I Can (Watch Tyler Perry's new movie) All By Myself in L.A. and have a BLAST (www.icandobadmovie.com)! Ran into industry buddies Herndon Davis & Regina Robertson.
And forgot I was gonna be entertained by Mary J. Blige, Gladys Knight, and Marvin Winans. Won't give it away but it's Tyler's classic formula - REMIXED.
I generally enjoyed it! http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2007/10/11/what-has-pop-culture-done-for-me-lately.html
Hung with girlfriend Sidra at her rooftop pool – always the thing to do on a lazy Saturday; however, NYC buddy Ike coordinated via remote the 2nd part of my day.
His best friend is actor Nate Parker (of “Great Debaters” and “Secret Life of Bees” fame).
Nate invited me to join he, his wife Sarah (www.sarahdisanto.com) – an awesome designer in her own right; and Ike's friend Cassie Freeman (www.cassiefreeman.com) at Casa Vega (www.casavega.com) in the Valley (great conversation!).
Big shout out to Ike for bringing us all together, though he was in NYC.
I interviewed Nate a year ago in Chicago as he was promoting “The Secret Life of Bees” and I had a chance to meet him at the NYC premiere of “The Great Debaters”.
Found out he and Ike were college buddies sometime thereafter. This is our first time bringing all those tie-ins together as Ike insisted they keep me entertained for a spell during my lonely L.A. blues. And boy did they all put a smile on my face!
And for part three of my night, I went to The Church where ?uestlove waxed all things Mi-Jac (Happy BDAY MJ)! (www.walktalkin.com). My girl Zabrina hipped me to that joint. And what a celebration that was!
Plus, I hear Michael’s godkid Evan Ross celebrated his 21st birthday in L.A. the night prior.
It took place at "Guys & Dolls" in L.A.
Mom Diana reigned supreme (of course).
Evan's sisters Tracee and Chudney came along as well as brother Ross.
A Mi-Jac megamix reportedly played in honor of Michael who Evan claims was working on some music with him in the studio.
(Can't wait to hear what this most prolific actor gives in the music department. Chip off the old block, one might say, coupled with an "angel" - or two - from above... not to mention the 'earth angel' right by his side.
By the way, speaking of MJ, I had a Harvey Levin run-in around Hollywood. And it didn’t take the paparazzi or TMZ for me to spot him.
And Sunday, I finally got to see my Tony and Scott (Ed too… but he had come out to play for “Mahogany”). We went to the Abbey and it was quite the place to see and be seen. I ran into NYC buddies Chris and Jared plus new L.A. buddy Joey and the man with the most – lashes - Ja'Maal Buster ('eyelash guru to the stars'): www.jamaalbuster.com. I even got a glimpse of Patrik Ian-Polk and Tyra's glam squad quy, friend Valente (in town to beat Tyra's face for her Daytime Emmy.: But way EXCITED to hang with Tony, Scott, and Ed again (my boyz).
I also got to hang out with my Morehouse bro Redic at his art gallery ("Images of you!"). He too is a singer/songwriter; fashion designer; and all-around Renaissance man. Shout out to Spelman sis Tia as well. Low-key, creative, and inspired night with lots more to report come September when he introduces his brand to the world.
