Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Ashford & Simpson (5)
The world cries a tear for NICK ASHFORD!
But what a LEGACY he’s left behind – including many of my DIANA ROSS’ greatest hits – from “Reach Out & Touch (Somebody’s Hand) to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” to “The Boss” to “Remember Me” ( … and SO MANY MORE!
THANK GOD, I even got the chance to sing “The Boss” to the song’s composers in December 2009: It was a
Harlem tribute that my friends Kevin-Anthony and Darius Booker co-produced. It wasn't my best version, but was the MOST HONORED I've ever felt singing it. On the day his death was announced, I sang a better version of it at "No Parking" KARAOKE for HIM!
Sending LOVE & PRAYERFL THOUGHTS to Valerie & the girls. ALL FOR ONE...and ONE FOR ALL!
I write of Nick & Val often here on the blog:
Is always EXCITING to see Nick & Val out on the town! In fact, my dad stumbled into Nick & Val in Detroit's airport Fall 2009! He was so excited (AND KNEW I WOULD BE), he submitted his picture to me for consideration in the blog. LOL
ALSO: Please check out the following video on the now late/great Nick Ashford by my friend Greg Dunmore!!! & &
Demands of my current project prevented me from attending his home-going services (re-scheduled after Hurricane Irene swept into town).
But I did get to join friends Kevin Anthony, Carl Nelson, Tichina Arnold, and others who invited me to join them at The Sugar Bar for the repast (Valerie Simpson is such a special & strong woman!).
This, after my buddy Andy Diaz invited us to join he, his client Tanya Young Williams at her NYC Premiere Party of VH1's hit reality show "Basketball Wives of L.A." at "Tian at the Riverbank".
My AUC/NABJ sister and friend Jacque Reid was in the house along with a number of other great friends - all singing the praises of Nick Ashford (even singing along at one point) and happy that 'Irene' had passed over. Also in the house: Norwood Young; Marva Hicks; Deborah Gregory; Penwah Phynjuar; and a host of others who came together – for LOVE & LIFE!
Shout out to my new friend PO JOHNSON!
Many friends and I got to toast her at a special viewing of LA LA'S FULL COURT LIFE season premiere on VH-1.
Café Mezcal was the spot (where we celebrated Jeffrey Williams’ BIG WIN on BRAVO’s “Fashion Show” w/Iman & Isaac Mizrahi; He was in the house too!!).
Shout out to her manager, our friend Michelle Sanchez Boyce, and my nephew Herman Riley for joining his old uncle.
And as always, good to see the peeps – from KJ Rose to Nelson Boyce to Tracey Smith to Pamela Watson to Cynthia Burgos to Jina Johnson… and many, many more! GO PO!
Amidst another grueling deadline on a special project at BET, I did manage a return to PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT featuring artwork by Lawrence Joyner; Tyson Hall; and Dean Richards. They did a talk about their pieces at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center.
I also got to squeeze in a trek down to my friends James & Lisa Curry’s new business Mindfile Multimedia, Inc.
He too is one of my favorite Directors of Photography – having shot many pieces for me. The open house & cocktail social reconnected me to many of my favorite production people – including Dennis and Adam. And I got to meet some cool new friends as well.
Anthony Harper & I got to attend DIVAS: SIMPLY SINGING a couple of years ago in L.A.
We were personal guests of our friend V Scott Hamilton & Miss Sheryl Lee Ralph herself.
My Morehouse brother Christopher McDonald and I LOVE a good musical. And now he's writing the next great musical. He's currently raising funds for a reading of his new musical! Even a $5 donation helps!!! Ev
en spreading the link helps where others can donate!! GO CHRIS, GO!
Remember I auditioned for Superstar K 3!? Just got a viewer note via FB. As it shows in Korea, I have to figure out how to get a link of the episode or my segment. The Korean viewer wrote: "Hi...Yesterday I saw you on SUPERSTAR K3. You're an amazing person! Many Korean people were fascinated by how lovely your voice is...and the couple. Please appear on the next year SUPERSTAR K4 again :) You are amazing!" ALSO GOT TWEETS from Korea – including: "...Lizontheparade Liz Kim TWEETED: Lizontheparade Liz Kim @patarack I am watching you on SuperStarK3 right now!!
26 Aug THEN TWEETED: @patarack I seriously want to see you once more in season4 UNLESS you get the record deal at the US lol :)..." I'm still trying to get a copy of it! It airs in KOREA! LOL!
Though in Labor Day Weekend edit bliss, I did manage to squeeze in a little karaoke in and some late supper and cocktails with BFFs – old & new - Tata; Ernest Maynor; Ashley; Cole McDonough; Mike; and Ant.
BBQ on 72nd was the spot followed by a pop cultural walk by The Dakota, once-John Lennon’s home in front of which he was shot and killed.
Had a lovely dinner at Daniel on NYC's Tony east side. Haute cuisine and stellar fellowship, courtesy of friends Darryl "Mixologist"...and Hannah Lee (who -
via her company Hanna Lee Communications ( and markets and publicizes for luxury spirits; wines; champagnes; and prosecco). GREAT NIGHT!
Everyone knows I LIVE for Mara Schiavocampo. Well, she LIVES for my pop culture analysis in many of her pieces at NBC News/TODAY. At the top of this clip, see a couple of recent impressions from this year & last year: And my GREATEST HIT: Obama's POUND! Right here: THANKS MARA!
