PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley



mskelly.jpgAs I am inspired to title this entry after the now-famous lyric from Kelly Rowland's summer hit "Like This" (, I'm watching her perform via TIVO on "The View" ( after being chatted up by Elisabeth and guest co-host, actress Debi Mazar, who is Madonna's good buddy and former makeup artist. I'm reminded of how much I love this song and I'm thankful that Kelly has proven she can turn in an "in-tune" performance of this song on the heels of her slightly-off-kilt rendering of the go-go-tinged jam at the BET Awards.

Actually, I have been bumping like this all week. And really enjoying my summer so far. Last Saturday, socialites Randall Isaac and co-hosts of "the & show" Nathan Seven Scott ( and Jared Shuler ( hosted a party at The Johnny Gentry Loft near Bryant Park in Manhattan. ANTANDPATFLAWLESS3.jpgAnthony and I had a good time, though we spent the first hour of our time at this set stuck in an elevator with eight other brothers. Initially, it was cute. Two minutes later, claustrophobia kicked in. Five minutes later, someone thought to push the alarms and do all we could vis-a-vis the elevator phone; blackberries; cell phones; etc. to get help. Ten minutes later, we were all soaked as if we'd been in a pool. Fifteen minutes later until we were rescued by the firemen, what happened in the elevator will just have to stay in the elevator. Randall, Nathan, and Jared were gracious, once we all made it into the party. We danced - to Kelly Rowland -and saw all of our usual suspects at these "boyz" events. Anthony stumbled into some old friends. ANTANDPATFLAWLESS1.jpgAnd I saw some surprises, including my Morehouse brother Dexter, who I had just seen at my 15-year-reunion from Morehouse. It was nice to introduce him to Anthony as he'd heard a lot about him. dexterandpatrick

On Monday, my friend Theo, a publicist extraordinaire, hipped me to a set at HONEY, a cute little lounge on 14th Street (across from where Nell's used to be). It was a birthday party for a young lady who works for Honey Magazine (, the on-line destination for multi-cultural females, who love all things fashion, beauty, and pop culture. Many of the fashionistas came out to play and I really enjoyed meeting many of them. Theo introduced me to his friends Tanisha Blakely from "New York" Magazine ( and Aleatrice Dixson, a freelance reporter for Men's Fitness magazine ( ALEATRICETANISHAME.jpgThey generously shared their appetizers of pizza, wings, and shrimp. Then, I met (for the first time) Natasha Aarons who heads up video promotions at Jive Records ( She and I have communicated via e-mail for over a year, but have never met. She is the cousin of my good girlfriend  and "Amazing Grace" Audrey Irvine, who I've referenced here in the BLOG before ( and ( NATASHAPATRICK.jpg


Also, I ran into Whitney Cunningham, one of the contestants on Cycle 8 of "America's Next Top Model" ( On the heels of her elimination, the plus-sized cutie went back to Dartmouth ( to graduate and says she's just moved to New York City to start her career. Where that will lead? She is open. My hunch is she will be using her personality as she's got lots of charisma, but ivy-league seasoned Whitney must carve out her own niche as Cycle 3's full-figured fashionista Toccara ( and her down-home brand have made her a BET and Manhattan favorite (, especially since she is poised to co-host a live, one-hour, late night game show called "Take The Cake" on BET, starting this summer.takethecake.jpg Clearly, there's room for them both in the industry. Theo also introduced me to a flamboyant, extra-stylish socialite in the mix, Celebrity Styleaholic Najwa ( who is doing her thing on behalf of pop culture and fashion. Check out this pic. NAJWA.jpg

Then, one of the industry players I've gotten to know a bit over the last year, Ra-Fael Blanco (, walked in with three of his clients: TWEETIE, host of MTV's "Dances From Tha Hood" ( She too personally taught Gayle King how to hip hop dance in the class she teaches at Alvin Ailey Dance Company ( Alongside her was SMOOV, dancer/choreographer and co-host of MTV's "Dances From Tha Hood". bleucover.bmpAnd if that wasn't enough, MIGUEL PERDOMO was in the house. He is the cover model for the current BLEU Magazine, also Ra-Fael's client. (  MIGUELTWEETIESMOOVME.jpgHe is the new face of SEAN JOHN and has been labeled the first Dominican Male supermodel. miguel1.bmpAnd though it's obvious that he is HOT, he too is warm and as nice as you would want someone that FINE to be. (I'LL SAY NO MORE <wiping off the sweat from my brow and other places>).miguel2.bmp

