Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in MONICA (10)
Still Expanding
You folks know I got to FIELD PRODUCE MONICA: STILL STANDING for Dubose Productions and BET back in 2009! We shot in ATLANTA. Did post in L.A. BIG BET HIT! And MONICA was a JOY THROUGH IT ALL!
Imagine my EXCITEMENT when Ant told me hed’d booked MONICA for a HELLO BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS EVENT promoting her NEW CD: CODE RED!
(Ant curates, books, and helps produce events at MIST HARLEM (including my All Star Karaoke Birthday Brunch:
Well, upon show day, Ant called to tell me that MONICA insisted I come by and SAY HI because she hadn’t seen me in YEARS.
This, though Ant alerted her I had ALL STAR KARAOKE at the same time.
We met early enough for me to get some CATCH UP TIME with MONICA before I headed over to BILLIE’S BLACK! Got to get MONICA’s #1 FAN, my nephew Herman, in the mix as well as some of our other buddies! **FIND MONICA ONLINE**
#mistharlem #billiesblack #monicacodered#codered #monica #monicastillstanding#allstarkaraoke #missjessies #shennavaughn
#Monica #CodeRED #TheCodeREDExperienceTour#HelloBeautiful #MistHarlem #shoonailpolish
1. We have two more Tuesdays left on All Star Karaoke at Billie's Black, though Tuesday, December 22nd, I'll be in Savannah with my FAM! IF YOU ARE IN TOWN, please join Bernice!
3. SEASON FOUR has been OFF THE CHARTS! LAST NIGHT we had the opportunity to share our night's featured sponsor SHOO NAIL POLISH; NAACP Image Award Nominated Producer Sidra Smith ("Free Angela") who brought esteemed Director of Photography JB Letchinger who DPd the critically - acclaimed short film A LUV TALE Sid directed...
and will be doing a run of screenings of that cinematic gem in 2016. Check him out at: Insta is @jbsnaps312.
ALSO IN THE HOUSE: SPECIAL GUEST Victoria Pannell - star subject of our All Star Karaoke producer Bernice Wooden's short doc for which she just launched an Indiegogo campaign:
PLUS, you have the rest of DECEMBER to experience the beautiful work of Contemporary Artist Shenna Vaughn who is artist-in-residence at Billie's Black for December 2015 - presented by ALL STAR KARAOKE. Reservations are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: 212.280.2248.
4. Dr. Ian Smith dropped by recently:
5. Miss Robbie and Tim from OWN's "Welcome to Sweetie Pie's" came by for my birthday:
6. And NBA CHAMP Josh Powell, who when he came at the top of the season, joined me on our weekly #THEBOSSCHOIR MOMENT!
7. PLUS, we always do #THEBOSS:! SO MUCH FUN!
Bittersweet weekend:I lost my mom in 1994. And so many of our family pillars and pioneers have left us. Makes me uber-nostalgic and sometimes blue.
I LOVE MY FAMILY SO MUCH! And FAMILY - to me, including all of that - is EVERYTHING. And when the SOUND ALARMS, we JUMP! AND HIGH!
I'm just back from a trip from hell to get to hometown of Savannah to say FAREWELL to my father's sister, my AMAZING AUNT Goldie Beatrice Riley Mars:
Counting among my blessings on this quick trip: spending quality time with FAM - first time my two siblings and I have stayed in our childhood home in decades;
a part one tour of pictures and photo albums from our childhood (part two goes down during Christmas);
a late Sunday meal at Outback Steakhouse with dad and his wife Diana; a hometown-style stumble into BFF Nat's parents, the Shinhosters;
an ANT CIZE sighting on dad's TV in my childhood home! Lol!; and the HIGHLIGHT OF HIGHLIGHTS – especially after I missed my flight and was delayed by NINE HOURS, I arrived at the Savannah airport to what I thought was my sister picking me up. After we hugged, she turned me around to ALMOST 20 OF MY COUSINS, my nephew, my brother --- ALL THERE TO GREET ME and say IT’S OKAY that you missed Aunt Goldie’s funeral. “You’re here now…and we’re all together,” they offered me to off-set my frustration and disappointment. Love my FAMILY!.... Xoxoxoxo
p.s. As I'd just returned from saying FAREWELL to my beloved Aunt Beatrice Riley Mars this past weekend in Savannah, I had to jump into the week's demands - including preps for Billie's Black presents ALL STAR KARAOKE with Patrick L. Riley and a meet-and-greet with my former client and boss circa 2009: MONICA beforehand.
En route, word that my first cousin Cathy Everett passed away.
The show(s) had to go on, but I had to take a moment to honor them: MEMORY, LEGACY, and ENDLESS LOVE:
Special TRIBUTE to my AUNT GOLDIE: My cup of LIFE runneth over with AMAZING AUNTS and I SPEAK ALL OF THEIR NAMES:
Mom’s only sister and sibling, Auntee Mary Lee; and two of my Dad’s sisters Charlie May Riley Arvinger and Dorothy Lee Riley Ponder. And then there’s their baby sister GOLDIE BEATRICE MARS. AUNT GOLDIE we call her!
She passed away yesterday morning… and I’m FULL of TEARS for ALL SHE’S BEEN TO ME; her beautiful, extended family; and the members of the family from which we come: THE RILEYS. I’m FULL of JOY for the MANY LAUGHS she presented – informing my own humorous gene and entertaining family gatherings since the beginning of my time.
I’m FULL of GRATITUDE for the open-ended generosity she bestowed upon my cousins, siblings, and me – from birthday cards with money in them to care packages to those of us who went off to college or to the military or just away from home (and can I tell you that the contents of Cinammon Rolls and other sweet goodies that came from AUNT GOLDIE made them the best care packages EVER!).
I am also TOO FULL to say much more without window-shield wipers for my weepy eyes and an interpreter to appraise what I have been trying to say from being choked up! But RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW – though virtually so – I SPEAK THE NAME OF: GOLDIE BEATRICE MARS – one of MY PERSONAL LEGENDS who made such a BIG DIFFERENCE in my life – simply for showing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and COUNTLESS JOY that – though she’s dead now – will NEVER DIE!
It will LIVE FOREVER as will my ENDLESS LOVE for AUNT GOLDIE! A FACEBOOK FRIEND once wrote this to me about one of the many holiday pictures I’ve shared of AUNT GOLDIE and me over the years. The poster writes: “Patrick, you take incredible photos constantly, but this one with this precious lady in red [AUNT GOLDIE], she looks like the description of what "love" means. An incredible treasure, I'm sure. I would love to have someone that made me feel that strong sense of "home and family": INDEED. And AMEN!
1. SHOUT OUT to GMA Correspondent Mara Schiavocampo and her hubby Tommie Porter for a FAB tree-trimming set that kicked off the HOLIDAY PARTY SEASON! Plus, we toasted Ant's and my 10TH ANNIVERSARY together!
