Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in FAMU (4)
immersive loving and living
FAMU 2016 William Hearst Visiting Professional I have to SHOUT OUT WENDY WILLIAMS for taking time out of her busy schedule (in preps for NEW SEASON: now back as of this week) to say HI and offer words of WISDOM to two of my FAMU mentees:
Alexis Lockhart and Steven Byrd-Pitts – both Senior, Public Relations Majors at FAMU’s School of Journalism and Graphic Communications.
They are in town for NYC Fashion Week…and I am hosting them (and curating opportunities) for these #HBCUScholars while they are in town. It’s been quite a whirlwind of fashion shows...and go-and-come-sees! LOL!
Plus, LIFE OF RILEY plucked from our rolodex to create special moments and meetings for the kids –
including WENDY and several others who Alexis and Steven got to see and/or contact during (and even after) their time here - shaping their own rolodexes to help carve out their respective career starts. The list is endless of folks who referred; responded; relayed...but I'm going to try to THANK a few who went above and beyond: supermodel Veronica Webb;
Miss Jessie's Co-Founder, CEO, and Creative Director Miko Branch;
Emmy-award-winning correspondent at GMA, Mara Schiavocampo;
Tony-award-winning producer Randolph Sturrup (FAMU grad and Executive Producer of ASPiRE TV's new docu-series about 6 HBCU alums living in NYC - including my nephew Herman Riley III, rep'ing for our alma mater Morehouse);
Fashion/Theater/Event Producer Carl Nelson ("Drums Along The Hudson");
international model and Beyonce leading man from the video “Irreplaceable”, Bobby Roache;
Creative Director Mykel Cortez Smith; Fashion producer/talent representative Ron Smith;
celebrity stylist June Ambrose (who was at the TOP of Alexis and Steven's WISH-LIST);
designer Edwing D’Angelo (and his publicist Michelle Pascal);
Wendy's amazing stylist Memsor (who also let the kids follow him to a Fashion Week Presentation); entertainment publicists Theo Perry, Morehouse brother Trevor Julien (who arranged for Basketball Wives Laura Govan to share her style tips with the FAMU scholars),
and Tagan Lee & Associates' Tagan Lee; digital diva Marcia Cole;
NBCBLK’s Amber Payne; entertainment journalist Alicia Quarles; New York Times’ Nikita Stewart Henderson; and many more!
Though I’m a proud Morehouse Man, I consider it a total honor that Dean of Florida A&M University’s School of Journalism and Graphic Communications, Dr. Ann Wead Kimbrough, has added me to its impressive roster of 2016 William Hearst Visiting Professionals.
I am third in a series of outstanding media professionals who bring value to the rich teaching within FAMU’s SJGC.
This is an encore partnership with FAMU's SJGC.
I was invited to Keynote its NABJ Multimedia Short Course a couple of years ago.
Thanks young folks...and Dean Kimbrough!
Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Disney

So LIFE OF RILEY knew and teased, but now I can SCREAM IT FROM THE RAFTERS - especially now that the artwork is soon to be released: my FAV NEPHEW Herman Lee Riley III is a cast-mate in docu-series THE GRADUATES NYC – a new show that will chronicle the NYC LIVING of HBCU ALUMS in the MILLENNIAL SET! COMING THIS FALL!!!! My nephew hails from our alma mater Morehouse College while each of the other cast members are alums of other #HBCUs.
The digital show will also air on ASPIRE during the halftime of the live HBCU football games on ASPiRE. Check out ASPIRE.TV for episodes and more information! CONGRATS NOOT! SO PROUD! Here’s a PREVIEW: Esteemed Broadway producer Randolph Sturrup ("A Streetcar Named Desire", "The Trip to Bountiful" and "Eclipsed") and seasoned TV News exec Keith Michael Brown are producing this project along with Al Roker Productions. So, these kids are in great hands!