Imagine my surprise when we ran into Ra-Fael, Tweetie, and Smoov the following night at SPLASH ( Anthony had been telling me about this new dance Aunt Jackie - even showing me how it's done on YOU TUBE ( PATRICKTAMBOURINE.jpgWhile we enthusiastically re-acquainted (and I introduced Anthony to Tweetie and Smoov), Tweetie went on to give me the lesson in "Aunt Jackie" and - HOT OFF THE PRESS - THE TAMBORINE (a la EVE - ). RAFAELCLIENTSTWEETYME.jpgWe had a good ol' time dancing and enjoying the music. PATRICKTAMBOURINEWITHTWEETY.jpgTweetie even graciously invited Anthony and me to join her on Mondays for her hip hop class. I think we're going this Monday.  WATCH OUT! MEANDTWEETY.jpgY'all know I've always been told I have the lines of a dancer and you know that Gene Anthony Ray is one of my muses from childhood via his run in "Fame" - the movie and the TV show ( As a child, I'd high kick towards our high-ceilings, mimmicking what I saw "Leroy" and Debbie Allen do on the screen. Those inspired moments made me ask my parents if I could take dance. Instead, I was told to "stop flouncing around the house" and get those thoughts out of my head. Via music theater and chorus, I found more socially-acceptable (to them) ways to express my talents. But I'm sure I could have been a dancer. Then, I would really be exclaiming: "Y'all didn't think that I could bump like this...". leroy.jpg

Also in the house (or at the door), Miss Erica Watson, who is featured in J. Maurice Jamal's "Dirty Laundry" of which I've shouted out here in the BLOG many times. ( She is one to watch - comedienne, actress, producer, director, writer, and the consummate "Amazing Grace" to the many gay men out there. She's always a joy and Anthony took a pic of us at SPLASH. DIRTYLAUNDRYACTRESSANDME.jpg

Speaking of folks who are doing their thing, I want to shout out MO'NIQUE, who seems to be the HOSTESS with the MOST-EST these days. Her encore run as host of the BET Awards was generally well received (  monique2.jpg Though I ignored the first five or so weeks of "Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School" (, a marathon just sucked me in and had me at my "heart" through to its season finale and reunion. I ADORED the role MONIQUE performed --- humbly and with lots of humor. CONGRATS to SAPPHYRE, who truly deserved the $50,000 and seems to be on her way to A NEW LIFE! saaph_wins.jpgALSO, MO'NIQUE is poised to host Oxygen's MONIQUE'S FAT CHANCE ( is coming down the pike from Paris later this month. HR_Monique_2.jpgAnd though my book project "Big Willies & Amazing Graces: gay men and their best girlfriends" has yet to be picked up, MO'NIQUE was the first to agree to be a part of it and tell the tales of she and her "Big Willie". I look forward to the opportunity to share those tid-bits and those from other CELEBS pending this book's greenlight. KEEP DOIN' YOUR THANG, SISTAH MO'NIQUE!!!!

And one more shout out to my Morehouse Brother Isoul Harris who I always knew was gonna "bump like this...". I've known him for years since being an entertainment editor for Rolling Out Magazine in Atlanta. He is currently an editor for Atlanta Peach Magazine ( for which he has done many entertainment stories and covers. He too does freelance stories for People Magazine ( people%20magazine.jpgAnd this week, a story to which he contributed regarding the Chris Benoit Murder-
Suicide is on the cover - his first. CONGRATS ISOUL!





diana-ross-qatar-airways-gala-01.jpgGayle King said it best on "The Insider", after attending the Qatar Airways launch party in New York City last week: "... Everything [on TV] is in re-runs. So, I thought 'I'd much rather go see Collin [Cowie] and Diana Ross..."