LOVE ME SOME Anika Noni Rose! And I got to introduce her in Tampa a couple of years ago when I hosted a big DISNEY event.
See an excerpt of it on this link (the final piece): She was wonderful! AS ALWAYS... XO
Who felt the earthquake or its tremors? My folks at BET did. And we filed out - along with the rest of the building - onto 57th Street.
This, as my HARPO buddy Nate Berkus and his staff and audience too filed out of his show's studio which tapes right across the street.
Though the moment passed and our fears subsided, this evacuation did give me the chance to CONGRATULATE NATE on being an Executive Producer on "The Help", which is performing BRILIANTLY at the BOX OFFICE...and which I had the chance to introduce to the National Association of Black Journalists at its annual convention in Philly a few weeks ago! Members of the cast joined us. GO NATE & HAPPY NEW SEASON!
Before Irene blew us all home, we popped by Yotel rooftop. It was a Friday night for artist Jimmy Black’s GOODBYE SET! Ran into ATL reporter and NABJ sister Michelle Marsh and a host of other friends.
It was Dec. '91. The Morehouse College Glee Club was performing on Kennedy Center Honors: Fast forward to Sept. 30th - Oct. 2nd & join us for a "Celebration of the Glee Club's 100th Year in Song" here in NEW YORK CITY! For more info:
So the TWO reels I produced for MLK Dedication Weekend along with an AMAZING DREAM TEAM were presented in DC. And though I wasn't there, FEEDBACK says: THUMBS UP; GOOSEBUMPS; & BRAVO! We used Whitney and Mariah's "When You Believe" to score our CIVIL RIGHTS OVERVIEW and Beyonce’s “I Was Here” for the WOMEN. The dedication is now scheduled for October 16th.
I got to see two of my NABJ BFFs Amy Simmons and Marcie Eanes – both poets with the most. Marcie’s book “Sensual Sounds” is taking the nation by storm – including NYC where Marcie (and Amy) recited their poetry at “Inspired Word” (at the Nexus Lounge at the 1 and 1 Bar in the East Village). Amy read from her upcoming chat book “High Tea”. We all connected for hugs and coffee. ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO SEE MY LADIES!
Please check out my friend Michael A. Gonzales' cover story on Nina Simone that just came out this week in Wax Poetics. It's a 6,000 word piece on how Nina went from being a regular lounge act to the fiery personality we know today. IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS, MICHAEL!
I just found out my Morehouse brother Jon Roper passed away. I'm BLOWN AWAY! We took many classes together - often at CAU media relations dept. He always would say "Pat! I got a part for you in my next movie!" We did get the chance to do a little work together. In this blog, he shared that he was at Miss Ross' historic Central Park Concert. &
A final round of edit on my current project (delivering tomorrow) detoured my quick catch-up reunion with friend Victor Parada. We did a minority journalism program at Kent State/Ohio (Karen Paritee; W Russell Robinson) the summer of '90 and - 21 years later - were to have a big drink while he's here in NYC on business from TX. He's back in two weeks. For sure, next time...
Welcome home, CUZ! I LOVE YOU! Elliott Buddah Gray Jr. Happy the GRAY boyz: Christopher Gray; Ernest; et al are BACK TOGETHER AGAIN! And TRUST: someday we'll ALL be together (GLAD we got XMAS in though...). SEE Y'ALL SOON! LUV U Harriet L. Gray!
Fashion Week begins in NYC with Fashions Night Out.
In the wake of a hectic deadline, I used what energy I had left to support my girl Michelle Sanchez Boyce.
She works on the management team of singer Miguel.
He performed tonight in SOHO to an audience including Nichole Andrews Shellman; Kiwan Michael Anderson, Michael J. Feeney, Traceye Smith, Erika Munro Kennerly, Angelique Francis, & many more.
On another day amidst Fashion Week,
Artist Loft Sunday’s is about to pop off for Ant and our girl Cynthia who is leading a movement called “ARTIST LOFT SUNDAY’S” where in Mt. Vernon, you can see and buy the work of Ant – or Akhenaten, his artist name; Estos; and of course, C. Burgos! It’s this Sunday, September 18th at 115 South Fourth Avenue/2nd Floor/Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 from 2pm to 8pm. Come and support the Arts of Mt. Vernon!
Their Basquiat tribute is still up in Harlem at the Adam Clayton Powell State Building.
Been working faster than the checks can come in (NOT GOOD) & at such a pace, I haven't had a chance to excerpt, demo, & share some of it. This link includes a bit of my red carpet reporting at Power to End Stroke awareness benefit which ran on GMC this summer: It's the 2nd clip on the reel. ALSO: Shout out to Sekou Writes who interviewed me on the night I interviewed many at the Power to End Stroke Concert. I delve into my personal testimonial around STROKE. Big UP to Pamela Garmon Johnson; Toiya Lewis Honore; & Sidra Smith for the outlet - including now-VOICE-OVER work on their marketing video.

Entertainment Exclusive #2| Get Your Tickets To See PIECES OF A DREAM Performing Live at Gospel Uptown! AND MORE!
Gospel Uptown
2110 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
@125th Street
Dinner and Show and Group Packages Available!