Special THANKS to Herman and Randolph for making time for my #HBCUscholars from #FAMU: Alexis Lockhart and Steven Michael Byrd-Pitts.

Shout out to Tagan Lee & Associates who always make sure LIFE OF RILEY is IN THE HOUSE for AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES! Was a panelist alongside journalist and friend Alicia Quarles for a Q&A that was moderated by NBCBLK's Amber Payne for an INVITATION ONLY influencer/tastemaker screening of Focus Features film LOVING, which comes out in November!
This much-buzzed about film tells the story of Loving v. Virginia, a Supreme Court decision that makes it legal to marry between races. One of my most recent assignments for "Oprah: Where Are They Now?" captured Richard Pryor's daughter Rain Pryor - referencing her parents' marriage (Her mother is a white Jewish woman) and what that was like four years after the ruling: I'm excited one of my FAMU mentees Steven Byrd Pitts joined me for the special occasion in Tribeca as well as MISS JESSIE's Co-Founder, CEO, and Creative Director Miko Branch.
ABOUT THE FILM LOVING: From acclaimed writer/director Jeff Nichols, Loving celebrates the real-life courage and commitment of an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving (portrayed by Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga), who married and then spent the next nine years fighting for the right to live as a family in their hometown. Their civil rights case, Loving v. Virginia, went all the way to the Supreme Court, which in 1967 reaffirmed the very foundation of the right to marry - and their love story has become an inspiration to couples ever since. Loving will open form Focus Features in theaters in select cities on November 4, and will expand across the country later in November.
Watch the trailer for LOVING
For more information, please follow us online:
Hashtag: #ThisIsLoving
So excited that Creative Director and friend Mykel C. Smith invited my FAMU mentee Steven Michael Byrd-Pitts out to celebrate close out of Fashion Week…and the celebration of the September 2016 Style Issue #21 of W42ST. FAMU’s own Kendra Foster – Grammy-award-winning singer songwriter – performed brilliantly! Ant has adored her music all Summer 2016! And so nice to connect two RATTLERS! Steven and Kendra had a LOVE FEST over their college in common! Cloak & Dagger brought the music…and it was great to wrap a wonderful week! Ant, Steven, and I capped night off with some KARAOKE at RADIO STAR before calling it a night! I’ll be next working with these students on managing their follow ups – so they can stay engaged with the many mentors they met and so they can begin to shape up steps towards starting their post-graduate careers. THANKS TO ALL who were so kind to the young #HBCUscholars from #FAMU #SJGC.
The Shaquille-O’neal/Michael Baumgartner Executive-Produced Steps screened at Newark International Film Festival to an enthusiastic audience!
Thanks everyone for all your love and support of STEPS...
and my character "Rudy", my film debut.
Next up: UrbanWorld Film Festival.COME WITNESS the MAGIC!
Get tickets: (Scroll to bottom of page) Like our Page on facebook StepsUrbanworld Film Festival
Use our Hashtags
#UWFF (twitter/IG/FB)
#UW20. $10.00.
XSCAPE PUERTO RICO 2017 I update LIFE OF RILEY, I'm watching Monifah Carter and the R&B Divas: Atlanta on TV One’s SUNDAY Marathon, I’m reminded to remind you to join Monifah Carter, more, and me for my new Memorial Day Weekend tradition: Xscape Puerto Rico 2017 - LGBT Arts & Culture Music Festival!
When: May 26 - 29, 2017
Host Resort: Grand Wyndham Resort & Spa (All Inclusive)

Celebrity Ambassadors, Live Performances, Workshops, Vanguard Awards, Pool Party & Fashion Show, Excursions and so much more!!
Instagram: xscapepuertorico
Twitter: xscapepuertorico

P.S. Monifah and I are gonna have to find a microphone:

MONIFAH “One Moment”:
MONIFAH “Getting in the Way”:
MONIFAH & PATRICK “Best of My Love”:
MONIFAH “Our Love” – PART 1:
Motown May's Grand Finale WINNER at "Billie's Black Presents All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley" is one of my nearest and dearest brother friends. Since his win got him on the Motown the Musical on Broadway stage, I have to see him everywhere he performs. So, Fashion Week weekend, we made time to see him at Silvana in Harlem.