2. From there FAB FETE to MISS JESSIE'S! Was really excited to celebrate THE HOLIDAYS with friend and CEO/Co-Founder of MISS JESSIE'S, MIKO BRANCH, a CLASS ACT and endearingly known by me as #THEBOSS!
So glad our year of partnership has been a major success - from Billie's Black presents All Star Karaoke with Patrick L. Riley to#NABJ40 to #TITIBRANCH TRIBUTE:, it has been a blessing to consult with MISS JESSIE's on select bookings and press; donation opportunities; and appearances… and have the village that has very much been a part of this movement in the house: Derrick Hemphill, Bernice Wooden, Carl Nelson, Lamar Johnson, Shenna Vaughn, and more! BEST TO YOU AND YOURS DURING THESE HOLIDAYS AND IN THE YEAR TO COME! We're looking to 2016 for more WIN-WIN WORK! #missjessies #happyholidays#allstarkaraoke #billiesblack
3. My SIDRA then threw her own tree-trimming set at her home! AGAIN, a well-curated guest list of our NEW YORK CITY family!
SIDRA is the HOSTESS with the MOST!
1. MOTHER COURAGE: Shout out to Walk Tall Girl Production's own Marcia Pendelton for inviting me out for the first preview of MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN -#CSMOTHERCOURAGE - in previews at Classic Stage Company on 13th Street between 3rd Ave and 4th Ave.
It opens top of Jan 2016 and currently runs through end of Jan. Stay tuned via @classicstage. Discount Code for over 40% off: MC35. MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN starsTony Award winner TONYA PINKINS, who as always, is AWESOME! But I'd be remiss if I didn't hip you that Broadway Fela's own Kevin Mambo and Cosby Show's Elvin - as in Sondra Huxtable's husband and father of Nelson and Winnie: Geoffrey Owens are but two SHINING performers in this play with music's stellar cast. RUN! DON'T experience MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN!
2. THE HATEFUL EIGHT: SHOOT 'EM UP BANG BANGs are not my favorite genre of film. Yet, THE HATEFUL EIGHT is the 8TH FILM I've seen by renowned filmmaker QUENTIN TARANTINO because the mashup of cinematic genius and mad man wonder that has become his signature is just hard to resist experiencing - at least once. True to form, this flick stars my Morehouse brother Samuel Jackson who wasn't in the house for last night's PREMIERE at The Ziegfeld Theater (Filming in Hawaii, I believe they said). Still, the other SEVEN of the EIGHT HATEFULS were in the house - including KURT RUSSELL! CHANNING TATUM is featured in the project as well - exclusively presented in 70MM, which makes the experience even more than 3-D! NOTWITHSTANDING ad nauseum inclusion of the N-WORD ----- a TARANTINO staple ----- I did manage to stay awake and - overall - enjoy the OVER THREE HOUR FLICK, which has an OVERTURE and an INTERMISSION.
GREAT WAY TO EXPERIENCE IT ALL - and with Ant and Miss Flo Anthony nearby as well as Arise Entertainment 360 colleague Shannon Lanier, what was there to do but eat that free popcorn and Coke (and Peanut M&Ms)... and YOU SHOULD EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF: THE HATEFUL EIGHT is being released in North America on Christmas Day, EXCLUSIVELY in theaters equipped to project 70MM FILM. This MOVIE PALACE EXPERIENCE will live again in 98 theaters with an exclusive roadshow in the largest 70mm release in over 20 years. ENJOY, FOLKS! #THEHATEFULEIGHT #HATEFUL8#QUENTINTARANTINO #THENWORD
3. STREET TALK: You folks know I’m helping the producers over at Wendy Williams produce Metro PCS STREET TALK. Our first installment for the season was Thanksgiving. Take a look at it here: Our December Holiday edition is out this week. ENJOY! LINK:
I was invited this week to join Sister Jenna on the America Meditating Radio Show. Wonderful synergy!
The interview broadcast this morning at 8 am ET and remains available via this link: Though we spoke via the lens of SPIRITUALITY, I did mention some of my latest freelance work. GREAT INTERVIEW!

My first assignment for 2012 required I hit the ground running in L.A. for recurring client BET!
In addition to producing TONY ROCK on the red carpet at the new-season premiere party of "The Game" & "Let's Stay Together" (, I too interviewed the cast members and their Hollywood friends at the casino-style after party - excerpts from which will run on BET through the night the show premieres. Both casts were so gracious.
And I really enjoyed meeting some of the "Let's Stay Together" 'folks.
Don't forget to watch both hit shows Tuesday, January 10th at 10pm/eastern...and every Tuesday after that!
MEANWHILE, while in L.A., I got the chance to see one of LA's installments of FELA! (attended also by my industry buddy Tichina Arnold who discovered I was there during intermission...and what a FUN reunion that was as we normally see each other in NYC! ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE HER!).
Outside my temp digs for the week, The Hotel Roosevelt, I went on an errand down the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
While snapping my favorites, I stumbled into NABJ/AABJ (black journalist) mentor Vic Carter - in town on business.
Small world, huh? And though work kept me most occupied through most of my time in L.A., I did manage to see some friends - albeit too briefly:
Itika T. Oldwine; Derek Lafayette;
V Scott Hamilton; Stacey Antonio; Will Miller;
Jocelyn R Coleman;
Melora Rivera (who brought me my biggest surprise. I produced her mom, FOX 5 Atlanta anchor Amanda Davis in the mid-'90s on "Good Day Atlanta". After our newscast, I'd take Melora -- in 4th grade or less at the time - to school while her mom did teases for the NOON newscast which she also anchored. I'd take Melora to Chick-fil-a for a breakfast sandwich and drop her off to her school before I'd head back to either help write the NOON news or before I'd head home. Melora is now a WOMAN and working in Hollywood for my friend Salim Akil. CONGRATS, MELORA...and I'll be looking for your cameo in "Sparkle". MUCH LOVE TO YOU --- and your mom. HAPPY TO BE BACK IN TOUCH!); Zabrina Horton;
Loren Lillian;
TheQuan Lateef;
and a host of others that remind me I have some awesome friends who I consider family in L.A. not to mention my BFF (from high school) Maurice Marable who brought me on to do this gig for BET.
Was great to hang out with Mo and Mrs. Karen Good Marable, who - of course - is quite a joy.
Oh! One person I actually met for the first time and have adored from RuPaul's Drag Race (a recurring diva): Shangela Laquifa Wadley.
He will be featured on "Toddlers & Tiaras" - dropping the science of being fierce on the little ones. LOL! GO! THANKS L.A. & BET!
And special shout out to my friends Mara Brock-Akil and Salim Akil for creating "The Game" and continuing to take their Hollywood game to the next level: Look for their "SPARKLE" remake in August of this year!
I had to get back from L.A. on a red-eye that got me back to NYC Sunday morning because industry buddy Myrdith Leon-McCormack invited me to be shot by photographer extraordinaire Frank Ishman (
Frank also happens to be my Morehouse brother.