My buddy Delandis invited me to attend his birthday dinner at 'Sushi Dan on Sunset'. My money is funny, but he told me to come anyway. Funds not an issue and FUN all around by way of Delandis and his very nice friends. He says the gift was having my energy in the mix. I say the gift was mine... Thanks Delandis! http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2009/8/24/do-you-get-what-youre-hoping-for.html
So you apparently watched as "Frankie & Neffe" did a 1.5 on BET the other night - the network's 2nd highest reality debut ever (behind "Tiny & Toya" who had the unfortunate lead-in of a post-Michael-Jackson BET Awards). We hear BET has never seen this many viewers at 10:30pm. *SIGH Well, it is one of the projects that kept me on the road (and off the street corner) this summer (ATL and L.A.) - as field & story producer. What a ride! And I lived to tell... and now you can see and judge for yourself:
I just completed an assignment for ESSENCE that you can check out in the November issue. It’s a piece of which I’m proud to be a contributor – for what the brand of ESSENCE represents as excellence in journalism goes but also the subject matter (Stay tuned). The project reminds me how proud I am of those in my own circle. I’ll shout some of them out here… randomly:
It’s my Dad’s baby brother Bobby’s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNCLE BOBBY! My dad went to Pontiac, Michigan to celebrate with him. Uncle Bobby’s baby boy Chris, my little cousin --- ever the grown man now --- is the Chief Director of All Operations at Sky’s The Limit Community Foundation (www.skysthelimitcf.giving.oficelive.com). Its programs are making a positive impact on the Youth and Young Adults in the Pontiac area.
My Morehouse brother Marcellous (whose fashion shows I’ve had the honor of hosting during our School Daze) is now living his ‘haute couture’ dreams abroad as his Parisian-based TV show has been extended for another season. He co-produces it with a Canadian cable network. Check out his interview with USHER RAYMOND in Paris by CLICKING HERE or by entering the following link: http://www.thefashioninsider.com/video/40.html?lang=EN&meta=Video_Fashion_show_EN_USHER_RAYMOND_BREAKS_SILENCE_ON_DEATH_OFMICHAEL_JACKSON_LANVIN Now if you want to catch his recent interview with FERGI, WILL. I. AM and the rest of the BLACK EYED PEAS and other stars like Milla Jovovich, head on over to the FI² column at the www.TheFashionInsider.com. When you go there, it will automatically ask you to sign in. Just click on the world "OK" and the video will immediately start. He just wrapped a fab vacation which took him to Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, the French Alps, Croatia, and even to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Now, I’ve gone some awesome places, but come on now… LOL! Still, somewhere in his intercontinental zone (by way of Perry, Georgia), he still thinks of me often – even writing this piece on me a couple of years ago (on my own sense of fashon & style):
Patrick Riley
From a solid career foundation in local TV news to current, on-going freelance projects in New York City, Patrick L. Riley is one of New York’s hottest talents. His credentials as a producer are impressive: Good Day Atlanta, Rivera Live!, and others. Over the years, he has collaborated heavily with NBC, BET, I-STYLE TV.COM, CROSSWALKS TV, LEVI'S, and HBO.
As a freelance producer, certain assignments have placed him across from President Bill Clinton, Quincy Jones, Bill Cosby, Mary Tyler Moore, Penelope Cruz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Dr. Maya Angelou, Chris Rock, Beyonce, P. Diddy, Alicia Keys, Moby, Luther Vandross, etc. And for HBO, he has interviewed the likes of Michael Douglas, Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Morgan Freeman, etc.
With that said, it is clear that fashion and appearance are important to Riley. He wears Kenneth Cole (head-to-toe); Donna Karan; Armani and Rene Lezard --- all of whom offer simple and classic pieces that work in many ways.
Riley also throws in some “look-for-less” pieces from THE GAP and H&M. He also wears lesser known designers of color who do great work such as Moshood and Belasse.
In TV, Riley must look authoritative, but have the freedom to display it with colour, flamboyance and pizzazz without being a distraction. So, on any given day, you may see him wearing a sports coat or suit jacket by Rene Lezard or Donna Karan, but beneath it a crisp, white Emmanuelle Ungaro tuxedo shirt or perhaps a fitted and ribbed-turtleneck with geometric designs from GAP, H&M, Armani or Kenneth Cole.
“For the weekend, I love to be comfortable, but still stylish. Moshood has a line of T-shirts and patchwork-pants (drawstring) that accommodate that dichotomy”, says Riley.
“Also, in the summer, tanks from H&M and GAP keep me going. In the winter, simple turtlenecks from H&M and GAP accent a leather jacket and some jeans just fine. And those Kenneth Cole jeans and sneakers go with me through the week and on the weekend.”
