PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley



On this day, I REMEMBER... and share my thoughts of 9/11 in 2001.

Dear loved ones,

Many thanks for your concern about my well-being. Physically, I'm fine, but mentally and emotionally I'm a little out of sorts. I've done a bit of an inventory to try and make sure all are well - at least in body. All the close-call testimonials from folks who would have or should have been at the World Trade Center that morning are blowing my mind, but it supports my theory that when it's your time, it really is your time. Unfortunately, it had to be the time of so many innocent people. But for those who missed it, there's got to be something more for you to do on this earth.

Also, I'm certain many of the journalists out there are beat down from fatigue and emotional drain. Hang in there.

I'm sure everyone has heard and experienced stories far worse than mine (I'm actually covering many of them), but I thought I'd take an opportunity to give you all a bitter-sweet (mostly bitter) taste of my experience this past week.

As I write this recollection, I'm now reliving (via tape) the heartache and horror of a woman and her kids who lost their husband and father, a World Trade Center (North Tower) worker from the 102nd floor. By all accounts, he perished in this disaster. I was dispatched to interview this grieving family Friday. I am now in a New York City-based editing suite producing the story that will air to the world on Tuesday. As she pushes the buttons that will turn this raw, gruesome story into a melodramatic mini-movie, my editor is in awe of what she sees on these raw tapes from my interviews with this grieving family - dreading the many hours ahead of us to complete this slightly sadistic (but necessary) task.

I tell her to imagine what it has been like for me since Wednesday - interviewing those who escaped the chaos or having to stalk family members of loved ones schlepping from emergency room to emergency room trying to find just a piece of their loved ones (this, so I could book these folks for a TV show), or crying with the firefighter Tyrone Johnson who in all of his macho splendor can't hold back the tears as he is the so-called lucky one who was not sliced in half by debris (like his fellow firefighters who he will be helping bury this week).

One story that really hit home was that of a young girl who - with her sister and another family member - did all she could to try and locate her cousin - a South Carolina native who is the only of her immediate family in New York City. This determined Queens-based cousin -- who gave my crew and me permission to follow her on this witch-hunt -- had committed to doing all she can on that day before she called her aunt down South to report the news - good, bad, or ugly. Who would do that for me if I were any closer to the death and destruction on Tuesday? These moments made me really long to be with my family.

On Thursday, I was asked to get as close to "ground zero" as possible and to have my crew try and get some shots of the debris. Aside from the asbestos concerns and my asthmatic history, I really didn't want to put myself in harm's way (not even on the heels of the major damage already being done). But I compromised and - with caution - proceeded. As my crew and I approached the borders of the scene via the Westside Highway and 14th Street, we were asked to stop around 16th street as another bomb threat (in the form of a green garbage bag) had to be investigated.  I didn't know if this was a prelude to another bomb or what was behind the caution. A part of me wanted to turn around and leave altogether, but observing the fearlessness in many of New York City's volunteers and cheerleaders made me wait as I felt this crowd of support was worth chronicling for my story. And scared or not, if it was my time, it was my time. I stayed and talked with many of the rescue workers who were on standby for their assignment. And I also talked to the "Amen corner" -  including this courageous 7-year-old little girl dressed in red, white, and blue, waving her patriotic art of construction paper, glitter, and stickers - one of which read: GOD BLESS AMERICA & THE ANGELS. The Angels were her interpretation of all the people who died in this horrific incident.

Amidst all of that craziness, I get three calls regarding this WHITNEY HOUSTON DIED FROM AN OVERDOSE OF DRUGS rumor, and I'm so trapped in trying to wrap my brain and emotion around this overwhelmingly large story, I can't even go there. I sent a prayer up to God to let WHITNEY 'rest in peace', and I moved on with trying to get the stories of the people who really had no choice. Of course, we'd find out later that the rumor - albeit believed by many - was just that, and WHITNEY was alive and well(?). At that point, I said "Well, Lord! I know you wouldn't put more on us than we could bear. But if that rumor had proven founded at that time, I don't know if we could have handled it.". I guess we would have, but my goodness.

To give you my proximity to the crime scene,  I live in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey which is a 15 minute commute (if that) to New York City on an average day. Maybe 30 minutes to financial district where the World Trade Center's twin towers (and neighboring buildings) set. With bridges and tunnels closed on Tuesday, there was pretty much no getting to the city for me. A good thing. This, until word got out that a van of explosives were found at the George Washington Bridge - no 5 minutes from my home. All those fears and reports subsided over time on Tuesday night. Still, I had been charged to be on-call for these varied assignments on Wednesday morning. It took me about two hours to get into the city as I had to take a car service to the Hoboken PATH train to get in. Though the bridge had opened up (on both sides) by Wednesday, no New Jersey car service was trying to cross it and risk getting stuck in New York. Whether I had fears or not, I was contractually obligated to go. And I did. With tears pouring down my eyes (a stream that seems endless since Tuesday), I obliged my superiors and even reached a point where I felt like this whole experience was therapeutic for me. Clearly, I would have been driving myself crazy just sitting at home watching this stuff on TV (By the way, there was nothing to stop me from being in one of these airports given my travel. I just had New York City plans for Tuesday. That's about the only reason I was home.).  And - at least - through the medium of TV, I felt like I was putting the human touch on such an unreal act. That night, I got stuck in the city as it was going to be a challenge to try and return home to Jersey - only to have to hit the pavement again on Thursday. Thank God my friends (and would-be client for a project that was scheduled and - of course cancelled - on Tuesday) were still in town. They opened their suite doors to me at the Hilton Times Square. Welcoming me with open arms (food, libations, and attitude adjustments), we had our own brand of "group therapy" which made us all feel better. No more safe (especially given the nearby evacuation of the Empire State Building and the electrical issue sparking smoke in our host hotel). But we all felt a little more comforted in each other's fears. Just the same, this Atlanta-based group hit the road on Thursday to get back to Georgia via a 12-to-15 hour drive.

I called myself de-sensitizing myself for Friday's assignment - the one I'm editing now. I knew I'd be talking to a family in grief. I knew that I'd been overwhelmed with emotion (and still) - so I'd cry my tear ducts dry en route to this central Jersey family. That way, when I start interviewing this mother and  her 12 and 14 year-old kids, I wouldn't be remotely impacted as it has become a drain to be so emotionally impacted by these sad stories. I just didn't want to feel anymore. I put on Diana Ross' "Amazing Grace" which she recorded in 1992 with The Vienna Symphony. On a good day, this classically performed tune (moans to boot) might make me cry. Also, it was one of my late mom's favorites. Then, I balanced the rest of my programming with select tear-jerkers from Mary, Mary and Yolanda Adams. Top that off with the typical call that any journalist out there might get from their editor or producer - the one that pisses you off when they ask you to make sure these grieving people give "details" or when they say "the bosses really want this piece emotional" or when they say  "i hope she cries" - and I was armored to get through this very difficult shoot. Needless to say, the kids killed my plan. They tried so hard to be strong for their mother because no teen is trying to go out like a "punk", but the oldest boy just couldn't hold back the tears as he spoke of his anger that he would never see his father again and that now he must take on the role of being the man of the house. Before we were done, the kids were handing me kleenex. Still, I can't even pretend to know their level of grief, though - having lost a parent to natural causes - there was an identification.