HUSAIN ROCKS - including his first single "Summer Rain".
An early Thanksgiving welcoming Ant back to NYC was most welcomed by him as it has been a difficult summer, shaken life-changingly with the loss of his amazing dad. We are so grateful to our New York City fam who stem from our roots in Savannah and Denver; school daze; NABJ; and LIFE! We shout out Mario, Nikita, Brian, Ern, and Lamoh for this meal, prepared in LOVE and with all of the ingredients to lift Ant's and my spirits up! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! #SoBlessed #Ourcurrentsituation

miko branch to famu for sacred self tell it on tuesday
I was too excited to introduce MIKO BRANCH to Elise Durham at last year's NABJ Convention. With that has come some wonderful synergies at #MOREHOUSECOLLEGE and now #FAMU!
FOR 2016 WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, Florida A&M University has invited my fab client, CEO & CO-FOUNDER of Miss Jessie's Miko Branch, to participate in the second annual #SacredSelf
– a celebration of remarkable women from the community and beyond:
And what a wonderful event it was.
This empowering day WAS full of professional and personal development opportunities at Florida A&M University Department of Music's Foster Tanner Art Building:www.FAMU.EDU/WomensHistoryMonth.
Special shout out to FAMU’s own Elise Durham (for the invite)!
None of this would have been possible without her.
And Dean Ann Wead Kimbrough, my personal/NABJ/FAMU fam for the LOVE she showed MIKO while she was there!
I am doing some Brand Ambassador work for Miss Jessie's and #MikoBranch. She was in Houston this past weekend headlining the #MetamorphosisEmpowerment Conference. Shout out to my NABJ and SAVANNAH fam who showed Miko such LOVE while she was there!
Special shout out to Savannah homegirl Barbara Jackson Hudson Esq who hosted Miko at an awesome operation she co-owns Urban Houston Network. Miko did “The Antoinette Roberson Show”.
FOX 26’s Melinda Spaulding also did an interview with Miko at the station.
The WASH ALLEN SHOW also had Miko on. And THANKS to so many of you who were in the cut with support – including NABJ sister friends Lyndsay Christian and Cindy George; Savannah/Spelman big sister Venice Hunter Richardson, Houston Chronicle Beauty Editor Joy Sewing; etc. MIKO is MAKING MORE THAN CURLS: WAVES!
As a Morehouse man myself, I am too thrilled to announce that my alma mater, a Historically Black College, has invited Miss Jessie's CEO & Co-Founder Miko Branch to participate in its Morehouse Innovation Expo for 2016: news comes in the wake of Miss Jessie's donating product to Morehouse and Spelman for Homecoming 2015. Appearances the like are fueling much of Miko's next chapter for her life and the brand of Miss Jessie's.
Miko is still promoting her 2015 Best Seller "Miss Jessie's - Creating a Successful Business from Scratch...NATURALLY". MIAMI is on her map for later in the season as well! MISS JESSIE’s is also the official sponsor of Billie’s Black presents ALL STAR KARAOKE with Patrick L. Riley. Stay tuned for spring/summer dates…. XOXOXOXO #miss_jessies#missjessies #titibranch #billiesblack
#allstarkaraoke#missjessiesFAMU #missjessiesMOREHOUSE
#missjessiesSACREDSELF #TellItOnTuesday #FAMUSacredSelf
THIS JUST IN: Her Black Enterprise COVER STORY! She will join a panel of other black-owned hair and beauty business owners to discuss“Making Big Bucks in Specialized Markets,” at the
"You don’t need money to transform an industry. You don’t even need privileges or degrees. Titi and I didn’t have MBAs and we didn’t get bank loans or find angel investors. We had a seed of an idea and a solid foundation of family and influences to learn from and observe. If we could do it, you can do it too.” - Miko Branch
I am honored and humbled to cover the March issue of Black Enterprise Magazine. My sister Titi Branch and I always admired the Black Enterprise family business that shined a light on other African-American businesses. I am truly honored and I say thank you to Earl Graves and the entire Black Enterprise group.
