Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Jason Lee (1)
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Y'all know in 2009 when a lot less was happening for us journalists out here (READ: down-sizings; lay-offs; etc.), I checked in with some of my fellow journalists on whether I should accept a summer, freelance gig from Dubose Entertainment to field and story produce "Monica: Still Standing" ( & "Frankie & Neffe" (
They all said "YES! DO IT!" And I did. As a result, my 2009 had me living out of suitcases and - in large doses - living in ATL & L.A. for upwards of a year. Though often I was put up and pampered accordingly at the TWELVE Atlantic Station/ATL and/or the Crescent Beverly Hills/LA, I also was working harder than I've ever worked in my career, even as a local TV reporter - chasing fires, homicides, etc. [TRY CHASING FRANKIE and hear my cry! LOL!].
Once it all wrapped, I landed back into my life in NYC, but always wondered how Frankie, my Dubose fam, and Keyshia were doing. Coincidentally, one of my BFFs since high school Maurice Marable, who has been most instrumental in my freelance work load here in NYC, brought me into BET Creative Services division to consult and work on the show-open for "Keyshia & Daniel: Family First", she and her husband's new BET reality show.
Full circle moment presents itself that on the week I'm assigned that project, my friend Bevy Smith invites me to "Geffen/Interscope Presents "Cocktails W/Bevy" in honor of KEYSHIA COLE: WOMAN TO WOMAN".
I get the chance to catch up with Keyshia (She says Frankie is doing well.); I meet her husband Daniel, who is a cool and responsible cat (interested in talking to young brothers about responsibility); and I get the chance to reconnect with my boss in 2009, James Dubose, who was such a great boss when we worked together to create two of BET's top 3 reality debuts for the network.
In addition to Keyshia and Daniel's show, he's got new music coming out - including TWEET's comeback CD. Also, it was great to see so many of my FAB journalism and society friends - poolside at Jimmy's at The James Hotel in SOHO (including: Angela Bronner Helm; Michaela Angela Davis; Marcia Cole; Cori Murray; Mimi Valdes; NYABJ Prez Mike Feeney; etc. Beautiful EVENING!
Shout out to Angela Bronner Helm for my shout out in UPTOWN Magazine!
Caption: "NABJ-ing it on the late night with media rock stars Mara Schiavocampo and Patrick Riley!"
Look who I ran into the other day in NYC: Stevie J from Love & HipHop Atlanta. Contrary to the televised antics with Mimi and Joseline, he was really cool, nice, and present during our brief exchange.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and CONGRATS to Burgers & Bourbon with BJ Coleman! Fun times CELEBRATING with the hilarious, MISS LUENELL;
Dentist for many DIVAS, Dr. Catrise L. Austin; PR GURU Theo Perry; “Jones”-mag’s social-nisto Carlton Jared Lockett; Mr. Fashion, Walter Greene; Deeon; Ant; MR. NV Kyle Donovan; etc.
Popped by No Parking Bar en route home last night! Spanish-Language Media Strategist for GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Brian Pacheco presented a preview of his documentary on being gay in L.A.
Then, stumbled into Jason Lee whose is all the rage. Jason produced the Kelly Price event Whitney attended just before she passed away. As Jason just celebrated a birthday, NO PARKING's karaoke came in handy!
My friend from BET Keyon Williams AKA DJ ILLAH is hosting a FUN 2-FOR-1 THURSDAYS event at RED MOON AT NIGHT HOTEL – TIMES SQUARE.
IT GOES FROM 6:30PM-10:30PM. And proved the perfect spot for my colleagues from BET’s Creative Services division and me to unwind as our busy week’s come to an end.
We toasted Miss Hershelle’s birthday this week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOO!
There's always something popping in Harlem. Recently, I popped by Red Rooster for reggae and to say HI to my girlfriend Sidra Smith (ALOHA!) and my favorite journalist friend Jamie Foster Brown of “Sister 2 Sister” fame.
Also in the house: my boy Jamar Dunn; my girl Marva Hicks; her beau; one of her BFFs Jackee; and friend Dianne Smith, Harlem artist who just got her MFA (Congrats, Dianne!); Miss Beverly and Mr. Matt Morgan, a pair of BFFs who – after my piece ran last week: – say they were reminded they missed the deadline for my initial book proposal (circa 2006), but now have re-committed to be in the mix as I explore the next phase of that effort.
CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR & SHARE THEIR STORY! I promised myself a helping of Sylvia’s banana pudding…and after the optional fried chicken, collard greens, and potato salad, I made good on that promise. RIP SYLVIA!
My boy Kevin "Moochie" Freeman (about whom I've written for his cameos in "Real Housewives of Atlanta") recently made his “stand-up” debut at Gotham Comedy!
He was wonderful! Many of us came out to support and toast him afterwards at BBQ. CONGRATS, KEVIN! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!
Teresa Horne Ayers is one of my sister's BFFs from her mid-'80s college days at Clark College (before CAU). She is now a Personal & Professional Life Coach and offers these special words of encouragement which I'm excited to share with you: "There are times when the burden of doubt and fear comes with fame… Who do you trust, are you good enough, attractive enough, do you leap too soon, will your fans like you this time… Also, sometimes in the entertainment industry you can feel like you don’t belong and you are In this life alone… even with the noise of the crowd, at times life can be so lonely… even though you know people depend on you for their joy, happiness and encouragement… and this part
Of you is scary… in your relationships and real life fulfillment. At the next challenge level these same questions of fear and doubt can arise whenever you step Into your next level of greatness. I help by liberating you from a life dictated by fear, doubt and anxiety back to your greatness, goodness and bravery that’s always there to see you through the rough spots, to get back to your sweet spot of happy success. Simply put I give you a private, confidential space to “Ayers It Out” by venting whatever the heck is bothering you, so you don’t take it with you the rest of your day. If you or someone you know can benefit from my service, please refer them for a free consultation to see if we’re a good fit INSPIRATION & ANGELS EVERYWHERE!
SUNDAE SERMON - as always - was a BLAST!