The old Negro adage goes: "My feets is tired, but my soul is rested.".  Quite the contrary  for me. "My feets is tired and my soul is scorned". I'm certain this Nation's soul is scorned. And all we can do right now is try to heel. The hardest part for me has been coming home at night - alone. That other cliche "I can do bad all by myself" clearly didn't account for this kind of a tragedy as there would be nothing better right now than having someone to hold or to hold me for comfort.  In lieu, I'm spending a lot of time at "Houston's". Go figure. There's something safe, sound, and reliable about my favorite restaurant. I don't feel alone. I can count on the food. And a sip of one of its tasty cocktails takes the edge off. It's the next best thing I guess.

I have to say that I've been subconsciously paralyzed to pick up the phone to respond to the many calls that have come. I'm moved, touched, blessed, and appreciative for those calls, but am just paralyzed to pick up the phone to tell you "I'm fine". I don't know why. Through the therapy of this writing, I hope to hear all your voices and see all your faces some day soon.

Be clear! Nothing I or my colleagues have endured is even remotely comparable to the heartache the victims, their families, and the rescuers are suffering. But as I've been discussing with fellow journalists on the streets -- many of whom are shocked to see me - Mr. Entertainment  - on the streets covering hard news [in Moshood no doubt], this is a story that is affecting us all and will continue to do that for years to come. It's a painful truth that we must get and try to move through.

My best wishes to you all. Please forward as I'm certain I'm gonna forget to send this to someone who is important to me.

Peace, Love, and Be Well...


Posted on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 11:56AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments3 Comments | References4 References


diana%20in%20hamptons%201.bmpMy icon of icons Diana Ross says it best: "TIME PASSES QUICKLY HERE!" In the last twenty years, she's often reminded her audiences and interviewers the like that LIFE, FAME, and all of the MOMENTS in between are fleeting... and it's important to go for your DREAMS and where they lead or deal with the REGRET. Also, with whatever RESILLIENCE you can muster, it's key to STAY ON COURSE. On the heels of my VEGAS trip (my last entry), it's been a challenge to do just that, but before this journey continues, I will take a moment to REFLECT - in bullets - the last couple of weeks in "... the life of Riley...".

Further evidence of how quickly our 24-HOUR days can flash by is the anniversary on which I write this BLOG entry. It's been two years since the life-changing Hurricane Katrina hit. In the wake of it (just a day after), I was assigned to do cover that horrible tragedy in New Orleans. Two years later, I was dispatched to do a follow-up. Sadly, there is still much work to be done in order for these folks to return to the comforts that so many of them had before the storm hit. It was dire, to say the least. But the hope shows up in the form of my friend Katina Parker's efforts: New Orleans: A Labor of Love is a grass-roots, multi-media, public awareness campaign to mobilize a minimum of 5,000 volunteers to participate in reconstructing the city during 2008. katina.jpgAwareness about the Gulf Coast's ongoing need for volunteers is being created through screenings and videocasts of the New Orleans: Labor of Love documentary, which follows a group of Los Angeles Valley College students during their recent volunteering experience. The film screens this fall at 50 campuses/churches/community spaces where they will recruit volunteeers. Perhaps most importantly, they serve as a clearinghouse to connect volunteers to the Gulf Coast relief effort with volunteer opportunities and resources. I missed her by a couple of hours (as I had to segue out of New Orleans for Chicago to file my story), but Katina was in New Orleans to film the Day of Presence, spearheaded by Susan Taylor and Essence Magazine ( For more information about this work, visit katina%202.jpg

Meanwhile, as I ventured through parts of the lower 9th ward, I stumbled into the New Orleans branch of the church that is my parents' church since they were children. It's The United House of Prayer for All People. You can learn more about it via: . It too is my church that I've attended throughout my childhood, but most engagingly, when my parents moved back to Savannah, Georgia with their three kids in tow (in the late '70s). Faith and commitment to The United House of Prayer for All People is a big - if not the biggest - piece that sustains my family through good and bad times. HOP%202.jpgIn recent years, I don't always have the chance to attend services, but I do send my tithes to the church. And since this institution meant so much to my mother during her life, I will always hold the H.O.P. - as we sometimes nickname it - near and dear. In my travels, I find myself always stumbling into the varied locations all over the United States. And my trip to New Orleans this time was no exception. HOP%201.jpgJust driving down the street, I saw - off in the distance - a building I knew was The House of Prayer... and I was right. Of course, I had to stop and capture the moment. PEACE! GRACE!HOP%203.jpg

All over the place might be a great way to describe what the last couple of weeks have been. Just after coming back from Vegas, my Morehouse brother and dear friend Mario invited a group of us out to celebrate his birthday. PAT%20MARIO%202.jpg

Over drinks and light fare, we fellowshipped at Kellari Taverna (, which served as a backdrop for many laughs and much love. MARIO%20PARTY.jpgMario and I have been friends since our days in college... and his friendship is one I continue to cherish. My friend Carl and Anthony joined me. And we really had a nice time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIO!CARL%20PAT%20ANT%20MARIO.jpg

Though not a friend, I was invited to celebrate Vivica A. Fox's birthday. I would understand via reports later in the week that she was to receive an appearance fee for showing up to her own party. Didn't know that was a possibility for the BIG WILLIEs and WILLIE-MENAHs out there! COOL???? I guess. vivica.jpg

Even though Anthony and I didn't get any "perks" per se for attending (other than Ra-Fael Blanco graciously escorting us into the club pass the long lines and velvet ropes). But we did enjoy socializing with some of our favorites from pop culture at SOL ( - including our 'hip hop dance instructor' (at Alvin Ailey) Tweety.WHITNEY%20PATRICK%202.jpg From varied cycles of "America's Next Top Model", we saw Whitney Cunningham and Jade. JADE%20AND%20COMPANY.jpg

Hulk Hogan's daughter Brooke (, who is now a recording artist in her own right, was also there. Anthony and I have appreciated her talents as they've unfolded on her family's reality show and now in music videos, talk show appearances, and the like. BROOKE%20PATRICK%20ANT.jpg

My sometimes-boss, Raymonde Green from UneQ Magazine ( for which I've contributed stories on film director Maurice Jamal and Luther Vandross, was also there. RAYMOND%20PAT%20ANT.jpg

And the male trio KING performed a couple of songs inside of stellar choreography before serenading Miss Fox with HAPPY BIRTHDAY! KING%20FROM%20VIVICA%20PARTY.jpgOverall, it was a good night.KING%20FROM%20VIVICA%20PARTY%202.jpg

You recall my telling you about John Singleton's sophomore production to "Hustle & Flow" (as green-lighting producer) "Illegal Tender" starring Wanda DeJesus and Rick Gonzalez. We screened it at NABJ in VEGAS and I interviewed John Singleton as well as the film's director and some of its cast members. Well, it premiered last week in New York City as well. Anthony and I attended and in addition to chatting up our new friends, we got the chance to talk to another actor who wasn't in attendance at our Vegas screening: Tego Calderon, who plays Choco, a gangster tough guy.TEGO%20ANTHONY.jpg

You folks also know how much MOMENTUM EDUCATION means to me ( I had the chance to recently see a couple of the people with whom I've done this work. My friend Pete threw a WHITE PARTY recently at his DIX HILLS home and Anthony and I attended. Pete and I did the work together (all levels) as well as Fred, who attended with his girlfriend Karen. Fred calls me his "best gay buddy". And though much time has passed since we - along with Pete - did this work together, we continue to hold each other dear. KAREN%20PAT%20FRED.jpgWe too were such an integral part of each other's lives at a point where we were looking to shift and tweak our already fabulous selves that when we get together, the updates are tangible and from the heart. Fred - for example - had the chance to know my late, great soul mate Kodjoe who introduced MOMENTUM to me. He too has been a support on whom I could lean during the grief that followed Kodjoe's passing. So, for him to meet "... the LOVE that found me again..." via my Anthony was special. So much LOVE for you, Fred; Pete; and ALL of my LT-12!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!! I didn't get any pix with PETE as he was having "... an empowered relationship with a breakdown..." during this party. But PETE is such a gracious host and throws a great party...