The shoot is a part of a collective campaign that features portraits and brief write-ups on each participant’s legacy.
Today, Artist/Philanthropist Danny Simmons; WNBC’s Kym Hampton;
film director Dominga Martin; and FFAWN philanthropist Latonya Blige were shot.
Also in the house: Justiin Davis (HBO Boardwalk Empire):
And a special shout out to THE GLAM SQUAD: Makeup-- Francesca B;
Hair---Moet Stewart;
Stylist--Janine Linton!
On the eve of New Year’s Eve, some friends did inspire me to come out and play (amidst a week of partial-work & partial-relaxation). NYC friend Sharon Nelson and her family hosted a holiday gathering which allowed me to toast some near and dear for the season: Carl Nelson;
ABC 7 Anchor/Reporter Sandra Bookman (industry buddy from our Atlanta days); Gilda Squire; Marie Raxy; etc.
Then, a pop down to Snack Dragon to hang with BFFs Jamar Dunn; Ryan T Hall; and Ryan’s cool-EST mom Donna.
She proved herself a stellar vocalist as we found a little karaoke to get into, after enjoying delicious tacos and sangria.
Our hosts Cindy and John threw an awesome HAPPY NEW YEAR set! We had a BLAST! HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!
Christmas in my hometown of Savannah with family and friends!
And a dose of Atlanta makes it all right for the holidays! XO Here are more pix:
P.S. R-I-P
You may recall that while I was in L.A. - post-producing "Monica", I got to see the L.A. premiere of the documentary Kodjoe was working on before he died. I found out while I was in L.A. -- as I was going to see FELA in L.A. at the Ahmanson Theater - right next door to where Claudia's film screened that September in 2009: & - we found out that Claudia passed away.
Her awarding-winning work as a producer with ABC, NBC and PBS has made her a recipient of numerous awards including 11 Emmys, a duPont and a Peabody.
Here is a beautiful tribute written by David Guilbault, a former ABC executive producer, who worked with her on her important HIV/AIDS documentary "Why Us? Dying and Left Behind" (after Kodjoe passed away in March 2005: Claudia will be missed but her legacy lives on.

For my blog readers, you know that Chicago has been a recurring backdrop in “… the life of Riley…” since the beginning of my writing in this forum… and well before. But here’s the proof:
Well, fate has led me back to The Windy City which has nourished me professionally and personally. There are folks here – like my Morehouse best friend Eddie – who I’ve known since college. On this trip, I stumbled into someone my whole family has known since the mid-70s.
And there is a long list of associates who I respect and hold dear alongside a short list of close friends who feel like family. It’s been over a year since I’ve been available to accept a Chicago-based assignment as I spent the lion’s share of my 2009 in Atlanta and L.A. And the top of this year blessed me with home-based work in New York City. But just as those local projects wrapped up (giving me room to re-fuel and re-connect with Ant who held down the home front with his work on ‘The Wendy Williams Show’), a call for a month-and-change of work came my way a la Chicago.
So, here I am. And I must say it’s been just long enough that I had no problem being displaced yet again from home. This is what the freelance world requires. From whom much is given (in the way of the freedoms that independent client-work can bring), much is required (meaning you must sometimes chase those checks wherever they are being written). And as I always approach the challenges of being on the road with a focus on quality of life, I’m so blessed to have folks in my life who are excited to be on that ride with me.
Each and every day of my time here in Chicago was chockfull of work – from conducting interviews; field producing shoots; scripting; screening tons of tape; supervising edits; designing graphics and other concepts; etc… and I have loved every single minute of it.
But after the long-in-the-tooth days are done, I commit to reconnect socially and spiritually with the aforementioned friends and family. And what a time we are having.
My Morehouse BFF Eddie & I had a great catch-up at Cheesecake Factory on Michigan Ave (
Speaking of Morehouse, who is the proudest uncle ever? While here in Chicago, my Savannah home girl and Spelman sister was the first to send me the news that an Atlanta Journal Constitution article in which my nephew was quoted had hit the newsstands.
My nephew Herman Riley is a graduating senior from my alma mater Morehouse (Ant and I will be there to celebrate him in mid-May): The story celebrates the necessary enterprise required for this crop of students to attract work their way inside this national recession. My nephew has landed a gig as a marketing analyst in my current home of New York City where he will be working for a Fortune 500 company. I AM SO PROUD!!!
My work friends Ki-Ki, Ti-Ti, and Lesia have grown – in my heart – to sister status! So, I – of course – spent lots of time with them. It turns out that Ki-Ki and I have friends in common around whom we’ve never spent time together. Her Howard U classmate Shaniqua is a TV anchor and reporter in Seattle. I know her from the National Association of Black Journalists through former-fellow-Board member Jala with whom I’ve bonded over the years via many a career and personal high & low. And we both are STILL STANDING!
We were supposed to go to Zapatista ( but the line was too long. Instead, we settled on an underwhelming alternative: Utopia International Caribbean Cuisine Restaurant.
And though work friend Scott (who used to work with Shaniqua) and I made the best of our catfish dish, it was the fellowship and laughter that reigned supreme at this meal.
Jakki gave me my first glimpse of her son Nicholas (She’s gotten married and had a baby since I’ve last been in Chicago. WOW!).
Jala showcased her newborn Phoenix Rose, a debut that I knew nothing about until this little beauty did a catwalk (via her carriage) into the restaurant.
And Eddie even popped by with our Listening Experience girlfriend Althea before they went to a jazz show. After this dinner and after their show, they invited me to join them at Marche for more chatting and chewing ( And Miss Ti-Ti and Lesia who had just seen Tyler Perry's latest play “Madea’s One Big Happy Family” ( – a first for Lesia – stopped by and joined us as well (You’ll recall, I saw the piece when it came to NYC a few months ago).
The next night, my Ti-Ti took me to Flatwater Restaurant ( - smack dab on the river - which morphs into a Saturday night set with cool people, bottle service, and an awesome mix of music for the steppers out there. We enjoyed that night which segued the following day (Sunday) into a rooftop cookout at one of Downtown Chicago's fab rooftops – both inside a birthday extravaganza for one of girlfriend’s boyfriends.
Her buddies became my buddies - from Brian to Alpha, and I also got reacquainted with one of Neyo's producers Askia Fountain who I met at Neyo's compound last summer in ATL while I was field and story producing "Monica: Still Standing". Afterwards, some of us went to Mercadito ( for supper. FUN TIMES in Chi!
My 'brother friend' Chicago Carl & I finally got to hang out after I'd been here working for a week. Not sure why it took so long for us to hang out. But we made up for it. On our first hang, we went to REPUBLIC for a showcase of male and female entertainers - including one who performed - of course - Monica's current #1: "Everything to Me" (with a preamble of the JD/B. Cox power ballad "Love All Over Me"):
But of course, there's nothing like the real thing. Did you see Monica on "The Wendy Williams Show"? WOW!