Riley is free with good advice for men with their own fashion needs.
He says, “ I think it’s important for men on the rise in the business world to know the rules and be prepared to play them. One should be armored with a black/blue suit; crisp, white shirt; pressed tie; solid belt; shined shoes; etc.).
That said, I think it’s important for men on the rise to simultaneously know themselves and where their spirit is going. And from there, they might find creative ways to express that in their wardrobe. My business, of course, allows for that expression.”
My friend Stephen Beasley about whom I’ve blogged a time or trillion partnered with some amazing organizations to enhance his next music launch. A charity GLOBAL SOLES made the event a Drop-Off Site for people to donate new shoes to kids around the world. Torie Wiggins, whose South in the City treats are all but taking over Brooklyn, served up some goodies alongside our girl Marcia Pendelton who gave away free theatre tickets through her company Walk Tall Girl Productions.This event was his trial for the format of his next live recording which will happen this winter… and will be a Bazaar called "Cornucopia" at this amazing place called Littlefield, which is fully equipped to record his album live. Check out a free live download of sbPs Rock & Soul made possible by Microsoft!
www.myspace.com/windowshomepage=thesbp . As always, CONGRATS STEPHEN (this one took a minute to get up).
And for every powerful brother, there’s a powerful sister somewhere in the neighborhood. My girlfriend Shaun Robinson (of “Access Hollywood” fame) is very excited to share this Girls Empowerment video with you that is based on her new book, "Exactly As I Am". It's designed to help build self-esteem in our girls and Shaun’s hope is that you will share it with a teen girl you love. Here goes; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmI6ggx2Aiw
(www.shaunrobinson.com and www.exactlyasiam.com).
You folks have heard me reference my dear departed Kodjoe (A Day In "The Life Of Riley" - Blog - "LOVE IS IN THE AIR") – the man for whom I dedicated this intimate evening of song ( Well, the film on which Kodjoe was working before his untimely passing will see the light of day - screening in NYC and L.A. It’s titled "Why Us? Left Behind and Dying", about a group of inner-city African-American teenagers discovering why HIV rates are so high in black communities.
The director Claudia Pryor (also Kodjoe’s dear friend) wants you to know about this project which premieres in Los Angeles and New York City (www.diversityfilms.org/). Check out the website (CLICK: FILMMAKERS) to see a tribute to Kodjoe. Claudia is the visionary behind this project... and its DIRECTOR.
She enrolled Kodjoe back home to NYC to work on this film which took him to many parts of Africa (beyond his family's homeland of Ghana). He was most passionate and excited to work on this important piece. I'm full.. and SMILING --- all at once --- that the work to which he contributed for such a great cause will finally be seen by the WORLD!
Remember? Don't take any of this LIFE and those we LOVE for GRANTED!
Here's the info:
LOS ANGELES -- Wednesday, September 9 through Tuesday September 15
Grande 4-Plex
345 S.Figueroa
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Two shows daily at 4:45 and 8:15pm
The director, Claudia Pryor attend the Los Angeles screenings on Sept 9th and 10th
NEW YORK -- Friday, September 11 through Thursday, September 17
IFC Center
323 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014
Two shows daily: Times to be announced
The director, Claudia Pryor, will attend the New York screenings Sept 11th and 12th
Labor Day is approaching… and I’m the most excited person around as Ant is coming for the weekend (with the new digital camera he bought me strapped on). I’ve clearly made the best of my time here in L.A. and will continue to do so (as has Ant on the New York end). But we’re much better together – so we’ll enjoy this long weekend… and beyond that, we will look to identify the next window amidst my L.A. stint that we can enjoy each other as we do. http://thelifeofriley.squarespace.com/rilys-blog/2009/6/23/hes-hoppin-it-to-hollywood.html Remember the fun we had the last time?

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