EDDIE%20AT%20SOUTH%20LOOP.jpgI got the chance to also go to Chicago for a couple of days this week and it gave me a chance to reconnect to my best friend Eddie and my "Chicago Carl". We enjoyed the jukebox (I chose lots of Whitney); some wings; and a cocktail at The South Loop ( I talk about Eddie all the time and it's always good to see him. Eddie? Here's your shout out!

Now, most of you know, that Chicago is the backdrop (partially) of my favorite movie, "Mahogany" ( My Theo, Anthony, and I recently enjoyed it in the theater (Clearview Cinemas in Chelsea) - one more time. It did a one-week run the other week. PATRICK%20AND%20MAHOGANY.jpgAnd each time I see the film, I am reminded (1) that it holds up, but (2) that - in Diana's words - "... time passes quickly here....". PATRICK%20AND%20MAHOGANY%202.jpgAnd yet, as Diana has just come off of two well-publicized performances - a benefit in the Hamptons and the opening of the Venetian Macao  - it's clear that time may be passing quickly here, but "... black don't crack...". diana%20at%20venetian.jpgMay we all ride on a journey that - even with its bumps and diversions - keeps us Forever Young... in SPIRIT!!!!

P.S. Check me out from January 2001 when I interviewed President Clinton in the White House's Roosevelt Room. I found it recently and - again - am reminded "... TIME PASSES QUICKLY HERE..."patrickandclinton.jpg









Posted on Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 10:09AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References3 References


BARACKPATRICK.jpgHanging out with Senator Barack Obama on the luxurious tarmac of the stars McKaren International Airport before he leaves Las Vegas (with his wife Michelle and girls in tow). Hosting an event for Walt Disney that provides me a stage in the spotlight to be the “personality” that I am coupled with the “interviewer” in me coming face-to-face and talking-point-to-talking-point with the likes of comedian and radio host Steve Harvey; “Drucilla” from “Y&R” Victoria Rowell; and a host of others. DISNEYEVENT5.jpgHanging out with the industry’s best, brightest, and BLACK-est – like radio/TV personality Jacque Reid; Verve recording artist and newfound friend Ledisi; “Access Hollywood” diva Shaun Robinson and her contemporaries at “Extra” (Tanika Ray); “Entertainment Tonight” (Kevin Frazier); and “Inside Edition” (April Woodard); TANIKAAPRILKEVINSHAUN.jpgInterviewing “Boyz in the Hood” director John Singleton and introducing my Morehouse brother and renowned Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson during an inspired day of film screenings.

PATRICKANDJOHNSINGLETON.jpgTHESE ARE JUST SOME SNAPSHOTS – anecdotally and visually – of how I spent my last week in Las Vegas at the 32nd Annual Convention & Career Fair for the National Association of Black Journalists (“Revolutionizing Journalism, Transforming the Future”). SAMPATRICK.jpgSince this is “A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities”, I will walk you through “each” DAY as they are chockful of treasured moments that I will cherish for a long time.


ANTPATINVEGAS.jpgOn this day, I flew into Vegas. My Anthony met me at the Las Vegas airport as he had a family emergency in Denver and needed to manage that, but all settled in time for him to still join me for this unprecedented trip that I do annually (in attending the NABJ Convention). What made it new? I’ve never – as I joke – “taken sand to the beach”. The convention – for a single person – can conjure many a flirtation; sometimes a hook-up; and often a day that never ends in the way of social intercourse. But in the words of – who was it? (I can’t remember, but someone who was portraying a slave or someone from Southern Reconstruction or Depression times): “I’S MARRIED NOW” (not literally, but inside of a committed, loving relationship). Well, with that (and as Ricky from “Lucy” used to say): This year, “[I] got some ‘splainin’ (explaining) to do”.ANTCONDACEPATRICK.jpg In that I Chair the NABJ Arts & Entertainment Task Force and often produce one or more of its special events during the five-day conference, I always come in a day or two early to get the lay of the land; prep my three-costume-changes a day (dry cleaning and laundry services); meet with the Board and respective convention committee folks on Is that need to be dotted and Ts that need to be crossed. This time, there would be much of that plus getting Anthony introduced to as many as possible so the week wouldn’t be all “MEET MY PARTNER ANTHONY, WHO TOO IS A JOURNALIST AND IS WORKING ON…. ” (blah, blah, blah…). Our transition day went well. We even attended the Presidential Suite of now-Immediate Past NABJ President (there was also an election this year) Bryan Monroe, who is also Vice President and Editorial Director of Ebony & Jet Magazines/Johnson Publishing Company. Last year, after our NABJ Convention, he was instrumental in including my picture with “my Dreamgirl” Jennifer Hudson in a round-up for JET that he assigned, chronicling our 31st NABJ Convention in Indianapolis. Once that story and picture hit, I knew I had arrived with my family (and most of “the Black folks” in my life). That said, his impressive Presidential Suite on the 26th floor of Bally’s North Tower boasted a panoramic skyview that was just undeniably gorgeous (especially at night). Anthony; one of my “Amazing Graces” Elise; and I were posing on the balcony with the backdrop of the strip behind us. ANTELISEPAT.jpgElise was there in two capacities – as media relations manager for Morehouse College and as founder and CEO of “The Producer Pod”. This was her first time meeting Anthony, which is bringing him almost full circle with having met my friends and those who are near and dear to me.