212.280.2110 or visit
Gospel Uptown
2110 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
@125th Street
Dinner and Show and Group Packages Available!
212.280.2110 or visit
I performed my favorite Diana Ross number "The Boss" which the dynamic duo wrote.
And this legendary duo responded so graciously - standing on their feet with gratitude and enthusiasm.
I'M SO BLESSED to have been able to share with them how much their talent and repertoire have meant to me.
Big THANKS to producers and hosts Kevin-Anthony and Darius Booker for having me on the set.
Also, a big shout out to Ashford & Simpson’s musicians and singers with whom I got the chance to bond in rehearsals earlier that week.
One of the singers, Clayton, was my doppelganger for all of the high notes that “The Boss” requires.
We blended brilliantly!
I truly had a BALL on that stage.
And I plan to do more performing come 2010.
But I wasn’t the only one letting Ashford & Simpson know how important they are to our lives.
As singing is a sidelight for me, there were so many on that stage who do this for a living.
And boy did they do it… for the living of Ashford & Simpson.
My buddy Gordon Chambers wailed on an “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” with Amanda Brown.
American Idol’s Anwar Robinson did “Reach Out & Touch (Somebody’s Hand)”.
And Miss Melonie Daniels and Ryan Shaw turned out “You’re All I Need (To Get By)”. And on and on and on and on…
And they made sure that we got our THANKS from them - including an impromptu "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing".
And so many of my friends came out to support me (as well as to participate in this special honor for Ashford & Simpson).
Two of my favorite people: Sidra Smith and Ken Roberson. Good to be back on the same coast with Sid.
And Tony-calibre choreographer and performer Ken Roberson gave me a wonderful post-performance salute. Just what I needed to hear!
And buddies Erich and Murphy were in the house along with my posse: Tata, Ern, and Ant.
Tata, who’d been out of town amidst my ‘birthday extravaganza’, just got back and made it her business to be in the house with me. We even joined Ant’s friend Manivone prior for BBQ and Dunkin Donuts.
Afterwards, Ant, Ern, and I did some celebratory karaoke for what was a DREAM COME TRUE – to be singing for two of my favorites.
And then if you add DIANA ROSS into the equation, I can’t process it all. Just too much! And such an ABUNDANT BLESSING!
This week offered lots for which to be grateful. It was THANKSGIVING after all. As Ant and I house-sat for our Mara and Tommie in their Harlem brownstone, we got to enjoy Thanksgiving brunch at IHOP in Harlem in the morning with our Momentum Education friend Ruben.
Great to catch up with him! Then, Ant and I were invited to dine on a delicious Thanksgiving meal at our girlfriends Charlie T and Danielle's place.
They had a few other great friends in the house - including Maurice Runea and Sekiya. The food was great. Company even better.
And we watched Beyonce's special as well. GO B!!!!
So I am STILL STANDING! Today, however, feet back on ground, I gotta land something quick and fast. Will temp for two days this week in anticipation of a 'green light' on a proposal I just submitted for a project that could keep revenue flowing through December. And of course, I'm taking all calls, meetings, auditions to land something that I'm hosting and running (including lots of brainstorming with Ant on proposals, treatments, and such around projects we will develop ourselves). Send a prayer up!
And as GOD’S WONDERS ABOUND THROUGHOUT MY SOCIAL NETWORK, let me send A FEW SHOUT OUTS to friends who are leading EXTRAORDINARY LIVES in their respective, hustling lanes:
My friend Ceci (who I met through Kim Coles) was the wardrobe stylist on “Living Single”. She’s still styling and now organizing people’s lives. One of her latest style credits can be seen on YOU TUBE as she styled the Michelle Obama impersonator in this video: “Obama Does Thriller” - CONGRATS CECI!
My girl Erica Watson is featured in “Precious”. Just one scene but a POWERFUL ONE with PUNCH. She’s been performing her one woman show “Fat Bitch” which will run in February 2010 at Time Square's Laurie Beechman Theater, presented by SpinCycle NYC (the production team that is currently producing "Joan Rivers Live"). And she will be featured in the January 2010 Essence Magazine, "Dating & Relationships" section, about how being plus-sized affects dating. She also just shot "Secret Celebrity Weddings," airing on the WE Channel next spring before the new season of "Bridezillas," commenting on the extreme things celebrities will do to try to keep their weddings top secret. For more on Erica Watson:
So, how many times have you heard me talk about my good girlfriend/Amazing Grace Audrey Irvine? Lots, right? And many anecdotes that keep us laughing to this day.
Moreover, she’s truly one of my dearest friends ever. Like, ride or die! Professionally, Audrey is a senior assignment manager for CNN. But her sparkle and gift of great storytelling has shown through to her employer which now has assigned her a weekly column on WWW.CNN.COM: "Relationship Rant" ( Check back every week for her take on dating and relationships.
Have you seen Ya Ya – runner up on “America’s Next Top Model” (Eva’s Cycle) on “Ugly Betty”? She’s playing Nikko, the daughter of Vanessa Williams’ character Wilheimena Slater. GO YA YA!
VOTE FOR MY BUDDY DEMARCO: Please go onto OUTMUSIC.COM and click logo sponsored awards. DEMARCO is in the category: "Always Bringing Sexy Back". He’s in good company. But no one does sexy quite like him. CONGRATS DEMARCO!

