Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in TV One (9)
dream boy
Many of my ALL STAR KARAOKE FAITHFULS have been requesting my take on “DREAMGIRLS” – THE EFFIE SONGS – since we began! Well, I got in “I AM CHANGING” this week at Billie's Black Gourmet Soul's Black Gourmet Soul! CHECK IT OUT!
Xosha Roquemore!
My ALL STAR KARAOKE producer and friend Derrick is the #1 FAN of "The Mindy Project".
So, you must know this was the BIGGEST TREAT FOR HIM! LOL!
I hope I get this right, but Xosha (pronounced Zo-sha) Roquemore plays no-nonsense, if not always tactful, Tamra!
Xosha made a FAB ALL STAR KARAOKE appearance - enjoying the night from her seat and eventually hitting the stage for Nicky Minaj's superbass! SUPER SWEET LADY:!
We'd received word that Tank and LaTavia Roberson would TRY to pop by. They didn't make it, but WE'LL KEEP OUR MICS HOT FOR YOU TWO... AND EVERYBODY! THANKS TO EVERYBODY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Billie's Black presents ALL STAR KARAOKE with Patrick L. Riley is TOO EXCITED to be partnering with MOTOWN: THE MUSICAL! We are having a BLAST!
MOTOWN REVUE PART 1 of 3 (before 5/27's GRAND FINALE) was AWESOME!
"Jules" won THIS WEEK on Teena Marie's "I Need Your Lovin'" - - and Hussain ran right up with Stevie Wonder's "Superstition": TWO MORE WEEKS TO QUALIFY FOR OUR GRAND FINALE;
meanwhile, EVERYBODY CAN SEE MOTOWN: THE MUSICAL for a discount by using the discount code: ABC123 #billiesblack #allstarkaraoke #motownmay
RULES: Rules and prizes: Sign up is 1st come - 1st serve, starting at 7 pm each night (a maximum of 10 competitors per preliminary round).
Competition takes place from 9 – 10 pm each night of prelims.
All competitors must sing a song from the MOTOWN record label.
1st and 2nd place winners from the prelim rounds each compete in the GRAND FINALE.
The GRAND PRIZE is 1) a pair of tickets to see MOTOWN THE MUSICAL during Black Music Month in June. 2) an opportunity to do an on-stage walk-on for that performance. 3) dinner for two at Billie’s Black.
The 2nd PLACE GRAND PRIZE is 1) a MOTOWN THE MUSICAL gift bag with a signed Playbill, a MOTOWN THE MUSICAL CD, poster, coffee table, etc.
Audience members will ALSO have a chance to win Motown the Musical merchandise through MOTOWN Q&A trivia.
HOW YOU DOIN’? Was COOL to work on a quick turnaround project for recurring client The Wendy Williams Show with organizing expert Julie Morgenstern via Julie Morgenstern Enterprises for the My Healthy campaign. Check it out HERE: VIDEO: and visit for more info. THANKS for all the LIFE OF RILEY LOVE! FOR MORE INFORMATION: I’ll be with recurring client BET this week (I just wrapped BET UPFRONT 2014). p.s. I got to produce recurring client Wendy Williams as she discovered her Disney Side on a recent family vacation to Walt Disney World ® Resort when she tasted food and drinks from around the world at Epcot - Walt Disney World Center!; Wendy discovered her Disney Side when she became a Princess for a Day: VIDEO:; There was the Thrill Ride piece from Disney's Hollywood Studios:; and our FINALE: Safari at Disney's Animal Kingdom: I had the privilege of producing her down there and working with her show’s team to put these special pieces together. A JOY! Thanks ALL for your support! XO Though I've produced several integrations for the show, this DISNEY project WAS A GREAT ENCORE to our British Virgin Islands integration a couple of years ago: PART 1 - and PART 2
My Spelman sister Tanika Ray's NYC baby shower just took place at 44 1/2.
Fun, well appointed room of Spelman sisters with whom I went to school, associates from the business, and the dad of Tanika's bundle of joy, my industry brother P. Frank Williams whose production company produces a lot of hit shows like "Unsung", "Unsung Hollywood", and Centric's "BEING". CONGRATS TO THE BEAUTIFUL NEW FAMILY! Ant and I may consider some babysitting - next time you all are east!
After Tanika and Frank’s event, it was CINQO DE MARA time! BFF Mara Schiavocampo and hubby Tommie Porter hosted a fight party that kept us all in a joyous mood. P. Frank joined us.
Sidra was in the house as well as Derrick, buddies Will and Joe, and a host of the FAB usual suspects that make CASA PORTER the place to be! Then to BOBBY ROACHE's birthday set in Union Square. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOBBY!
I continue to be proud and thrilled for high school BFF/brother for life, Maurice Marable. This, for his latest milestone. Mo directed the short film that introduced the President this past Saturday at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. The spot follows Julia Louis-Dreyfus (of HBO's VEEP) and VP Joe Biden as they skip the dinner and hang out for the day, featuring cameos by FLOTUS Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner. Mo shot the top-secret project (written by VEEP writers) in a day and a half. #savannahintheWHITEhouse
SHOUT OUT to NABJ little sister, Stephanie Guerilus, who booked me for one of NABJ’s fabulous panels – this particular one held in NYC!
