Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Real Housewives (2)
1,000 WORDS +
Pictures are worth a thousand words. So, with a thousand pictures, you get the picture, right?
Every Thursday, I am hosting ALL-STAR KARAOKE at NATIVE RESTAURANT in Harlem U.S.A. (118th Street at Lenox). And may I just say that we have been HAVING A BLAST!
A couple of weeks ago, my favorite boutique N threw a launch party for our new weekly fun-time (
This week, we’ll have some special giveaways from N and the Broadway and Off-Broadway shows I’ll be referencing later on in the blog.
PR expert Alicia Evans popped by one Thursday and took the roof off of the place with her special rendition of “Home”.
And “Black 2: Broadway”s own Kevin-Anthony popped back by for an encore presentation.
Also, SHOUT OUT to Travis Greisler ( – host of NO PARKING’s MONDAY NIGHT KARAOKE, which I have gone out to support since it started.
Another week, my girl Loren Lillian – actress and TV/film editor with the most – came out and showed that she can put a little something behind a song, too!
And BET’s own Kai Brown popped by to let me join her on “Be A Lion” from “The Wiz”.
One of our fierce guests, Miss Fern, invited me to join her on Mary Mary’s “Yesterday”. Caught me off guard, but as usual, I jumped in head first… and I think we took NATIVE to CHURCH!!! LOL!
And of course, my Sidra;
my Nichole;
my Mario;
and all of my other buddies have been rolling through to support.
My nephew even popped by and brought his Spelman sister Emaan and Morehouse brother Harrison for the ride.
TOMORROW, we are expecting my NYC-area friends from the National Association of Black Journalists to come out – including NABJ Region 1 Director Katina Revels. PLEASE COME OUT and JOIN US!
James Earl Jones can read the phone book and I’m there. I was front and center when he did “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” a couple of years ago. Well, he is back on Broadway in “Driving Miss Daisy” and I plan to be there. Hopefully you will come out as well!
Promo codes are also good for box offices, and for ‘Driving’, you can order tix from Telecharge (212-239-5200).
"SAVE ON TICKETS: See Daniel Beaty's Powerful One Man Show: THROUGH THE NIGHT | SEPT 10-OCT 10" - This is the slam poet's follow-up from his critically-acclaimed “Emergence-SEE!” show a couple of years ago. YOU MUST CHECK IT OUT! (PROMO CODE: DBLAST) For ‘Through’, you can go to or call 1-800-982-2787.
I had a chance to do some promotion for the Urban World Film Festival this year: Aforementioned Loren Lillian was featured in two films at UWFF: “The Truth About Lies” and “Grace”.
On Friday night of Urban World, Sidra, Ant, and I did a date night to see a gritty and tense crime drama titled “SUS” – starring Sid’s buddy Clint Dyer with whom we got to spend some quality time – before his film and afterwards as we rolled by one of UWFF’s after parties at The Empire Room.
Then, with Clint; our friend Sidra; and new friend Sophia in tow, we stepped to One 7 for karaoke where Miss Sophia joined in on all of the “sangin’” fun!
She truly is one to watch... and promises to pop by my ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAYs at NATIVE RESTAURANT in Harlem! CONGRATS, CLINT!
Fashion Week in New York City is always a circus!
This year was no exception.
My friend Ron Smith insisted I come out and play.
On the publicity tip, he represents Romas by Linda Rowe Thomas – a courageous burn victim whose sense of style is on fire. Her FABULOUS show at Skylight West featured her Spring 2011 line and it all underscored her resillience and amazing creative vision.
Her models included “America’s Next Top Model”s Veronda;
and “Real Housewives of NY”s Alex.
In attendance, my buddy Mario; creative director Mykel;
my dear friend Tracey Moore;
“Bernie Mac”s own Kellita Smith (who is such a joy, I had to see her one more time. Plus, she wanted to join us for ALL-STAR KARAOKE, but scheduling didn't allow. NEXT TIME, KELLITA!!!! XO);
fine artist Stanley Carr Jr.;
and a host of others. Afterwards, Mykel; Toyce; my Mario; and I enjoyed a lite bite at T.S. Ma Asian Cuisine & Sushi Bar.
Then, Ant & I joined my platonic boo Carl and others.
The event?
Indashio’s 2011 Collection at the Metropolitan Pavillion – starring Amber Rose (of Kanye West-fame);
and ANTM's Caridee;
and Jasline.
Diddy’s mom Janice was in the house!
I met – for the first time – THE FABULOUS Tracey Ferguson (of “Jones Magazine” fame and CENTRIC’s “Keeping up with the Joneses”) – close friends with my favorite twins Sherry & Shelly Mcadoo.
She was so sweet and invited us to her magazine’s event the following night! CONGRATS, INDASHIO!
“The Jones Awards” took place at Ant’s and my hip-hop-dance-class digs, Alvin Ailey.

