PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley



DSCF3206%202.JPGMy belly is still bubbling at the unknown and – for now – the numbers aren’t adding up. Still, I am stepping powerfully into my NOW! Though still steadily being dispatched for assignments here and there (An interview with Tommy Hilfiger here []. A behind-the-scenes of “The Color Purple” (now with Chaka Khan and BeBe Winans) there, I have been attracting a mix of work that will keep me afloat (some network morning TV assignments) and further promising work that compliments my brand and is placing me in the zone of pop culture and possibilities. DSCF3223%202.JPGAnd I love it!!! You’ll recall a shoot I did as on-camera personality earlier in this month at my favorite boutique “N” ( ). “The Hugh Thompson Show” ( assigned me to upgrade two “geeks” (sweet folks who spend lots of time in the math and sciences vs. fashion and style). DSCF3189%202.JPGFast forward a couple of weeks to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we revealed the new looks in-studio for the show’s taping. Ant styled me for the field shoot and this studio reveal as well – pulling our look-of-late “American Chang” (www. ) and “R. Scott French” ( ) – both of which will unveil their new Fall 2008 gear on the runways of Fashion Week next week ( ). (And we’ll be front and center).DSCF3203%202.JPG According to Ant, I did a great job – feedback I welcome as I do more on-camera work. DSCF3191%202.JPGMoreover, this show is taped in the New York City-based “Maury Povich” studio [] and Adam the director, who is loaned over from “Maury” said “You are great on-camera! We could use you at ‘Maury’!” DSCF3192%202.JPGDon’t worry! Not for any of the ‘paternity dramas’, but when they do features and makeovers and may want a fun and unique energy in the mix. DSCF3232%202.JPGThat’s me, he says. So, I’m excited at the possibilities before me.

While backstage at “The Hugh Thompson Show”, Ant and I met someone from whom we’ve been receiving lots of joy. His birth name is Adam Bahner. His stage name is Tay-Zonday. He’s known for “Chocolate Rain” on ( With lyrics like “Chocolate Rain.
Some stay dry and others feel the pain. Chocolate Rain. A baby born will die before the sin. Chocolate Rain. The school books say it can't be here again. Chocolate Rain.
The prisons make you wonder where it went… and four-more-minutes into the song, you experience these abstract-yet-symbolic lyrics pouring bombastically and deeply out of the mouth of this cute kid (who – by the way – is really 25 years old). DSCF3185%202.JPGWith his brother/manager Damon in tow, Ant and I enjoyed our waiting time in the green room as we all chatted about the significance of us preparing to do some cool TV – in front of the camera - on Martin Luther King’s holiday. PATRICKTAY.jpg

Though we four brothers were in the house, we were watching our wallets and man purses when these three white people – in particular – walked into the green room. It was Ryan Oakes, Dani Marco, and Apollo Robbins – the team of “con artists” who demonstrate on their new TRU-TV show “The Real Hustle” ( how easily we can be relieved of our assets when they or someone who means it maliciously are around. Before they went on to talk to Hugh, they did a few quick tricks for us. Very impressive! And they are the nicest folks you'll ever know. Lots of fun! (But I still kept my wallet in my hand!). DSCF3226%203.JPG

As other shows that support my branding as personality, “Our World with Black Entrprise” hosted by Ed Gordon ( ) has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award in the Best Television Talk Series category.patrickandnichole I’ve weighed in as a pop culture pundit on the show, which is booked by my “Amazing Grace” Nichole and dear friend C.J.. It features news, entertainment, roundtable discussions, and everyday heroes from all walks of life -- from Hollywood to the corporate suite and everyone in between (including me). CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU!

I too am excited for my friend Herve (who I’ve referenced often in the blog - has a new single “The Seven Seeds of Love”. Its video follows: KEEP INSPIRING, HERVE!!!! herve.jpg

Meanwhile, my friend Barney Bishop ( is working with a program that is INSPIRING young men all over New York City . “TIED TO GREATNESS” ( is an important organization changing the lives of inner city high school young men through the power of positive male role models and fashion. It’s an initiative designed to reconnect young Men of Color to their rich history of men who dressed well, carried them selves with dignity, and accomplished great things in society. Under the guidance of its founder Alexis Ellis, “TIED TO GREATNESS” is launching a national tour beginning February 1, 2008 at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem .splash.jpg It starts with the Pass It On Tie Ceremony. Each young man is presented a tie, and is taught, by an older man how to tie his own tie. Each tie is donated by sponsoring corporations and businesses. Thus far Brooks Brothers and Men's Warehouse are on board. They’ve asked me to participate as a mentor for the ceremony and I’m excited to be a substantive difference via the prism of style.

For the “grown and sexy”, responsible man who these boys may one day become – appreciating a luxurious aperitif (in moderation, of course), my friend Lamar has signed me up with Remy (, the world’s leading producer of Fine Champagne Cognac, to find the “mavericks” on the streets of New York City – men who live a full and eventful life in style. remy.jpgThey (or we) work hard and play hard and will love to partake of a spirit that pours out of a Limited Edition bottle that is designed by celebrity photographer David LaChapelle ( ). We’re looking for this type of guy on Monday, January 28th. Hit me up on my BB, if you fit the bill and would like to be interviewed. We’re in the Harlem/Uptown area in the morning and in SOHO/Downtown in the afternoon (

Ant and I saw a lot of these guys the other night at our friends Collin and Austin’s party to promote the new pop-cultural-inspired images on their line of novelty T-shirts “MINORITEES” ( ). DSCF3247%202.JPGAs you know, we’ve been wearing these great Ts for over-a-year now and more-and-more are catching on. DSCF3241%202.JPGThe SOHO Grand was the elegant and popular (of late) locale for the set ( ). In the house: my friend Scott Nevins ( ) – who can legitimately claim many of our favorite divas i.e. Liza Minelli, Melba Moore, etc. – as his personal friends (or – at least – associates). Check out his site as he’s always promoting and hosting some great events for those of us who love music and drama. DSCF3253%202.JPGAnd Ant and I were excited to walk out with our new “MINORITEES” which we are even more excited to wear. They are HOT!

Well, great to share with you – as always! I have to pull myself together and hit the streets. WHAT WILL I WEAR? Oh yeah!!!! One of my MINORITEES!!!!!!!

Posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 02:36PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference


dianacentralpark1.bmp“BRING ON THE STORM. WE’LL SEE IT THROUGH…” – another metaphor that lyrically places Diana Ross ( in the rain. Might have been a lovely encore to her recent sold-out concert in my residential state of New Jersey. On a day that released its share of sprinkles from the sky, we hear that Miss Ross let her audience at the Borgata have it. And they reportedly LOVED it! Unfortunately, I missed it. Just couldn’t swing it all this go around. dianacentralpark2.bmpYou, too, recall it is she who historically sang in the New York City rain during her historic 1983 Central Park Concert. There, “… the raindrops that fall (had) a meaning…” To me, they represented that “(We) Won’t Melt” when there’s a torrential downpour as ‘The Rain is for the flowers. It’ll only help us grow’…and then some. ( Perhaps the sentiment is best captured in another Ross hit “It’s My Turn” when she sings “I’ll let it rain ‘cuz the rain ain’t gonna hurt me!” (

The symbolism of rain -- and the pessimistic/optimistic paradox that it can play on our emotions -- has tested me all week, perhaps most profoundly the other day. Both Ant and I are counting our pennies in addition to our blessings these days as he searches for full-time work and I am on the market to expand my freelance plate in the wake of some client shifts. This past Friday, I left my short deck of credit cards at home as my intention was simply to go to the bank and retrieve a few $20s from a particular account in my ATM. With that, I left all other useful debit cards at home as well. As I got off the New Jersey Transit ( bus that picked me up in my hometown of Ridgefield Park and chauffeured me through West New York, New Jersey through the Lincoln Tunnel and into the New York City Port Authority, I took a quick-but-high-energy walk over to my bank. This particular account in which I expected some recently-direct-deposited funds to be available showed me that I only had $18, and this particular machine only gave out $20s. Now keep in mind, I left the card to my other account with checking plus at home. I also left my other credit cards at home. And I only had $10 of cash on my person. After I made calls to find out why this money wasn’t in place (where I was certain it was supposed to be), I found out the date I expected these funds to show up was the following Friday – coming up (not this past Friday). What would I do? I still had to get to the upper west side (more immediately) for a meeting (regarding some new work possibilities). Then, I had plans for a chemical peel at my favorite dermatologist on the upper eastside Dr. Lisa Airan ( ). Well, I symbolically (a la Ross) took my walk through Central Park (from the 72nd Street entrance through Strawberry Fields and ultimately to 5th Avenue, the corner of which placed me at the destination of my skin regimen sans any funds). I stopped in to say hi, retrieved a few applicable samples, and scheduled a rain-date on my lunchtime procedure. A brisk-but-assured walk from the 70s down to Union Square gave me a much-needed workout and I made it to the corner of 16th Street and Union Square West, where the framework of an uninviting scaffolding is erected for some new construction. As I ponder that I have three hours before my 3:00 pm meeting, it starts to rain. One call comes in. It’s my Amazing Grace Nichole. I explain my plight, but perhaps not desperately enough for her to rescue me from the comforts of her home (She was inside of her own crisis). Ant finally called me back from home as he had just wrapped an exhaustive assignment. Though I’d called him earlier, I knew he wouldn’t get the message until he awoke. In this moment, he’s telling me that he will come with his money and rescue me. But I’m telling him not to bother as I will be fine as long as I have the $3.40 to get back home. And I was down to $7.00 as I did pick up coffee and white, buttered toast before the morning meeting. Feeling unusually inhibited (around limited funds), I almost want to cry – knowing it will camouflage as it rains cats and dogs around me. Then, I get a text from my Morehouse brother Mario’s French buddy Rafael de Zayas ( who I met at Mario’s holiday affair in Harlem before Christmas. He’d asked me the day prior what I was doing and – quickly (in one text) – I hipped him to my plan: “Morning meeting on upper west side. 3pm meeting near Union Sq. Might have lunch or coffee window between 12:30 and 2:30.” On the night before, Rafael replied “… may meet you around that time…”. Fast forward to ‘around-that-time’, Rafael writes: “… I’m in Union Square in front of the Virgin Music Store…” ( ) I text “… I’m on 16th across from the Coffee Shop…”(www. ). Next thing I know, Rafael is approaching (in the rain) with an umbrella that he had just purchased from someone on the street. He hands it over at which time passerby Mario Van Peebles says “… Now that’s a good friend…”MARIOVANPEEBLESPAT.jpg This, as he himself is reaching for the $5 or $10 he will need to buy his own umbrella from a man who was set up in front of me. Initially, I just reply to the stranger “… He sure is a good friend for bringing me an umbrella...” – another thing I left at home (way in Jersey). With a second take, I realize “… That’s Mario Van Peebles!!!!” In the spirit of my pop-cultural enthusiasm, I ask him if he’d take a picture. Rafael shoots it before taking me to the Coffee Shop for lunch (and coffee). I vent to him my conundrum – only from the space of “I’m so happy I ran into you as you saved me from having to be stuck under a scaffolding for three hours without food, drink, or an umbrella…” RAFAELPAT1.jpgIn his generosity, he spotted me an additional $20 to ensure I could get home. Now, of course, I will pay him back (already tried to, but will have to push harder as Rafael considered my appreciation “overly dramatic” and “not a big deal”, but the way he showed up (and when) gave me some comfort and joy – in all its modesty. RAFAELPAT2.jpgI’ve been on the Rafael end many times and – too – am used to footing the bill, helping somebody out because they’re out of cash, buying the rounds or five. So, I consider it a total blessing to see someone I barely know show up so helpfully and with no judgment. Through the rain, this blessing showed up, letting me know I can make it (Right, Mariah?).RAFAELPAT3.jpg This divine moment armored me perfectly for my 3:00 pm meeting (also about a documentary project with which I may join forces). From there, I got to get on home to enjoy Italian take-out and some wine with Ern and Ant.

SCHNACKEXT.jpgMore rain showed up a couple of days later as Ant and I walked out of Schnack in Red Hook, Brooklyn ( ). It's the comfort food with the most.PATATSHNACK.jpg It was raining again and as we exited the hole in the wall. As we looked to the East River, we could see fireworks off in the distance. FIREWORKS.jpgNot sure why, but we watched and posed with the magical explosion in the background. It’s these nothing moments that Ant and I have to remind ourselves about when we get a little cranky. Today was one of those days. ANTFIREWORKS.jpgBut with some mutual silent treatments, our day landed with him taking me to my favorite restaurant Houston’s for what would become a make-up dinner. And off in the distance of our love, I know the sun will soon come out to our “… new day!!!!!”PATFIREWORKS.jpg

Meanwhile, I must acknowledge that “… when it rains, it pours…” And so many of my folks are doing amazing things. I must let you know. While at our friend Craig and Mario’s 2nd Saturday party PLUM (in Washington Heights), we ran into some folks we’ve not seen in a minute as the December holidays pulled us all away from the circuit. We made up for lost time the other night. PLUMPOSSE.jpgOur favorite couple Jason and Marqice were in the house. Their friend Craig who I last saw – happenstance – in Atlanta over the Christmas break. There was Raymond and Toyce and Antar and Derrick and Marlynn and on and on I could go with my peeps’ names. ANTRAYMONDPATRICK.jpgOne of my BLOG fans and world renowned makeup artist of the stars Sam Fine ( was there and alerted me he is going to be on his good friend Tyra’s show during February sweeps (www. ) alongside my Chicago friend Vince’s partner Earl Nicholson. SAMPAT.jpgThere was also my actor buddy Erich who Ant and I recently saw in a regional production of “Dreamgirls” (He was Curtis). Well, he alerted me he just did a spot on NBC’s hit sitcom “30 Rock” ( ). Go Erich!!! ERICHPAT.jpgOne of the dancers I booked for Ant’s 2006 B-DAY party was in the house. We said “Hi!”PATDANCERJASON.jpg Several of my college mates Jason, Charleston, Michael K. Watts, and – of course – Mario were in the house. Charleston announced that he’s preparing to do acting full-time, which is exciting (to see our folks go for their dreams).