She’s been between project and harnessing her energy in the direction of a self-published novel, “By Any Means Necessary”. It centers on a teenage girl who wants to be the next big superstar.
However, she encounters some issues on her way to greatness: I told her I would tell you folks to check it out! SUMMER READING TIME! CONGRATS, STEPHANIE!

another night
It started with work at the NYC headquarters of recurring client BET – prepping video for an upcoming network presentation. Then, with a special shout out to Denise Clay and Derrick Hemphill, I participated in my 1st GOOGLE Hangout presented by DJTF - NABJ's Digital Journalism Task Force - as in National Association of Black Journalists: "GETTING STARTED AS AFREELANCER". GREAT CHAT! Here you can here it - PART 1:
After that, back to BET to wrap up day.
Then, a wonderful hang at friend Paul Wharton’s NYC pad for food, fun, and fellowship.
After that, Derrick and I attended Broadway must-see play, “Mothers and Sons” starring Tony-award-winning and six-time-Emmy-award-winning Tyne Daly.
From there, to MISS ARETHA FRANKLIN’s NYC birthday party – celebrating 72. Shout out to publicist with the most, Gwendolyn Quinn, for ensuring I was in the house.
I got to attend and blog about: MISS Aretha Franklin'S DETROIT BDAY PARTY in 2008:
I also got to be an audience with THE QUEEN OF SOUL at her June 2009 "HOLLYWOOD BOWL" performance followed by a posh post-set at the Peninsula:
And was good to hang out with her at a MOTOWN: THE MUSICAL preview event here in the city:
But this one was special. It took place at The Ritz Carlton (Central Park South).
I got to see my NABJ BFF Greg Dunmore – in town for the festivities.
Also in the house: QUITE THE WHO’S WHO – including Denzel Washington (fresh from the RAISIN IN THE SUN Broadway stage);
CLIFTON DAVIS (subject of one of my LIFE AFTERs on TV ONE:;
ET legend Clarence Waldron, who we got to honor via the NABJ A&E Task Force a couple of yeasr ago;
my fellow NABJ baby ROLAND MARTIN and his awesome wife Jackie; and a host of others! Just ONE SATURDAY in the LIFE OF RILEY!
MARCH is quite the month for DIVAS birthdays.
MISS CHAKA KHAN's special day is coming up and my MISS ROSS will be celebrating THE BIG 7-0!
I believe it was a Tuesday when ATL buddy Lamoh Hicks poppedinto town! Anthony Harper and I just had to catch up with him and grab a snack at Dallas BBQ! Guess who joins us? REAL HOUSEWIFE to R&BDivasTVOne's Monifah Carter, Terez Mychelle!
Y'all better tune in for the new season April 23rd! Monifah Carter and the ladies promise to BRING IT! I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! #divas
LAST TEREZ, MONIFAH, and I happened upon each other, we were an audience with MISS ROSS at NJPAC in Newark where she introduced Newark's own Gloria Gaynor to the stage for an impromptu duet of their mutual hit "I Will Survive"!
P.S. My Savannah homeboy Maurice Marable is continuing to impress and make us proud! Check this out: #savannahpride

it gets better
Okay! So, since Anthony Harper and I hooked up December 1, 2005, he's thrown me some awesome BIRTHDAY parties!
In 2006, he was still in Denver, but flew in as my birthday gift:
In 2007, he outdid himself! He came into a windfall and spent it all on me: a romantic trip for two to Manila where we saw - in concert - Beyonce who we met and who - at the end of the show - serenaded me "Happy Birthday". A TRUE HIGHLIGHT!
And that year, he further outdid himself stateside:
In 2008, it was a karaoke set! What a blast:
In 2009, I'd just returned from a year away in L.A. and Atlanta - producing "Monica: Still Standing" and "Frankie & Neffe" -
so this party was a WELCOME HOME party after a rough year away from home and apart from the one I love:
2010 was quite the extravaganza.
Many beats to this year.
All great onces - including a set at the tony Griffin in the meatpacking district:
In 2011, it was karaoke.
But there were also other locales for celebrating - including New Rochelle.
Also, Sid's Harlem pad served as the backdrop for one of the nights:
In 2012, there was more karaoke:
And this year's "chicken and champagne" set was a low-key hang of just a few buddies on the block - all of whom came out to play on a school night. Shout out to childhood BFF Ernest Maynor; Derrick Hemphill; Isoul Harris; Kevin Freeman; Monique Taylor; Nathan Hale Williams; Jamar Dunn; Mr. Eric (One of the glam squad for the Fashion Queens);
and - GASP! - is that "internet wifey" and "Amazing Grace", BFF Mara Schiavocampo in the house? YAZZZZZZZ! LOL! The intimate set was hosted by my buddy Merrell, celebrity makeup artist to Wendy Williams, Diddy, Usher, and many more. His fried chicken is the best! And how GRATEFUL am I for Ant and everybody who LIFTED ME UP on my birthday this year! THANKS TO EVERYBODY!
And a special shout out for my nephew who put his special touch on my birthday extravaganza: a great meal at our favorite Hillstone.