This signature event is for Jones Magazine a la my buddy L. Londell McMillan (Publisher of The North Star Group) and Editor-in-Chief, my new friend Tracey Ferguson.

The WHO'S WHO were in the house - including honorees Sam Fine and Byron Lars;

presenters/performers Miss Sheryl Lee Ralph who is getting ready to host her 20th Anniversary of “DIVAS: Simply Singing” – the longest-running AIDS benefit in town;

my Spelman sister Tai Beauchamp; and a host of my peeps - including my Spelman sister Bridget Bland (and friends);

glo-TVs Maurice Jamal, Richard, and George;

filmmaker Marlene Rhein (who directed Tupac's last video "All About You" -;

my girls Laura and Linda who I love so much.

We've been friends for a long time - having attended a number of weddings; funerals; book club meetings; parties; dinners; showers; and special events - between us - over the years.

SHOUT OUT to Linda Gadsby, Esq. named one of Diversity MBA Magazine's Top 100 Executives Under 50;

Speaking of my glo-TV buddies Maurice, Richard, and George… they just spent some time at The White House last week (during the Congressional Black Caucus) in promotion of the first Urban LGBT Network of which I’ve been a recurring part since its Labor Day launch. I am a “talking head” (on-camera pop culture analysis) for its show “The Gayest [Stuff] Ever”: For $5 (beyond this preview), you can subscribe to this landmark TV and on-line experience. There are many shows already circulating. This particular one in which I participate is RACY and IRREVERANT, but FUN!!! (I behave though. LOL!).
My boy Gil Robertson invited me to Capital Grille to meet his client Lecrae, Christian hip-hop artist. Other journalists in attendance included ESSENCE's Cori Murray; Marcia Cole; and BET's Tracey Cooper who saw another repeat of me on "Million Dollar Password" a la The Game Show Channel. Lecrae is a good guy with a solid head on his shoulders and lots of creativity to boot.
He is truly one to watch. On that same day, my phone was ringing off the hook with folks who saw Ant and me in the audience of “The Nate Berkus Show” with our beloved Kim Coles.
Kim Coles is a girlfriend.
And she’s been spending a little time in New York City of late on special assignment for “The Nate Berkus Show”. In a twist of small world moments, my girl Sidra invited us out to New Rochelle for a signature event she hosts.
The immaculate home of our New Ro buddy Chenoa Maxwell and her husband Carlyle Peake was the backdrop.
Alma tequila comprised the special cocktail du jour.
We nibbled on Indian haute cuisine from Rangoli.
And Kim Coles was in the house as this “revolution” was televised by “The Nate Berkus Show”. More details once this airs. WE HAD A BLAST!
With my new (with a bullet) "Amazing Grace" Mara Schiavocampo back in town and my schedule – of late – keeping me close to home, we are spending as much time together as possible (with our beaus Tommie and Ant in tow) because we ALWAYS have so much fun (Her BIRTHDAY is coming up!).
Our favorite couple called us to join them at MOJO HARLEM – owned by the ever-gracious Mounir Jabrane.
This, a few days after we enjoyed a block party they hosted along with our girlfriend/their neighbor Sidra.
TV personality/Interior Designer Elaine Griffin was in the house. She and I - strangers one to the other - once shared a flight to Paris, France en route to respective assignments. Ern and I have Georgia in common with her as well (Elaine: from Brunswick; Ern & me: from Savannah).
Buddy Diaz and BFF Ern joined us for another wonderful outdoor event.
This, as the leaves are changing and the climate getting a little crispier with each advancing Fall day. LOVE YOU GUYS!