Actually, two more of my Morehouse brothers are doing great things. I sang with them both in the Glee Club and the news comes from the wife of one of them. Korey Washington’s wife Tracey reads the blog and hips me to things I should know about as our mutuals go. Korey – who I’ve stood by in the glee club for years - designed the set for this year's Trumpet Awards (, which will air later on TV One ( this year. terrancemcknight.jpgThen, another of our brethren is leaving Atlanta for New York City. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Georgia Public Broadcasting’s announcer-producer Terrance McKnight, whose voice might be described as a lyric basso profundo, was recently hired away by WNYC-FM, one of New York’s flagship cultural institutions. The 44-year-old Morehouse College graduate will take the 7p.m.-11 p.m. shift once held by Margaret Juntwait, who left three years ago to become the host of the Metropolitan Opera’s radio and HD theater broadcasts. He’ll also host occasional live performances.” To read more, click on: CONGRATS TERRANCE! When you get here, let’s have a toast… for the good times!

Speaking of toasting, my friend Jerry McCormick hipped me to a friend of his who he says “… is like a B. Smith in the making.” mariahunt.jpgHer name is Maria Hunt and she's got a book coming out about wine and entertaining. Jerry says this woman knows everything. Though she’s appeared on local TV stations in San Diego (his base) and she’s been a food critic for 12+ years, he’s excited to see her reach a national audience. She's a wine sommelier and was named San Diego's most eligible bachelorette by Her website is

Speaking of bubbly girls – well, bubbly may not be the best description of her, but she has a most positive outlook on life and I love her and have loved her for more than ten years now. Her name is Tracey Moore-Marable and her Spirited Actor course ( is known as THE PLACE TO GO to get enrolled in the craft of acting. TraceyPhoto.jpgUtilizing her many lanes as casting director, celebrated Acting Coach (to many stars – including those musicians making the transition), writer, and director, she merges her experiences to shape the best our business has to offer. Like she does everyone who comes into her path, she empowers the person inside. So, her work with actors is no different.

Talking about going deep, my friend and NABJ colleague Kai Wright has a new book on the shelves. kai.jpgIt’s titled “Drifting Toward Love: Black, Brown, Gay and Coming of Age on the Streets of New York”. ( You can also read about the book in a wonderful review in this week's Washington Blade: And Kai will be reading at Harlem's Hue-Man Bookstore (www. ) next Tuesday, Jan. 22nd at 6 pm. CONGRATS KAI!drifting.bmp

Speaking of books – a term often used for ‘magazines’, I was so happy to get a release from my friend Ra-Fael Blanco that of his many clients, one of my favorites BLEU Magazine ( is coming to a newsstand near you very soon. America's Next Top Model JASLENE graces the cover.jaslene.bmp And available at all Hudson News, 7-11's, Barnes & Nobles, AVENUE REPORT Magazine - THE NEW VOICE IN MEN's MAGAZINES - is focusing on everything from the hottest cars, gadgets, politics, entertainment, sports, health and fashion ( This month, its 3rd issue, will feature Actor/Activist/Author HILL HARPER, who I got to know a bit when he was in New York City many years ago doing the off-Broadway play with music “BLUE” and the Public Theatre’s “Dog Eaters”. avenuehillharper.jpg

As debunking stereotypes go, the NAACP announced its Image Awards nominees ( ) – including our good friend Maurice Jamal’s cinematic treasure “Dirty Laundry” ( ). It’s the little engine that could and it has so many wonderful engineers driving it – like our buddy – Richard Pelzer III who – along with his colleague La Rivers – was a casting director on this project and the soon-to-shoot “B-Boy Blues” ( ) which will still have a part for Ant and a cameo for me by principal photography time.

Then, new friend (a la MY SPACE) Dominick San Juan ( ) was selected for a gig on February 1st sponsored by SHURE Microphones and Sam Ash Music. It is a national competition and he’s one to hear I hear. Come join him and me as we experience some good music. compcardsingleblurreddc4.jpg

ANT%20AND%20LED%201.jpgAnd of course, all good music leads back to our friend Ledisi ( With that, I must point out that my Ant has been working alongside her over these last few weeks – working on one of the music video treatments she submitted to her record company for serious consideration. It’s for “In The Morning”, her second single. In the end, they went with another idea. But as he navigates through the thick of this industry, he is making moves and getting closer everyday.

As his talents have no end, Ant too is a credited stylist on a project for which I serve as on-camera talent. PATATN1.jpgWe’ll share more with you once we tape, but in addition to styling me for the field shoot (which I blogged about before), he chose and pulled the ensembles I will wear on Monday for the two tapings. "American Chang" (www. )

and "R. Scott French" ( ) will be the centerpieces of my look. Ant will work his secrets (something old, something new, something borrowed…) to round it all out. This, as we also anticipate American Chang/R. Scott French’s tent show during Fashion Week ( ).

And so, for all the times I feel like things aren’t happening quickly enough, I can reflect in my BLOG writings and know that I am fine and Ant is fine. And even in breakdown, we can breakthrough towards the goal. Sometimes it’s hard though. And when it gets to be too much, I ask for God’s grace and mercy to lead us on...and to keep it kind (but that's usually after something horrific slips out of my mouth). KENANTPATCHRIS.jpgThrough our muse choreographer Ken Roberson, Ant and I got a big dose of inspiration as we ran into him and another friend I’ve not seen in a minute, Chris. We stopped by “No Parking” in Washington Heights for a nightcap ( ). As I always alert you with Ken, he’s making things happen in 2008 and there will be something to report very soon.

Meanwhile, as I head to Chicago for an assignment, I better pack my umbrella. Just in case.

Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 01:19AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References7 References


CATONHOTTIN2.jpgToday Ant, one of his Denver-based Amazing Graces (best friend) Manivone, and I got the chance to attend a meet-‘n-greet with the cast of Tennessee Williams’ “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof” (, which has a limited Broadway engagement that starts February 12 and is scheduled to close (for now) on April 13. catonroof1.jpgI blogged about it once before: but today, an intimate circle of arts and entertainment press got photo opportunities and an engaging press conference to present this piece that is fully African American-casted and directed by Debbie Allen. PATDEBBIE.jpgThis will be the first African-American production approved by the Williams estate for the Broadway stage. And today is the first day that the cast got together to do the table read at New 42nd Street Theater ( on the classic about greed and lies in a Mississippi family. MARCIAPATSTEPHEN.jpgAnd lead producer Front Row Productions’ Stephen Byrd ( ), African American, has brought together an impressive collective of African American co-producers, like my friend, the fierce and fashionable [READ: Yves Saint Laurent - ] Nicole Kidd (who – like me – considers the often-BLOG-referenced ‘fabulous Carl Nelson’ and ‘my Chicago Carl’ close buddies).PATNICOLE.jpg Byrd offers: “…This revival of Cat is not only making Broadway history, it is making American theatre and black theatre history too! …” NICOLEPATETAL.jpgToday’s gathering brought in lots of my colleagues and friends in the business like Carl, who accompanied Jacqueline Lee, who is the Senior Multicultural Brand Manager at Diageo ( ), a premium liquor company.CARLJACKQUELINEPAT.jpg My buddy Karu Daniels was there ( or ). He is the Entertainment Blogger/Producer/Reporter-extraordinaire for AOL/Black Voices and mastermind behind “The Bridge” with our girl Ledisi and Broadway babe a la “Color Purple” Chaka Khan (; Director of Photography for “Access Hollywood” ( ) Darryl Henry, a friend from back-in-our-days at CNBC ( ), where likely I last saw him in the late ‘90s. There was also my Marcia Pendelton with Walk Tall Girl Productions ( Pictured above with producer Stephen Byrd and me, she is responsible for our invitation to attend this special gathering. Michael Musto of “Village Voice” fame (and my fellow co-host on the pilot that didn’t get picked up, “tvQ”) was there. For the second time in as many weeks, I ran into buddy Patrik (without the “c”) Henry Bass, Books Editor at Essence Magazine ( ). And my Morehouse brother Michael K. Watts was also there. MICHAELPAT.jpgThen, there was this amazing cast – each of whom gave me a moment to reflect on ‘how I met them’ or ‘where I interviewed them before’. After that 30-seconds-to-a-minute, I get my snapshot and excuse myself as they are greeting so many people, I don’t like to bombard them without end. And they were all on board and excited to play with the press, including what I hear is a “Vanity Fair” Magazine shoot ( ). Now, let me just break this down – so you understand the impressiveness of this theatrical effort. I’ll say it again. ANTDEBBIEPAT.jpgThe incomparable Debbie Allen is directing this project. Manivone shot my pic with Debbie. Later, I wanted to get one of she and Ant. With camera in hand, I called her over “Miss Allen? Can I get a picture with you?” As she’s extending her arms around the small of my back, I’m gesturing for Ant to come on over as I wanted to take the picture of them. The moment was milliseconds, but on a busy day like today, the sassy Miss Allen doesn’t have time for us to figure it out. She exclaims “Well, do you want me to take the picture?” Knowing she was joking, but also trying to keep it moving, I nervously stay in place – holding onto her. Ant jumps to the other side of Miss Allen to bookend her, I hand the camera to Manivone, and Ant got his picture (although with me). We thanked her, she received our thanks, and she continued on towards her next interview. Meanwhile, we all laughed at ourselves – feeling like we were one of the “Fame” kids – taking instruction from Ms. Lydia Grant.