To our customers, I say thank you as well. The loyalty and support you have given us has been tremendous and without you, we could not have realized so many of our dreams.
I could not have achieved the level of success that I have without Titi’s love, tutelage and support. Titi, our business will be my tribute to your memory, and I will live to make you proud.
I am Titi Branch and together we are Miss Jessie’s.
Miko & Miss Jessie's
Hands Down, the Proven Expert in Curls. Period!
AND ONE MORE THING: Our beloved @MikoBranch on Career and Family. Watch the full clip here:
SHOUT OUT to my friend Colman Domingo on his "'DOT' called "UPROARIOUSLY FUNNY! DEEPLY MOVING!", by the NY TIMES! Anthony Harper and I surely enjoyed and DailyCommune's Derrick Hemphill did a slamming review: - Spread the Word!
The show has received wonderful reviews and has been extended until March 24th. You can purchase tickets for only $59 by using Special Offer code - DOTWC.
SEE DOT! USE SPECIAL OFFER CODE - DOTWC for $59 Tickets. Call 212-353-0303 or visit and put in the code. Ant and I love it! Colman Domingo,CHERINE ANDERSON, Richard E Pelzer II! THANKS FOR HAVING US OUT!
morehouse college glee club this SUNDAY in NYC

full circle
So honored to have been invited to be the Keynote Speaker for the 2012 NABJ Multimedia Short Course - a journalism boot-camp that attracts 30 or so college students from all over to receive intensive hands-on training at FAMU's School of Journalism & Graphic Communication (and its 100,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facility).
As I am one of the NABJ BABIES who just-over 20 years was introduced student opportunities the like of this one, you must know how excited I was to share my testimonial in front of these bright students and others of my NABJ colleagues who volunteered their time to teach.
And on top of that, I got the FULL CIRCLE honor of reuniting with the very woman who introduced me to NABJ in 1991 (circa my days at Morehouse and in the AUC - including Clark Atlanta University's Mass Media Arts Department from which I got much of my early training): Dr. Ann Wead Kimbrough, now-Dean of the FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communication (Twitter: @annkimbrough) and my "industry mom" with whom I also got to enjoy one-on-one catch-up time at one of Tallahassee's best restaurants Masa...
and after my speech, I got to enjoy a tour of Tallahassee and further catch-up time (on our families and mutual colleagues) at her beautiful home.
As I look back on my last 20 years, I'm so proud to continue my investment in the next generation of media professionals. NABJ continues to teach us well! (! Oh! Don't tell my Morehouse brothers, but the FAMU hosts made me an honorary "rattler"! LOL! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
THANKS FAMU for hosting me in EXCELLENCE!
My friends at the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation ( invited me to the African American Museum in Philadelphia, for cocktails; appetizers;
one-on-one chat time with Miss Ross' fellow Original Supreme, the FABULOUS Mary Wilson whose new exhibition, "Come See About Me: The Mary Wilson Supremes Collection" will run January 25-July 2013 at the African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP).
For more info:
The exhibit will include more than 30 gowns from the musical group but it will be about so much more:
· How the Supremes began to change the perception of black women in America in the 1960s and 70s
· Music of the era
· Fashion: the exhibit contains Supremes' wigs, jewelry, accessories, album covers, etc.
The exhibition is likely to strike a chord with baby boomers, fans of the music, mothers and daughters, etc. This is the first time this many gowns will be shown together, and in this social context-the empowerment of women and the breaking down of social barriers.