Ant got to say HI to she and her cousin/manager Melinda during that informative visit - including some tea on her participation as a bridesmaid in Tiny and T.I.s upcoming nuptials (
Back to Chicago: Carl – a hairstylist of note here in Chi-town – also takes care of me in the way of ensuring I’m comfortable and accommodated inside my grooming needs. Too, he want to make sure I am not left to my homesick blues (being away from Ant and all. I mean, there’s only so much Diana on YOU TUBE I can click on to cheer me up or sulk in my sadness, though it often helps: ).
Carl also makes sure I get my hair cut and manicures & pedicures (as the budget allows). I know I'm bald, but getting my haircut when I'm on long stretches in Chicago is key a la this past blog entry from a couple of years ago: And Chicago Carl always comes through - this time taking me to Derrick Sibley at TIMEOUT AT SHANNON'S (
I love the shop and the energy inside of it. The folks have lots to say about pop culture & politics. And since I’m not shy, I chimed right on in – defending Ant’s and my latest favorite Tyler Perry’s “Why Did I Get Married Too?” ( from the second I got in the chair… during the haircut… and after! It wasn’t everybody’s cup of tea, I understand.
On one night (after a long day of work in edit), Carl took me to PLUSH ( It was quite the scene as Carl’s and my mutual friend Vince (whose partner Earl is one of Tyra’s glam squad folks) surprised me per Carl’s orchestration.
But there’s one surprise that Carl didn’t even know he was choreographing. As we were enjoying our comfort food and a cocktail or two – talking to our neighboring diners General and David (fast friends), one of Carl’s clients Tameka came in along with a group of ladies and her husband.
None of us counted on her husband Daniel knowing me, but he did and guess from where and when? His family The Weathersbys and my family – The Rileys – were stationed together in San Bernadino, CA at Norton Air Force Base in the mid-to-late ‘70s. And though we’ve not seen each other since 1978 when my father got re-assigned to Warner Robbins Air Force Base near he and my mom’s childhood home in Savannah, Georgia.
Family-to-family (mostly parents-to-parents), we’ve all stayed in touch (a la annual Christmas cards), but the kids really haven’t until FACEBOOK brought many of us back together over the last year.
So much so, we’ve seen our ‘adult’ selves in many a FACEBOOK picture. And that is how he recognized me… and WHAT A GREAT REUNION IT WAS! SMALL WORLD, shrinking everyday! (Ironically, I lost my camera again – a sickness I have: and - inclusive of the pix I took of Daniel, Tameka, and me; fortunately, it was in the lost-and-found at PLUSH when I went back the following day).
On another evening, Itika took me to a screening of Russell Crowe’s latest film “Robin Hood” ( Not really my genre of film, but a date with Itika wins every time – especially when we went to join her friends Su, Reza, and others for cocktails at The Trump International Hotel & Tower's Rebar ( This crew and I got along splendidly and I hope to see them soon as they promised to take me to dinner – limo service to boot. Stay tuned.
Houston’s Restaurant is Ant’s and my favorite. After it left Downtown Chicago, I took on J. Alexander as a close 2nd. So, Chicago Carl chauffeured me to my staple: prime rib, baked potato, those tasty croissants, and a kir royale the other night! Perfect Friday meal before I got a good night of shut eye after a long day and week.
Though I had to work a little the next day (Saturday), I segued to my Ki-Ki's Chicago home to wrap my brain around the reality that she is somebody's mother and wife. Her kid Nicholas is 1 year old. And I got the luxury of celebrating his 1st birthday with the little man... and his parents - MRS. Jakki and hubby Duane. WHAT A BLESSING!
Here Nicholas Ali poses with his mother (right) and her work friend (and mine) Sharvo.
Of course, the lovely Miss Ti-Ti had to get in the picture (to the left... to the left...).
And at a point, he gave his Uncle Rollo and Auntee Peaches some shine ( That’s Itika and me. Inside joke! LOL!).
This, before opening his gifts. He got lots and lots of clothes a la Polo, Puma, etc. as he comes from the stock of label-aficionados (for sure, his mother. SMILE!). But I got him a big ol’ dog from the Disney store.
He also is getting ready to get his literacy on with some of the classics – including Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” and “Green Eggs and Ham”. GREAT TIMES as the adults enjoyed Ki-Ki’s pasta with fresh pesto along with a well-appointed spread of elegant-yet-hearty appetizers! I joked (kinda) that I wanted some fried chicken wings and potato salad as I am a simple boy with a simple palate from Savannah, Georgia. Her husband Duane echoed my sentiment – proving ourselves kindred as we were meeting for the first time. As a make good, he promises me some fried catfish on a return visit. HEY! LOL!
After a Sunday of screening tape, Chi Carl got me out to play. We did a drive by This Is It hair salon on the West Side to see Pierre & Jeffrey - friends of Carl who I've had the chance to hang out with before in Chicago;
then, soul food at MacArthur's; then, cocktails at Kit Kat;
followed by Brando's with the boyz - including Vince, Mike, and John. Then, a P.S. at Tantrum to say HI to Miss Jesse and her gal pal D.
Morehouse BFF Eddie & I got some more time in and had late supper at Houston's cousin Bandera ( While there, industry buddy and favorite photo-op partner Jensen Atwood popped over to my table to say HI (!
He’s always such a pleasure. You know, I had a chance to interview him several years back at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention ( as he and Patrik-Ian Polk promoted the LOGO show (and big screen sequel) “Noah’s Arc”.
He plays Wade, the love interest of the series’ namesake (
Since our interview, which he says was one of the best he’s done, he always enthusiastically receives me. In this case, when he saw me, he rushed over to Eddie’s and my table. I found out that he was in town – making an appearance at Club Circuit ( a couple of nights prior. In fact, Itika (Ti-Ti) and Chicago Carl were supposed to take me to that spot on Saturday without my knowing it was linked to Jensen. Ultimately, we did not make it. But at least I got to see him at dinner.
He updated me on all that’s going on in his impressive career ( – including an upcoming Coors Light commercial and he’s featured in Toni Braxton’s “Hands Tied” video: GO JENSEN, GO!
Afterwards, Eddie tossed me over to Chi Carl. They coincidentally went to high school together (Whitney Young).
Chi Carl asked me to join him at REPUBLIC again for an encore presentation of dragiliciousness. More 'draggy' than 'licious' but what fun Chi Carl and I ALWAYS have. No shortage of laughter and ki-ki-ing when we're together! LOL! And they opened with Diana's "I'm Coming Out"! Always a BLAST!
AMIDST my time in CHICAGO, I had a quick assignment in L.A. Now, you know I made the best of my time there last year; even though, I really wasn’t the happiest while there:
But my stay at the Huntley Santa Monica ( provided a better look than my last temp digs at an Extended Stay in Gardena, CA – sharp contrast to The Crescent Beverly Hills where I was first put up (
This, though I did have some check-in snafus at The Huntley.
