Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in First Look (1)
first look and listen
I don’t have a link yet to show you, but I made my debut on MSNBC's "FIRST LOOK" which is anchored by my “Amazing Grace” and BFF Mara Schiavocampo who asked me to do a phoner with her on Beyonce’s Inauguration performance. At 5am, I was bright and alert to wax philosophical and conspiratorial on whether Beyonce lip-sync’d or not, and – if so – why? LOL!
In a paraphrased nutshell, our segment went like this:
ME: I'm not sure, but where there isn't a statement from Beyonce's camp, there are Instagram photos of her recording the song before the Inaugural performance. And there have been statements from the US Marine Band - noting that a performance track was prepared - at least by the band. Such preparations are par for the course for BIG LIVE EVENTS where conditions may not be singing-friendly - like Inauguration and the Super Bowl.
ME: The same kind of speculation and details presented themselves around the much-praised Whitney Houston who recorded a track (two, actually) prior to performing her memorable Superbowl performance of the national anthem in 1991 ( TWO MONTHS AFTER THAT PERFORMANCE, Whitney did a concert for the soldiers returning from the Gulf War (HBO)… and she – a capella and subsequently with live band – started off the concert with THE NATIONAL ANTHEM again --- maybe to subside the nay-sayers (and there were during that time). Either way, whether via the pre-recording or the performance (and subsequent performances), she SANG THAT SONG... and BRILLIANTLY SO!
ME: I say MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING… and what a perfect SPOTLIGHT for HATERS, right? That said, worth noting that – as BEYONCE prepares for the SUPERBOWL that her “DREAMGIRLS” muse DIANA ROSS sang LIVE for her SUPERBOWL HALFTIME SHOW in 1996…
in addition to being picked up on the field by a helicopter. FOR BEYONCE TO QUIET HER NAY-SAYERS, it may perhaps be necessary for her to have an UNDENIABLY LIVE moment in her set list for SUPERBOWL. I’M JUST SAYING! (
1. Can we firstly just say that Beyonce showed many of her peers how a DIVA does it yesterday: from the emerald earrings to the “oddly fierce” gesture at the end…as if to say I WAS HERE! (BY THE WAY: For a fabulous knock-off earring the like of Beyonce's 'emeralds', check out STELLA AND DOT ( They have the perfect pair! Green is the new color for the season! Check out JADE drop earrings at
2. Beyonce’s been here before. The year of Janet-Jackson nipple-gate, she performed the National Anthem – likely to similar effect. But all of that was dwarfed by Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. (
3. But in 2006, she and DC3 did a LIVE, a capella version at the NBA ALL-STAR GAME (not perfect but brilliant). So, she too – UNDENIABLY – has SUNG IT LIVE! (
4. To my naked ear, I really think it was a MIX of her LIVE voice blended with a PRE-RECORDED PERFORMANCE TRACK.
5. STILL, some singers still take the risk. Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor’s folks say they sang LIVE!
TWITTER: @FirstLookMSNBC #Beyonce lip-syncing controversy
BEYONCE ROCKS! BEYONCE RULES! GO BEYONCE! And so does Mara who has been instrumental in helping me keep my POP CULTURE ANALYSIS on…and popping! XO
Right after the segment above, I had to high-tail it to Laguardia Airport to get to Nashville for a shoot.
I’ve been traveling a lot of late. The rental car company gave me a BIG RED TRUCK a la “Sanford & Son”. I’VE NEVER DRIVEN A BIG TRUCK LIKE THAT!
First for everything! Went and did an interview and shot with my subject per the assignment from my Chicago client… and I hopped on a plane back home! I’ve been to Nashville many times but didn’t get any fun time in – except for a drive-thru fav fast food spot Krystal – a JONES of mine that’s become quite known:
My Charlotte-based, childhood friend Bernadette Young sent me this as she was paging through a recent issue of UPTOWN Magazine (Charlotte edition). Angela Bronner Helm got my Savannah peeps peeping me!!
Recent assignments have put me in front of some FAB company: Drew Barrymore who I got to interview on one day and the author Ayana Mathis whose book “The 12 Tribes of Hattie” is BELOVED by many!
Work – overall – has been great as I’ve also just wrapped producing a tribute video for the National Association of Television Programming Executives (NATPE).
BET’s own Chairman and CEO Debra Lee is being honored with the Brandon Tartikoff Legacy Award in Miami next week!
Total honor to work on the video and CONGRATS, DEBRA LEE!
She is responsible for BET's impressive success of late - including "The Game".
Also on tap: new, original program "Real Husbands of Hollywood" which has started off as quite the NEW HIT!
As I told you when referencing “Hearts of Gold” Charity benefit (, Rémy Martin® is a recurring client.