PATPHYLICIA.jpgDuring my chat with Tony-award-winning Phylicia Rashad, I remind her that – like her son – I am a Morehouse Man ( ). She received that tid-bit with much enthusiasm. TERRENCEPAT.jpgThen, there was Academy Award and Golden globe nominee Terrence Howard whose great grandmother Minnie Gentry was a successful New York stage actress ( ). But if you read this entry of “A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities” -, you’ll know that Ant has a small part in Terrence Howard’s upcoming film “Fighting” (scheduled for August 2008 release). When Ant reminds him that he was a day-player on the film for three days, Terrence asks “Which role were you?”. Ant responds “Man in cow-hide suit”. Terrence immediately recalls “… at Marquee…”, which is the hip, Chelsea-club where they shot the scene ( ). So, he remembered Ant and we can’t wait to see what of his part makes the cut in August. Stay tuned. TERRENCEANT.jpgAnother Tony-award-winner (“Caroline or Change”) Anika Noni Rose, who received international exposure via her role as Lorrell in the hit film “Dreamgirls”, was total joy. ANT%20ANIKA%20PAT.jpgAnt and I had the chance to meet her on our 2nd anniversary at the Brooklyn set which featured our Ledisi as the featured entertainment for the night, but Anika was comfortably dressed with no fuss. PATANIKA.jpgToday, she was letting them have it. Elizabeth Taylor’s “Maggie” had nothing on FAMU grad Anika, whose take on the classic character we are excited to see. PATJAMESANT.jpgThen, there was James Earl Jones, who I just LOVE – especially as the garbage man from “Claudine” with Diahann Carroll. He was so pleasant and kind. As Brenda Braxton and her husband Anthony Van Putten extended lovely gifts from their Harlem pride “B Braxton” Grooming for Men (www. ), I let Mr. Jones, who said he didn’t have a New-York-City barber, know that I am a client. patrickandjamesearljones.jpgBRENDABRAXTONANDHUSBAND.jpgThen, we got to meet some of the supporting cast. There was Lisa Arrindell Anderson, who I have loved since she played Debbie Allen’s boss in NBC’s “In The House” (with LL Cool J). Remember? LISAPAT.jpgThen, two cast-members who are pop-culturally responsible for my going to Morehouse or some historically black college or university:LOUPAT.jpg Lou Myers (from the Den in “A Different World”) and Giancarlo Esposito (“Big Brother Almighty” from Spike Lee’s “School Daze”). PATGIANCARLO.jpgAnd remember Miss Barbara Montgomery? She is best known for her role as Casseita Hetebrink on the NBC sitcom “Amen”. She was there. I love my sitcom actors, hear?BARBARAPAT.jpg The "strictly limited engagement" of the Pulitzer Prize-honored drama “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” will run at the Broadhurst Theatre. Tickets are currently on sale through April 13. For tickets, visit or by call (212) 239-6200. For more information, visit

The 42nd Street space is a stone’s throw from my friend the New Professional Theatre (NPT), which is a performance/rehearsal space for work-shopping new plays and musicals ( ) This past Monday, there was a -reading of Katori Hall's latest play "Hurt Village" ( ). Ms. Hall's "Voodoo Love" recently played at the Cherry Lane Theatre in The Village to wonderful notices. Ms. Hall is being mentored by Lynn Nottage (“Crumbs from the Table of Joy” & “Intimate Apparel”) and is a hot new playwright to watch. CONGRATS NPT!

My friend Gwendolyn Quinn ( is publicizing an event scheduled for Monday, January 21st at The Blue Note Jazz Club ( Producer and songwriter Barry Eastmond will be honored by special guests Freddie Jackson, Elisabeth Withers, Kenny Lattimore, and Gordon Chambers. elisabethandbarry.jpgBarry has been in the business for 25 years – earning over 60 gold, platinum, and multi-platinum albums on some of the most important contemporary artists in music history. His creative magic has been responsible for mega hit records by some of today's top recording superstars including Anita Baker, Aretha Franklin, Brandy, Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, Tamia, Chaka Khan, Gladys Knight, Yolanda Adams, Kenny Lattimore, Michael Bolton, Freddie Jackson, Al Jarreau, Will Downing, Vanessa Williams, Regina Belle, Barry White, George Benson, Peabo Bryson, Gerald Albright and newcomer Elisabeth Withers, just to name a few. fantasiaandbarryeastmond.jpg

My friend Greg Dunmore, who I’ve reference here before, came to town for New Year’s. He took Ant and me to dinner at our favorite Houston’s last week – just after we rang in 2008 ( ).ANTPATGREG.jpg It was there he shared with us that he is producing an event in Detroit called “A NEW KIND OF GLAMOUR: NO BLACK TIE BOW WOW GALA” which will benefit the Michigan Humane Society ( or call 313.861.7804). The Gala will take place on Friday, January 18, from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. at the Former Mark England Store on Woodward in Downtown Detroit, which is known for many-a-formal-gala. This event, however, is targeting a younger, trendy audience that seeks to redefine gala fashion protocol through abandoning black ties, tuxes, and traditional evening wear for a more personalized creative glamour statement. There will be lots of music, art, and dance while guests enjoy hors d’oeurves and refreshments. ziampic.jpgNoted performance artist Ziam, my spiritual Diana Ross soul mate, will highlight the evening with his highly acclaimed Liquid Silver Show, an electric mix of fashion, song and movement, which I’ve talked about before ( Greg, who is my co-Chair for the National Association of Black Journalists’ Arts & Entertainment Task Force (, has covered so much of the entertainment business and seen so much via his roles as journalist, columnist, artist manager, artist, etc. He once managed 90s group Hi Five and spin-off soloist Tony Thompson. He told us of how he introduced the guys to the legendary jazz chanteuse Nancy Wilson and how they received her warmly and with much reverence, though initially had no clue who she was. Greg reminded Ant and me that A&M executive John McClain (son of jazz legend Dorthey Donegan - ) is responsible for connecting Janet Jackson to Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis – so they can record “Control”. PATGREG.jpgAnd here 21-years-later, she’s open for “Feedback”, the video of which premiered tonight on BET ( – showing Miss Jackson in her own world.