On Wednesday, I slept as late as I could before getting up for a registration and a round of meetings, prepping for the convention fare to which I was contributing. As the day progressed, Anthony and I got ourselves together to attend the Welcome Reception, which featured a special appearance by comedian George Wallace and national recording artists Kem and Ledisi (who I’ve written about a time or two right here in “A Day in Life of Riley”).KEMLEDISI.jpg As quoted in the student newspaper “THE NABJ MONITOR”, which serves as the pulse of what is going on during our convention week, I said (in a story written by Chardae Davis, who interviewed me on the BIG-NAME stars who were scheduled to come to the convention): “To hear her [LEDISI] and see her perform is a religious experience”. Though her set may have started a little too – HEAR THIS – “on time” which meant her spotlight synergies were sort of reduced to “backdrop party ambience” as our NABJ family reunited for the first time since last year, but Ledisi performed as if they were listening and when certain heavenly notes began to cut through the chatter. By the time she did my favorite, “Imagine”, the Beatles cover, NABJ was clear that Ledisi is a force with which to be reckoned and as feedback goes, many came up to me (knowing I’m such a big fan and that one of the NABJ A&E Task Force’s own Michael K. Watts actually made the recommendation and introduction for Ledisi to perform at the convention). LEDISIINVEGAS1.jpgSo grateful and happy to see us, Ledisi (and her publicist J'ai St. Laurent) invited Anthony, Michael, others, and me to dinner at the Bellagio buffet, one of the reported best in town. LEDISIINVEGAS2.jpg

But first, I had to rush to a quick dinner with a couple of Disney execs at the Eifel Tower Restaurant in the “Paris” Hotel, which is connected to our headquarters hotel “Bally’s”. Sporting my casual gear of an “original David” novelty T-shirt (featuring SMILE-y faces of multi-colored felt on the chest of it) with a cool pair of off-white jeans that I recently secured (and distressed, designer footwear that rounded out the ensemble perfeclty), I rushed from the opening reception (Ledisi’s performance) and a quick meeting with the director of the W.E.B. Dubois Lecture which Michael K. Watts and I were producing to this full-out theme restaurant that sets inside the mock-up of Eifel Tower that makes up the centerpiece of the “Paris” hotel.LEDISIANDPATRICKINVEGAS.jpg Imagine my shock when the host asked me if I could put on a jacket. I replied (already out of breathe for the back-to-back obligations that were behind and before me), “Of course, but I’d have to rush back to “Bally’s” to do that. (I jokingly-but-seriously pointed out that I had “… a closet of couture [Gianfranco Ferre; Misoni; Moshood; etc.] that could accommodate the dress code and wow you at the same time…”). He replied “That won’t be necessary. We have one here that you can wear, if you don’t mind putting it on.”. I agreed and this is what it looked like: A HOT MESS! PATRICKATPARIS.jpgThe black tuxedo jacket came nowhere near my wrists, which made for lots of laughs as with Disney’s Annette Gibbs and Xiomara Wiley. I went over the script I was scheduled to present as host of an event that Disney commissioned me to do on Thursday night of the convention. A couple of kir royales, espressos, and a delicious crab dish later, it was time for me to excuse myself from Disney back to my NABJ commitments – starting with another set in the President’s Suite. This is where I hooked back up with Anthony; Ledisi; her publicist J’ai; and my Atlanta homies, including Angela, Mike, Rudy, Gail, and a host of others. While eating, Ledisi took a MY SPACE-style ‘self portrait’ of herself with my camera. LEDISATBELLAGIO.jpgThen, Anthony followed suit. From there, she wanted to shoot us. PATRICKANDANTATBELLAGIO.jpgThis dinner would continue the love fest that is just ever present whenever I am at NABJ. It’s always so good to see these folks. And then, like always, some knew folks get thrown into the mix and “the family” just expands. LEDISIATBELLAGIOWITHOTHERS.jpgOn this night, we also saw Roy Campbell, who I’ve known for years via NABJ. He’s produced many programs for the organization and – in large part – Michael and I are standing on his shoulders as we have produced many of these events now for NABJ. Formerly a print journalist (who covered lots of fashion during those days which housed him at the Philadelphia Inquirer), he currently is an event planner and producer via his own company and he has many celebrity clients, including Tyra Banks, who has used him as an expert on several cycles of “America’s Next Top Model”, including – he says – the 2nd episode of the upcoming cycle. That’s exciting!ROYPATANT.jpg