Entertainment Exclusive | Get Your Tickets To See ROY AYERS and PIECES OF A DREAM Performing Live at Gospel Uptown!
Gospel Uptown
2110 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
@125th Street
Dinner and Show and Group Packages Available!
212.280.2110 or visit
So, I’m back in New York City. And as my current project, BIG REALITY HIT ‘Monica: Still Standing’, roles out for all of you to see on BET, I am looking for my WHAT’S NEXT? [DEVELOPMENTS FORTHCOMING… WILL WORK FOR FOOD!]. Of course, I am going to be extending my BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA for as far and long as anyone will celebrate with me. SMILE! That includes my next couple of weekends at GOSPEL UPTOWN (HTTP://WWW.GOSPELUPTOWN.COM).
This Friday, November 27th & 28th, the legendary Roy Ayers will be performing at GOSPEL UPTOWN. More than a Mary J. Blige-sample (of “My Life”), Roy Ayers’ repertoire is respected the world over for its clever fusion of jazz, R&B, soul, and disco. This superb vibraphonist started out as a solid hard bop musician, but he quickly upped the soul and disco elements of his sound, and his sophisticated music became an uptown pop staple of disco-era black America. What better backdrop than GOSPEL UPTOWN to enjoy a laid-back ‘holiday weekend’ like no other. (HTTP://WWW.GOSPELUPTOWN.COM).
Then, next Friday, December 4th & 5th, also legendary Pieces of A Dream performs. This group has taken on many roster incarnations over the years. They are based out of Philadelphia and launched onto the scene in 1976. Keyboardist James Lloyd, drummer Curtis Harmon and former bassist Cedric Napoleon, were (and still are) managed by the drummer’s father and uncle, Danny and Bill Harmon, respectively. The group based their name on Pieces of Dreams, a cover tune by Stanley Turrentine that the group performed. And they’ve worked with so many special artist over the years: the late Grover Washington Jr.; guitarist Ronny Jordan; vocalist Maysa Leak; saxophonists Kenny Blake; and Gerald Albright (who along with Michael Bearden fronted remakes of Diana Ross’ ‘Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You’re Going To?)’ and ‘Upside Down’. (HTTP://WWW.GOSPELUPTOWN.COM).
Gospel Uptown
2110 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
@125th Street
Dinner and Show and Group Packages Available!
212.280.2110 or visit
And I’ve mentioned before that singing is a sidelight (, and my friend Kevin-Anthony invited me to sing on his new monthly series “Broadway Uptown” which will be celebrating the music of Ashford & Simpson on this Sunday, November 29th, 2009 @ 8pm at, where else?:
Gospel Uptown
2110 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.
@125th Street
Dinner and Show and Group Packages Available!
212.280.2110 or visit
In addition to my take on Diana Ross’ “The Boss” ("L.A. PROVED TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN..."), the line up for this show is amazing and comprised of many I admire for their success and commitment to singing: Melonie Daniels, Ryan Shaw, Anwar Robinson, Darius Booker, Amanda Brown, Gordon Chambers, Ayana George, George Hawkins, Takeytha Johnson, Kimberly Nichole, Vivian Sessom, Dawn Tallman, Alyson Williams and more….
In addition to an amazing evening of song, they will also be collecting canned goods to distribute during the holiday season. Tickets are now available and can be purchased by calling 212.352.3101 or by clicking on the following link;
For great savings order your tickets online:
$10 in advance via
$12.00 day of event with a canned good
$15.00 day of event without a canned good
+$20.00 per person food/beverage
So take advantage of the savings and purchase your tickets today. It’s going to be quite an evening so spread the word:
Meanwhile, as my birthday knocked up against my last day in L.A., I had celebrating to do there and here… and Ant really hooked it up!
1. Before I left L.A., my friend and co-worker on all-thing-‘Frankie-&-Neffe’&’Monica’-over-the-last-eight-months Shareen took me to lunch in Larchmont. My friend Eliah Mountjoy had been recommending since I first arrived.
We had Village Pizzeria pizza… and great conversation!
2. Then, my Tony and Scott (along with Michelle) continued the party with an awesome dinner (and cocktails) at Cliff’s Edge in Los Feliz. They made sure that I didn't come into my birthday alone. We were in festive pose (though a work night). And I am totally grateful to them!
3. Then, as soon as I got back to NYC: ANT had secured tix to my favorite Broadway property “DREAMGIRLS” – running at THE APOLLO.
This is a new version that will soon go on the road… and includes the incorporation of “Listen” (from the movie) as a duet between Deena and Effie. Some critics aren’t happy with the new staging of “DREAMGIRLS”.
I must say I enjoy all incarnations and this cast – as led by American Idol’s Syesha Mercado and blog friend Chester Gregory – entertained me as well.
But most excitedly, Ant and I got to share in the fun with my Michael K. Watts, my DREAMGIRLS enthusiasts Lee, Devon, and Mario.
Of course, DREAMGIRLS just rips at the heart of my Devon and me. And Henry Krieger who wrote mostly all of the music for original stage production and the film was also there. Ant interviewed him a few years back when the movie DREAMGIRLS came out and he was an associate producer at STARZ! in Denver.