Picture this. September 11, 2001. New York City. Where were you? I'm FOREVER CHANGED for it! And on 9/11/10, I found myself saying a PRAYER for those who were snatched away, for those who lost loved ones (including me), and for all of us who are left behind to tell the story and testify to the RESILLIENCE of AMERICA!
1) SHOUT OUT to my model buddies Cole & Paul for being featured (skateboards and all - 2:27) in Paris-based photographer Justin Wu’s “We Are Family” video (featuring the boys and girls of NYC Fashion Week 2010): I hung with them a bit recently when a storm hit.
2) Ant and I wanted to be in Dallas this past weekend. Our girlfriend DeDe McGuire invited us to her nuptials. CONGRATS, DEDE (pictured on the left)! Scheduling didn’t allow us to attend, but I understand she was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! THANKS for the invite, DeDe! MUCH LOVE TO YOU… and we hope to see you (and your hubby) soon!
3) Lloyd Boston (pictured right) and I attended Morehouse together. In fact, we lived right across the hallway from each other one semester. Since then, of course, he’s gone to have blockbuster success in Fashion & Style. Please be sure to check out his latest tome “The Style Checklist : The Ultimate Wardrobe Essentials for You”. He’s been on quite the media blitz, including “The Wendy Williams Show” which featured a fashion show segment that Ant was a big part of producing. LOVE THE SYNERGY! LOVE LLOYD!!!!
4) My Momentum Education buddy Liz Murray is now a New York Times best-selling author a la her memoir: “Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard”. CONGRATS, LIZ! And to my readers, PLEASE PICK THIS ONE UP! YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!
5) Don't forget to tune in this Sunday, September 26th to watch the return of "Conversation with Ed Gordon", at 10PM and the debut of Weekly with my buddy Ed Gordon on October 3rd.
CONGRATS, ED!!!! And my CJ (and my many other friends) who will be working on this welcome programming to BET!
Everyone is ALL buzz about Janet in "Tyler Perry's FOR COLORED GIRLS..." ( and her BLACKGLAMA-rousness in Times Square.
But Miss Jackson reportedly pulled out all the stops for some 'corporate types' at Radio City Music Hall! You heard right! A FULL CONCERT. And though Ant nor I were there, my Morehouse BFF and Ant's Janet soul-mate Michael K. Watts was there... LIVE! FROM FRONT ROW! (
Though I've interviewed her; posed in pix with her; shot her with Ant by her side;
and on and on for magical Janet moments, she touched Michael's hand while starting her show - DIANA-style ( - from the back of the house that is Radio City!!!
It's all BELOW!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Fan Review:
Janet Jackson Gives Investors More Bang for the Buck
By LIVE! Mic
I WAS NOT READY for Janet Jackson to enter the hall from the rear of the orchestra via the aisle--MY AISLE!!! I will never wash my hand again!!! As you can see from the video, I was barely able to focus on videotaping with JANET FUCKING JACKSON walking down the aisle toward me. She entered with "The Pleasure Principle,' and shook hands as she sauntered down the aisle. I think if I had paused to think about what was happening, I would have needed an IV drip. She didn't look at me, but she SHOOK MY HAND. <fainting>
To read the rest of the Janet Jackson review, click here.
Click on the links below to watch video clips from the show:
Janet Jackson's GRAND ENTRANCE: "The Pleasure Principle"
Janet Jackson: "Come Back to Me," "Let's Wait Awhile," "Again"
Janet Jackson: "Make Me"
Janet Jackson's GRAND FINALE: "Together Again"
To read past reviews and get the latest concert tour news, check out our Facebook page:
Just sending special LOVE to my FRIENDS who are more like FAMILY during a time that could use PRAYER, COMFORT, and LOVE! To my readers, PLEASE JOIN ME IN HOLDING these folks and their families IN PRAYER at this time. MM; JD; DC… you know who you are!