And that produced a lovely, complimentary lunch of crispy-skin salmon and sauteed spinach at The Penthouse Restaurant overlooking the beach and the mountains.
Quite beautiful!
If I’d landed earlier, I might have snagged a cool social experience as Lisa Raye's TV-ONE reality show ( launch party was popping off at The Standard (
Shout out to my Spelman sister Tosha who helped put it on!
I did get to hang with a few of my L.A. peeps for an after after set before turning in and conducting my interview in Santa Monica – all before hopping on a flight back to to Chicago.
My project wraps near the top of May. But I head back to NYC this weekend. I’ll do some work from home on this project while celebrating Ant’s birthday. We've long-planned this exciting weekend. Lots in store – from karaoke to a sneak-peek of “Fences” on Broadway with Denzel Washington (
Then, there's the King Tut exhibit at Discovery Times Square Expo ( Stay tuned for that report.
- My cousin Kea is officially IN THE NAVY… and now stationed with her husband in San Diego. SO PROUD OF HER and all she’s accomplishing on this AWESOME JOURNEY! GOD BLESS YOU and ROCK, CUZ!
- which features topical information such as Entertainment, Fashion, Grooming, Fitness, Travel, Dining and special features for the SGL audience.
- which feature National SGL Nightlife Listings, Social Networking and much more.
- My boy RON DONOVAN continues to do his thing in the shoe department.
He was in ATL recently and continues to show his wares – from segments I’ve hosted to ESSENCE, THE VIEW, and TODAY (
- My girl Renee E. Warren (of Noelle-Elaine fame – - right in pic below) has taken on a new venture BlackTV247 News. It offers both a 10 minute newscast and a 3 minute news brief on a daily basis, Monday through Friday and reporting on the top stories and events, featuring segments covering national and international news, business, politics, technology, entertainment and sports, all specific to the black community.
To maximize viewing convenience, viewers have constant access to the BlackTV247 News archives and the broad range of relevant news stories identified by the BlackTV247 News editorial team on a daily basis. WATCH NOW: WWW.BLACKTV247NEWS.COM
- So I hear that Delores (AKA Button) – the wife of my dear friend and colleague Keith Walker ( – has been a "closet" artist for about nine years. She paints on canvas by way of acrylic & mixed media. Her work has been on display at Gallery Guishard in two separate art shows with great success.
Delores is now one of Chicago's best up & coming artists. And she will be premiering her work at the Prairie Avenue Gallery May 8, 2010 (
Photographer Preston Thomas will also be showing his provocative B&W photography. Fun, music, drinks and amazing art work awaits you!
For more information and to RSVP, go to . CONGRATS, BUTTON!!!!
- You folks know of all the work I do with LIVE OUT LOUD – the nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting LGBT youth to leaders in the LGBT community through events and programs at area schools and universities (
I have spoken in many NYC-area high schools over the years… and always participate and support (if not attend) the annual fundraiser.
Well, I’m on the host committee (though from afar this year), which means I’ve made my financial commitment.
And I want to invite you to join me in contributing to the annual Young Trail Blazers Gala which takes place Monday, April 26. It’s always lots of fun; there’s a great silent auction;
and you can see the students who benefit from the fundraising accept their scholarship awards. You can order tickets here:
Donation Link:
Please sponsor me for AIDS Walk New York!
Dear Friend,
I have registered for AIDS Walk New York and am very excited about the event! I want to do as much as I can to make a difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS. I have set an ambitious fundraising goal and I need your help in order to reach it!
Link to my personal donation page:
AIDS Walk New York, the world’s largest AIDS fundraising event, benefits GMHC and over 30 other tri-state area AIDS service organizations. GMHC is the nation’s oldest and most comprehensive AIDS service organization, serving approximately 15,000 people living with HIV and AIDS and their families each year, and countless more through its prevention and advocacy work locally and nationally.
Even though there has been success with drug treatments that are prolonging some people's lives, they don't work for everyone. These treatments can also take their toll physically, and for many cause awful side-effects. I am also concerned that so many young people in New York City are getting infected. There is a dire need for comprehensive prevention programs and services that target youth in their language. And above all, there is still no cure in sight.
I would really appreciate your help. Please sponsor me for AIDS Walk New York. Just click on the link below to visit my personal fundraising Web page. It’s fast, easy, and safe to make a donation online with a credit card, debit card, or paypal! After making your donation, you may be able to double your donation with a matching gift! Please consult your human resources department, or use the matching gift search engine on the AIDS Walk New York website, to find out if your company has a matching gift program!
Thank you for supporting AIDS Walk New York and for helping to put an end to this epidemic.
Much Love,
Michael K. Watts
Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk New York

Well, Ant & I have seen "Why Did I Get Married Too?" twice already… and it’s not out until the top of April ( But you know how we do with our special ladies – his being Miss Jackson!
Of course, we loved the sequel’s predecessor (… and got to celebrate that one as well with Janet;
Jill Scott;
Tasha Smith;
and Mr. Tyler Perry.
This go around was no exception, though Miss Jackson managed to evade a second photo-op with us but not her date, oldest Jackson sibling Miss Rebbie "Centipede" Jackson.
But then, we still got the chance to attend the NYC Premiere at the SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS THEATER.
Then, the after party at THE BOWERY HOTEL. First, the movie was AMAZING! What a rollercoaster ride. We LOVED it! The highs were high; the lows were low; and it all had me emotionally riveted and quite proud of Miss Jackson for clearly channeling her real-life loss and churning it into this brilliantly-executed role.
The rest of the cast is stellar as well…
and a host of others. And they were all too glad to strike a pose amidst the night. ROLL CALL: Tasha Smith;
Malik Yoba;
Michael Jai White; Richard T. Jones;
Sharon Leal;
Lamman Rucker;
Tyler Perry;
Deborah Gregory (Cheetah Girls); Gayle King;
Dr. Maya Angelou;
Ashford & Simpson;
Oscar-winning "Precious" screenwriter (adaption) Geoffrey Fletcher;
Judge Mathis;
Terri J. Vaughn;
"Blindside" actor Quinton Aaron;
Caroline Rhea; SNL's Rachel Dratch;
Jawn Murray;
Bob Tate & Dedra Tate;
Sports Illustrated model Jessica White.
She's the new generation of Tyra;
Lynn Whitfield;
the ever-lovely Miss Jill Scott.
And so many more - including a special shout out to my girl Anna Fuson with Red Sea Entertainment for keeping me in mind for special events like this. This, since we met during my extended stay in L.A.
Special shout out to “WHY DID I GET MARRIED TOO” actor Lamman Rucker who I’ve known for years since he was first in New York City working on one of my favorite soaps “As The World Turns”. We’ve stayed in touch – whether in L.A. or NYC – over these years. To that, he has returned to the Stage for Off-Broadway’s historic drama that pays tribute to the Tuskegee Airman.