Ant came up with a concept UPSTAGE! for the cable network which flew him up here to NYC many times to explore adaptations like 'DREAMGIRLS' and 'THE COLOR PURPLE' which is the night Ant and I met. So BROADWAY is in the blood of our relationship. SMILE!
4. After DREAMGIRLS, Mario joined Ant and me for Ant's 'big sister' Candice Harper's vocal set at Uncle Charlie's. Candice has an awesome voice.
So sweet, melodic, and tells a story that you want to hear when she opens her mouth. She even graciously invited me up to take the mic on a couple of numbers: Color Purple's "What About Love" and Mariah Carey's "Love Takes Time".
Candice and her music director Michael invited me to do my own set there one night. As I’ve been declaring that I want to do more intimate evenings of song, this – for sure – fulfills that. Thanks Candice!
5. Then, Ant, Mario, and I went to The Overlook Lounge. It was a BDAY drink for old times sake from Mario's and my old friend Mark followed by a pop through HK and SECRET to celebrate with my bday-sake Tony.
6. SWAN SONG: Amy Ruth... and home to crash.
7. Then, Saturday, we slept late and Ant took me to brunch at Serafina! Then, we went next door to FELA on BROADWAY for matinee with my ‘Amazing Grace’ Nichole and her friend Charles.
WHAT A SENSATIONAL SHOW! VIBRANT! COLORFUL! MUSICAL! And a HISTORY LESSON to BOOT! Run and get your TIX. My girlfriend Marcia Pendleton hooked ours up… and you can get some discount fares if you go to: CODE IS: FEWTG93.
It was so great to be back in a theater (two times in as many days). And nice to run into folks - including Ant's 'Wendy Williams' co-worker Lorraine who you may see from time to time on the show during Wendy's hot topics segment(s).
8. Then, Ant and I went to girlfriend Mara and her husband Tommie's place for PRE-PARTY. And as one of the top things for which I have to be grateful includes Ant, he and I are experiencing another frequency of domesticity as we housesit (and Ant dog-sits) our good girlfriend Mara and her husband Tommie’s two dogs and a cat while they are on the road for Thanksgiving. Given I just got back from a long stretch in L.A., the last thing I wanted to do was regroup an over-week stay somewhere else, but as we enjoy the Harlem Brownstone and – dare I say – Mara and Tommie’s “kids”, this experiment is giving us – perhaps – a glimpse at our WHAT’S NEXT?
9. Then, it was time for the BIG KARAOKE BIRTHDAY!
So many came out to SHOW LOVE;
and hear me SING!
WE HAD A BLAST as so many of Ant’s and my family, friends, and co-workers joined in on the fun that is karaoke. Newlyweds Danni and Bernard joines us - just a couple of months after their beautiful island wedding.
My buddy Ted Gibson, hairstylist for the stars - incuding Angelina Jolie - was in the house. I'll be telling you more about Ted and his partner Jason when "The Real Housewives of DC" comes on.
All my New Rochelle friends were in the house.
My Teri and her husband Alvin to - of course - Nichole and her girlfriends Michelle;
and Cynthia;
and Monica. And the husbands and new beaus came too - from a "sanging" Nelson to Brian.
They all seemed to have a great time including Ant's co-worker Bobby and Ant's Aunt Linda and cousin Shantay - here singing a duet with him.
And Ant and I - of course - got our songs in!
Afterwards, Ant and I joined our friend Andrea at SECRET for more drinks and dancing. This, before we grabbed a bite at THE WAVERLY and headed back to Jersey.
10. And on Sunday, Ant and I joined ERN for dinner at HOUSTON’s (on my Original Amazing Grace Natalie and her husband Dwayne and the girls). After our prized meal, we enjoyed The American Music Awards – channeling the days of yore – with Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, and a host of inspiring – for once-in-a-long-while – performances.
And as I drop back into the REAL WORLD, I must find some new opportunities that will bring in some revenue that support us in keeping things afloat – including more on-camera work and pop culture analysis. With my contribution to ‘Monica’ wrapped a hair earlier than I expected and many other clients on winter break (and still not enough time for reserves to build back up, though things are kinda’ on-time), the next couple of months are key for my WHAT’S NEXT! But I’m excited that folks are drawn to my branding as on-camera talent; pop culture blogger/analyst; etc. (and for a price… if just credit and partnership) – including promoters for ‘Gospel Uptown’ and producer for the CUNY-TV show (Channel 75) Abi Ishola who is working on a show that covers the ethnic media and ethnic communities. She is working on a profile about Ebony and Jet magazines. This story will accompany a studio segment in which the financial troubles at Johnson Publishing will be discussed. In her profile, she wants to explore the cancellation of Ebony Fashion Fair, and as she researched, she found herself drawn to my commentary on the issue (with Black America Web and my blog: "...I'VE WAITED SO LONG TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT TO ME! SAY IT AGAIN! SAY IT AGAIN!...").
So, I went and was interviewed by her… and will be on “Independent Sources” at the top of December. I’ll send the clip to you guys when it’s done. Continued THANKS for your support and prayers as I navigate this career of mine. And SHOUT OUT to ALL OF YOU who PRAYED me back home!
P.S. And we’ll still always have L.A.:
"... COLORED PEOPLE ON!!!!!!!"