NABJ was fortunate to have two U-S Presidential candidates agree to speak at our convention. Senator Hillary Clinton was first up. Though I wasn’t sure I would be able to get up (from fatigue brought on by day one), I did make it to the ballroom in time to be seated (Anthony saved me a seat). Though I am always not surprised at the degree to which “Hillary” is well-researched and prepared in her speeches and debates, I don’t know that I expected her to be unusually impressive. But she was. She was – as I have been telling folks – ON FIRE, punctuating her preparation with just the right touches for an audience of journalists, who cover the plight of African American men, etc. At one point, when a member and journalist began to come for her with a litany of accusations, she rejected it, but with compassion and focus, she noted (I paraphrase): “Feel free to meet my staff afterwards. They will give you some information, so that you can be EDUCATED instead of RHETORICAL”. HILLARY.jpgGiven the first question to Hillary was “Are you black enough?” (to preside over a constiuency – like the African American community – which has special needs), I thought after this READ (articulate handling and rebuttal of someone who was ‘coming for her’), she should have turned to the moderator Suzanne Malveaux and said (with a snap): “… and to answer your question, Suzanne? I am black enough!!!!” SMILE! FARAIALFRESHARON.jpgAfter Mrs. Clinton, Michael K. Watts and I had to get ready for the program we were producing “Cause Celeb: Artists Changing South Africa and Beyond”. Celebrity activism in Africa is not new, but we had Alfre Woodard come (along with “Artists for a New South Africa” [A.N.S.A.] Executive Director Sharon Gelman) to talk about the difference that A.N.S.A. is making around this territory and to shed light on the balancing act necessary to draw news coverage and affect positive changes beyond the Hollywood personality. NPR “News & Notes” host Farai Chideya was our stellar host and it was great to work with her. From there, I did have to rush out for a quick “Disney” dress rehearsal.SHAUNANDPATRICK.jpg Then, I quickly changed into my custom-designed (READ: couture) tux done exclusively for me by designer OMAR, who carries his signature line of bespoke, tailored suits out of my favorite boutique in Harlem, “N”. I was originally fitted and secured this ensemble last Fall (for a “Dreamgirls” event), but trusted that it would get good play and exposure at NABJ. I wore it to NABJ’s round-robin of “receptions” that took place before Thursday evening’s “Disney” event. With entourage in tow (Anthony, Michael, J’ai, and others), I attended Morehouse College’s reception which my friend Elise helped put together. There, we all met the new President of Morehouse Robert M. Franklin Jr. (, and  its Sports Journalism Department head Ron Thomas, who is launching this division which is funded by Spike Lee. This was an elegant event with jazz music and great food. MOREHOUSEPREZANDPATRICK.jpgI quickly popped by ESPN to say HI to my good girlfriend Roxanne Jones, who heads up much of the TV programming at the cable network (along with contributing to the synergies between TV and the magazine). ROXANNEANDPATRICK.jpgAnd this too was my moment to see my Chicago ladies with whom I spend a lot of time during the year. My Ki-Ki (Jakki); Ti-Ti (Itika); and the others were In the house and we had a great time.JAKKICASSITITI.jpg I wasn’t able to attend the LGBT Task Force reception (due to time constraints as I had to get to the ballroom to get prepped and mic’d for the Disney event I would be hosting that evening), but I want to shout out all of my brothers and sisters with this group, which I helped co-found. This as the leadership torch is passed from my Frankie Edozien and Marcus Mabry to GLAAD’s Katina Parker. Well, from here it was all about ‘fastening our seatbelts for the bumpy [but fun] ride that was to come’. PATRICKATDISNEY.jpgWalt Disney World Resort via Annette Gibbs invited me (in my role as Chair of the NABJ Arts & Entertainment Task Force) to host an evening that was about fulfilling the dreams of a special group of African American teens via “Disney’s Dreamers Academy”. STEVE%20HARVEY3.jpgSteve Harvey was invited to headline the event and discuss with me his involvement in the project. Though I was excited to be steering this conversation, I was admittedly a bit hesitant in that I wasn’t sure the macho and sometimes arrogant texture of Steve Harvey’s comedy would compliment my more – how do I say this? – effervescent style. With that, the announcer brought me onto the stage and I received lots of love and applause from our packed house of registrants, who noted to me that they were coming to get a fun-filled follow up from my presentation and performance last year (in hosting the “Dreamgirls” screening with Jennifer Hudson). I don’t think I disappointed, but when Steve entered the experience via the stage, he did use some of his joking, but kinda’ shame-driven style, to mock me and even shut me down (and up) at times. But I held my own; played with him a bit (getting my own READs in – if you will); and still made sure we kept the conversation flowing. The point at which I knew I had Steve Harvey – self-proclaimed fashion plate (albeit a more approachable, old school style) - in the palm of my hands was when I jokingly stepped off my stool to let him continue his joking flirtation with Vice President of Multicultural Marketing for Disney Parks and Resorts, Xiomara Wiley (who impressed Steve to no end with her qualifications). PATRICKATDISNEY2.jpgAs I returned to homebase (from my walk-away schtick), Steve, a newlywed, said “Man, that’s a bad suit! I got to find out where you got that!!!” Well, THANKS TO OMAR, Steve and I found a place we have in common – FASHION and STYLE, and we were able to continue the agenda of the evening around our collective care and compassion for OUR YOUTH. Steve even shared openly and vulnerably about his own childhood and what DREAMS he had as a child. He says he knew he wanted to be on TV without ever having known anyone who had done it. He added that his mother and father were instrumental in him feeling like he could do it. This broke the ice for me to fold our other guests into the mix. Yes! We had four other remarkable people who are also a part of “Disney’s Dreamers Academy”. DISNEYEVENT3.jpgI told Steve and the audience that my mother was – no doubt – looking down on me from heaven as I introduced our first guest,  one of my favorite soap opera actresses who I couldn’t resist calling “Drucilla” (from “Y&R”). And she graciously allowed me to do just that. Though at the convention to promote her “New York Times” best-selling memoir “The Women Who Raised Me”, Victoria Rowell (in the biggest hat of the night), told me that she would be teaching the kids how to “express themselves” via the written word. She says it is journaling through the years while navigating through America’s foster care system that helped shape who she is today (along with the mentoring and nurturing energy of several women she met along the way). Celebrity chef and best-selling author (and soon-to-be Food Network star) Jeff Henderson, better known as “Chef Jeff”, testified how being incarcerated in his early years (from drug and gang activity) turned into him having a work ethic and zest for life and his passion for the culinary. He will share his secrets in the kitchen with America’s youth who will attend “Disney’s Dreamers Academy” in January, but he too will help them see that there’s always a better way to peer pressure and irresponsible choices that we sometimes make when we are young. CHEFJEFFPATVICTORIA.jpgVice President of Disney Sports Attractions and former NFL star Reggie Williams is poised to give the best of his expertise, but will inspire through his own life challenges, including a hearing impairment. His journey has taken him to an Ivy League school; the NFL; and a host of other amazing opportunities that make him the success story that we know him to be today. He truly moved the crowd with his sharing. And it wouldn’t be a Disney event without a hip young star (or two). Monique Coleman filled the first shoe. She is the star of Disney’s “High School Musical” and “High School Musical II” which comes out next week. She also competed in “Dancing with the Stars” last season. She will offer insight on being a “triple threat” (dancer, singer, actress) to the young folks – many of whom aspire to do exactly what she does. But she noted that it will be important to also let them know that you can never be too young to mentor and she loves the concept of giving back while she continues to push for the next level of her career.MONIQUEANDPATRICK.jpg This exchange with all of these inspirational folks went beautifully and was appropriately capped off with a performance by another “American Idol” favorite Paris Bennett, who performed Fantasia’s “Believe” from the season she won. PARISBENNETT2.jpgAlso, to cap off the evening, some cast members from Cirque du Soleil’s “Mystere” performed. Interactively (through the audience and onto the stage), they moved mysteriously, leading us (and the audience) to the reception in the back of the room.XIOMARAPARISPAT.jpg Afterwards, so many praised me for keeping them entertained that night. So many put it out into the universe that I should have my own show. And I must say I was humbled and flattered at the chance to do three of my favorite things (perform, entertain, and educate) in front of my peers. Hopefully, there will be more opportunities for me to do this with Disney and beyond. As I explore new and creative horizons for my career, I am proud to be demonstrating what it should look like as I figure it all out. PATRICKANDTANIKA.jpgAfterwards, many of us went to “Paris” for some Italian cuisine – celebrating my moment of bathing in the light, literally and figuratively. J’ai, Michael, Katina, Anthony, and I were in this mix, enjoying each other’s company and sipping on big Eifel Tower-glasses of margarita and pina colada. Itika, her friend Mara (about whom I’ve written in “The Life of Riley” before: ), Anthony, Caleb, and I shared a cab over to Mandalay Bay for a Sports Task Force party. TITI.jpgWe danced the night away to the hits of the ‘80s and ‘90s in the spirit of NABJ where we “work hard” but never forget to “play hard”. Here, we got a glimpse of our good girlfriend Adrienne who is on Kimora Lee Simmons team for her KLS design-wear. She’s featured in Kimora’s “Life in the Fab Lane” as well.