This summer, I'd LOVE to get out of the house more - especially to see Miss Ross. But when I can't (or when the outings don't carry the sheen the Qatar function did), I will find something to keep me entertained. Now, with Anthony and me under the same roof, we are finding some passing fancies on the airwaves to keep us entertained (perhaps twiddling our thumbs awaiting an invitation from Miss Ross...?):

* I never watched "My Name is Earl" (, though I know it's a big hit for NBC. But Anthony and I channel surfed by it the other night and had to re-cue our TIVO to see it from the beginning as we watched actress Tamala Jones ( in a guest star role that I'd love to see receive an EMMY next year. She was GENIUS as the half sister that Joy (Jaime Pressly) discovers she has in preparation for a trial that her advisers say could work in her favor, if she has family there to support her. It turns out Tamala's character "Liberty" - a wrestler-in-training - is her lifelong mortal enemy. And the chemistry between the two "sisters" made Anthony and me laugh from beginning to end. "My Name Is Earl" may have another fan. tamala.jpg

* From the scripted zany to something you couldn't script any better than the reality: "Hey Paula", Paula Abdul's train-wreck of a reality show on BRAVO ( I hear not as many people are watching her as "Being Bobby Brown", the original king of "celeb-reality". But Anthony and I are amongst the few who can't quite figure out what is going on with Paula Abdul, but at the same time, can't take our eyes off of her as she navigates through her sur-reality. Paula_Abdul_splashnews.jpg

* Another shout out to Bravo's "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D List" ( She's steadily upgrading on my guest list as her reality show's new season continues to entertain and - with the recent passing of her father - conjure emotions that I never knew Kathy Griffin could inspire. kathyandparents.jpg








And when Anthony and I aren't watching TV, we have been out a bit in the last week. July 4th fell on Wednesday which inspired book-ends of cookouts, parties, etc. antandnichole.jpgLast Saturday, we went back to New Rochelle to be hosted by another of my Nichole's "desperate housewife" friends Michelle. She and her husband Nelson welcomed many of us into their new home, which Michelle is personally decorating and turning into an "oasis". Michelle's friend Cynthia, an artist-on-the-rise, did two colossal, mixed-media paintings for the living room that create such a wonderful, museum-like focus for the space. 014_13A.JPGA few weeks ago, our previous New Rochelle hosts, Monica and Brian, threw the last set at which Anthony and I bonded with their son Miles (see pic to the left). They too were in attendance at Michelle and Nelson's cookout and Miles was so excited to see me that he stayed in my arms for much of the cookout (never letting his chicken drop). I'm not the most kid-friendly, yet they LOVE me. And what I love is when they are as smart and cute as Miles. newrochelleposses.jpg








On Sunday, a friend Craig invited Anthony and me to a new dance ritual called "SUNDAYS AT SHRINE" ( It's a weekly DANCE party in Harlem and it features a menu of soulful house music, classic R&B, Caribbean Beats,  and Afro Brazilian Rhythms along with LIVE Percussionists accompanying the sound system!! craigpatrickantetal.jpgSHRINE is located on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd between 133rd Adam 134th Streets. And there's NO COVER. We saw lots of old friends, but also some new associates like Donna Dove (, a designer who I met a few months ago through friend and fashion guru Walter Greene. Donna always has a smile on her face and we made sure to capture it this time. antpatdonna.jpg







Also this week, my friend Camille came to town and says she's going to plant some roots in New York City. I've known Camille since the mid-'90s during my days in Atlanta. camilleandpatrick.jpgShe's always been a free, bohemian spirit. She's worn many hats inside of that energy, too. People often say "What does Camille do?" Basically, they ask that because she always seems to be in the right place at the right time. When I first met her, she was doing marketing in the entertainment business, but then segued into fashion - styling many of the music videos and artists out of Atlanta. From Atlanta booming roster of LA FACE artists in the '90s to the stars of the ESSENCE MUSIC FESTIVAL during that time, she's inspired looks and style for the industry. At a point, she began to teach Atlanta youth about art. And as the hustler she is, she always has another job or two to keep things afloat. She's bringing her swagger to the Big Apple for more than a visit this time. So, we're excited and encouraged to see what she will create while she's here. Patrick_s35thBirthday-Friday006.jpgBy the way, Camille is responsible for my wearing MOSHOOD (, the Nigerian coutourier whose African-inspired gear has been like a second skin to me for over a decade now. Patrick_s35thBirthday-Friday008.jpgShe even supervised plans for MOSHOOD's Atlanta store opening. I wrote about Moshood and Camille in a story that was originally published in the African magazine ( which my friend Frankie founded. The text is as follows:

My friend Camille is a stylist out of Atlanta. She introduced me to Nigerian designer Moshood in 1995 when she was here in New York City on a job. Before we walked into the Fulton Street entrance of his Brooklyn boutique, my eyes were seduced by the intense glare of an African mask, embroidered on a huge flag that was suspended high above the store's threshold. I would learn very soon that the face on that still-hanging fabric adorns all of Moshood's gear, usually atop a small, black piece of cloth sewn on the pants leg or at the center of the chest on a shirt. It's a symbol of African pride and it supports one of Moshood's mantras: WEAR MOSHOOD, WEAR YOURSELF. It took me 25 years to receive such profound words with open eyes, arms, and heart.

Growing up down south in Georgia, I inherited my mom's sense of style and the whole Bible Belt's allegiance to keeping up appearances. During those years, we spent lots of time in the mall and amidst the Spanish moss of Downtown Savannah's Broughton Street, shaping my look of preppy oxford shirts, penny loafers, and matching socks. It was a look every mother would deem appropriate for her scholarly, yet artistic, son. A stint at Morehouse College in Atlanta would further endorse this brand of dressing with Madison Avenue, magazines, the media, the masses, and mom in mind. And I was more than happy to oblige as everybody else was doing it. 

And yet, when I laid my eyes on Moshood's timeless pieces for the first time, I realized instantly that I had been living my life through someone else's eyes. By simply bringing together the traditional beauty of African tailoring with a taste of western flavor, Moshood's fashions gave me a blueprint for how I can highlight the unique African in me and embrace "the little black boy who just wants to be accepted" --- and not feel conflicted about it.

patrickperforms.jpgAnd ever since, I've been wearing his fluid and elegant designs for all occasions - feeling quite convinced that beating to my own drum is the way that counts for me. And if they like it, cool. And if they don't, that's fine too. Like the birth of Jazz and Hip Hop, the critics didn't get it at first. And still both genres rise and transcend all cynicism with each year. That's how I see Moshood: Transcending. carlaandpatrick.jpg

You're bound to catch me wearing some piece of Moshood on any given day. It hangs well on my slim frame. And the ensembles make me feel regal - from the creative designs to the favorable and sometimes- perplexed stares those creations evoke. My bright drawstring patchwork pants of many colors are a favorite. patrickatfridayparty.jpgAlso, my long, black duster, which I usually wear over a long, white and sheer dashiki, has gotten a lot of wear. Whether singing on a stage or shopping at the supermarket or conducting an interview at The White House with President Bill Clinton, I always feel like Moshood is most appropriate. It's gotten to the point where people on the street think I am Moshood. As one lady put it, "You wear that like you designed it". I retorted, "Actually, it designed me". antaridpat.jpg

And with my mom no longer alive to stamp my chosen look with her approval, I do have a slew of church ladies from home, who give my vibrant wardrobe their thumbs up. Still, they've pulled my coattail a couple of times to remove the tag that they just figured was left on my pants by accident. Of course, the tag with the Moshood logo is supposed to be there. Like I said before, they'll catch up. And if they don't, that's fine too.

pratapollo.jpgMoshood is limitless. And in his two stores (including his latest Atlanta shop), I've found a home away from home, a place that celebrates my African spirit. In Moshood, I found me. And since I've jumped on board, I've been pleasantly surprised to find that this unexpected treasure chest of fashion and pride has caught on. One need look no further than the closets of old-school icons like Isaac Hayes and Chaka Khan to know that Moshood's truth is marching on. Some new jacks and Jill Scott, for example, have also embraced the brand. And the humbled roster of fashion patrons continues to grow - from cult to corporate to cutting edge. They'll catch up, indeed.kikititipatdeniseantalicia.jpg