It’s "Black Angels Over Tuskegee" at New York's St. Luke's Theater. The production is written and directed by Layon Gray. Lamman, who too is a 2010 NAACP Image Award nominee for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for "Meet The Browns", is joined by a stellar company of performers, who along with Rucker co-founded The Black Gents of Hollywood, an all-male ensemble driven to resurrect, redefine, and restore positive images of African-American men. "It is our duty to highlight a legacy that I believe contributes to restoring the identity of the black male", he says. "I'm especially honored that The Black Gents will debut Off-Broadway and pay tribute to The Tuskegee Airmen and other ancestors of that time who have embodied excellence, self-determination and self-discipline." "Black Angels Over Tuskegee" has been an official selection of the 2007 and 2009 National Black Theater Festival and recently won the 2009 NAACP Award for Best Ensemble, as well as the 2009 Artistic Director Achievement Award for Best Play. "Black Angels Over Tuskegee"- St. Luke's Theater - 308 W. 46th Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues), NYC. (Monday, Friday, and Saturday -8:00 pm/Sunday -5:00 pm). Tickets are $31.50 and $56.50 and available at or by calling (212) 239-6200.
Meanwhile, save 40% on Kia Corthron's new hot-button drama @ Playwrights Horizon! (DISCOUNT CODE CDPP)
As you know, I field and story produced hit reality show “Monica: Still Standing”. Well, the album is finally in stores… and she’s out and about, making sure the world knows. On her CD’s release date, she was here in NYC on CBS Early Show ( Then, she went back to ATL for a signing and then returned to NYC for a late-night CD release celebration. She was up bright and early for “The Steve Harvey Morning Show” on radio; more blitz; and another party on the following night. GO MONICA! GO! SO PROUD OF YOU… and LOVE THE CD!
TV One's UnSung is back for its third season… and I’ve seen screeners of Rose Royce (which just aired this week); Stacy Lattisaw; and Sylvester (running this week). It airs now on Monday nights… and is so entertaining. It's totally the kind of show on which I would work because it chronicles some of the most influential, talented and often forgotten R&B, Soul and Gospel artists of the last 30 years. This biography-style show promises to reveal the business and personal struggles that kept these artists from achieving the iconic commercial status they deserved.
Erykah Badu shared the cover of her upcoming March 30 release, New Amerykah Pt. 2: Return of the Ankh. The artwork was done by noted rock poster designer Emek. And follow up to “Window Seat” is supposed to be a song --"Strawberry Incense"… and you can hear this and find out more by clicking on We LOVE our Erykah!
BLOOM - The Spring Party
My buddy Clarence Haynes – renaissance man who writes, edits, models, acts, etc. – is helping to put on a sexy, stylish, Afro-rhythmic, artistic night called BLOOM --The Spring Party. It ‘celebrates the season of flowers and sun, fuses burlesque dancers, booming music, and beautiful bodies bedazzled with paint. Billed as a “pan-sexual celebration” of cultural expressions from the African and Latin Diasporas, this party promises to attract New Yorkʼs bold and beautiful. BLOOM blossoms on Sunday, March 28 from 6:00 p.m. to midnight at ARENA, located at 135 West 41st Street, between 6th Avenue. The parties are produced by Bloom | Events -- a division of Banyan Tree Worldwide Media, Inc. -- in association with Dan Laufeswiler, Ron Lester and my friend Clarence Haynes. ARENA, located next to Bryant Park, ARENA is a multi-level event venue with a capacity for 600+ guests, featuring 20ʼ ceilings and New Yorkʼs largest programmable L.E.D. lighting system. Tickets for the party range from $10 - $25, depending on time of purchase, with pre-sales being handled online at
Best friend and Morehouse brother Michael K. Watts’ interview feature story on Maxwell won 2nd place in the Magazine - Arts & Entertainment category of the New York Association of Black Journalists Awards. The piece is featured in the August 2009 issue of Upscale magazine.
Michael had the pleasure of having a lunch interview with him in early May in advance of Maxwell’s current album BLACKsummers'night which was released on July 7 last year. This feature story, entitled "The Ladies Man" is the result of that lunch, held at Manhattan's Philippe by Philippe Chow on the Upper East Side.
Undateable: 311 Things Guys Do That Guarantee They Won't Be Dating or Having Sex
My former boss of many years Ellen Rakieten is now not only the Executive Producer of NBC’s Marriage Ref but she is an author – along with Anne Coyle – of “Undateable: 311 Things Guys Do That Guarantee They Won't Be Dating or Having Sex”. And they have dropped their science all over – including “The Wendy Williams Show”. They ask questions like: “Did your date show up wearing socks with sandals? Are tighty-whities a deal-breaker for you? Do fanny packs make you want to run for the door?” The book promises to reveal the secret list of things that so many perfectly eligible guys manage to wear, say, or do to make themselves completely undateable… and then they offer solutions. Be sure to check it out:
My boy Kenny Miles hipped me to artist Easy Evans – a new, soothing vocalist whose debut effort “At Ease” showcases his ‘in-your-face voice and a tender ear for sophisticated R&B poignancy”, per his bio. It’s a return to good music. Check him out via his twitter – and and soon his website: WWW.EASYEVANSONLINE.COM.
Ant and I hung out with our buddy Robert on Sunday. We had brunch at The Original Pancake House; a cocktail or two at Houlihan's in Weehawken; then more karaoke so I could homage Patti LaBelle and Diana Ross on the mics. Ant got in his muses Janet Jackson and Prince as well. Robert sang not a lick. LOL!
Miss Janet Jackson – by the way - also sang the “WHY DID I GET MARRIED TOO?”s lead single, “Nothing” in collaboration with Jermaine Dupri and Brian Michael Cox. Beautiful song with a pitch perfect message:

Good times
These are the good times
So Ant and I wanted Ern’s birthday after set to be at Sugar Lounge in Red Hook, Brooklyn ( But on his night, we went to our regular spot instead. Still, Ant and I popped by to see what their karaoke night is like (on Wednesdays). I performed my Maxwell’s “This Woman’s Work” for the new audience. Surely, Ant and I will go back. Join us sometime.
Afterwards, we went to SPLASH to toast our friend Nathan Hale Williams for his birthday.
Of course, he has more than a birthday to celebrate of late. 2010 is off to a great start for he and his business partner Crystal McCrary Anthony’s respective companies iN-Hale Entertainment & Crystal McCrary Anthony Productions. First, their television show, LEADING WOMEN (formerly Real Life Divas) has been nominated for the NAACP IMAGE AWARD (The same category in which I had the luxury of being LAST YEAR as part of a team that produced a Martin Luther King documentary). Awesome to be nominated. Better to win. And better luck next time for us all. The episodes profiling DR. MAYA ANGELOU and INDIA.ARIE got the OUTSTANDING TELEVISION SHOW - NEWS/INFORMATION nod.