L.A. proved too much for the man,
So he's leavin' the life he's come to know,
He said he's goin' back to find
Ooh, what's left of his world,
The world he left behind
Not so long ago.
He's leaving,
On that…. Well, it’s not exactly a midnight train to Georgia, which coincidentally is my home (SHOUT OUT TO: SAVANNAH)… but it’s NEW YORK CITY and the accompanying RIDGEFIELD PARK, NEW JERSEY where I once laid my head at night… and will again on the night of my birthday. The wrap for my contribution to “Monica: Still Standing” kept shifting back and forth; in and out; up and down; once October, then February, then November, then January, now – again – November (and on my birthday)… and though I had gotten over the hoop of being able to extend to January (as I put myself up here in L.A. – hotel, car rental, etc.) and know that the marketplace can be dry during the month of December, I still consider it an early BIRTHDAY GIFT… and I trust that once I land, RECUPERATION and GOD’S FAVOR are mine. Meanwhile, PLEASE be sure to keep watching as the lion's share of the work is done (just awaiting network notes and a few pick-ups)... and there are 8 or 9 episodes left to go depending on when you read this. And my touches are all up and through it.
And already, there are festive things in what my best girlfriend Nat describes as my element that will quickly bring me comfort and joy. My own REALITY will be in the SPOTLIGHT for the first time in a long time.
FIRST: In addition to Ant setting up tix for us to see "Dreamgirls" at The Apollo on Friday and "FELA" on Broadway on Saturday, he has planned a karaoke set.
Of course, right? LOL! He knows I love to sing and karaoke is a way I can do it often (since it’s been a minute since I’ve done my own ‘intimate evening of song’: We’ll hang with friends and frolic at a new SOHO spot:
Then, my friend Kevin-Anthony called me and invited me to sing Diana Ross’ "The Boss" ( at his Saturday 11/29-installment of "Broadway Uptown: Celebrating the Music of Ashford & Simpson", who my Dad ran into recently at the Detroit Airport. (
I love all things DIANA, Nick & Val, and NYC!... So what a welcome home/bday treat! And I guess you know what I'll rehearse a time or two at the karaoke bday set on 11/21? LOL! I'm HONORED. HUMBLED. EXCITED. Will just have FUN with it as I must figure out how to relay the ESSENCE OF ROSS' BOSS (which is my automatic pilot) and REFINE IT TO RILEY (so it's a new experience and not just mimicry... you know?). I'll find it. Kinda' like what DIANA did (but less intense... perhaps) in her search for BILLIE in "LADY SINGS THE BLUES". You know? At that point, she was a SEASONED SINGER IN HER OWN RIGHT but had to split the difference between DIANA and BILLIE for the recordings and the filming - since so much of BILLIE was burnt into her soul from having researched so organically and intensely. You know?
Though I sing and do intimate evenings of song in NYC, I consider this a stretch - especially considering the treasured material (around which I'll quickly calm my nerves come rehearsal time) and that it MAY be in front of the composers themselves, though that won’t exactly be the first time:
I hosted an event at Ashford & Simpson’s Sugar Bar for my girlfriend Caroline and she wanted me to lead the audience in Ashford-&-Simpson composition REACH OUT & TOUCH as Diana's recording of it - her first as a solo artist - played. Next thing I know, Valerie comes from the back... and joins me. I KEPT SINGING... but mostly I was in AWE! LOL! I REALLY LOVE THEIR WORK! MOSTLY ALL OF IT!ELIZABETH RANKIN-FULCHER WROTE: Hello there: The above-captioned event at the Sugar Bar last night went quite well and we're planning a repeat performance at Akwaaba Cafe in Brooklyn in the near future. Representatives from BET attended and excerpts from the event will be shown on BET, September 11. We were delighted and excited when Valerie Simpson and Nick Ashford joined us; our wonderful evening ended with Valerie singing "Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Hand" the song she wrote with Nick. The fabulous Patrick Riley was our MC.
Thanks for your support. Hugs,
I WROTE: I wish y'all could have been at the BACK TO SCHOOL WITH BLACK AUTHORS event I hosted last night at Ashford and Simpson's NYC spot SUGAR BAR. I really just came aboard as a favor to my friend CAROLINE BREWER, who asks me often to host/moderate events in which she participates. (She was one of the three spotlighted authors of color). Thinking of our hosts (Ashford and Simpson), I told Caroline that ""no wind, no rain nor winter's cold" [could stop me from being there to host the event for her] ("Ain't No Mountain High Enough" is an Ashford & Simpson composition). I also told the audience that Caroline's current title "Kara Finds Sunshine on a Rainy Day" oozes of irony as this event took place on one of New York City’s rainiest days in a while, but there we all were to bathe in the light of these literary treasures.
And still, the evening exceeded my expectations. What I expected? For Caroline and her fellow black writers to inspire us with their words, illustrations, photographs... and presentations. That they did.
