW). WHAT A LOSS for THE WORLD, AMERICA, POP CULTURE, SO MANY, OPRAH, and me! And yet: WHAT A LEGACY!!!! I can continue to LOVE MARY TYLER MOORE – on her show; the DICK VAN DYKE repeats; ORDINARY PEOPLE; and just about everything she did! Will miss your SPUNK, MARY! LOVE YOU FOREVER!
miss jessie's is on the road in 2017
MIKO and MISS JESSIE'S on THE ROAD! See where MIKO is speaking so far in 2017! PLUS, more and more media impressions on Miss Jessie’s Co-Founder, CEO, and Creative Director Miko Branch and national best seller “Miss Jessie’s: Creating a Successful Business from Scratch – Naturally” (Harper Collins; Amistad) are coming in (in anticipation of the paperback release of her book on Valentine’s Day Tuesday, February 14, 2017. Let us know if you’d like to connect with Miko --- for press; budgeted speeches/appearances; hosted book signings; or Miss Jessie’s product donation synergies):
1. At the top of 2017, here in New York City, we kicked Miko’s 2017 Miss Jessie’s paperback tour with a taping at 30 Rock for NBC 4’s Positively Black with Tracie Strahan:
3. Other MISS JESSIE’S print and on-line press – recently-published-and-posted:
a. by Allison Keyes:
b. NEW YORK Magazine:
c. Big SHOUT OUT for all the COVER LOVE on this TOUR – including Black Enterprise, Atlanta Journal, and LIONESS Magazine FOR THE FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR:
d. AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE's Business Accelerator Program:
e.SWAAY MEDIA Feature Article:
f. Miss Jessie’s is our PRESENTING PARTNER for#ALLSTARKARAOKE alongside#WALKTALLGIRLPRODUCTIONS and#BLACKTHEATREONLINE, our PRIZED Broadway ticket theater giveaway sponsor. Look for MISS JESSIE’s and more THEATER GIVEAWAYS at our next ALL STAR KARAOKE & DAY BRUNCH: Sunday, February 12, 2017 from NOON to 7p (and there will be FREE Miss Jessie’s Books in our RAFFLE mix --- just two days before the MISS JESSIE’s PAPERBACK is available on Tuesday, February 14th):
As always, THANKS to everybody for supporting#MissJessiesBook #Miss_Jessies #MikoBranch#LifeofRiley #AllStarKaraoke #MistHarlem
#WalkTallGirlProductions #MarciaPendelton#ShennaVaughn
alex cypriano is available
Patrick L. Riley here on behalf of fitness model Alex Cypriano, Brazilian heartthrob & fitness expert:
As you know, #LifeOfRiley also champions wonderful models who are breaking in on the scene – including Alex who I recently got to meet when he was in NYC recently:
1. Alex is currently in LA;
2. 20 years old;
3. Actor/Model;
4. . 2015 "Mr. Teen Tampa";
5. Represented By MC2 Miami;
6. Alex just dropped a capsule product line for the L.A. FITNESS EXPO last weekend to great acclaim.
7. Alex’s Instagram page per week reaches 2.2 – 2.8 million impressions a week (and spiking).
8. ALEX is looking to bring his EXPERTISE and his GROWING POPULARITY to a “MORNING SHOW” or “TALK SHOW” or any applicable MEDIA platform .
A. LIMITED COPIES of Alex Cypriano's Hairy Valentine Book are available in time for Valentine's Day: For review. The cover photo is a selfie created by Alex himself. Hairy Valentine is the perfect gift for viewers to collect and have a little bit of Alex for Valentine's. The book is 8x8 in size, fully overexposed color. The book is affordable for $48.00 plus $8 shipping in the us, international shipping is an extra cost. Shipping for the book is completely discreet until the purchaser opens the package. Each book is personally signed by Alex with a signature message.
B. Alex Cypriano's " Do You" capsule collection is available for online ordering domestic and international.
Let me know if you want to meet Alex for press, appearances, etc.

All Star Karaoke BRUNCH at MIST Harlem I Pre Halloween I Oct 30 at NOON
You've been asking "When is ALL STAR KARAOKE coming back?" Well, we will be returning to MIST Harlem for a handful of ALL STAR KARAOKE brunches over the next five months
- starting SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2016 from NOON to 5p.
$50 EXPERIENCE includes:
delicious brunch,
many mimosas,
amazing karaoke,
MISS JESSIE's give-aways,
Since it's HALLOWEEN EVE, please feel free to wear a COSTUME (but not mandatory)!