On this day, it was Senator Barack Obama’s turn to move the crowd. And he did. But the aforementioned Mara Schiavocampo who was to receive the “Salute to Excellence” Emerging Journalist of the Year Award for 2007 (on Saturday) made it possible for Anthony and me to – along with her – be a personal audience with him. MARAPATRICK.jpgMara knew a senior level consultant on Barack’s team. He made arrangements for us to hook up with him after his presentation; however, some press requirements prevented him from meeting us immediately (and both Mara and I had to get to our next round of panels). The solution? Barack’s team made it possible for us to meet up with him and the caravan at the high-end airport (for luxury charters) at which he would be boarding a private campaign jet for the next stop on his campaign trail. Anthony, Mara, and I were told to wait in the airport, which reminded us why ‘commercial travel’ just doesn’t hold up a candle to sitting in comfortable recliners and a quiet and calm environment until flight time. BARACKANTHONY.jpgFrom there, a Secret Service agent came into ensure that Mara and her “entourage” were in place. He then escorted us to the tarmac where Barack, his wife Michelle, their daughters, and the rest of the staff would be arriving. BARACKONTARMAC.jpgFirst, there’s the plane. Then, there’s a round of SUV’s and sedans. Then, suddenly, there was Barack. I’d met both he and his wife before (even interviewing them in Santa Barbara a couple of years ago), but this moment was intimate and represented a level of access that many don’t get (not to mention the “history” of it all). Anthony, Mara, and I were taking pictures with the man who could very well be “the first Black President of the United States”. BARACKMARA.jpgHeady stuff, if you think about it too long, but this would have to suffice as JUST ONE MOMENT in a weekend full of MAGIC, including the NABJ Arts & Entertainment Task Force panel “Extra Access to the TV Talent on the Inside of Entertainment”. Task Force member Candi Carter had the brainchild. I went about submitting the proposal to NABJ to include it on the program and I also went about asking our roundtable to participate. In the end, my friend Shaun Robinson (“Access Hollywood”) moderated while my Spelman sister Tanika Ray (“Extra”); Kevin Frazier (“ET”); and April Woodard (“Inside Edition”) chimed in on their experiences on the red carpet and beyond. This was – hands down – one of the most entertaining panels at the convention this year. AANDEPANEL1.jpgLike always, the room was full – so full there was a crowd out the door. Each of the panelists were candid, funny, and chockful of tips to the many aspiring A&E journalists in the room and Shaun (also a Spelman woman) anchored the afternoon brilliantly. ARTSANDENTPANEL2.jpgARTSANDENTPANEL3.jpgAs I look ahead to new representation (as my ICM talent agent Helen Shabason has “left the building”), I found myself taking notes on what it has taken for these people to elevate their next levels in their careers. It was an all-around great workshop that capped off with all of us posing for the cameras. There’s a moment as we are all posing, when I ask the panelists to pose for my camera. In the sea of cameras shooting, Shaun asks “Where is the blog camera?”. Tanika and I are pointing to Anthony, who was shooting my camera for “A Day in the Life of Riley”. Tanika exclaims: “Over there! His man is shooting!”. I thought to myself: How far have we come that my Spelman sister with whom I attended college during a time where I “lived out loud”, but “not out”, can all these years later simply understand what my life looks like now, use it in casual conversation, and no one flinch. IT’S A NEW DAY! IT’S A NEW DAY! TANIKAAPRILKEVINSHAUN2.jpgAfter years of my offering her name and talents up to bigger NABJ events, Shaun would be selected to host the “Hall of Fame” banquet which was a spectacular evening honoring this year’s inductees to the NABJ Hall of Fame: Xernona Clayton (“Trumpet Awards” Founder/Turner Broadcasting Executive); Merv Aubespin (artist/reproter/editor at “The Courier Journal”); John L. Dotson, Jr. (former president/publisher of the Akron Beacon Journal); and Jim Vance (anchor/WRC-TV Washington). A number of other awards were also handed out. What an inspirational evening that included a memorial video of all the journalists we’ve lost over the last year. My friend Gerald Boyd and Ed Bradley were acknowledged. Both of them have been tributed here on the blog.PATRICKANDBARBARA.jpg This is also the evening where our friend Barbara Ciara (former Vice President – Broadcast) was announced as the new President of NABJ. So, we had lots to celebrate afterwards in her honor. Then, the guys and I hit a spot in Vegas called “Krave” to dance the night away. It was a Madonna-themed evening as her birthday fell on this day. They played many of her videos sprinkled with other divas, like Janet, etc. This night would be an all-nighter.PATRICKBARBARAMICHAEL.jpg


But like any convention, the show had to go on. And with less than two hours of sleep, I had to get up bright and early to meet with the NABJ Arts & Entertainment Task Force. From there, we began the work of our NABJ Film Festival. First up: “ILLEGAL TENDER” starring Rick Gonzalez and Wanda DeJesus. John Reyes directed. And John Singleton, who has brought many of his films to NABJ over the years, is the Executive Producer (and “Studio”) behind this project, his sophomore release to “Hustle and Flow”. PATRICKANDJOHNSINGLETON.jpgThough the film played a bit over-the-top to Anthony and me (in the gun-toting fierceness of Wanda as a mother of color sexily and sometimes campily protecting her children and her livelihood), but that in part is what makes the film so enjoyable. I interviewed all of the aforementioned (minus Gonzalez, but plus DJ Frankie Needles who oversaw the music in the production, including a teen girl in 1985 singing along to Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam’s “I Wonder If I Take You Home”. REMEMBER THAT????? (you tube). WANDAANDPATRICK.jpgFrom there, we transitioned from one theater at “The Palms” to another in which Denzel Washington’s “American Gangster” previewed. Denzel nor any of his co-stars Russell Crow, Common, T.I., Cuba Gooding, etc. were in attendance, but all the stars of the week did show up to see this movie months before its November 2nd release. John Singleton came. Shaun Robinson and Tanika Ray were there. Jawn Murray came. On and on I could go with the sightings. As for the film, it was 2:40 and most graphic, but equally compelling as Denzel portrayed a real-life drug lord who single-handedly dealt drugs in a way that destroyed the community, but also (and eventually) brought down crooked “drug enforcement officers” from the NYPD. This film was well-received. From this film, Anthony and I got dressed for the “Salute to Excellence” Awards which was honoring CNN’s Bernard Shaw with the “Lifetime Achievement Award” and – again – our friend Mara with the “Emerging Journalist of the Year” Award.MARAHERPEEPSANTME.jpg Her parents and husband flew in for the occasion. Anthony and I opted out of going to see Toni Braxton's show to extend our support and pride for Mara, a new friend. She even shouted me out as "the wise one" in her speech. She asked me days prior if she should prepare and read from a script. I told her to get her points down and have the moment be a moment - from the heart. She gave the most beautiful speech! I'm glad she listened. And I'm glad we decided to attend this event, instead of Toni. I then had to rush to our NABJ Film Festival final screening, which was "Resurrecting The Champ" starring Samuel L. Jackson. I introduced him and he introduced the film... and our members seemed pleased with our third selection for the day. SAMJACKSON.jpg


TONIBRAXTON.jpgAnthony and I woke up on Sunday morning a bit refreshed, ready for our returns, but a little sad at leaving. Though the week had not been perfect, both he and I experienced a new frontier of our relationship. The lion's share of it was about our collective abundance and the endless possibilities that show up when we work together. The other parts that maybe didn't work - at least - have given us some lessons that can help us be better. The convention wraps with a Sunday Brunch (featuring Gospel music - this year, Jonathan Butler and Marvin Winans). We said good-bye to our new friends - like Katina. ANTKATINAPATRICK.jpgWe also took some time away on our last day and had fun off-site. We went to Hotel New York, New York where we road rollercoaster #1. Lots of fun!rollercoaster%20new%20york%20actually.jpg Then, we cabbed over to Hotel Sahara and road another faster rollercoaster. We had to do that one twice. We also spent some time at the Sahara - playing a little blackjack or 21. Neither of us step close to a table during the week, but with the help of a Chicago resident named Mike, we got the chance to learn the strategies of "Spanish 21". ANTATCASINO1.jpg rollercoaster%20new%20york.jpgWe then had dinner at The Venetian's Grand Luxe Restaurant (owned by the Cheesecake Factory folks). And though we realized "What happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas", we also realized that what we picked up in Vegas ---- connection, love, support, inspiration --- would be with us forever. PATRICKWITHWINS.jpgAnd NO! We didn't win much in the way of money. Still, we felt like we won a host of PRICELESS lessons that showed up inside of our choosing to CALL JOY FORTH. And it simply put a smile on my face. PATRICKELISEANTHONY.jpgPATRICKJACQUEANT.jpg


Posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 at 02:39PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment | References4 References


CAW1EROH.jpgMy friend and co-Chair of the National Association of Black Journalists' Arts & Entertainment Task Force, Greg Dunmore is in town through the month. We've had a chance to hang out a little since he's been here. One night, while having a late night snack at the Hard Rock Cafe - Times Square (, he asked me if I saw Village Voice columnist Michael Musto's reference to me. Well, not me BY NAME, but me... (

Basically, Michael writes of the pitfalls that comes with "... trying to be famous..." and the drag that it can be on the journey of  being "HOT" then "NOT" or - in his case - aiming to do something on TV; get the opportunities to be considered -- only to have those opportunities not picked up or not successful. It's his story. It sounds a lot like my own story. And there is a collective story that Michael and I share. That's what he chronicles in his column this week. He writes: "Next up—no, I wouldn't quit—I was asked to be in a pilot for a gay version of The View as done by the delicate wallflowers who brought you Hard Copy. This was back when the success of Queer Eye made producers feel every single thing ever televised had to have a gay angle. A women's show? Make it with all gay men! Duh!