After McClain and Janet parted ways a few projects into her hit-making groove, he helped launch Shanice inside of a Janet-esque template ( Though not-as-many-sold records later, Shanice is still quite a talent. Check this clip out of she and Justin Timberlake performing one of my more-recent Shanice favorites from the late ‘90s “Yesterday” ( SHANICE1.jpgOh! And on the subject of my divas o’the day, Jody Watley (my MY SPACE friend - ) tells me she’s got a #1 in London (“I Want Your Love” – the CHIC remake) which is the first song I put on my own MY SPACE page (, after my Diana pulled the title track from her current album “I Love You” off of it ( jodywatley.jpg

Ant’s and my last few days have been filled with our pursuit of new work. As I continue my existing workload, I’ve also been balancing the consideration of several new freelance possibilities. Nothing firm yet. But lots of calls are coming in. For that, I am grateful. And I know that when I need to make a decision, I will (and God will order my steps and guide my feet as I do so). MAXANTSUBWAY1.jpgWith all of that, we got to host the aforementioned Manivone who came into town for a few days. PATMAXSUBWAY1.jpgWe were excited to host her. It started on the subways of New York City. We met her at the Port Authority and transitioned uptown on the train. PATANT809.jpgWe then had dinner with Anthony’s other Denver native friend (and “Amazing Grace”) Lonni Byrd, who recommended “809 Restaurant” ( in Inwood (NYC) – North of Washington Heights. MAXLONNI.jpgLots of tasty and elegantly-presented Dominican cuisine to soak up our post-dinner/welcome-Manivone-to-NYC karaoke set at – you know where? – ( ).ANTPATKARAOKE1A.jpg I must confess that earlier in the week, Ant and I stopped by the spot with Greg as we awaited my driver, friend, and Godchild’s father Owen to pick us up. ANTPATKARAOKE1B.jpgBut Owen also popped by to say HI (and toast our respective November and December birthdays along with the Holiday) on this particular night.OWENPATKARAOKE.jpg ANTPATKARAOKE1C.jpgErn (who rapped to Sugar Hill Gang's "Rapper's Delight") was there. ERNRAPS1.jpgHis co-worker Tina and a group of her friends also joined us. PATTINAANTKARAOKE.jpgAnd Mario’s buddy Rafael de Zayas ( – French artist I’ve mentioned before – came, pointing out that my voice is beautiful (with French accent to boot). With that, he can join us again anytime for karaoke. SMILE! PATMAXRAFAEL.jpgAnother night (Sunday), Ant’s New-York-City-based girlfriend Lonni invited us all – including her friend Robert – out to The Village Underground ( ) for Ron Grant and Friends’ Open Mic Night. PATLONNIEROBERT.jpgI didn’t get on the mic this time. ANTMAXOPENMIC.jpgBut we enjoyed a number of artists in their own way. LONNIEPATROBERT.jpgOne woman gave her best Anna Mae Bulloch (a la Tina Turner) impersonator named Lady Laura perform. She was on fire! Watch her at PATLADYLAURA.jpgThen, there was Harry ( who stole the night with a beautiful song “Stay on your Knees and Pray”, which sampled Cyndi Lauper’s “Time after Time” and left us really entertained and stimulated. I had to tell him after that he made my evening!!!! PATHARRYOPENMIC.jpgAfterwards, we all went to The Monster ( ) which has a great frozen margarita. Mario joined us as he’d just returned from his home of Los Angeles. It was great to see him. Yesterday, Manivone, Ant, and I enjoyed a lovely meal in Brooklyn. MAXPATTHAI.jpgIt was Teeda ( ANTMAXTHAI.jpgThe food was excellent. On the heels of our “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof” event, we also gave Manivone the Harlem treatment – inclusive of some soul food at Amy Ruth’s (www. ) and – you know the drill – “N” (www. ). It’s always great to get to know better the folks in Ant’s life… and though we’ve had wonderful times together before this trip she took to see us, Manivone and I – for sure – bonded on this trip inside our Scorpio synergy. She is inside of a WHAT’S NEXT that may bring her to the east coast one day soon. PATANDCHRISTMASTREES.jpgAs the Christmas trees outline the sidewalks of Manhattan, we all know that the holiday is over. With that (and with no firm sense of our futures), we – including my Morehouse brother Khalid - went to see the horror flick “One Missed Call”, remake of a Japanese film in which each victim receivs chilling phone calls apparently from themselves in the future, showing the exact time of their deaths. (www. ).PATONEMISSEDCALL1.jpg I love scary movies, but we probably should have rolled over this ‘… missed call… ‘. Still, we all had a good time – especially when it was over and I received this ‘missed call’ in front of the movie poster. PATONEMISSEDCALL2.jpg

Oh! And I almost forgot to shout out my Ti-Ti (Itika), the newest reporter for a web- based show on NBC5 Chicago called ( Here, she reports on a “Yoga/Wine” class ( She’s on her way!!!!patanditika.jpg

Posted on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 03:14AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment | References7 References


uploaded-file-81026Well, 2008 is here… but it took two weeks of highs and lows for me to get here! But “Dear God, I’m here!!!!! I’m here!!!!”

On Saturday, December 22, 2007, I left all my New York City ways behind and headed to Atlanta. Always hungry when I touchdown and always excited to check off my Atlanta staples, my cousin Floyd and I high-tailed it to R. Thomas Restaurant ( ), the healthy, 24-hour spot I used to frequent (as it was just around the corner from my Buckhead apartment when I lived down south in the early-to-mid-‘90s). uploaded-file-17565I like the organic chicken wings and breakfast dishes (eggs, bacon, home fries). I re-connected to my 20-something digestive track when I experienced the wings so spicy. (I’ve become spicy-intolerant in recent years). Just the same, I ate, enjoyed, and walked down memory lane – narrating to my cousin Floyd all the times I remembered in this watering hole (dates with women…and eventually… men, I shared as my cousin wondered if I’d share that tid-bit in the blog. Well, here it is!!!).

If I’d made it to Atlanta a little earlier, I might have gotten to see the staging of a musical that’s very special to me. It’s “The Wiz”!!! The Rialto is where it’s running ( ). And my friend and mentor Kenny Leon’s theater True Colors is putting it on ( ). My good girlfriend Chandra attended and says she enjoyed it. uploaded-file-07546Like “Dreamgirls”, any incarnation of “The Wiz” is alright with me, which is why I’m ecstatic that the 30th Anniversary Edition of the film – starring Diana Ross – is coming out February 8th ( ). I CAN’T WAIT! uploaded-file-67803And how great would it be for there to be a DVD premiere in New York City where Diana and Michael can ‘ease on down the road’ (a red carpet… or better yet… gold) one more time. It will be magical!!!!