And I got to hang with my buddy Bobby Roache before that meal. Always good to chill with my brother from another mother.
Though my birthday was Tuesday, November 19th, I want to SHOUT OUT ALL who came out to KARAOKE with me at Karaoke Duet 53 last night!
WHAT A BLAST! So many of my friends from my many walks of life were in the house: Friends from Savannah Ernest Maynor and Maurice Marable were in the house;
Maurice brought our friend, sometimes-boss, and fellow “creative” in common:
Kendrick Reid, Senior Vice President and Executive Creative Director, Brand Strategy for BET Networks
(who is my fellow Scorpio along with my fellow “karaoke” BFF Dante Higgins and our girlfriend Ashley Fettig –
both of whom attended with extended fam in tow. Thanks Brandon, Mike, et al!).
Was great to see my young NABJ buddy and my former Harpo colleagues (now-fellow-freelance-writer/producers here in NYC): Blair Youngerr and Suzanne. Of course, my usual suspects were in the house:
Jamar Dunn, Derrick Hemphill,
Dayne Brett, etc. And I was UBER-EXCITED to have in the house: Mr.Justiin A Davis of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire fame: TOTAL HONOR! BIGGEST SHOUT OUT to my partner Ant for ensuring I felt the LOVE from the night and my birthday overall!
It gets better
Shout out to Amanda Johnson with Here Media ( She brought me to the attention of Wells Fargo which is producing a video campaign titled “It Gets Better” in conjunction with Out Magazine (in which I was once featured as a, ahem, model: Was my MAHOGANY MOMENT! LOL!
And some more intel on it:
And a piece on when I stumbled into the opportunity before the issue came out.
Thanks Sandra Lee and OUT!:!
The OUT 100 gala took place recently…and what a BLAST it was! Was great to hang out with my buddies – including Morehouse brother and UPTOWN Magazine Editor-in-Chief Isoul Harris and my dear friend DeMarco Majors.
DeMarco introduced me to Gerald McCullouch (Best known for playing Bobby Dawson on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation...
but currently DIRECTOR on a new film project DADDY: A Film Written By Dan Via ( and and TWITTER: @daddythemovie). ALSO IN THE HOUSE:
My boy Derrick;
American actress, reality star, and transgender activist Laverne Cox;
and RUPAUL DRAG RACE winner Sharon Needles.
I also considered it a total honor to chat with Gail Marquis and the legendary Audrey Smaltz – a married couple that is featured inside the sixth installment of a series of short films by Antony Osso: “THE DEVOTION PROJECT”: This series of films documenting LGBTQ couples and the love they share. It premiered online on February 14, 2013. The first five films, "More Than Ever", "Say Only Yes", "Listen from the Heart", "My Person" and "Build Your Wings" are also available on the channel.
The purpose of the “IT GETS BETTER” video is to inspire teenagers who may have been bullied and offer them inspiration – perhaps that may have been lacking when I was coming up. We worked the red carpet and enjoyed the VIP benefit of this event and soon, a nice video package will be readied for global viewing. And I’ll be sure to blast it your way, once it’s done. For more information, please go to #OUT100
Thanks to Linda Johnson Rice, Desiree Rogers, and Amy Dubois Barnett for inviting Ant and me to EBONY's POWER 100!
What an awesome evening inside of which we honored the 100 most influential African Americans in the country
- including Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Berry Gordy - Motown Founder and Music Impresario.
You know I got the chance to work as the Opening Night host of Broadway's "Motown: The Musical": Shout out to Director Charles Randolph Wright for reminding Mr. Gordy.
Also honored: President Barack Obama; Kerry Washington; Earvin "Magic" Johnson; Nick Cannon; and Marian Wright Edelman.
The gala celebration took place in New York City at Jazz at Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall in the Time Warner Center. The EBONY editorial team selected the 100 most influential African Americans in the country. The 2013 Power 100 list will appear in the December/January issue of EBONY on newsstands.
Uptown Unplugged
ALL ON A LUNCH BREAK! LOL! Hi folks! I’ll have more to say on this when it actually launches VERY SOON this month!
But let me now SHOUT OUT my Morehouse brother Isoul Harris for introducing me to the awesome team behind UPTOWN Unplugged, which UPTOWN is launching as an extension to its brand.
As I’ve been featured in the FAB mag’s H List a time or few (, the H List (and a little of my story) come to LIFE via this segment which focuses on individuals the editors and producers feel are tastemakers and scene stealers! SCENE STEALERS???????! LOL!
I guess that’s me! LOL! As an independent producer/personality/writer and veteran pop culture expert (their words! LOL! AM I THAT OLD? LOL!), the amazing team of Executive Producer Lynne McDaniel and talent booker extraordinaire Tyese Carmichael –Styles invited me to chat and be one of their first short-form episodes (3-5 minutes) on UPTOWN Unplugged, which will live on YouTube among other platforms. My friend, Co-Founder and Group Publisher of Uptown Magazine, Len Burnett, says the new channel will offer a mix of original and curated content.