We'll get in as many songs as we can while enjoying our ALL STAR KARAOKE company one more time!
Here are video recaps of our last two MIST Harlem ALL STAR KARAOKE brunches.
* NOVEMBER 2015:
RESERVATIONS are highly recommended.
Please call 212.828.6478.
For more information, please click here:
And let us know here if you will be GOING:!
Patrick L. Riley

rest in prince
Mist Harlem Steps screening
After we’d all gathered for the Premiere on November 19 2015 in Jersey City, my partner Ant – an events manager at MIST Harlem – told Eddie Harris he should be bring his film #STEPSTHEMOVIE to NEW YORK CITY – for our NYC-based friends and tastemakers. STEPS is Co-Directed by Jay Rodriguez and Rock Davis and Executive Produced by Shaquille O’Neal.
Like the New Jersey screening, the positive feedback was FELT!
And the filmmakers are still taking meetings on which platform(s) we will see our labor of love. I’d mentioned before AMERICAN IDOL FINALIST QAASIM MIDDLETON is in it too along with his brother KHALIL MIDDLETON. AND THEY ARE WONDERFUL!
And BIGGEST of THANKS to EDDIE HARRIS and PENWAH for casting me in this amazing project! For more info, go to
THANKS EVERYBODY for your well wishes and for supporting LIFE OF RILEY – including a #bosschoir of NYC family including Director/Producer/Casting Giant Tracey Moore; she and my childhood friend Maurice Marable’s son Myles, actor extraordinaire; photography diva Rowena Husbands; DRUMS ALONG THE HUDSON Producer Carl Nelson;
Emmy-award-winning GMA Correspondent Mara Schiavocampo; Morehouse brother/LIVE FROM FRONT ROW Publisher Michael K. Watts; international model and Bobby Roache Eyeglass wear designer;
BFF since childhood/LIBERTY realtor Ernest Maynor; BE NICE Production’s own Bernice Wooden (All Star Karaoke Producer); All Star Karaoke FAVORITE/Hospitality Expert Ephraim Walker; KOBIE CHRONICLES’ own Kobie Brown (Morehouse brother whose online series “Red, White, & Baltimore” we want you to check out soon:; etc.
#GRATITUDE #steps #shaquilleoneal#stepsthemovie #billiesblack #allstarkaraoke #MISS_JESSIES#MISSJESSIESBOOK #TITIGIFT #MIKOBRANCH #MISTHarlem [Some social media: @ebhproductions for EDDIE HARRIS; @rockdaviscom for ROCK DAVIS; @jayscorsese for JAY RODRIGUEZ]
All Star Karaoke for ONE NIGHT ONLY
Billie’s Black PRESENTS All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley: ONE NIGHT ONLY last night was OFF THE CHAIN! And we are so EXCITED to have ushered in B2 ---
the closing down of Billie’s Black for SIX WEEKS – at which time BILLIE’S will return SHINY AND NEW under the Creative Direction of Steve Harvey’s own Interior Design Expert/Personality Mikel Welch.
DJMARIOTV captured the night beautifully! THANKS DJ MARIO:
HIGHLIGHTS included:
*Like we do every week – usually as our FINALE: #THEBOSSCHOIR: Excerpt Part 1: and Excerpt Part 2:
* MISS JESSIE'S giveaways: VIP bags for our special guests: NABJ Vice President-Broadcast Dorothy Tucker, CBS2 Anchor/Reporter and – via a recent Miko Branch media impression - I-Heart Radio Show Host (in town celebrating her birthday). Also, the cast of BLOOD AT THE ROOT – about Jena Six: Kenzie Ross, Allison Scarlet Jaye, and Stori Ayers were excited to walk away with their VIP MISS JESSIE’s bags as well:
* BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine with MISS JESSIE'S Co-Founder & CEO Miko Branch on the cover
* JOSEPH RILEY LAND GOURMET PANTRY (raffle for three amazing gift baskets – two at $75 each and one at $125 value):
* BILLIE'S BLACK ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE - presented by ALL STAR KARAOKE (December 2015 - extended through February 2016): Contemporary Artist Shenna Vaughn had ART for sell (SHENNA: "I Create Soulful Funk On Canvas to Create A Mind Blowing Experience"):
* ANOTHER featured sponsor that we introduced during SEASON 4 of ALL STAR KARAOKE: SHOO NAIL POLISH - via its Founder and CEO Shawanda Vickers who donated 20 gift bags and TESTIFIED how her partnership in SEASON 4 (Fall 2015) led her to being covered in BLACK ENTERPRISE (Look out for it!).