"Gay guys are like women," a producer explained to me in a preliminary meeting. "They listen to your problems, and they're very sensitive." I made a very sensitive retching face. Clearly, these people hadn't realized it's lesbians who are like women.

"Look, the show won't be all mammograms and mascara," chimed in a production assistant. Too bad—I'd love a show about mammograms and mascara. But before I could react, the same guy turned to the head producer and excitedly wondered, "Hey, would it be good if we got a black host?" "Yes!" crowed the boss, as if he'd just freed the slaves. Great, maybe the host can even dance!

tvqpatrick.jpgI am the BLACK MAN to whom he is referring. Through my talent agency (at the time) ICM and talent agent Helen, I got the call in 2004 to meet with the executives at Hurricane Productions to be considered as one of the hosts on this show. When I met with them, I remember a moment where the Executive Producer asked me "Which of THE VIEW women do you most identify with?". Remember, at this time, the panel was a quorom: MEREDITH VIEIRA; STAR JONES REYNOLDS; BARBARA WALTERS; JOY BEHAR; and ELIZABETH HASSELBECK. Here, I knew I had the freedom to debunk anybody's unsaid idea that I was here to be "STAR JONES" because I felt I was more "MEREDITH VIEIRA" -  a legitimate journalist who can steer a conversation towards levity or seriousness, and additionally not be afraid to make a fool of myself. After I answered "MEREDITH" - hoping I didn't just screw up my chances for this awesome opportunity because I didn't align with Black, the executive producer turned a sign around that had my picture on it and "OUR MEREDITH" underneath it. TALK ABOUT SYNERGY, HUH????

Michael Musto continues in his "Village Voice" column:

  For the panel, they ended up assembling me, FRANK DECARO, SIMON DOONAN, a hottie, and a black person.

Well, I am black - so I don't think - per se - there's a need for me to be offended at the nameless racial reference. After all, I enjoyed my time with Michael and found him to be quite pleasant. Perhaps he doesn't remember my name? Maybe, he's making a point about the executives and the process. Not sure.

Michael continues:

There was no host. We shot the pilot in front of an audience that looked like Death Row inmates on their day off, but at least they didn't throw things. We dutifully covered women's diets, recipes, and children's car safety, but the producer lady was getting nervous about our performances. Sidling up to us, she murmured, "Guys, I need you to be more . . . more . . ." "Say it," urged Doonan, as if watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tense pause. "Be more faggy!" she blurted, her face turning a fabulous shade of fuchsia. Shock waves went through the studio. So this was a total minstrel show, and I was being counted on to be a big-fag Stepin Fetchit? After years of being told to tone it down, it was sort of refreshing to finally have someone say, "Be gayer, queen!" But a stereotype is still a stereotype, and I was actually relieved when the pilot wasn't picked up, no one buying the idea that gay men are really like women. That freed me to work on my new pitch: Jew Talk.

No! We didn't get picked up! But it was a great opportunity and I think we got some good tape out of it. It tops my reel along with my other spot on-camera work towards my BIG GET:

PATRICK%20JAMAR%20GREG.jpgMeanwhile, my dear and supportive friend Greg wants to call Michael Musto and give him a piece of his mind. "You've got a name and a stellar reputation in this business," Greg exclaims. "I want to let him know it!" And though I'm still  not sure if Michael just didn't remember my name or preferred to do the "black man" schtick for effect. I'll hold him high for any of the aforementioned, non-nefarious options. Plus, as Greg, my "N" stylist/friend Jamar, and another buddy Ryan hung out last night (at Jay Z's club 40/40 for Bleu Magazine Publisher Devon Christopher's birthday party -, Devon introduced me to a young lady named Jillian. PATRICK%20RYAN.jpgSweet woman! As Devon brought her over to me, he says "Patrick! You've got to send Jillian the link to your blog! She would love it!". He continued to Jillian "Patrick writes this amazing blog and he is a producer and personality in pop culture and entertainment. People really do listen to what he has to say!!!!" And here on the week that "The View" has announced its new host Miss Whoopi Goldberg - who happens to be "Black" - I thought to myself, "People really do listen to me. Sometimes, though, they just don't remember my name". DEVON%20AND%20PATRICK.jpg

Posted on Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 03:18PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment | References15 References


diana%20mac.jpgWHAT A WEEK FOR DIVAS!!!!! Unofficial word on the street is that MISS DIANA ROSS has signed on to join "DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES" this season ( You'll recall, that was a rumor last year, but my sources tell me that negotiations broke down. But this year, according to same sources, MISS ROSS is going to be featured in a cool arc on Wysteria Lane. No confirmations on this tid-bit, but if it is founded, you'll know where you heard it first. This marriage made in cul-de-sac, pop culture heaven could be what the doctor ordered to bring viewers back to the once-hottest show on the air and - hey - though Miss Ross' comeback to performing has been received most enthusiastically, perhaps this movement could bring her "CD-buyers" back to more-than-knowing she has a new project out, but actually buying it. Her "I Love You" ( is a critically-acclaimed treat, but didn't get the love we've seen her contemporaries Rod Stewart, Elton John, Paul McCartney, and others receive with their golden-years releases. Still, she's generating more fire than her fellow divas out there.

It's this undeniable longevity and resillient cache that makes me wonder how acts who stand on Diana's shoulders - like EN VOGUE - will hold up ten to twenty years from now. Their moment at the top was much shorter than Supremes, though their inner-conflict with roster kept us talking for a bit. Now, though, without any new music on the radio nor an official return of first group member to flee, Dawn Robinson, the question begs: WILL WE REMEMBER EN VOGUE? Well, I had a chance to see them at the Pride In The City opening ( and I - at least - can report "They still GOT IT!!!!". EN%20VOGUE%20AT%20PRIDE%20IN%20THE%20CITY.jpgA simpler show in a no-frills hotel ballroom (Brooklyn Marriott), but the VOICES are there (including Dawn's replacement Rhona). And POWERFUL!!!!! The moves are still PRISTENE and WELL-EXECUTED, though an expectedly rubinesque MAX has now been joined by a surprisingly rounder TERI ELLIS. CINDY, who recently co-starred as DEENA in the stage production of "DREAMGIRLS" in Atlanta (with Jennifer Holliday for the National Black Arts Festival) is - as always (whether pregnant or not) - toned, fit, and beautiful! The girls did most of our songs and threw one of their most recent tunes ("Ooh Boy") from a less-celebrated recent project into the mix. The set list went like this:









If they come to a chitlin' circuit theater near you, I highly recommend you go see them. This, as we anticipate their mainstream comeback.