After Floyd’s and my late-night bite, he took me to Tucker (outside Atlanta) to hook-up with my childhood friend, New-Jersey-based Ernest (also in town for the holidays) and our good girlfriend Carla who I’ve referenced in the blog before: ( uploaded-file-46876They – along with their former co-worker and dear friend Thelma – were awaiting my arrival at the Atlanta Fun Center (www. ).uploaded-file-76017 In addition to bowling, arcade games, drinks, and food, there was karaoke. And though I was on the back end of a cold, Carla and company wanted songs out of me. I concurred and performed three well-received numbers Maxwell’s “This Woman’s Work”; “Family” (from “Dreamgirls”); and my Diana’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. One guy named Ty (short for Tyrone) came up to me after my first performance to see if I was interested in recording some material in his home studio. I didn’t know if it was a pick-up line or – quite simply – a compliment. But in the spirit of the evening, it was a welcome approach. We all partook of margaritas and wings (likely not organic a la R. Thomas, but they were tasty). And before all was said and done, we were dancing to the interlude house music the DJ was playing when folks weren’t karaoke-ing. This was quite the launch party!uploaded-file-62006

On Sunday, September 23, 2007, Ern, Carla, and I got together for breakfast with one of my “Amazing Graces” Chandra, who hosts at “Thumbs Up” Diner on the weekends ( uploaded-file-35206She was sporting her new, Rhianna-inspired do and – as always – I’m happy to see Chandra. uploaded-file-58728This time, I got to see her brother Calvin, who now lives in Atlanta, and his friend. uploaded-file-64048The folks who work at “Thumbs Up” are always happy to see me because Chandra speaks so fondly of me. But I’m usually happiest to see them because the food is off-the-charts good. From the fried catfish to the cheese grits to the home fries to the extra-crispy bacon, both of my ‘thumbs’ are ‘up’ when I eat their fresh and tasty, southern cuisine. Additionally, when Chandra got a break, we got the chance to catch up on her and where she is now. It’s always something new. She’s appraising homes, working with a clothing design company, hosting at “Thumbs Up”, and launching her own clothing line for full-figured women (on the heels of a degree she recently got from an Atlanta-based, design school). Chandra – always – goes for hers!!! And I love that about her!

After brunch, we went by the Atlantic Station Target ( ) before heading back to Tucker to see their friend Thelma one more time. Over wine, we watched “Dreamgirls” and “The Mummy” on HBO before Ern and I got a tour of her digs. uploaded-file-32334The tour included two beautiful pieces by the fine, African American artist Paul Goodnight ( ) who is a distant cousin of my other “Amazing Grace” Lisa. I took a picture of one piece, “Hands on their Hips”, and called Lisa (in Maryland) to alert her of my finding. This chat gave us a chance to reconnect in the spirit of the holidays. uploaded-file-07730It was great to see Lisa a couple of times during the last quarter of last year as we had a couple of weddings to attend. Plus, she finally got to meet Anthony.

That night, cousin Floyd was on standby to take me to visit my “original Amazing Grace” Natalie and her family. Her little girls Lydia and Hannah have grown so much and had lovely gifts for me (as I did them). It was lovely to see them all again. Additionally, I got to see Elise, yet another of my ‘Amazing Graces’ (and her family). She and I worked together years ago for “Good Day Atlanta”, but have maintained a special and close bond since we have both gone on to new places – geographically and career-wise. We talked the night away as she prepared her Christmas meal. Afterwards, Floyd took me to get one of my Atlanta (Southern) staples Krystal ( ) – which is not available to me here in New York City (nor Jersey), though we do have White Castle ( ). I love the burgers, the little corn dogs (known as “corn pups”), the little chili dogs (known as “chili pups”), and the chicken sandwiches. Oh! And don’t forget my favorite Atlanta staple of all: SWEET TEA!!!!

uploaded-file-18805CHRISTMAS EVE presented loss and gains in my world. After my sister and I visited her best high school friend Lisa and her two little boys, we got on the road for Savannah at which time I got the news that Tom Morgan, first openly gay President of the National Association of Black Journalists ( died of a heart attack, after living with HIV/AIDS for about 20 years. Additionally, he was the President when I joined NABJ as a student internship winner back in 1991. I was asked to send some words – so from my blackberry, I wrote the following: In 2000 at NABJ (Phoenix), I had the privilege of paying tribute in song to the Founders and Presidents of NABJ. Tom was there—front and center. At a point during my rendition of "Wind Beneath My Wings," I left the stage and came into the audience to shake some of their hands and thank them face to face without the distraction of the stagelights. Of course, there was Sidmel [Estes-Sumpter], one of my first bosses in the business. There was Vanessa Williams, whose invitation for me to sing the year prior availed me this opportunity to pay homage one year later for this special occasion. I even got a glimpse of mentor and former NABJ VP-Broadcast Sheila Stainback, whose support of me since being one of the NABJ babies in 1991 has been unyielding.
But then I approached Tom —to ensure he received and felt my THANKS for all he was to me. The song's lyric was landing on ". . . Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be . . ." I recall getting choked up as his eyes began to well. I know he got it.
I would be able to recall that moment with him last year. I shared with him that during his term, I was a college senior —not yet out of the closet — and internally tortured as to how I would marry my truth to my career. I admired the sterling example that he set for us all and knew that one day I would be courageous enough to live out loud— with integrity and grace. Six or so years later, I did and continue to look at Tom's model for how I navigate throughout this industry. And I am blessed that I got the chance to share all of this and more with Tom (who told me he always knew. SMILE!). For sure, I "Thank God for (Tom), The Wind Beneath my Wings."
Patrick Riley
New York

( )

As I wrote some of this in the passenger’s side of my sister’s ride, the Gospel radio station my sister tunes began to play The Commodores’ “Jesus Is Love”, the song that played as my sister, her now-husband, and I drove into Savannah the four or so hours after receiving the news that our mother had passed away. The song proved sad yet consoling. Then (1994) and now. uploaded-file-83768But there wouldn’t be lots of time for sadness as my nephew immediately picked us up and took us to to the home of my cousin Kejuanna and her husband Andrew, who I hosted in New York City a few months ago ( uploaded-file-06420We thought we were celebrating her birthday (which is Christmas Eve) and the holidays, but she had something else in mind. She handed everyone a greeting card which – at closer inspection – included a sonogram of a seven-week-old fetus – slated “BABY SINGLETON”.uploaded-file-61318 I think their trip to New York (followed by Bermuda) did the trick. We were all excited at the prospect of another baby coming into the family by next Christmas.