Marriott International is the presenting sponsor for “The H List” and two other original series: “Uptown Studio” (for which the AMAZING HOST WITH THE MOST, MISS ASHLEI, interviewed me on its comfy, intimate, lounge-type set inside one of Ren 57 Hotel’s midtown suites) and “Uptown ProFiles” – all of which are interview-style series (primarily being shot at the Uptown Studio located in the Renaissance New York Hotel). Uptown Unplugged will also look to produce and distribute original and curated branded content.
UPTOWN Magazine celebrates the luxury lifestyle of professional and influential urban consumers across the country with city-specific editions in New York, Philadelphia, Charlotte, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, and Washington, D.C.
Its editorial content, promotion, and brand extensions communicate the appeal of a luxury lifestyle with an authoritative voice and sophisticated design. Editorial content highlights the best in home décor, automotive, technology, fashion and jewelry, fitness, health and beauty, travel and leisure, food and wine, sports and entertainment, and arts and culture.
It also includes provocative profiles of the tastemakers who represent this audience. AND TO RECAP: “UPTOWN Unplugged” creates and distributes celebrity and lifestyle video programming for that young and happening demo that aspires and inspires (my words). As a premier digital entertainment destination, UPTOWN Unplugged is a fully-integrated channel extension of the Uptown Magazine brand. All shows featured on the Uptown Unplugged Channel are distributed across all relevant media platform extensions and through our exclusive partnerships.
The channel will be promoted and leveraged via all forms of social media. #uptownunplugged #uptownstudio #uptownmag
Black nativity
So on my “birthday eve”, I attended the BLACK NATIVITY premiere at THE APOLLO!
Shout out to my Spelman and NABJ sister Tosha Whitten Griggs with Front Page Media PR for the LOVE! Afterwards, the cast and guests gathered at Red Rooster for the after party.
As the day grew long in the tooth from having had many juggling balls yesterday, I instead tried out the new “Red Lobster” (don’t judge! LOL!) and headed home.
But before, fellow BLACK NATIVITY attendees and my BFFs/MOREHOUSE brothers Michael K. Watts, Mario Ephriam, and Herman L. Riley III – also my “favorite” nephew joined Ant and me to wish me an EARLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! LOVE MY BROTHERS, NEPHEW, MAN, FRIENDS, and FAM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Black Nativity, starring Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Jennifer Hudson, Jacob Latimore, Tyrese Gibson, Luke James, NAS and Mary J. Blige.
Flo Anthony
Special shout out to my friend/fellow LIFE AFTER pundit/Celebrity Gossip Reporter/NOVELIST Flo Anthony who has a new book out! “Deadly Stuff Players” is Flo's second novel and is filled with juicy tid-bits from Hollywood's hottest nightclubs; boardrooms, steamy bedrooms; and behind ALL the scenes. A Howard University Graduate, Flo was the first Black woman in the nation to work on a gossip page: NY Post's highly-revered Page Six. LOVE YOU, FLO! CONGRATULATIONS on your GREAT READ! Perfect for the HOLIDAYS! #deadlystuffplayers
blood sweat heels
We are ALL celebrating the “platinum” success of my friend BEVY SMITH and her “FASHION QUEENS” – including Miss Lawrence Washington and Derek J – the latter of whom I had the chance to meet during my “reality” days in 2009 – producing “Monica: Still Standing” and “Frankie & Neffe” (in Atlanta while the 2nd season of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” was taping and the sequel of “Why Did I Get Married?” was filming):
Meanwhile, another friend and a couple of associates I’ve had the chance to get to know inside New York’s elite circle of high-style media socialites and tastemakers have been announced as the stars of a NEW Bravo venture that is scheduled to launch at the top of 2014.
Former video vixen turned realtor Melyssa Ford is starring alongside two women I know:
modeling agency owner Mica Hughes (dear friend I met years ago through one of my BFFs Lisa Goodnight) and a style and pop culture journalist with whom I recently had the chance to work on a project with mutual client BET (under the supervision of Michaela angela Davis), Geneva S. Thomas – Detroit’s own.
Affordable-style expert Daisy Lewellyn and “A Belle in Brooklyn” blogger and author Demetria Lucas round out the cast of “Blood, Sweat & Heels,” which premieres Sunday, Jan. 5 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The premise: a group of up-and-coming movers and shakers in New York’s elite circles of real estate, fashion, and media are chronicled...and it the trailer demos lots of drama: GO MICA!
Where Are They Now?
I've been workin' overtime these days! And I'm grateful for work coming my way ---- on so many platforms and from an array of clients - old and new. I don't typically promote in my blog space assignments I do for recurring client OWN as so much of what I'm assigned is confidential.
But I will ask you to tune into "Oprah: Where Are They Now?" as an interview I conducted with Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been excerpted and is ready for air this Sunday at 10/9c.
As always, I appreciate your support!
Subscribe to OWN: #WhereAreTheyNow

rainbow radio Shout out to Clear Channel Media and Entertainment radio producer Tom Schmid (in Columbus, OH) who – after a GOOGLE – found me and invited me to talk about the latest fad “rubber-band bracelets” on NewsRadio 610 WTVN this morning on AM 1230 (ASSOCIATED shows: WYTS Fox Sports, WBWR The Brew @ 105.7, and WCGX-X106.7).