Walk Tall Girl Productions – a pair of comps for TURN ME LOOSE:
Walker International Communications Group, Inc – a pair of comps for BLOOD AT THE ROOT: and a SNEAK PEEK from the cast.
* HARLEM SKIN & LASER CLINIC GIFT CARD - $175 (for raffle)
THANKS TO ALL! See you later, Billie’s Black! AND look for the return of BILLIE’S BLACK presents ALL STAR KARAOKE with Patrick L. Riley in the FALL; however, we’ll be announcing some spot ALL STAR KARAOKE dates soon!
ALLSTARKARAOKE#MOTOWNMAY#StockYourPantry#missjessiesbookLegacy_of#TitiBranch#RileyLandGourmetPantry #BlackEnterprise#ShennaVaughn #ShooNailPolish#WalkTallGirlProductions #WICG#ShawandaVickers #SevenBrown #HarlemSkinCare#HarlemSkinAndLaserCare
MISS JESSIE’S has been on the road, hear?
1. MIKO'S BOOK "Miss Jessie's - Creating a Successful Business from Scratch...NATURALLY" is going to be released in paper back April 2017.
2. MISS JESSIE's is also in a promo window around a new product: MULTICULTURAL CURLS.
3. Miko Keynoted the MOREHOUSE INNOVATION EXPO 2016: A Conversation about the Mindset of an Entrepreneur.
ROLLING OUT in-studio interview
CBS RADIO interview in-studio interview
5. A PULSEBEAT.TV DETROIT EXCLUSIVE - interviewed by Pulsebeat.TV's award-winning multimedia journalist Greg Dunmore inside the franchise PULSEBEAT.TV "Greg Dunmore's Hot Happenings!!!" on WMYD TV20 Detroit… As it’s been airing in MOTOWN and surrounding areas since Sunday, indicators are that “MISS JESSIE’S IS A HIT”! Check it out here:
6. USA Today feature coming up in a few weeks…. Stay tuned!
7. Emmy-award-winning Berlinda Garnett, Producer at FOX 29 Philadelphia invited Miko to be a guest on Good Day Philadelphia: Hosts Alex Holley and Mike Jerrick conducted a GREAT INTERVIEW!
8. Philadelphia Sunday Sun also did an interview with Miko that day, care of Philly-based writer and President-Elect of PBPRS Monica Peters.
Oprah Where Are They Now?
I am still being heavily dispatched for recurring client OWN's "Oprah, Where Are They Now?" - including interviews that have already run this season:
a. Carol's Daughter (Lisa Price):
b. The Chew's Carla Hall:
c. Coming up this Saturday, April 2nd: Nancy Grace:
d. My Audra McDonald just aired:
e. My Iman airs this upcoming Saturday:
f. ...AND Honey Boo Boo/Mama June are coming up April 30th:
Street Talk
I'm also being retained this season by WENDY WILLIAMS in partnership with MetroPCS to produce the show's monthly, sponsored franchise: STREET TALK:
a. APRIL edition:
b. MARCH edition:
c. VALENTINE'S edition:
d. JANUARY edition:
e. Our HOLIDAY EDITION from mid-December 2015:
f. Thanksgiving 2015:
g. WENDY/KMART: #ShoppingIsFunAgain
Let me know if you want to do one. Email me at and

The iconic Diana Ross headlines during Tom Joyner's Fantastic Voyage kickoff concert! One ICON LOST but HEALING that the MINISTER OF LOVE, MISS ROSS, could SERENADE the mourning crowd with her REPERTOIRE of JOY AND L'AMOUR! And SO MANY WERE THERE to WITNESS IT ALL - from Rev. Al Sharpton to Sherri Shepherd to Robert Townsend adn a boat-load more! #DianaRoss #FantasticVoyage16#TomJoynerCruise
#PartyWithAPurpose #cruise#Miami #concert #BonVoyage

miko branch to famu for sacred self tell it on tuesday
I was too excited to introduce MIKO BRANCH to Elise Durham at last year's NABJ Convention. With that has come some wonderful synergies at #MOREHOUSECOLLEGE and now #FAMU!