CHRISTMAS DAY was all about family.uploaded-file-08146 My sister and I stayed with Dad and his wife Diana at our childhood home. We awoke to breakfast that Diana lovingly prepared. We exchanged and opened all of our gifts.uploaded-file-47572 Then, we got dressed to join our extended families for fellowship and dinner.uploaded-file-86630 My cousin Felecia holds down our mother’s side of the family at her place. As always, we have a great time – catching up (including not one, but two babies that the family is expecting a la my little cousin Dee Dee who is expecting as well. I sang at she and her husband’s wedding in October 2006);uploaded-file-83847 I interview new boyfriends and girlfriends in the family. There were two to depose – including cousin Kea’s fiancé. (We always have fun placing these folks’ significant others in the hot seat). uploaded-file-08867My mom’s sister Mary Lee was also in attendance and stretched herself to make sure our special dishes (cornbread dressing, red rice, potato salad, etc.) were available. uploaded-file-12063Afterwards, we segued to THE RILEYs – Dad’s people. uploaded-file-60330We hung out at my cousin Veronica’s place for what would be more eating (My other favorite Aunt Goldie prepared “chit’lins” for me – another strictly Savannah staple for me). uploaded-file-05325Before all could be said and done, I ended up having to sing for the family (a cappella). From my mother’s favorite Gospel songs to my own (to some requests), I ended up performing a virtual concert.uploaded-file-55020 Additionally, my extremely talented cousin Harriet graced us with several songs that brought joy and light to our family. uploaded-file-43111We had a ‘country good time’!!!!uploaded-file-00134

On Wednesday, December 26, 2007, my sister and I slept in late before we had breakfast. Dad and I spent quality time at the breakfast table (after the meal) – comparing our digital cameras and their functions. I get my love of pictures from my father. uploaded-file-47132From there, my sister and I got ourselves dressed to have our nephew, Noot, take us to the mall. (He’s now a sophomore at Morehouse as I’ve referenced before… and now as he gets older, he’s the one who we now wait for get around and get things done. Oh, how the tables turn). My sister and I have a tradition where we both go shopping for the Christmas sweater she wants to buy me. I choose. We get it on her budget. It’s not ugly. Then, I’m happy. We didn’t shop Savannah-specific this go around. We went to Macy’s ( ) at the Oglethorpe Mall ( ). With that, came sightings of blasts from our past: my 7th grade Science teacher Mrs. Wilkerson and dear old friend Jacquel. I even ran into another dear friend from high school, Celio.

Since this time, word has spread about that my middle-school/high-school/college/some-adult-years girlfriend Rachel lost her father Roy Allen. I didn’t come out (to myself much less the world) before we parted ways twelve years ago. On the heels of our break-up, I did date a woman or two. But mostly, I got clear with what was going on inside of me and decided to face it. Now, a decade-plus later, I am standing in my truth. But the LOVE I have for Rachel – though not a romantic love – remains and hearing of this loss has touched me, especially given she was such a support for me when I lost my mother in 1994. The challenge is I didn’t know how to contact her (until my Dad’s wife gave me a number this morning). I’ve reached out and left a voice mail. I hope I’ll hear from her and get to talk to her before all is said and done. When my family and I first moved to Savannah in the late ‘70s, her father was a beacon of light for Blacks as a leader in politics and the law. And though Rachel often shared what her perspective on the attention was, she adored him and appreciated the access she (and often we) got because of his notoriety. Like most anything, nothing lasts for ever. And Roy would struggle through many of his last twenty years, but it’s here, I’ll remember the pieces of his life that inspired. And for Rachel, I offer that there are ‘new ways’, but ‘love stays’.

uploaded-file-62824On this post-Christmas night, my cousin Felecia hosted a take-two get-together at her home. The theme was “Kennedy Center Honors” featuring Diana Ross (www. ). It was a special to behold:




Many of the same folks who were gathered for Diana’s night recalled the evening in 1991 when my mother hosted our “Kennedy Center Honors” party to see me and the Morehouse College Glee Club ( ) as we performed for Robert Shaw of Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus fame. You’ll recall, we performed “Bethelehemu” – the Nigerian Christmas song which can be seen --- with a younger roster --- on YOUTUBE ( Interestingly, just within days before this network special, I ran into a “blast from the past” of the Morehouse College Glee Club. His name is Claude Jay (Jones), class of ’76. Before my time, but you couldn’t tell it. That’s why when we met at a holiday party through my good friend Lenn who co-owns my favorite boutique N (www. ), the name didn’t ring a bell. But after we shared more about each other, including his fabulous website – a souvenir and fashion product line (, I learned that this business grew out of his singing career in Japan. uploaded-file-87528On the site, there are a couple songs that he wrote and recorded (Music page). With that, he learned singing was also a sidelight of mine and – further – he learned through checking out my BLOG that I was a Morehouse man. Then, he shared that he was a member of the Morehouse College Glee Club, but more than that, he was the first one to hold the office of Public Relations Manager at the same time he served as Secretary. One of his tasks was to write the Glee Club history. Additionally, he crafted The Morehouse Glee Club Motto: "The Morehouse Glee Club is an eminent expression of brotherhood, a united force of dedication and commitment and an unselfish labor of love" Claude Jay (Jones), '76 I have spoken his words so many times. And seen his by-line that much more. Still, though his name may have rung a bell, I refused to think that someone who looked so young is such an integral part of my Morehouse history. But there it was and there he is.uploaded-file-34451 I was able to share with him some of my Morehouse highlights – including The Kennedy Center Honors… and I was even able to give him the links to the special as he missed the Diana Ross portion. Moreover, he complimented my vocals from a link I shared with him of one of my recent performances. That meant so much as I am standing on his shoulders.


And speaking of shoulders, I felt like this DIANA ROSS tribute is – for sure – one of which Luther Vandross would have wanted to be a part. He may not have been there, but his best, childhood friend Fonzi Thornton was – as one of the background singers during Diana’s tribute.uploaded-file-63641 I thought that was kismet. You’ll recall, Fonzi inspired my LUTHER VANDROSS tribute in UneQ Magazine ( ) -

On the heels of the show, we enjoyed a few rounds of GUESSTURES and called it a night – knowing how blessed we all are to be able to see each other JOYFULLY one more time. uploaded-file-72477

On Thursday, December 27, 2007, my sister and I got on the road – leaving Savannah for Atlanta. I had one more night to enjoy Atlanta. Of course, I had to stop by BULLDOGS where the black gay boys hang out on most any night. uploaded-file-04381But I had other stops to make during my night back in the state’s capital and I’m always amazed at the people I see. uploaded-file-71226Firstly, as the pop culture goes, I ran into the Brittenum Twins –Terrell and Derrell ( – who say they are working on new music. uploaded-file-17427Then, my New York-based friend Craig and another buddy of his Darnell (who I know through Jason and Marqice) were stuck in Atlanta on a lay-over (en route to somewhere tropical and fabulous). uploaded-file-66686Additionally, I ran into my college bud Michael K. Watts who lives in New York City now (but we like to get ATL time in as well).uploaded-file-68838 And my Morehouse brother Welborn Preston made sure I got back to my sister’s Lithonia home on this night. Though I’d had a nice time in Savannah, I did grow a bit blue – being away from Ant (who was in Denver) and conjuring some of the depression that can just take a hold of me during holidays (thinking of mom and such). This night in Atlanta, however, got me back in my good mood. And I’m grateful for Atlanta’s magic touch. Oh! And back to Bulldogs for one second. You know Janet Jackson’s new FEEDBACK was pumping loud and hard… and the kids were LOVING IT!!!! ( And we hear she’s just shot the video in New York City last week. Will be great to see Miss Jackson back on the block! uploaded-file-05204

Oh! Lenn and Larry reminded me of a DIVA named “Moi Renee” whose appeal to the cross-dressing masses predates “Rupaul” and “Kevin Aviance”. According to them, she used to host many sets and even recorded big club hits in the ‘90s. uploaded-file-05881She (He) is not with us anymore, but their description of her has me intrigued. Anybody know anything out there about “Moi Renee”? Do tell… Being in the Atlanta club reminded me of that.