The segment is hosted by my “cousin” (not really), host JOEL RILEY!
We had a great chat about RAINBOW LOOM and the new fad of multi-colored, rubberband bracelets!
THE LIFE OF RILEY has included the rare medium (to me) RADIO in the last couple of weeks: To hear my appearance last week on Clay Cane LIVE on WWRL 1600 AM New York, click here:
I sing Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" - plus, we talk Obamacare, government shutdown and more! WAS A LOT OF FUN to hang out with Clay, J’Nara, and Mark! As always, MY PEEPS: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We broadcast on 1600AM in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Also, we're live-streamed on the web at - which can be heard anywhere. WWRL 1600 AM is the number one progressive talk radio station in the New York City area. WWRL airs Ed Schultz's radio program and Clay recently took over Rev. Al Sharpton's time slot. Clay Cane Live broadcasts in NJ, NY, CT and live-streamed on the worldwide web from 8pm - 10pm EST every Tuesday.
Clay’s show is geared to the LGBT community, but he transcends all of the labels. Previous guests have included Brandy, Clay Aiken, Aubrey O'Day, Rockmond Dunbar, Jackée Harry, Laverne Cox of Orange Is the New Black, Kandi Burruss, Jennifer Holliday, Sheryl Lee Ralph, tons of Broadway stars and many others. Hear previous shows: You can also download Clay’s podcasts here: AND TOMORROW, Clay and I (and many others) will be on TV ONE: LIFE AFTER on LEVAR BURTON (PREMIERE: 8:30P/eastern). Here's a sneak-peek of my next appearance on TV One's Life After Maia Campbell - Klayton Kane from Clay Cane LIVE is in it as well as Florence Anthony S Tia Brownand Sou L Eo Should be a good one! THANKS TO YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! MUCH LOVE, PLR
I’ll also be featured in the next two installments of TV ONE’s LIFE AFTER: Maia Campbell and Sheree Whitfield. And of course, my debut was Clifton Davis: #claycanelive #lifeafter #wwrl1600am #joelriley #wtvn1230am #rubberbandbracelets #rainbowloom
You folks know I’ve been singing the praises of the documentary FREE ANGELA for about a year now! My friend Sidra Smith came aboard Shola Lynch’s directorial masterpiece as producer – credited with bringing Jada Pinkett Smith; Will Smith; and Jay Z on board to fund and Executive Produce the completion and release of this pivotal story:
Well, it’s OSCAR time! So, I was uber-excited that Sidra and publicist extraordinaire Peggy Siegal invited me to sit right next to Angela Davis and a host of other tastemakers as well as members of the National Board of Review ( for a delicious, private luncheon at Brasserie Ruhlmann at Rockefeller Plaza.
I’m sending up a special prayer for the nomination of “Free Angela and All Political Prisoners: A Film by Shola Lynch”.
Invited guests included New York members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Documentary voting committee in addition to major press, bloggers, corporate partners and hi-profile celebrities.
Also in the house: MISS VIVICA A. FOX;
Vivica’s rep, my friend BJ COLEMAN;
Yaya DaCosta (“Lee Daniels’ The Butler” and “America’s Next Top Model”).
She attended with her husband Joshua Bee Alafia and her new baby in tow;
Geoffrey Fletcher; Mr. Roger Friedman (“Showbiz 411”); Thelma Golden (“Studio Museum of Harlem”); NY Post Page Six’s Ian Mohr; and a host of others. FREE ANGELA tells the dramatic story of how a young philosophy professor's social justice activism implicates her in a botched kidnapping attempt of a judge that ends with a bloody shootout, four dead, and a nation wondering, as Newsweek magazine asks: what would prompt Angela Davis, "the daughter of the black bourgeoisie, to take a desperate turn to terrorism?"
For the 40th anniversary of her acquittal on charges of murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy, Angela Davis and all the main characters recount the politics and actions that branded her a terrorist and simultaneously spurred a worldwide movement for her freedom as a political prisoner.
At its core, the story wrestles with the meaning of political freedom in a democracy negotiated between the people and its government, The sixties and seventies were all about citizens challenging authority, or as the slogan went - "Power to the People! Strong, attractive and engaging, Angela Davis is one such person who becomes a symbol at the center of this still relevant power struggle. Distributed by Codeblack Films, a Lionsgate Company #freeangela #academyawards2014 #oscars2014
DR. MAASI SMITH – NOVELIST I told you about foot surgeon/podiatrist/TV personality Dr. Maasi Smith – having met him through our mutual friend, the Emmy-award-winning Berlinda Garnett. Well, he’s multi-talented. Dr. Maasi J. Smith has written his first novel and it is in book stores, now!
"Mischiefmakers," is a horror/thriller story that's both scary and quite creepy!!!! And being that Halloween is just around the corner, the timing couldn't be better for its release!
Below, please find links several that will give you some insight about the book's storyline: or
Again, "Mischiefmakers" is on store shelves and can also be purchased via Amazon: CONGRATS, GOOD DOCTOR!