By the way, Anthony and I went to Dallas BBQ in Washington Heights the other day ( We were seated next to two African American men, one of whom said to me: "You're Patrick Riley. I was just reading your BLOG today!". Taken aback, I realized that more people read "A Day in the Life of Riley" than my inner-circle. But WOW! - being recognized in the street by a stranger for it. The young man's name was Scott and he shared the degree to which he - like me - is a huge Diana Ross fan. diana-ross-qatar-airways-gala-03.jpgHe says he reads the BLOG religiously for all the tid-bits and told me "Keep up the great blog and letting me live through you and your great friends." Thank you, SCOTT... for reading. And THANK YOU all for reading.











carllesiapatrickjakkieddie2.jpgAs I wrote last week, I was in Chicago. On my last night, I got the chance to hang out with my "best friend" from Morehouse College Eddie and my Chicago posse Lesia, Carl, and Jakki (Ki-Ki). We went to Big Bowl ( and enjoyed our last supper before I returned East. We laughed a lot and I really enjoyed this restaurant as I'd never been before. Afterwards, Lesia, Carl, Eddie, and I enjoyed a post-dinner coffee at Starbuck's before calling it a night. There, we each got the "first degree" on our respective relationships (or scenarios in love), and whoever wasn't on the hot seat got counseled accordingly. DR. PHIL would be proud. patrickeddie2.jpgThe next morning, I hopped on a plane at O'Hare airport that was carrying a fallen soldier. As the pilot explained what was going on to the left of the plane (a ceremony in Chicago and once we landed in NYC) - asking us to share in a moment of silence, my eyes began to well with water for yet another life lost in this war. Though sad, it too was a total honor to be on that flight. I also loved leaving Chicago, home of Chaka Khan, to get to my home, where Chaka Khan was hosting a preview listening party of excerpts from her upcoming CD "Funk This..." (BMG/Burgundy Records - due September 25), her first studio project in ten years. It's boasted as a return to her funky/R&B roots and is produced by Janet Jackson's boys Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis: ( and ( The party was a lot of fun, too. It was great to see my good friends and associates in the business who were as excited as I was to hear this new material. There was my Theo Perry, great publicist who hipped me to this event; Kori Murray from ESSENCE; Crystal Howard, now PR with ESPN (who I hadn't seen in a few years); PEOPLE magazine's Chuck Arnold; my fellow Diana Ross fanmate Dustin Fitzharris; Jacque Lee (with Diageo, well-known liquor sponsor for all the BIG EVENTS); and my favorite "black voice" from AOL/BLACK VOICES, KARU DANIELS, who was gracious to have his photographer snap a shot or two of Chaka and me.

Before she arrived, we experienced her introduce each song (on a big screen) via a pre-taped session. She shared tracks like "Will You Love Me?" (uptempo tune with vulnerable message that she says came from her heart and where she was when she recorded it on her journey to "... finding Yvette again [referring toher birth name]"); "One For All Time" (a "Rufus-y, acoustic-y track", which she describes as kinda' "Black Joni Mitchell"); "Angel" (a beautiful ballad that will - for sure - be a favorite); "Disrespectful" (the tour-de-force duet with powerhouse Mary J. Blige, who battles Chaka on their respective "screams". It was written by Mary before Chaka came into the picture. Mary told Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis she wanted it to be Chaka-like. Enter Chaka and it's one to listen to. Chaka would say later she doesn't look forrward to singing it LIVE because it requires so much); "Foolish Fool" (a remake of DeeDee Warwick from the '60s that puts you in the mind of current-day retro-girls like Lauryn Hill and Amy Winehouse).