I thought my blog entry would simply chronicle my month in Atlanta on an assignment – the general details of which I can share when the ‘reality show’ is ready to be seen in the Fall. I would have simply listed the musings and pop culture sightings across which I stumbled while in my ‘home away from home’ over this five-week stretch.
But I’ll start with what awaited me here at home over this past few days as I did miss my partner Ant something terrible. I also missed the comforts of my home and the quality of my life. But during these economically-challenging times, it’s been critical that I be willing to sacrifice to stay connected to the industry I still hold dear and to hold onto the business that is – for now - the backdrop of my calling and living.
Though put up in lovely quarters and enjoying all the cuisine Atlanta has to offer, I was very excited to land at JFK airport the other day and be met by Ant and a roundup of ‘my favorite things’ that had been missing while I was away from home. He lined up TIVO – so we could catch up on the shows I didn’t have the time to watch. He served a tasty meal of salmon, asparagus, and fixings. We held onto each other for dear life before heading into the city for some time-sensitive errands (bills still have to be paid, etc.) and of course, some social time at SOBs (
John Legend introduced his little brother Vaughn Anthony ( who provided a seven-song indication that he’s got the goods.
Additionally, Legend performed a jam session with Estelle…
Rick Ross…
Ryan Leslie.
John Legend rocks!!!!
Then, Ant and I did a little karaoke. (and three times since I’ve been back).
The next night, his buddy Mike from Denver (an awesome vocalist in his own right) joined us for an evening.
We got our karaoke in but also did some bar hopping – including our old standby “No Parking” ( where our friend/owner Brian Palmer showed how happy he was to see me.
Derrick Briggs whose awesome performance in "Finding Me" entertained Ant and me during our reunion ( as we viewed a copy provided us from the filmmaker.
Also, I co-hosted an event for my dear friend Carl Nelson.
“Drums Along The Hudson” (, which I also co-hosted last year, is in its seventh year of transforming Upper Manhattan’s Inwood Hill Park into a POW WOW PLANET.
Produced by Carl, it is presented by Lotus Music & Dance in collaboration with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation.
It is sponsored in part by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and WABC-TV, including host for the first part of the day, Sandra Bookman.
“Drums Along The Hudson” is a celebratory gathering of Native people and a multicultural, family-oriented mélange of world dancers and drummers.
Also, Native American crafts and international cuisines were a part of the day.
My co-host Tetiana Anderson (of Weather Channel fame - and I introduced a diverse array of performances – from Peru, Korea, and the Mohawk tribe.
Ant volunteered for the effort while many of our friends came out to support - including Lisa, Nicole, and Wilson.
We also met Theressa Dubois with Equal Access Sign Language Television ( She gave us an insight and awareness into the US Deaflympic Team (Taipei 2009).
I also got to enjoy a quick breakfast in Hackensack, NJ.
My sponsors were another of my ride-or-dies Lisa Goodnight and her man Lex.
We enjoyed southern cuisine and each others' company.
The crème de la crème of Ant’s welcome home fiesta was at the Velvet Cigar Lounge ( at which he bartends a couple of nights a week.
You’ll recall, his “Amazing Grace” Manivone has been working there for about a year and graciously extended an offer his way after the owner Phil needed to expand his team.
Ant – ever the visionary – has come up with “SUNDAY NIGHT MUSE” – a weekly franchise that celebrates the body of work and the influence of an artist. For my WELCOME-BACK-SET, DIANA ROSS – of course – was the muse. The signature drink "Love Hangover" was made of organic, fruit-infused Grey Goose.
And DJ Stereotype scored the night with 45 years of LA ROSS piping from the speakers.
My “Amazing Grace” Nichole, who too was in Atlanta with me on this reality assignment, shared ‘the spotlight’ with me as this was her comeback as well.
Next week, PRINCE is the muse: And come meet Ant and DJ Stereotype in person.
I plan to be there as well.
A month of sightings without my every-two-week update means I have about five weeks to playback. I won’t bore you with all the details but the pictures are worth many words.
Firstly, my fellow producers (including my Nichole, Shareen, Ev, Ashley) and I stayed at THE TWELVE – Atlantic Station (
It was truly a home away from home with each room well-appointed like an apartment - from kitchens to pcs to whirlpool and balcony.
You’ll recall, I stayed there last August when in Atlanta to host an event for the High Museum (
The lobby is quite the place to see and be seen. In the course of the month, I ran into “Ron” from “A Different World” played by Darryl Bell. He was in town working on a TV ONE special.
Denise Boutte who is currently co-starring in Tyler Perry’s “Meet The Browns” was having dinner there one night ( She too co-starred in Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married?".