and the winner is
The new season of TV One's Life After has begun. Did you see my debut on the Clifton Davis episode? Here it is:
NEXT UP (with me):
October 9 at 8pm - LeVar Burton
October 16 at 8pm - Maia Campbell
October 23 at 8pm - Shereé Whitfield
In fact, what better time than now to hip you that I was a guest on Clay Cane Live on WWRL 1600 AM New York ...
and what a TIME WE HAD! Click here to ENJOY:"
WWRL 1600 AM is the number one progressive talk radio station in the New York City area. WWRL airs Ed Schultz's radio program and Clay recently took over Rev. Al Sharpton's time slot.
Clay Cane Live broadcasts in NJ, NY, CT and live-streamed on the worldwide web from 8pm - 10pm EST every Tuesday. Clay’s show is geared to the LGBT community, but he transcends all of the labels.
Previous guests have included Brandy, Clay Aiken, Aubrey O'Day, Rockmond Dunbar, Jackée Harry, Laverne Cox of Orange Is the New Black, Kandi Burruss, Jennifer Holliday, Sheryl Lee Ralph, tons of Broadway stars and many others.
Hear previous shows: You can also download Clay’s podcasts here: I sing Mariah Carey's "Can't Let Go" - plus, we talk Obamacare, government shutdown and more! WAS EXCITING!
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We broadcast on 1600AM in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Also, we're live-streamed on the web at - which can be heard anywhere. Feel free to promote that link. #claycanelive #lifeafter #wwrl1600am
I also am a recurring pop culture expert with COZI-TV for its NEWS 4 at 7 newscast. This past Monday, I did a two-segment EMMY RE-CAP with TV Guide Magazine's Matt Roush: This call-back came from the EMMY NOMINATIONS ROUND-UP we did in July:!/on-air/as-seen-on/Emmy-Nominations-for-2013/216162211. And I'd originally done a BROADWAY segment with them a few months ago:
Shout out to Editor in Chief Isoul Harris and his FAB staff at UPTOWN Magazine for including my name on their current HOT LIST nearby my BFF aka Amazing Grace Mara Schiavocampo. I DIDN'T KNOW, ISOUL! And what a GREAT COVER, by the way!
THANKS Morehouse College BROTHER!
I'm HONORED! Mara and I were placed on the Editor’s page last year – a pic showing us take delight in New Orleans’ Bourbon Street Krystal fast food joint.
Angela Bronner Helm placed us in that issue.
CONGRATS to her as she’s just announced her new post as Executive Editor at ESSENCE Magazine! CONGRATS ANGELA! #uptownmag #essencemag
I LOVE NABJ – forever and always! I was SO EXCITED to be able to give more back to my beloved NABJ. My eternal gratitude to NABJ Region 1 Director, Sherlon Christie (Sports Reporter, Asbury Park Press (Neptune, N.J.)) – [TWITTER @sherlonapp] - also the multi-media journalist and published author Stephanie Guerilus who booked me [TWITTER: @qsteph] to moderate the closing panel “MAKING A LIVING OUTSIDE TRADITIONAL MEDIUMS”.
There has been a long standing tradition of writers creating their own opportunities.
Blogs have become one of the go to mediums of expansion and being from restrictions. How do writers go from being just another scribe on the web to an enterprise? Creative individuals that have become experts at this will discuss how they’ve navigated the world of freelancing and how it can lead to entrepreneurship.
My panelists waxed philosophical and instructional on all of the above…and they were great! THANKS TO: Roy Paul, Political commentator & contributor [TWITTER: @RoyPaulReports]; Mark A. Thomas, MIT Sloan Fellow; Former Director, City Limits [TWITTER: @workandprogress];
and Trenae V. McDuffie Nuri, Multimedia Reporter, Philadelphia Tribune and South Jersey Journal [TWITTER: @TrenaeMcDuffie]. All the FUN took place at the Associated Press Headquarters. AND A BIG SHOUT OUT TO another NABJ BFF Brian Henderson, Director of Communications and Marketing at National Bar Association.
Was great to catch up with Brian and so many of my FAVORITE NABJ PEEPS! An additional WHAT’S UP to my friend Erich McMillian-McCall – Founder of Project1Voice (
GLAD TO HANG with you for a bit as well! #freelance13 #nabjregion1#nabjregionone
Speaking of working outside traditional mediums, I’ve done some freelance work for ‘The Wendy Williams Show’ over the years! HOW YOU DOIN’?
LOL! For Black History Month 2012, I did a profile on Christine Carter:, which got a media hit in Black Enterprise: Before that, I produced another integration for Proctor & Gamble/FAMILY DOLLAR:
And in November 2011, I made my 'WENDY WILLIAMS' debut (as freelance field producer) via a special project in the British Virgin Islands. It's an integration (trip giveaway) that ran throughout November sweeps.
I’ve even produced a sizzle for her production company. Well – from the green-light corner - coming up THIS WEDNESDAY AT 8P on the TV Guide Network (TVGN), co-owned by Lionsgate and CBS, be sure to catch new series with popular daytime talker Wendy Williams. Under the working title, "Wendy Williams Project," Wendy gives TVGN's cameras a backstage look at her life.
The series goes behind-the-scenes on "The Wendy Williams Show," as well as follow her as she prepares for her Broadway debut in "Chicago" as prison matron Mama Morton. Wendy is executive producing under her company, Wendy Williams Productions, alongside additional EPs Kevin Hunter, Lisa Knapp and Jill Ramsey.