ChakaPatrick3.jpgAfter we heard our five songs, Chaka came in to chat us up. She told us there are other re-makes on the album like PRINCE's "Sign o' the Times"; a duet with Michael McDonald on "You Belong To Me", a song he co-wrote with Carly Simon (Chaka says she got some "Doobie in her funk"); Joni Mitchell's "Ladies Man" (one of Chaka's favorites); Jimi Hendrix's "Castle in the Sand"; and a medly fusion of Rufus classics "Pack'd My Bags"; "You Got the Love"; and "Once You Get Started". I asked Chaka what her set list in concert look like now with all of these new gems (but knowing she'd have to do her prolific discography of hits for the fans). She thought it was a GREAT question because it addressed her very conundrum around her many songs being squeezed in a two-hour show (and don't forget her CLASSIKHAN treats from that LIVE project she recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra - ).

Chaka was gracious and warm. I told her of the two times I've interviewed her in the past. We had a great laugh over meeting 1 and meeting 2. And she left us all with a good taste in our mouth for her... (It was FUNKY!).ChakaPatrick2.jpg

As I watched the BET AWARDS on Monday night, my hope was CHAKA would be as on-point as she was on her studio projects.dianaatbetawards2.jpg But as she generously tributed MY DIANA ROSS with "I'm Coming Out", it shows why Chaka's hits are hers and Diana's hits are hers. No better or worse here. Just some songs are meant for certain voices. erykah%20badu.jpgRegardless, Diana enjoyed and seemed to enjoy all of her performers - including Erykah Badu, who performed "Love Hangover" ( and Stevie Wonder, who put his touch on "Upside Down", after Diana serenaded him a couple of years ago at the "Billboard Music Awards" for one of his career achievement honors. rossatstevietribute.bmp Alicia Keys gave some wonderful words off the top of the presentation and the ROSS clan brought it home as each of her offspring played a role in her presentation (which I must say was WELL DONE). dianaandkids.jpg

Diana then "dropped science" and "preached" beyond her "gratitude" during her speech - pointing out how important it is that the industry note Berry Gordy as an innovator to why we can all be at a BET Awards (He was in the audience) and to the young'ns, she pointed out  that "keeping it classy" is an option for "longevity" (and she is proof). traceeanddiana.jpgMany reached out to me on behalf of my DIANA - wishing she'd sung ("THE BOSS" would have been a cute one!!), but I think that her not performing and allowing herself to be relaxed and "honored" for the many years that she's put in is how any DIVA should be "honored". And proving everyday that she's still in the game, she's on the road now (New York City, to be exact, doing a private benefit at Lincoln Center) - reinforcing the closing line in her speech: "It's taken me a lifetime to get here, I ain't goin' nowhere"! The evidence (these photos): dianaatqatar3.jpg dianaatbetawards3.jpgTRULY THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT!:



By now, you've all seen (or heard) about the BET AWARDS, but I'd be remiss if I didn't shout out the genius of the show's opening duet between Academy-Award-winning Effie, Jennifer Hudson and Tony-Award-winning Effie, Jennifer Holiday - performing (as duet) "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going". jennifer-holiday-hudson-240a122106.jpgThey vomitted (in a very entertaining way) that song out and made it an experience to behold:




Posted on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 12:39PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment | References340 References


6-26-2007-15.jpgOne of my best friends from Morehouse Michael K. Watts celebrated another year of life this past weekend. In the spirit of Anthony's and my most recent birthday celebrations, he went with a weekend of "hangin' out" that freed anyone to join him at anytime. Because it was also PRIDE weekend for the LGBTQ Communities (, we were all celebrating BIRTH to THE LIFE - on some level.

On Friday, I got the chance to reconnect to my "Amazing Grace" Nichole, who'd spent the prior week in Jamaica. Since we can so often be attached at the hip, we yearn to see each other again when we return from our respective travels. We did what has become our spot of the season: Cafeteria (alfresco-style) []. 6-26-2007-26.jpgAfter his workout, Anthony joined us. From there, we enjoyed a happy hour (and more food) from Bone Lick Park in the Village on Greenwich Avenue. From there, Nichole bid the night farewell and went home. 6-26-2007-24.jpgShe dropped Anthony and me off to Starbucks to meet with Michael to have a pre-late-dinner coffee (and get our energy back). 6-26-2007-21.jpgMichael also shared with us his good news that he's launched: LIVE! FROM FRONT ROW, an e-newsletter (soon-to-be website) in which he will share concert reviews and all sorts of music news. He shares them now via e-mail and those of us in his circle LOVE to hear his take on a show. If I'm at the show with him, I'm pleasantly reminded. If I'm not there, I feel like I am there through Michael's vivid and detailed writing style. Stay tuned... and CONGRATS MICHAEL!