I had even gotten a nice introduction to "Ashford & Simpson" (compliments of Caroline); I've met the famous songwriting/singing duo on many occasions as we attend a lot of the same events and shows in town. In fact, Valerie said "we see you all the time!!!" Nick agreed. But this was an introduction with meat as I was hosting an event on their stage at their restaurant. Then, after each scribe had there moment in the spotlight, I returned to the mic to welcome questions. Before I could do that, the first strains of a tune-so-familiar begins to play. Caroline interrupts the expected flow. "Patrick! We have one more song we want to share [earlier, an instrumental had scored her book's recitation]. And everyone can join in. Patrick will lead us...".This marks the beginning of my out-of-body experience as the recorded singing voice of Diana Ross pipes in (now accompanied by me in my moment of quick ham adjustment): "Reach Out And Touch Somebody's Hand... make this world a better place, if you can...".
yes, Caroline chose Diana's first solo single as a finale for her special literary evening. and here, she's telling me to lead the way. instantaneously, i've channeled Diana (in my singing voice of baritone) and jump off of the Sugar Bar stage into the dining room - asking folks to sing-along. i'm also shaking hands as she does (and i have begun to do in my own little cabaret).
as i pour through the sea (or pond) of excited guests, Caroline alerts me that Miss Valerie Simpson is coming up (from the back) to join in our love-fest. she's handed a mic and begins to do her vocal interpretation of Reach Out with Diana's prerecorded vocals underneath (and my own right beside her, not to mention the many who are harmonizing with us).
valerie and i end the song (which fades out). we're holding hands, which are also outstretched and reaching for the stars. i take my free hand and put the mic to my mouth to announce "Ladies and Gentlemen! Valerie Simpson, who along with her husband Nickolas Ashford wrote 'Reach Out And Touch'!!!!!!!" The audience cheers - some gag as if they did not know to which I say: "Just thought I'd offer that tidbit for those of you who were living under a rock". The audience applauded again. Valerie laughed at my quip and then graciously shouted me out with "... and to our host, Patrick!!". more applause.
at the end of the program, we had Ashford and Simpson come back out, so i could thank them one more time for hosting the event at their spot. they both spoke and thanked the organizers for using The Sugar Bar for such a culturally significant event, which - by the way - was being chronicled by BET and is scheduled to air (in some form) on BET NIGHTLY NEWS on September 11th. (Check it out - if you remember...; it'll likely be a little over a one-minute feature piece... but maybe they'll include some of these highlights.).
before ashford and simpson left, they told me i did a wonderful job of hosting the evening and bringing everyone together. i attributed "Reach Out And Touch (Somebody's Hand)" to that. they argued i had brought everyone together before that special moment. they asked me to please come back and join them again very soon. their events manager asked for my information (on their behalf) - so maybe we'll get together for more collaborations in the near future. i added "i thought i was just doing my friend Caroline a favor, but one of my many dreams came true tonight!". they smiled graciously, and each gave me a hug.
i've admired ashford and simpson for so many years - not just because of their work with diana ("ain't no mountain high enough"... "the boss"... "remember me".... "surrender".... "it's my house"... "i ain't been licked"... "no one gets the prize"... "what you gave me"... "some things you never get used to"... "i'm gonna make you love me" [ashford]), but because of their collabos with other stars (like Chaka, Whitney, Jennifer Holliday) and their own repertoire ("high rise"... "is it still good to 'ya?"... "solid"... "don't cost 'ya nothin'"... "found a cure"). i love their brand of r&b. it's smooth, silky... yet gospel-tinged --- like i like.
"i was so right... thought i could turn emotion on and off. i was so sure... but LOVE taught me who was, who was, who was... THE BOSS." (LOVE was THE BOSS!!!!).
love & LIGHT,
MEANWHILE IN THESE LAST & EVIL DAYS OF L.A. (SMILE!):Derek and I went to my L.A. buddy Jae Joseph's Fashion Show - a Lupus Foundation Benefit - at O Hotel in Downtown L.A.
The event celebrated all things (for which Jae is now the West Coast Publisher) - including Natalia Romano's fashions.
It also featured a funky-futuristic performance by Logan.
THINK: Grace Jones, Lady Gaga, and Prince!
I’d actually met him a few days prior with my Adolpha.
We saw Jae too.
You’ll recall, she is my best friend Ern’s cousin.
She invited me out (on her dime! YAYY!) for some great food (Kitchen 24 in Hollywood);
great Paper Mag party with cool folks like Paris Hilton's almost-BFF Anch;
Afterwards, we joined Adolpha's girl-and-guy friends at The Blue Monkey for dancing - including a twirl around the dance floor to my Diana's "Upside Down" GREAT NIGHT! THANKS ADOLPHA!
On one night, got to enjoy "Monica: Still Standing" on east coast feed of my friend Derek's Direct TV after which he, his buddy Michelle, and I went to WEHO's Cantina (for a lite bite) and Micky's (to support my friend Tony's hip hop dance contest).
Michelle and Tony were sponsors for the evening... or I would have been at my hotel in Gardena in a fetal position. LOL!
And Miss Michelle and her ride-or-die Lady invited Derek and me to The Valley for Sunday dinner after which Derek and I joined Keith at Cantina and The Abbey.
My buddy Derek also invited me to join him at a BRUNCH event at THE LAVA LOUNE on Wilshire. It benefited The Feeding America Network and was hosted by my Morehouse brothers Benjamin and Brian (and others).
The food was great, the energy was good (including funny man/actor Ray Cunningham and girlfriend Michelle); and a host of others I met for the first time (including singer Octavius.
Also, my Spelman sister Charlie).