BE SURE TO TWEET OUT as it will feature more of the camera on Wendy’s GLAM SQUAD, my friends:
Merrell Hollis (celebrity make-up artist); Antwon Jackson (my fellow ROSS fan and – oh! – Emmy-award-winning ‘wigologist’); and Memsor (fashion stylist with THE MOST).
I know – FIRST HAND – they are a hoot! Can’t wait to watch!!! @wendyshow @memsor @merrellhollis @antwonljackson @wendywilliams #howyoudoinbroadway #wendywilliams #wendyshow #makeupbymerrell
Shout out to my Spelman sister and Front Row Productions’ own Alia Jones-Harvey, a producer on new Broadway production of ROMEO AND JULIET which is currently in previews. Starring international film star Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings) making his Broadway debut opposite two-time Tony Award nominee Condola Rashad (Stick Fly, The Trip To Bountiful), Ant and I had a great time – especially catching up with friends Alvin and wife Terri (Prettyman) Bowles – my dear friend from our dinner group, “The Pentav”; fellow NABJ fam Chris John Farley and his wife Sharon Epperson, CNBC’s own financial journalist extraordinaire with whom I worked years ago. Directed by five-time Tony Award nominee David Leveaux, ROMEO AND JULIET is open and running at the Richard Rodgers Theatre (226 West 46th Street, NYC).
Shout out to Ywada (pronounced Yah-da) - client of my dear friends: publicist Juanita Stephens (also Jody Watley rep: and Ywada manager Andrew Prince, husband of childhood BFF Tonja Denmark:
Small world and what a wonderful one that had my buddy Derrick Hemphill and I an audience of two at The Village Underground for a live performance.
YWADA threw down on Stevie Wonder classic "All I Do" and Ywada's current single "End of the Road" at the venue's legendary open-mic night hosted by the iconic Ron Grant.
Great to see friend Bariek Robinson and his peeps in the mix as well as friends Laverne Perry and Kenneth Reynolds' client Ju-Taun who also performed. #ywada #endoftheroad #rongrant #villageunderground
Speaking of HOT! SPECIAL SHOUT OUT to model Chris Kadima who has been mentored by many mutual friends – including Ron Smith and Carl Nelson – since arriving here in NYC from France. We got to hang out and sit together at my friend and fashion designer Edwing D’Angelo’s presentation during New York Fashion Week.
He walked in his first NYFW show for M4M and he’s getting some press – including an upcoming moment in THE LIFE OF RILEY (next week…). Meanwhile, check out his pix! WHAT A GREAT GUY! ONE TO WATCH, my friends! TWITTER: @chriskadima
WE STILL TOGETHER! LOL! Rachel Allen in NYC w/her fiance Lawrence for a wedding. My Anthony hooked them up with The Wendy Williams Showl tix. I met up with them at Cafeteria Restaurant for our AWESOME REUNION ---- between FRIENDS for LIFE! XO
ANOTHER “RILEY” ON IMPROMPTU ASSIGNMENT A LA “LIFE OF RILEY”: My sister JANICE RAN INTO OUR CASSIE DAVIS - my Spelman sister who the world first got to know in the Spike Lee Joint School Daze but over the last twenty years from the Tyler Perry camp – from plays to the hit comedy “House of Payne”!!! Just after her film debut, I got the chance to perform alongside her in a musical produced at Morehouse College, “MARTIN: The Life and Times of Martin Luther King, Jr.” Janice reports: "Look who I ran into this evening!! She told me to tell you that she loves her some Patrick!!!" AND AS I’VE CHRONICALED on “A Day in the Life of Riley: pop culture & possibilities” before, I LOVE ME SOME CASSIE!
We had a GREAT Sunday Brunch recently at Paul Wharton's place (@paulwharton) - catered brilliantly by @baileysthechef (TWITTER)/(INSTAGRAM: @chefmarkbailey) + Zach's bar: #L649 #chefbailey Look for Paul Wharton's new line:! Just a great time c/o Sidra et al!!! #somuchfun #whatgoodfood
We also got the chance to hang out in Long Branch, NJ for a nice pool set at the home of my dear friend Ed Roebuck!
FUN into FALL 2013!
Shout out to my FRIEND Berlinda Garnett (former co-worker at CNBC circa 1995-1996)!!! She and former colleague Mike Jerrick won an EMMY!!!!!! That’s right! For the 2013 MID-ATLANTIC EMMY® AWARDS in the PUBLIC/CURRENT/COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PROGRAM/SPECIAL category, they won for "Black On Black: The Conversation Continues" which ran at FOX29. I AM SO PROUD OF MY FRIEND! Berlinda is the Producer for FOX 29's new, Enterprise Unit which includes Investigations and Special Projects. Previously, she served as Planning Editor and an Emmy award-winning producer for Good Day Philadelphia. Berlinda has been with the station since the 1996 inception of the program. She has produced hundreds of segments ranging from health to entertainment, fashion to money, food to pets, as well as numerous profile pieces and more controversial subjects such as, "Race in America." Her diverse library of work also includes the highly regarded prime time special, “Black on Black”, which explores the recent causes and ramifications of the uptick in violence in the African-American community among young black males.