From there, we joined Michael's friends Scott and Tony, a couple out of Los Angeles. Scott was in town for the Blaque and White Ball (,  a benefit his boss Sheryl Lee Ralph (the "original" Deena in Broadway's "Dreamgirls") was hosting. sheryl1.jpgAs the Project Coordinator for ALL THINGS SHERYL LEE RALPH, I should shout her out here: HEY!!!!! And alert you to find out more about her traveling one-woman-show "SOMETIMES I CRY: The loves, lives, and losses of women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS" which she also wrote ( And find out about all she's doing, including her popular franchise "DIVAS: SIMPLY SINGING" which too benefits AIDS causes (

Though we were all gathering in Michael's honor (at Sushi Samba []), the gift was really Anthony's and mine as we got to not only celebrate ALL THINGS MICHAEL, but we got the opportunity to meet another couple, which is always a blessing in our world. 6-26-2007-20.jpgSince Scott and Tony were scheduled to be in town through the rest of PRIDE weekend, we found several opportunities to hang out up until the hour they were to depart for the airport. 6-26-2007-17.jpg

On the following night, we went to COMIX, a comedy club, for the Wendy Williams Experience ( COMIX is in the Village and this midnight show complimented PRIDE weekend just lovely. We had a great meal, drinks, and dessert. And got to see MISS WENDY in all of her glory, but the handful of comedians they provided us too entertained with fresh and cutting-edge humor.wendywilliams.jpg It was the perfect double-date as Anthony and Scott met us with their N bags (

) and they walked out with a handful each of my favorite line there now: MINORITEES ( T-SHIRTS. They were pleased. From there, they dropped their bags off to the Maritime Hotel ( Meanwhile, Anthony and I headed towards the usual suspects on Christopher Street: The Hangar, The Monster, Chi-Chi's - even running into a flight attendant name Dahaj, who was yearning to connect to some gay folks of color. PRIDEFRIENDSDAHAJPATANT.jpgWe enjoyed our conversation with him until Scott and Tony re-joined us for early-morning breakfast at Manatu's. 6-26-2007-14.jpgThis, as the sun was coming out... and Anthony and I were due back in the city six hours later for PRIDE DAY BRUNCH with friends - including Scott and Tony.

TONYSCOTTANTPAT.jpgWe ended up back in the city a couple of hours later than we had planned. Our nap turned into a decent night's sleep (or morning's sleep). We did pick back up with Scott and Tony at Voyage, Anthony's friend Marcos' spot where we always enjoy a good rum punch. Voyage - right in the heart of the West Village - would end up being our headquarters for the day. Here, I found out that - like me - Tony is a big collector of "vinyl". If we'd had more time, we would have gone to my two favorite vinyl record stores "Disco Rama" ( and "Record Runner" ( But time ran out. It didn't stop us from talking about different albums and singles that we've loved from "back in the day". When Tony found out I was a Diana Ross fan, he asked if I had played 1977s "Baby, It's Me" for Anthony yet.pridepatandant2.jpg I haven't, but it too is one of my favorites as the Richard-Perry-produced project ( got lost on the charts (modest showings) and dwarfed by the subsequent release: "The Boss". But like Tony, it is - hands down - one of my favorite Ross collections. I actually have a Japanese import of it on CD which knocked Tony out. We sang "Confide in Me"; "Gettin' Ready for Love"; and "Top of the World" in the streets. WHAT???? dianababyitsme.jpg

We all enjoyed an additional Michael K. Watts'-themed meal at Cowgirls ( about which I boasted passionately on its corndog. When we got there, I grew nervous when Scott and Tony took my recommendation seriously and ordered not only the corndogs, but my other recommendation: the catfish fingers. Fortunately, they LOVED both items... and we were all good. TONYMICHAELPATRICKANTSCOTT.jpg

From there, we went back to Voyage before closing out our night at The Ritz where we saw many of our friends who we'd not seen in the course of the weekend. Though Jason and Marqice are our favorite couple, we never got the chance to see them. We were always on different sides of town at different times and just couldn't land our celebration with them. Next time, guys.