FOR 2016 WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, Florida A&M University has invited my fab client, CEO & CO-FOUNDER of Miss Jessie's Miko Branch, to participate in the second annual #SacredSelf
– a celebration of remarkable women from the community and beyond:
And what a wonderful event it was.
This empowering day WAS full of professional and personal development opportunities at Florida A&M University Department of Music's Foster Tanner Art Building:www.FAMU.EDU/WomensHistoryMonth.
Special shout out to FAMU’s own Elise Durham (for the invite)!
None of this would have been possible without her.
And Dean Ann Wead Kimbrough, my personal/NABJ/FAMU fam for the LOVE she showed MIKO while she was there!
I am doing some Brand Ambassador work for Miss Jessie's and #MikoBranch. She was in Houston this past weekend headlining the #MetamorphosisEmpowerment Conference. Shout out to my NABJ and SAVANNAH fam who showed Miko such LOVE while she was there!
Special shout out to Savannah homegirl Barbara Jackson Hudson Esq who hosted Miko at an awesome operation she co-owns Urban Houston Network. Miko did “The Antoinette Roberson Show”.
FOX 26’s Melinda Spaulding also did an interview with Miko at the station.
The WASH ALLEN SHOW also had Miko on. And THANKS to so many of you who were in the cut with support – including NABJ sister friends Lyndsay Christian and Cindy George; Savannah/Spelman big sister Venice Hunter Richardson, Houston Chronicle Beauty Editor Joy Sewing; etc. MIKO is MAKING MORE THAN CURLS: WAVES!
As a Morehouse man myself, I am too thrilled to announce that my alma mater, a Historically Black College, has invited Miss Jessie's CEO & Co-Founder Miko Branch to participate in its Morehouse Innovation Expo for 2016: news comes in the wake of Miss Jessie's donating product to Morehouse and Spelman for Homecoming 2015. Appearances the like are fueling much of Miko's next chapter for her life and the brand of Miss Jessie's.
Miko is still promoting her 2015 Best Seller "Miss Jessie's - Creating a Successful Business from Scratch...NATURALLY". MIAMI is on her map for later in the season as well! MISS JESSIE’s is also the official sponsor of Billie’s Black presents ALL STAR KARAOKE with Patrick L. Riley. Stay tuned for spring/summer dates…. XOXOXOXO #miss_jessies#missjessies #titibranch #billiesblack
#allstarkaraoke#missjessiesFAMU #missjessiesMOREHOUSE
#missjessiesSACREDSELF #TellItOnTuesday #FAMUSacredSelf
THIS JUST IN: Her Black Enterprise COVER STORY! She will join a panel of other black-owned hair and beauty business owners to discuss“Making Big Bucks in Specialized Markets,” at the
"You don’t need money to transform an industry. You don’t even need privileges or degrees. Titi and I didn’t have MBAs and we didn’t get bank loans or find angel investors. We had a seed of an idea and a solid foundation of family and influences to learn from and observe. If we could do it, you can do it too.” - Miko Branch
I am honored and humbled to cover the March issue of Black Enterprise Magazine. My sister Titi Branch and I always admired the Black Enterprise family business that shined a light on other African-American businesses. I am truly honored and I say thank you to Earl Graves and the entire Black Enterprise group.
To our customers, I say thank you as well. The loyalty and support you have given us has been tremendous and without you, we could not have realized so many of our dreams.
I could not have achieved the level of success that I have without Titi’s love, tutelage and support. Titi, our business will be my tribute to your memory, and I will live to make you proud.
I am Titi Branch and together we are Miss Jessie’s.
Miko & Miss Jessie's
Hands Down, the Proven Expert in Curls. Period!
AND ONE MORE THING: Our beloved @MikoBranch on Career and Family. Watch the full clip here:
SHOUT OUT to my friend Colman Domingo on his "'DOT' called "UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY! DEEPLY MOVING!", by the NY TIMES! Anthony Harper and I surely enjoyed and DailyCommune's Derrick Hemphill did a slamming review: - Spread the Word!
The show has received wonderful reviews and has been extended until March 24th. You can purchase tickets for only $59 by using Special Offer code - DOTWC.
SEE DOT! USE SPECIAL OFFER CODE - DOTWC for $59 Tickets. Call 212-353-0303 or visit and put in the code. Ant and I love it! Colman Domingo,CHERINE ANDERSON, Richard E Pelzer II! THANKS FOR HAVING US OUT!
morehouse college glee club this SUNDAY in NYC