And Ant, Ern, and I enjoyed the show after going to Red Robin to pick up a snack and coming back to Ern's place for a low-maintenance night in the wake of yet another blizzard.
MEANWHILE, Nathan and Crystal are also currently taping a new docu-series that will air on the SUNDANCE CHANNEL in August. This time, however, they're in front of the camera. The new show chronicles their relationship as business partners and friends as they prepare to make their next film, HOMECOURT ADVANTAGE – based on Crystal and Rita Ewing’s groundbreaking and best-selling novel of the same name. This book really is the first to begin to explore NBA Players and their wives/girlfriends.
Leave your cares behind
These are the good times
Ant and I had invites to the INDASHIO fall/winter 2010 “red carpet” collection and were on our way to NYC hotspot TENJUNE to attend. However, a stop by my girlfriend Sidra’s Harlem place inspired us to spend some quality, down time with her. We decided to pop by our boy Brian Palmer’s restaurant Native for a little bite and we ran into my buddy Patrik-Ian Polk who credits himself a New Yorker now. He’s now a singer for Los-Angeles-based band Fol Chen, which is an art rock/electro-pop band (
Plus, he’s writing “Noah’s Arc” spinoff for LOGO right now.
Lead characters and couple Noah and Wade move to New York City, prime for new adventures.
I love those guys! And they are all so nice!
Good times
These are the good times
Though Ant and I didn’t make the fashion show, Sidra provided us another awesome opportunity to socialize a week or so later: her birthday extravaganza in Harlem.
She gathered a group of her favorite folks to eat, drink, sing, and be merry.
Several of the performers – including two of my favorites: Anwar Robinson and Gordon Chambers – shared a stage with me a couple of months ago when we all sang for “Ashford & Simpson”... and they turned it out for Miss Sidra.
The backdrop was Indigo Arms ( – cute bed and breakfast on Lenox Avenue.
And so much LOVE was in the room for Sidra – including Television Personality/Fashion & Lifestyle Correspondent & Host Paul Wharton, who is poised to be a stimulating source of drama on the upcoming “Real Housewives of DC”. and He was such a breath of fresh air. Sid has wanted us to meet for years and now we finally got the chance. And it was also great to see my George Faison who so graciously participated in one of the BET Black History Month campaign spots I produced at The Faison Firehouse ( – dropping historical science as the first African American man to win a Tony in choreography for “The Wiz” in 1975 (
Also in the house: friend of the blog Charlotte Doreen Small ( and stage grand dame Ebony JoAnne.
Speaking of birthdays, Ant and I got the chance to celebrate with “The Queen of Soul” last year in Detroit ( Well, I must mention her cute SNICKERS commercial with Liza Minnelli. Did you see it? Check it out! A HOOT:
Our new state of mind
These are the good times
FIRST WEEKENDS (BLACK MOVIES)! My buddy Nate Parker invited Ant, our mutual friend Ike, and me to join him a couple of Fridays ago to see his movie "Blood Done Sign My Name" (
I tweeted all of you about it. Of course, I talk about Nate Parker all the time in the blog (
Met him through his college buddy Ike who has become a dear friend of Ant and mine.
You know him from "Great Debaters".
Also, "Secret Life of Bees".
In this film, he plays civil rights activist Benjamin Chavis. BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT! Afterwards, Nate, Ike, their gang of buddies, Ant, and me enjoyed a little snack and drink at BBQ. This, as we toasted yet another strong performance on film from Nate. PROUD OF YOU, NATE! KEEP DOING IT!
Happy days are here again
The time is right
Lots to toast of late: my girl Cynthia's new digs in the suburbs of New York City. At this lovely event, Ant and I got the chance to hang out with my Amazing Grace Nichole and friends Michelle & Nelson’s little boy Ferro. The cutest!
Another recent celebration: Sam Fine!
He’s our friend... and a great guy all his own.
But he is known the world over as the legendary Celebrity Makeup Artist for Great Divas –
including Iman and Vanessa Williams who are always BEAT! Right?
Well, he’s moving into the head-to-toe territory. He launched Sam Fine by Cavage at Dex Studios. The line is comprised of ballet flats for today’s cosmopolitan woman.
And live models were on display in the windows to showcase them.
I got the chance to hang out with our boy Theo.
Also, my stylist friend Deb Ginyard who you recall worked alongside Ant in helping me style the ladies for my 'first lady fashion show' on CN8's "Your Morning" ( or to see it:
Also, known for Kissable Couture, AJ Crimson. Great to finally meet him (
Lawyer friend Londell McMillan came by as well.
the way, CAVAGE shoes are made from the highest-quality raw materials, with the use of refined leathers, Swarovski crystals, and imported fabrics and satin. Furthermore, genuine exotic alligator and snake skins are also used. CAVAGE is one of the few Brazilian companies in this field that owns a special license issued by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources – IBAMA, to manufacture, sell, and export shoes made from exotic animal skins.
This, before Ant and I rushed home to see RuPaul's Drag Race and the best our TIVO playlist had to offer.
For makin' friends
Let's get together
Well, I couldn't very well field and story produce 'Monica: Still Standing' (in Atlanta and L.A.) and alert/stalk you to watch on BET each Tuesday of our 12 episode run throughout 2009 and the top of 2K10 and not ALSO share with you the first video off of the upcoming project (my favorite select, i might add).
Wearing the late, great Alexander Mcqueen, MISS THANG herself: MONICA with 'EVERYTHING TO ME' (sampling Deniece Williams' 'Silly' and produced by MISSY!): THOUGHTS?
On the day this came out, Ant and I – along with his ‘Wendy’ co-worker Tashara – went to Wilhelmina Agency's Hot Body Model Search.
Met a cool model Andre Douglas while there.
He's as good looking on the outside as he seems on the inside. Some models aren't always the most approachable.
But Andre was kind and chatty.
One of my NABJ mentors Roy Johnson is Editor-in-Chief at “Men’s Fitness” - one of the editorial sponsors for the contest.
I've known him since I was a student in the National Association of Black Journalists and was excited to see him working the room to ensure all clients and partners were having a good time.
The next day, I went to see Patti LaBelle at ‘The Wendy Williams Show’.
Many called, texted, emailed, tweeted, and FB’d me after they saw me in the audience giving what my Dad called: “...(my) 1-2-3-4 clap... straight from our church The House of Prayer. LOL! ...”
Before the show started, my buddy, Patti's music director John Stanley, came out and said HI. He's always so gracious and calm, even prior to playing for Miss LaBelle before millions.
And one of Patti's AWESOME background vocalists Keith Fluitt sang background for me when I did "The Boss" for Ashford & Simpson ( He assures Nick & Val loved it and that we'll get to do it again really soon (I'll be better prepared).
And after the show, Wendy received a special MLK Award from a renowned Jewish organization.