Meanwhile, it was great to spend the weekend with Michael during his birthday. (Of course, his EXTRAVAGANZA will continue through July. SMILE!). We loved meeting Scott and Tony, and look forward to more "double dates". PATRICKANTHONYTONYSCOTT.jpgAnd what a blessing it was for Anthony and me to be celebrating PRIDE together for the first time. IT'S A NEW DAY!!!!!! 




Posted on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 11:30AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References4 References


6-20-2007-10.jpgAnthony and I had a good weekend. We ran into a host of mutual friends and associates at The Pink Tea Cup in The Village on Sunday, for example. The Pink Tea Cup used to be my SPOT on any given day of the week, when I first moved here. With its down home menu and food that tastes like home, I would always find comfort there. So nice, as we broke bread with our peeps, to re-live that cuisine on my palette. (


6-20-2007-16.jpgOn another night, we did "happy hour" with our friends Jason, Marqice, Marlynn, Trevor, and Theo at Mexican restaurant (in The Village) ( This, before a lovely dinner of Italian cuisine way uptown in Washington Heights Il Sole ( Friends Carl and Craig joined us there. (Craig would invite us to a "white party" that he, Anthony, Jason, Marqice, and I attended on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun!)6-20-2007-12.jpg









060707%20026.jpgBut I was most excited at the time we spent Friday evening at my favorite boutique N (, a location that Terrance Russ (Chairman,President,CEO
The Russ Group of Companies) says he chose from reading "A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities". He chose this uptown backdrop as the setting for a party he was throwing for actor, author, motion picture director Stanley Bennett Clay, whose hot new novel "Looker" (Simon and
Schuster) is - if my first glimpse of its text is a gauge - "the hot summer read of 2007". looker.jpg














Mr. Clay too is a singer and songwriter, who has contributed to Ashford & Simpon's songs for the musical staging of "Invisible Life", which I've referenced in previous entries. (He and Russ are also recording a "Looker" companion album of R&B, contempoary gospel, and house music album on which Mr. Russ says I may have the chance to flex my vocal muscles, which would be a cool experience.). 060707%20027.jpgMr. Clay has won many awards for his acting; directing stage and film; and has branded himself many ways over his years in the business. But I'm fond to tell that he was in an episode of "Good Times" in which he ran against alderman Davis ("... and you too, Wilona..."). As a big fan of the show, that distinction goes a long way with me. Meanwhile, to learn more about the book and Mr. Clay, go to:

Mr. Clay was so gracious, kind, and friendly at the party as was Mr. Terrance who I had only met electronically via many text messages. It was nice to finally meet him in person. 060707%20025.jpgAnd the hostess, screenwriter Tina Andrews ( was so present and cool. She remembered I interviewed her in the late '90s at a point where she had just completed the screenplay to "Why Do Fools Fall In Love?" and was poised to begin work on "Dreamgirls", which at the time was in development at Warner Films. She hipped me to what she's currently working on, including an animated internet series on ("Sistas 'N' the City") and a non-fiction book that chronicles her journey to get a mini-series produced on Sally Hemmings. It's called "Sally Hemmings An American Scandal: The Struggle To Tell The Controversial True Story". Miss Andrews and I then realized we had another friend in common: Miss Deborah Gregory, who was also in attendance. She is the creator and author of "Cheetah Girls" - the original book ( and ever-the entrepreneur, she has many other things she sells, including her "fierce accessories" - like "Mahogany" and "Dreamgirls" business card holders - recent gifts to me from my Theo and Carl respectively.060707%20028.jpg

A great time was had by all and what a perfect way to start the weekend. 060707%20029.jpg









Posted on Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 06:06PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References17 References