Having resistance and reluctance about seeing some of our major artists in the pop tapestry is a hard feeling when you are a fan like me - a fan who "feels" those artists that you do. I have to reconcile in my mind and my heart sometimes that these beautiful creatures can't always be on the top of their game or the game. When I can get right in my mind and heart, I still LOVE many of these ladies - including my DIANA, EN VOGUE, and... LAURYN HILL, who is scheduled to perform tomorrow at Wingate Field (FREE!!!) - ( I am not the biggest fan of the venue nor the schlep it takes to get out there, but I've done it before for Stephanie Mills, Boyz to Men, and others. In that I've got to get myself together for Vegas (packing); a number of errands to do that; and it's been so hot (much too hot for an outdoor concert), I'm not sure. Plus, I must admit, I'm allowing BAD REVIEWS (and images of her looking like a cross between LUCILLE BALL in her ho-bo vaudeville schtick and WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? A LA BETTE DAVIS) that have been bandied about from her other stops on this tour to sway me away from the "alleged" torture. lauryn%20hill.jpgThen, there's that part of me that wants to see and hear for myself (as I did with En Vogue to a pleasant outcome). Not sure what I'll do, but I'll let you know next week. Meanwhile, check out this recent YOU TUBE interview of Lauryn that explains some of her struggles of the past and the present (voice problems) and the seemingly loyal feelings that her fans (and - in this case - the interviewer) have for her:

Plus, truth be told, I'm exhausted. THURSDAY was EN VOGUE; FRIDAY was BEYONCE at the Continental Arena in New Jersey; SATURDAY was BEYONCE's sold out tour de force at the Madison Square Garden Arena; and as I quickly write this, I'm going for #3 BEYONCE tonight at the Madison Square Garden. BEYONCE%20OPEN.jpg( I'm really blessed in my industry to be able to get these tickets as last week, Beyonce's publicist Yvette Noelle-Schure wasn't sure she could accommodate me. In the end, she came through (THANK YOU, YVETTE!!!!), but because I was operating off of "laws of attraction", I have dear friends who too have brought me along for the ride - understanding that BEYONCE is my DIANA du jour. And what can I say? Not as much as my dear friend Michael K. Watts, whose website (or work on other websites) I'll be happy to forward to you for his LIVE! from Front Row, which - at this point - is an e-newsletter on which I am certain he will include thorough information about BEYONCE as he invited me to accompany him to the Jersey show. So, I won't review the show as there are many of them out there - Michael's will be the best of that style of recall.

I will simply give my scattered take. I found it to be an AWESOME show. BEYONCE%20SPEECHLESS.jpgShe gives her fans everything they would want... and then some!!!!! The elements of the show - from the highly-stylized themes to the stage and lights (and don't forget those chandelier-inspired costumes) - provide lots of stimulation, but the key is Beyonce and that voice. And when she wasn't lip-sync-ing to a performance track (so she could fulfill her dance requirements), she was SANGING FOR AND TO THE GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just BRILLIANT!!!!!!! As I attended last night's show alone, I didn't feel so alone as Tocarra, Rihanna, Jay Z, and my fellow colleagues Nekesa Moody (Associated Press) and Margaux Watson (Entertainment Weekly) were around me. Also, I had my trusty BLACKBERRY (new feature in my life as of last week) to send Michael e-mails like the following:

* On Friday night in Jersey, she sang "Flaws & All" and as a dancer (portrayed as an Angel) places his arms around her, she sings the last night as a tear falls down her cheek. The stage then softly dissolves to black. On Saturday night, I wrote to Michael: "She just welled on 'Flaws'. No teardrop on cue, but still moving." Here, Miss Beyonce is channeling her inner-Michael Jackson ("She's Out of My Life") or Janet Jackson ("Again"), but those Jacksons nail their tears and choke-up everytime. This gives Beyonce something to work towards as so much of what she's delivering is PERFECTION!!!! SMILE!

* Of course, you all remember this footage of Beyonce falling down in a recent concert on "Ring The Alarm". A quick click to YOU TUBE will allow you to reflect. On Thursday, when Michael and I went, the moment - well-executed - didn't generate any response one way or the other. But on Friday, I texted  Michael: "Resounding applause for not falling down the stairs on 'Ring'". It was electric! And supportive, though Michael noted it might have been New York City's cynical way of "reading", but supporting?

* There's a moment during "Irreplacable" where she Diana-like points out that she sees the audience and - individually - she might say "I see you in that pink shirt!" "I see you in your yellow hoodie!". On Thursday, Michael and I were scrambling to see if she was really looking at people or making it up. It was convincing either way. But last night, I wrote to Michael: "She is real!!!! She sees [someone] 'with your orange sign' And I see the sign!!!". It was a cute moment that further sold me on the pro that Beyonce is.

* Also, on "Irreplacable", she closed the song with a flip of the lyric. Melodically she sang "New York! New York! You are IRREPLACABLE!!!" It was a GOOSEBUMPS moment, reminding me that there is no audience like a sold-out New York City audience. None like it. I saw "the magic" of the "sold out New York City" audience on the last night of Diana's failed Supremes tour in 2000 and many other times. It's... it's IRREPLACABLE! really!!!

BEYONCE%20DREAMGIRLS.jpg* Another great tid-bit: When she segues into her "DREAMGIRLS" set, she performs the actual dialogue and song from the staged BROADWAY musical (which is NOT in the movie). It's DEENA - having returned from EUROPE with "THE DREAMS" - and she points out how her hometowns are now "Paris! And Rome! But there's nothing like home!". When I went over my concert reflections with my nephew who too is a big fan and saw her in Atlanta, he presumed Beyonce was mocking DIANA ROSS as he remembered when I showed him a clip of Diana from her 1979 Caesar's Palace concert when -before she performs showtune "I Wanna Be Bad", she says: 'I'm just a hometown girl. My hometowns are Paris, Rome, New York...Some people ask me 'What ever happened to little ol' Diana Ross from the Brewster Projects in Detroit, Michigan?' You know what I say to that? 'Who?'." (See the clip on YOU TUBE:   Lots of haute entertainment homages in this show -- from Diana to "Chicago". Good going, BEYONCE!

6-26-2007-24.jpgOh! And to further shout out my friend Michael K. Watts, his LIVE! from Front Row  will be your concert and tour information resource on the web. He'll take you LIVE! to the shows of your favorite artists with in-depth reviews, and there'll be a place for you to write your own reviews, too.  Get the latest tour dates, tour news and information, and interesting tidbits and trivia from your favorite artists on the road.  Periodically, he will offer commentary on a particular topic or issue in the touring industry, and down the road he'll finally pen a Fan's Guide to Concertgoing, a manual he's been writing in his mind - he says - since he was a child. The site will evolve over time as it becomes an online home for music lovers who love the live show, whether they've been to umpteen concerts or never been at all.  LIVE! from Front Row will be your ticket, your front row seat, to the magic of live entertainment. 

I have had the honor of attending shows with Michael for years. So, I'm delighted to see that you will get a FRONT ROW in his "theater" because - as Susan Taylor says - "... not everyone deserves a front row seat in our lives...", but since it's a concert, like Diana's Central Park show and the subsequent tour "... For One For All...", COME ONE... COME ALL!!!!