The series was recently nominated for a second Emmy, of which Berlinda was recently awarded. She has been nominated for a total of 7 over the span of her 22 years in broadcasting. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Ms. Garnett considers journalism her calling, and is driven by her belief that her work should foster a stronger sense of community amongst Philadelphians. She is the 2001 winner of the prestigious Wilbur Award for a story she produced about a local Gospel Rap pioneer. The Wilbur Award is a national honor presented by The Religion Communicators Council, which recognizes excellence in the communication of religious issues, values and themes in the secular media. Ms. Garnett is a 1991 graduate of Temple University’s School of Communications and Theater. She has also studied for her Masters of Theology degree at Palmer’s Theological Seminary. An avid reader and writer of poetry, Ms. Garnett also likes to cook in her spare time. She currently resides in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia…but she’ll always be MY SISTER FRIEND with whom I’ve experienced SO MUCH JOY – from our long chats to our fun days in NYC at Moshood; Sylvia’s SOUL FOOD; and all the great stops in between! CONGRATS, BERLINDA!
Our girlfriend Elisabeth from Norway has come to NYC and returned back to Norway ONE MORE TIME! We LOVE spending time with you, Elisabeth! And WHAT A VIEW!!!! #nycfam2013
See the FAB MISS JODY WATLEY in a FAB new pic by the FABULOUS Mike Ruiz with whom I’ve had the chance to meet as we were both booked to speak on a GMAD panel: You recall that I had the chance to interview Miss Watley a couple of weeks ago about her current song NIGHTLIFE, her upcoming project PARADISE, and MUCH MORE: READ ON:
“As quiet as it's sometimes kept, Grammy award winning artist, songwriter, producer, Jody Watley one of Pop/R&B and Dance Music's most enduring pioneers has been at the forefront of some of the most groundbreaking, trendsetting sensations in modern pop culture. Known as one of the most innovative and stylish trailblazers in entertainment, Ms. Watley stays true to her legacy on the shimmering dance floor classic, her new single, "Nightlife." Jody continues to put genuine artistry and quality into everything she does, making each musical moment into a wonderful experience. There is no better way to wait for Paradise, (her upcoming album) than to dance and enjoy the "Nightlife."
· JODY WATLEY says “NIGHTLIFE” can be mixed straight into Phyllis Hyman’s "You Know How to Love Me" - one of her inspirational, soulful dance classics.
· JODY WATLEY says “NIGHTLIFE” is a great tune for working out or even walking.
· The NEW single “NIGHTLIFE” from the forthcoming new EP “Paradise” due early 2014. Available now at digital outlets worldwide, including the “Classic Glamour Extended” EP. BUY “NIGHTLIFE” – Limited edition vinyl coming mid September!
· The NEW Single "NIGHTLIFE" - 'It's In The Music!"
· Official Artist Site / Style Blog:
· Follow on Twitter!
· Facebook:
THIS IS A BIG BIRTHDAY SEASON – from my nephew turning 25 (WOW!) to his father – my brother – celebrating his BIG DAY to our New York Association of Black Journalists’ President Mike Feeney, my dear friend. There’s our BELOVED COOKIE – Momentum BFF Ruben’s mom! I got the chance to serenade for her BIG 5-7 [WE LOVE YOU, COOKIE!]. AND THEN, THERE’S MISS MARA SCHIAVOCAMPO. Our respective lives are moving at quite the frantic and high-frequency pace of late (Less time for two BFFs to giggle and gossip, like we “sometimes” can do! LOL!)
How EXCITING that her birthday has come around again and we all got to gather to wish her THE BEST YEAR EVER… and MANY MORE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY MARA!!!! We had a BLAST – nibbling on Victor’s Cuban cuisine; sipping on delicious MOJITOS; and enjoying the company of our NYC FAM! ALWAYS A BLAST! XOXOXOXO
WTF! While holed up away from the city last Sunday, I find out that my beloved watering hole, place-where-everybody-knows-my-name, and HOME of the OH-SO-FUN ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT, Native Restaurant, closed!!!!!!!! Indeed, it is the end of an era! But I know owner Brian must have something up his sleeve! I gave birth to in August 2010 when NATIVE Restaurant asked me to HOST a karaoke night. Hence, ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT was born! And we have had a blast with this special night. Our guest singers - on any given night - included: songstress Tichina Arnold; R&B divas Alyson Williams & Monifah; actress Napiera Groves; the artist formerly known as TONEX, B. Slade; Mariah Carey's long-standing background singer Melony Daniels - an artist her own right; Broadway baby Brenda Braxton; singer/author David Nathan; FELA!s Kevin Mambo; Paul Wharton ("Real Housewives of DC"); etc. Of course, the blog "A Day in the Life of Riley: pop culture & possibilities" has chronicled much of the ALL-STAR KARAOKE THURSDAY NIGHT at NATIVE: WE LOVE YOU, NATIVE! And BRIAN, ARY, and TEAM NATIVE? WE LOVE YOU!!! See y’all soon! Can’t wait! MEANWHILE, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!