And Patti will appreciate this as proof that all that glitters isn’t gold in my world:
I went right home to take another stab at being domestic: cleaning bathroom & laundry (hopefully without a flood this time. LOL! Someday my MERRY MAID will return! LMAO!) And also on this night: I was featured in a piece re: Ebony Fashion Fair on CUNY-TV's "Indepedent Sources" that runs on CUNY TV - channel 75 in New York City (8:30 PM).
How 'bout a quarter to ten
Come tomorrow
Let's all do it again
CONGRATS to my girlfriend Erica Watson in her one-woman show "FAT BITCH" (
It was AWESOME - funny, insightful, honest, raw, and just plain FABULOUS! LOOK OUT FOR IT!
Also, good to hang out with our Charlie T.
And it has been a minute since we've had the chance to hang out with our Jamar, but he called and VOILA!
He enjoyed the show with us as well! On this particular day, before I met up with Ant, I happened upon the “Meet The Oscars” exhibit on the 2nd level of the Time Warner Center mall on Columbus Circle... and I got to pose with AN OSCAR!
Of course, after all these years, I channeled my DIANA ROSS and how she should have won back in the early ‘70s for “Lady Sings The Blues” (
Boys will be boys
Better let them have their toys
Ant and I enjoyed a fun time at BET's taping of "Rip The Runway" where I got to run into many of my BET family – including my hometown best friend Maurice Marable and Creative Director Michaela angela Davis. Here, I channeled MISS ROSS again as each model CATWALK’d on her shoulders
They even had an inspired moment in the show where they VOGUE’d! Miss Bevy Smith was in the house... and it is always a pleasure to see her. She informed me that she and my nephew are TWITTER friends. LOVE IT!
Girls will be girls
Cute pony tails and curls
After the show, Ant & I ran into Kittie (from 'Let's Talk About Pep') in the subway.
Her co-star Jacque Reid is a friend.
Jacque invited us to join them for their Season Finale party.
We’ve enjoyed the show and considered it a total honor to be asked to attend. The set was festive. Our friends, publicists Katrina Boswell (with Kat Walk Media) and Theo Perry, made sure we were taken care of in anticipation of Miss Jacque's arrival.
Though Ant and I didn't get our Kittie moment on, we did get some time with Jacque.
Also, Pepa seemed to remember me from the last time we met at a VIBE party a couple of years ago.
We too were reacquainted at her book party which Salt attended.
And Pepa's Tom was in the house...
and quite gracious with the photo ops. And in the house to support the ladies: Miss Gayle King herself...
and Fatman Scoop and his wife Shanda...
They both were so nice and quite funny.
Also, I was shocked to stumble into my Atlanta buddy Lamoh who works with longtime friend Dwight Eubanks of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" fame.
Of course, it's always a blast when Dwight is around...
and Pepa seemed to agree. Too, Ern, Ant, and I got to sit with one of Whitney's close-circle handlers Ulysses Carter.
He is preparing to join Whitney in Europe as she's on her world tour that has already taken her through Korea and Australia. GO WHITNEY, GO!
It was cool to experience the show in a theater setting. Everyone laughs in the same places. CONGRATS, JACQUE and all the girls! By the way, I Chair the NABJ Arts & Entertainment Task Force and we are producing a panel: "REALITY SHOWS: IS THIS WHERE THE JOBS ARE?" As I have had to consider the skills-set applicable genre as a way to maintain my living, others have too… and it can be quite lucrative. The NABJ Convention is in San Diego on July 28-August 1. ( And we are going to explore the changes that have been an inherent part of our members and fellow journalists for the last couple of years. As newsrooms downsize and newspaper circulation/TV viewing habits are on the decline, many of us have replaced our own displaced realities with ‘reality TV’.
From NABJ baby to seasoned publicist (and dear friend) Paula Witt represents many of the reality stars – from Kandi ("Real Housewives of Atlanta") to Tiny & Toya ("Tiny & Toya").
Her simple thought is we can explore the place that REALITY TV currently has in a journalist’s life… and already, Jacque has agreed to sit on the panel along with my buddy Dr. Ian Smith.
And my boss from 2009, Evolyn Brooks, who was the show runner on “Monica: Still Standing” and “Frankie & Neffe”.
Must put an end
To this stress and strife
I think I want to live the sporting life
Ant’s Amazing Grace Manivone invited us to hang out with their Denver crew Chris and Reggie along with some of their other friends for a screening of “Bronson” and some delicious bites as prepared by Manivone's talented hands - including rice pudding for dessert.
Quite intense, but loads of FUN!
By the way, you all know I love TV One’s UNSUNG!
It’s coming back March 22 with four new episodes:
Rose Royce.
Childhood favorite Stacy Lattisaw. And The Bar-Kays.
A rumor has it that
It's getting late
Remember I met KINDRED last year ( Well, check this out: My friend Tierre Brooks who I met in Indianapolis as he was fill-in managing for neo-soul great Donnie.
Well, he asked me to take a look at the first episode of Kindred's web based reality series "Six is It." Soon thereafter, he set up a conference call with Kindred and me – asking for a little consulting. There may be synergies for us down the line. However, the official launch of the husband-and-wife duo is being announced on Tom Joyner this week.
Too, they asked me for a quote. Here goes: “I've always loved Kindred's music. And as reports of their steadily-expanding family have unfolded over the years, I often wondered how they manage it all.
Well, the first episode of Kindred's web based reality series "Six is It" answers some of those questions and then some. I'm excited to see more of the adventures of this neo-soul Jon & Kate + 6!"
Time marches on
Just can't wait
The clock keeps turning
Why hesitate
Besides dancing for "Shakira", Ant’s and my hip hop dance isntructor Tweetie aka TweetBoogie has been performing for myself these days. Below is a piece of which she is very proud. And of course, we are proud of her. As always. Love you, Tweetie! and and and
You silly fool
You can't change your fate
Let's cut a rug
A little jive and jitterbug
My L.A. buddy Herndon Davis’ book “Repackaged Common Sense: A New Age path to career and business” is out and you must check it out! It is a 13 chapter spiritual guide book for those seeking career and business success utilizing spirituality tools and techniques. It speaks directly to career minded people-of-faith from all beliefs and is written through the lens of universal spirituality and metaphysical thinking. You can purchase the book today on ( LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING HIM when his book tour comes to NYC!
We want the best
We won't settle for less
Though not the best occasion - my uncle Bobby's passing, my cousin Bobby, his siblings, and I got to reconnect as we buried their father in Pontiac, MI late last year. More than how much Bobby and my dad Herman's kids are aesthetically family, musical talent runs in our family too. My dad was very much a big Gospel quartet singer in the day. Via my parents, I sing. And Uncle Bobby had some pep in his musical step too.
So, I am not surprised that my cousin Bobby is on that path as well. He recently shared the following with us as his upcoming release goes. Bobby Black comes to us from Chop Shop Records. Check him out... and let me know your thoughts: CONGRATS, CUZ! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!
Don't be a drag
Clams on the half shell
And roller-skates
LYRICS from CHIC - Bernard Edwards & Nile Rodgers