Mary shared many stories - including many of the Motown memories; sang beautifully one of her jazz staples "Here's To Life" a capella; played one of her new pop songs "Life's Been Good To Me" for us (after those many #1 hits piped through the sound system);
and once she and I sat down to talk, she asked if I'd send her my "...Life of Riley..." Blog entry. I assured her I'd get it to her AND blast it out to many friends who - I'm sure - will want to come see the exhibit with me next January 2013 - June 2013.
I'M SO GLAD I TOOK THE TIME TO 'COME SEE ABOUT (THE FABULOUS MISS MARY WILSON)'. Someday she, my beloved Diana, and Flo-Ballard-replacement Cindy Birdsong may NOT ever be together again. BUT like Miss Ross (a few times over), I'M THRILLED I GOT TO MEET HER!

Shout out to on-line health journalism camp “Young Savannah Voices” – directed by my fellow journalist and friend Tina A. Brown who I just ran into a couple of weeks ago at client, The Links, Incorporated’s National Assembly in Orlando. Soon after our reunion, Tina invited me to be a one-time Professional Skype Coach. I presented a workshop about “The Art of a Story” (As a Largo Tibet Elementary School; Derenne Middle School; and Windsor Forest High School alum, I get excited when I speak to folks from home!). Among other sharing, I got to speak on a health-related project on which I’ve worked in the last year with the AMERICAN STROKE ASSOCIATION.
In addition to being hired as VO talent for the sponsorship video (, I was hired to do the red carpet reporting for the association’s Spring APOLLO benefit 2011. It ran on GMC last summer as well: From the 'on-line health journalism' angle, it showed the students the many CELEBS who spoke on the red carpet about STROKE AWARENESS. ADDITIONALLY, the AMERICAN STROKE ASSOCIATION/AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION hired me to blog and testify about STROKE in my life and family: -AND-
. In addition to being a member of The Links, Tina is an author/lecturer. “Crooked Road Straight: The Awakening of AIDS Activist Linda Jordan” is her first book: I LOVE YOU, SAVANNAH! THANKS TINA! And to my new friends, THE YOUNG SAVANNAH VOICES: THANK YOU for your enthusiasm, great questions, and spot-on intellect!!!!
It's been a busy week - producing a special project for recurring client BET Creative Services. Glad my 'Amazing Grace' (I call her), Nichole Andrews Shellman, invited me out for a catch-up drink (She and I will soon be featured in a piece I wrote on 'gay men and their best girlfriends' that's due to drop on very soon). Ant and his BFF Manivone joined us at Therapy - also for light bites.
From there, Manivone and her man, Taha, convinced me to pop down to Clinton Hill, Brooklyn (to the 5 Spot - to join the Open Mic Wednesday Night.
I sang Maxwell's "This Woman's Work" and the FAB band didn't miss a beat.
Taha’s brother Adam and Denver buddy Chris were in the mix too. Great Wednesday which had me missing my ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT (but it was REALLY NICE with a HOT BAND! THANKS Y’ALL!).
For those new to ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT: We are currently looking to host another karaoke night in Harlem. As you know, we gave birth to ALL-STAR KARAOKE in August 2010 when NATIVE Restaurant asked me to HOST a karaoke night.
Hence, ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT was born! And we had a blast until our wrap back in June 2011 (last year). We are exploring new locales now. Our guest singers - on any given night - included: songstress Tichina Arnold;
R&B divas Alyson Williams & Monifah (SOON to be seen on TV ONE’s “R&B Divas” -;
actress Napiera Groves; the artist formerly known as TONEX, B. Slade; Mariah Carey's long-standing background singer Melony Daniels - an artist her own right; Broadway baby Brenda Braxton; singer/author David Nathan; FELA!s Kevin Mambo;
Paul Wharton ("Real Housewives of DC"); etc. WOULD LOVE TO CONTINUE that level of evening in addition to our regular karaoke lovers! Of course, the blog “A Day in the Life of Riley: pop culture & possibilities” has chronicled much of the ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT:
“A Day in the Life of Riley: pop culture & possibilities” welcomes Candice Harper to the blogosphere! She introduced Candy SEZ - Self-Esteem Zen for the Single City Girl last night (
She is now LIVE with 'Nistas, Alkaline Recipes, Ex-Con ex Boyfriends, and all kinds of Single City Girl STUFF! Candice’s favorite writing spot Astor Row Café hosted the well-appointed affair at which she read an article live, and auctioned off mini blow-ups of 'Nistas.