I was excited to connect Rémy with the National Association of Black Journalists whose new Hall of Fame inductees received special premiums for their many jobs well done. As we are exploring other synergies, an opportunity came to me to see if Rémy would want to partner with “The Steve Harvey Show” to host a birthday toast for its host on the set of his show. AND VOILA!
It all happened with the help of the awesome Rémy team. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE HARVEY! I've had the chance to host a half dozen "Disney Dreamers Academy" events at the National Associaton of Black Journalists' Convention (for which I am Immediate Past Chair of its Arts & Entertainment Task Force)… and I even got to share the stage with Mr. Harvey in Las Vegas:
This past year, I was a guest of Disney at the "Disney Dreamers Academy" ( With this additional synergy (and Steve Harvey being so impressed with the setup and class of Rémy Cointreau), we’re told he wants to explore other synergies! AWESOME, STEVE!
Remember I told you how GMC presented “Trinity Goodheart” at NABJ Philly a couple of years ago!? Well, it was written by my friend Rhonda Freeman-Baraka, a Marietta, Georgia-based screenwriter with NABJ roots! Rhonda really got her start as a college student at Talladega College AND with NABJ. As a college junior, she was chosen as NABJʼs first William Monroe Trotter intern. During the summer of 1983, she spent 10 weeks working at the National Leader newspaper in Philadelphia where she contributed several stories including a cover story on black mayors.
Prior to transitioning into film, Rhonda spent many years as a journalist, starting her own magazine, TAFRIJA and subsequently writing for Billboard Magazine,, Creative Loafing and a host of other music and entertainment outlets (That’s when I met her). When Rhonda spoke at NABJ in Philly, her first film, “Pastor Brown,” was slated for a DVD release in 2012.
And now her “Pastor Brown” is slated to air Black History Month on Lifetime ( The film follows a young woman (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) who returns home to take over as pastor of the family church, after her father’s death. She is forced to face her sordid past and mend fences with her son and sister. It premieres Saturday, February 16 at 8pm/eastern ( GO RHONDA...
and several other friends associated with this project: PASTOR BROWN is my friend and Morehouse brother Rockmond Dunbar's directorial debut! Also in the mix: Salli Richardson-Whitfield and my BFFs identical twin Tasha Smith.
ALSO WORTH NOTING that my Morehouse brother Korey Washington ---- one of my FIRST production colleagues from our SCHOOL DAZE ---- is the production designer on "Pastor Brown". Like Rockmond, Korey and I shared great times at The House. Korey is a production designer of note in the industry. His latest credits include: production designer for the TV-One sitcom "Belle's" which is premiering Feb 1st and starring Keith David - also in "Pastor Brown" ( Rockmond and Korey first worked together on my friend Malcolm Jamal's film "Dirty Laundry" about which I've chatted a lot on "...The Life of Riley..." ( Korey was the Art Director and Production Designer on that film (and my friend Nathan Hale Williams was a producer on it). Also, Korey was the production designer on "The Shaquille O'neal All Star Comedy Jam" on Showtime. And in the world of theatre, Korey has been tapped as Set Designer for Alabama State University's spring production of The Color Purple, which has performances during March. Theatre is Korey's first love and - along with other uses of the stage - the backdrop of how we first came to collaborate in many of Morehouse and Spelman's productions as well as our world-wide participation in the Morehouse College Glee Club. I LOVE when the already small world we are in gets smaller and all of our connectedness is so vibrantly represented in this industry - holding up quite resilliently, I'd say! CONGRATS to ALL!
Of course, this blog details how much I love DIANA ROSS! This space also provides a lot of evidence that I LOVE Tony-award-winning performer LACHANZE (for many reasons – including her “The Color Purple” premiere is the night Ant and I met, among many others).
Well, that fact that she just sent me a note to let me know that she is preparing for her next concert (and I came up as she and her team were discussing the set-list and theme, which is... WAIT FOR IT… "Love Hangover.. A Celebration of the music of Diana Ross"! WOW, right? LACHANZE is doing THREE nights in April at 54 Below. Stay tuned for ticket information:
LACHANZE said “knowing she’s your girl, I just had to share this with you. I'm so inspired and pumped up about it, I don't know what to do…” Of course, I’ll be letting her know my thoughts as I’m ever-the-expert-and-admirer when it comes to LA ROSS! LACHANZE went on to say “… I LOVE HER! And while so many other legends have been celebrated, I can't think of one honoring her…” I LOVE IT!
Some yummy food has been attracting me of late: Famous Fish Market in Harlem on 145th and St. Nick….
by way of O’Hare Airport in Chicago, "Mighty Wings" (with fries and a sweet tea) from McDonald’s…
on a catch up with my nephew Herman, “Melba”!
and in Iowa, some tasty pizza from “The Mill” with my crew ---- NONE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED AT THE EXPENSE OF MY 29-INCH WAIST SINCE HIGH SCHOOL! LOL!