My friend Anthony Hill (a writer for the show) introduced me to her.
The ladies and I ran into Anthony on more than one occasion in the lobby and hung out a little bit.
One night, a friend of Nichole’s Michael Ferguson (former bass player for Levert and planner of music festivals –, Anthony (credits also including “Eve” and “Between Brothers”), Shareen, Nichole, and I did a night on the town that included: Gladys Knight and Ron Winans’ Chicken & Waffles (
Sutra Lounge ( my favorite for organic wings and eggs R. Thomas (
We popped by Justin’s ( and met Shareen’s friend Sonia who has a store “Roaring 20s” in Lithonia near its Stone Crest Mall (We went to check her out and bought a few 'looks for less').
Shareen is also friends with Lelee from SWV. So, I got a photo op with her as well.
Also in Atlantic Station, we spent time at “Geisha House” ( and enjoyed sushi.
And when we could get out, “The Flying Biscuit” ( and “Arizona” ( were two restaurants that floated our digestive boats. Good food all around!!!! Now, I couldn’t be in Atlanta without sniffing out “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”. Don't we LOVE them? Well, I'm told I can't talk about it now (so I've pulled the pix and sightings off). But stay tuned pending the new season. I'll try to remember to recall my own observations once it hits the airwaves later this year. I apologize if my initial post caused any trouble.
I did get to hang out a little bit with Sister 2 Sister’s Jamie Foster Brown ( She and I got to catch up as we had some business-in-common later that week. Also, Keyshia Cole’s manager Manny invited me to a set for his birthday (
Here I pose with his brother Steve who I got to know during the month there. We worked together and had a lot of fun too.
Since Nichole and I were both homesick, we were happy to be together as we also had to travel to Oakland for a few days on our assignment. Also, we were more than happy to get our friends and family in the mix as much as we could.
Nichole’s sister Tori, Shannon, and Shannon’s friend Vernecia (who works at The Carter Center) came by to see us along with another of Tori’s friends Naima.
Always good to hang with the girls.
Any time we could connect to ‘our folks’ was a heartwarming time.
My sister Janice lives in Lithonia. The same week I came to ATL, my brother Herman was coming to stay with my sister and her husband Vincent. So, I got a few moments to hang with them (Not as many as I would have liked but my work schedule demanded much of my time).
My brother’s son Noot (who is now a rising-Senior at Morehouse College en route to NYC for his 2nd year at his HBO internship) came and saw me a couple of times (Spelman sister in tow).
My Morehouse brother Welborn Preston came by with a friend Nathan (who knows my Mario who is here in NYC).
My “Original Amazing Grace” Natalie got to meet my “NYC Amazing Grace” Nichole.
That was a cool moment for me! SMILE!
My girlfriend Kelly Welborn (formerly of High Museum. Now, Director of Marketing with Spelman College museum) came by and spent some time with me.
She even had a birthday gift for Ant;
Miss Cristal (with whom Ern and I spent many Thanksgivings in the Poconos) came by;
my dearest Elise found me in Lenox Mall one day.
Then, we had some great, ‘spirited’ times at the hotel lobby.
And my Audrey – of course – came around as often as possible to lift my homesick spirits.
She even joined Lamoh and me one night at late-night supper spot Pearl (
Afterwards, we even convinced her to join us at a spot Rain for dancing (her Taliban-esque chicness in tow).
And I couldn’t be in ATL for a month without my “best friends” from New York City popping by (not so much to see me, but of course, they squeezed me into their missions).
Jason and Marqice were in town. Marqice joined Jason a few days later for his birthday which falls near Ant’s birthday - so our households were represented in both places (as Jason wasn't able to attend Ant's birthday set earlier in the month). Marqice had a Queens-based fete upon their return to NYC... and Ant was able to attend that as well. So, we LOVE when we can represent for each others' birthdays.
Then, THE Michael K. Watts came down for Mother’s Day to see his mom… and popped by the “12” to say HI.
This, as he and I are co-producing the National Association of Black Journalists’ Hall of Fame Banquet (
One night, while dining at Intercontinental Buckhead ( for business, I was cajoled into singing with a German tourist/pianist at the bar. This, while legendary Frankie Beverly (of MAZE) looked on and later complimented me.
The one thing missing was… ANT! But he sure made up for it when I returned. We’ll now be present with the time we do have together before I hit the road for a couple of months: L.A., ATLANTA, L.A., TAMPA. He’ll – for sure – get one of these destinations in for a visit, if not more, though he’s poised to start work on “The Wendy Williams Show” at the end of June (in addition to an art project on which he’s working to complete and get backing for a show). STAY TUNED!