She also led a fundraiser for Girls Inc. – raising a few hundred dollars for that awesome cause. AND she presented the RED VELVET CANDIECAKES TOWER – comprised of delicious mini-cupcakes that we all enjoyed – including Sidra Smith, my Morehouse brother George Alexander, Ant, and a host of others. CONGRATS MISS CANDICE HARPER! WE LOVE YOU!See More
Shout out to my friend Ed Roebuck for inviting us out to his Long Branch, NJ family home for pool-side pleasantries.
Ern, Ant, and I went together and joined many friends – including Lemuel Adams; Lamoh Hicks; Dwight Ross; Monroe Shannon; David P. Martin; and several other great folks!
Ed’s producing and organizing expertise is often called on by only the greats – including Miss Nancy Wilson and Miss Diana Ross…and many around the pool can drop a name or few from their respective client lists as well.
“New Jack City” was recently the selection for movie night at Mara and Tommie’s Harlem pad.
Next select: “Boomerang”! On another day at Mara, Tommie, and their newborn Nina’s place, we were supposed to be celebrating Nina's mom Mara Schiavocampo's latest nod as 35 UNDER 35: YOUNG, BLACK, AMAZING in!1384763.
But once propped up by dad Tommie, Nina requested her own celebration in SONG c/o MOI! LOL! To the inspired melody of Lionel Richie’s “Truly”, I served accordingly:!/photo.php?v=4360775780176.
James Baldwin’s LEGACY continues beyond the wonderful experience I had to participate --- as narrator --- with the cast of Baldwin’s AMEN CORNER for PROJECT 1 VOICE ( My Morehouse brother CHARLES REESE is still out on the road with his unique literary performance book salon experience in honor of James Baldwin’s birthday celebration.
Presented by the National James Baldwin Literary Society on this FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2012 (STATION NORTH ARTS CAFE & GALLERY. 1816 North Charles Street. Baltimore, Maryland – from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. 410 625 6440., expect a great time. “JAMES BALDWIN A SOUL ON FIRE,” a book version of the critically-acclaimed Off Broadway short play by the late playwright and Emmy Award Nominee, Howard B. Simon (1962-2000) is now available at Edited and guided by the original Off-Broadway actor and DC native, Charles Reese with a special foreword by David Leeming (Baldwin’s Biographer and former secretary); and coupled with an afterword by original actor and Tony Award Nominee, Forrest McClendon (Scottsboro Boys). The book was published by Azaan Kamau/Glover Lane Press, an independent publisher.
The experience – including a copy of the book – is $20. There will be a lively conversation with some rare archival footage of the Off Broadway play and music. Reception immediately follows the book signing. Charles is also currently a series regular on the hit micro web comedy, "WHO" available only at For more information on Charles Reese and Book Salon, please email: or visit: and
During my days at Morehouse, I spent lots of time at Clark Atlanta University’s Mass Media Arts Department under the supervision of advisor/mentor/friend Ann Kimbrough. Over the years, we’ve stayed in close touch and – at a point – she became my ‘mother of the industry’ (and holding). She just recently snagged her Ph.D and has been named the Dean of the School of Journalism at FAMU. Though I’m sure we’ll celebrate, Dr. Kimbrough’s message to fellow classmates and AUC alums alike: “…YOU will be coming to Tallahassee to help the students!” And so it is… and will be! LOL!