On Friday, December 28, 2007, I made it back to New York City in time to hang out with my friend Jamar (from “N” – and his buddy Chucky (a dancer for Monica and many others – including – hopefully – Janet when she expands on her dance troop for international tour). uploaded-file-68587We met up with my “Amazing Grace” Nichole and her good friend Dr. Sonjia at Maroon’s Restaurant (www. ). uploaded-file-45670Dr. Sonjia, my Scorpio sister, is one of Nichole's friends (a la Brooklyn) from back in the day, but she is now splitting her time -- as well-known sex educator and therapist -- between the Cayman Islands and Miami.  Her health promotions company, Dignified Health Solutions (DHS, Ltd.), provides academic, professional, and sexology consulting services ( After some light bites of catfish fingers, fried wings, and crab cake (and – of course – rum punch), I proceeded to pick Anthony up from the airport. I was so happy to have him back as he said he was to be here. We truly had a lovely reunion back at home.

uploaded-file-73766On Saturday, December 29, 2007, my late, great mom’s birthday, Anthony and I weren’t able to sleep in. He had to style me in two ensembles for my shoot at “N” ( I booked a spot gig “on-camera” to do two “geek-to-chic” makeover’s for AT&T Tech Channel’s “Hugh Thompson Show” (www. ). I’ll save full-out details for the show itself, but as these behind-the-scenes pictures show, we had a great time – transforming a couple of lovely people in the technical sciences into “fashionistas” and/or “fashionistos” not only for the day but for their return to the office. uploaded-file-08670We tape the studio segments later in January and this is all a part of my WHAT’S NEXT IN 2008????? Already, things are happening! STAY TUNED! uploaded-file-12716

Sunday, December 30, 2007, Ant and I went to my good girlfriend (with whom I share a birthdate) Robin and her son Zach’s house for a holiday open house. uploaded-file-72481As she was first instrumental in making me feel like I had a family away from my family, it’s always a total honor to connect with her and all those we have in common. Like a Romper Room roll call, there was Katti Gray (my sister). uploaded-file-35036There was Patrik Henry Bass (the other Patrick, I call him – author and Books Editor for ESSENCE - ).uploaded-file-30400 My mentor (who I referenced in the Tom Morgan tribute) Sheila Stainback was in the house with her son Master Charles. Mostly all of us got the chance to know the aforementioned Tom Morgan. So, it was nice to see our 'family' and wrap our arms around each other. uploaded-file-76544And Ant and I got to meet some other great folks – including Stephanie AKA “Mama Hotness” who we were inspiring to get her MY SPACE page up and running with that nomenclature attached. uploaded-file-36400Afterwards, Ant and I joined Nichole and Dr. Sonjia at my friend Brian’s Harlem bistro “Native”. There, we laughed and snacked on little appetizers. uploaded-file-75482We also saw some folks we hadn’t seen in a minute, like our friend Dard, whose Victorian, Harlem Brownstone was used as the set for Jill Scott’s new album, “The Real Thing” (nominated for 3 Grammys). uploaded-file-03684But at a closer view, you see that Dard is actually the man in the background of the picture. uploaded-file-88531Talk about WIN-WIN for those producers.

On New Year’s Eve, we got an invite via my Saturday producer Suzanne’s friend (or “Big Willie” – as I call them) Stewart who – along with his partner Dale – was throwing a party at the Lowell’s hotel on the upper-eastside of Manhattan ( ). uploaded-file-46450uploaded-file-16162My Detroit buddy Greg Dunmore joined us. Also, Ern brought dear friend and actress-extraordinaire Kimberly Jajuan. uploaded-file-45754We were all happy that we accepted an invitation and that we experienced an intimate, elegant hotel suite set with our own view of the fireworks from the 12th floor balcony. uploaded-file-65030Stuart and Dale even modeled their new finds from our boutique N ( uploaded-file-58334Though I didn’t partake of much on this night, I did fall ill at Red Oak Diner in Fort Lee, NJ ( ) – still not enough to dampen our boosted morale for a new year with ABUNDANCE, PROMISE, and POSSIBILITIES.uploaded-file-22806

And to ensure we held onto that message, aforementioned Kimberly threw a lovely New Year’s Day dinner at her Newark home.uploaded-file-04377 Her tables were set to perfection. The food was seasoned just right. And the folks she invited made it an awesome night. Our Deepti and her new husband Brian attended. My good friend and actor Erich came with his buddies Inga and Leonard. uploaded-file-86854And there was a new group of fun girls in the house as well. Kim’s prayer for me: “… ABUNDANT WORK (IN THE VENUES AND TOPICS) OF YOUR DESIRE, AS WELL AS CONTINUED PERSONAL SUCCESS…”

I couldn’t have PRAYED it any better!uploaded-file-04405

Posted on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 02:47PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments2 Comments | References118 References


MARYANDPAT1.jpgThis week wasn't without its places to see and be seen. On the eve of Ant leaving for Denver, he and I got to celebrate with Mary J. Blige at the release party for her new CD, "Growing Pains". ( MARYANDANT.jpgThe festive set was held in the posh Soho Grand Hotel Penthouse Lofts, where we ran into friends like Quincy Ballon (who I wrote about last week - and fashionista/model/blogger Najwa Moses ( PATANDNAJWA.jpgBut also, we ran into some new friends: Nickie and Melanie (who -- after alerting us that her aunt changed her name to "Mahogany" -- became our BFF for the night). NICANDPAT.jpgANTMELPATNICKIE.jpgAnd we were - of course - excited to see Nic (with whom we've socialized before) from "America's Next Top Model" (Cycle 5). She's always beautiful and fun!!!NICANDANT.jpg

On the heels of Ant leaving, I still had a commitment with "The Great Debaters" ( PATANDFOREST1.jpgThe New York City premiere was held at my "Dreamgirls" mecca from last year, The Ziegfeld Theater ( PATANDFOREST2.jpg My Theo - publicist with the most - accompanied me and made sure I got my photo ops with Academy-Award-winner Forest Whitaker. PATANDNATE2.jpgAlso, film co-stars to watch posed with me as well: Nate Parker and Miss Jurnee Smollett (formerly of "Eve's Bayou" fame as well as "Full House" and the short-lived spin-off with her siblings "On Our Own"). PATANDJURNEE.jpgTheo and I also sat next to two charming actors Amy Wilder and Patrick Duggan - both of whom have been working in the trenches of the business for twelve years now. Like me, my "Anglo-Saxon" namesake is left-handed and - as we both joked - "Black Irish". As "actors" that they are, they were very impressed with the film.AMYPATPAT2.jpg Though I didn't get my one-on-one moment with Denzel, he was in attendance along with young Denzel Whitaker who portrays James Farmer Jr. (who went on to found CORE - The Congress of Racial Equality). GREATDEBATERS2.jpgAdditionally, Theo introduced me to Beverly Smith, whose 'talking-head banter' I've appreciated for a few years now on BET, VH-1, etc. She's a lifestyle expert for BET and is often asked to be a commentator on shows such as VH-1's "Hip Hop Wives" ( PATANDBEV1.jpgAlso, not to be confused with the aforementioned: B. (as in Barbara) Smith ( was in the house. This restauranteur, lifestyle expert, designer, author, and spokesperson hipped us to some of her upcoming projects. As soon as the ink dries, I hope to share some of that good news with you here. PATANDBEVSMITH.jpgThis, of course, marks my second time seeing "The Great Debaters". The third time will be the charm as I screen it on Christmas Day with my family. 


Posted on Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 05:37PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References7 References