My L.A. buddy Delandis -a professional dancer in his own right - took me to see our mutual friend Derrick Garcia and his fellow dancers in the Fullerton College Faculty Dance Concert - including a number inspired by THE WIZ (featuring music from Diana & Michael's recordings i.e. 'Ease' & 'Brand New Day'.
Also, there was a 13-minute MJ TRIBUTE). Afterwards, we went to TGI-FRIDAY to celebrate the young'ns. Derrick just started dancing professionally a few years ago... and he is really good! Look out for 'em!
On one night, my boy Brian came and scooped me up to attend The Official "I Want To Work For Diddy" L.A. Launch Party at The Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills. POPRAH hosted. OLD BLOG ENTRY W/DIDDY SIGHTING:
And I had to breakaway to Pontiac, MI for my Uncle Bobby’s funeral.
He’s my father’s baby brother. Since my time in L.A. had been extended to January (and many of my funds were tied up in that piece to manage), I prayed to be with my family and attend the funeral of my Dad's brother (Uncle Bobby) in Pontiac, MI (but didn't see how I'd make that work when I can barely put two pennies together to stay in my L.A. hotel).
But ‘earth angles’ came through and I went to Pontiac by way of Detroit’s airport to be with my Dad, his wife Diana...
my sister...
and the rest of the RILEY clan.
Though a sad occasion (my Uncle Bobby's funeral), it was so good to see the extended RILEY family in Pontiac, MI. It was truly a FAMILY REUNION…
and even inside the grief, we found lots of reasons to laugh - simply because we were together.
In fact, my Uncle Bobby's kids:
Sonya, Bobby Jr., and Chris were gracious enough to take 'all us cousins' out on the town in Pontiac.
Great times were had by all.
Nothing like being with my family in what has been a (few too many days) in 'Hollywood'. But ALL GOOD as this ride nears its wrap (but I must immediately identify another steady stream of revenue around these here talents. *SIGH! <tired and determined!>
OH! Anybody seen "Precious"? I was thinking gut-wrenching lines like this are likely to take on 'Color Purple'-cult-level status: “My name is Claireece Precious Jones. I want to be on the cover of a magazine. I wish a had a light-skinned boyfriend with good hair. But first I want to be in one of those BET videos.”

I’m always my happiest when I’m with Ant. And what a sad and cloudy day when he leaves.
But buckets of tears later since his oh-too-brief weekend visit to L.A. from NYC, I can look back on an AWESOME weekend we had attending Sheryl Lee Ralph’s DIVAS: SIMPLY SINGING – an annual benefit that raises money for AIDS research and awareness.
Before I spill all the TEA, you remember I told you that I went to Cal State-Fullerton to be interviewed by my NABJ friend DR. MARIO, a student on the campus. Well, here’s the podcast:
Now back to the DIVAS and Ant’s and my fabulous weekend!
Firstly, you must know that IT TAKES A VILLAGE to have the kind of weekend we had, given we’re cash-strapped. But where there is a will (and a Scott and a Tony and a Sheryl Lee Ralph and an Audrey and a Tata and a Daddy and a Curtis and an Ernie and a Paul and a buddy pass and some frequent flier miles), there is a way!
So Ant got here on Friday night and we hit the ground running as soon as he landed since his Denver friends Robinson and Elia – AKA MAINCHAIN ( were performing at The Highlands in Hollywood.
Plus, his best bud Paul was shooting the show. Ant’s flight was delayed – so we missed the show. But he got to see Paul and we all hung out afterwards at Robinson’s place.
On Saturday, we slept in. But once we got ourselves together, Ant surprised me with the news that he was taking me to a place we’ve both been resisting since the recession kicked in: HOUSTON’s – once our home away from home or kitchen away from kitchen. Ant had budgeted accordingly and insisted. So, we rushed to Century City to experience L.A.s HOUSTON’s like we do... and my mouth was beginning to water. For Ant, Veggie Burger, black beans, brown rice (though this locale only had white), spinach & artichoke dip, and a French martini. For me, since it was Saturday, The Firehouse Chili, cheese bread, side of fries, and a kir royale (just a drop of chambord). We did resist the key lime pie (as we were so full). But still we got our espressos with frangelica.
From dinner time to DIVA time, Ant and I segued right on over to the Saban Theater to secure our complimentary tix compliments of Ms. Sheryl Lee Ralph and our dear friend Scott, who is Ms. Ralph’s right hand, left hand, and the production coordinator for DIVAS: SIMPLY SINGING!
(Ant and I did budget to make a donation which we did via the ‘offering pans’ that the young students passed around. AMEN!).
The DIVA line-up was spectacular - including: Yolanda Adams, Brenda Russell, Tamia, Kelly Price, Faith Evans, Jenifer Lewis, Loretta Devine, Dwight Eubanks, Sam Harris, All-4-One, Frenchie Davis, and more!
In fact, here’s the set-list:
Act 1
Sheryl Lee Ralph (Opening)
“Everything’s Coming Up Divas”
Jenifer Lewis
“Star Spangled Banner”
Yolanda Adams
“Open My Heart”
“Never Give Up”
Barbara Morrison
“My name is Sundown”
Sam Harris
“Bridge Over Trouble Water”
Gabi Wilson
“If I Ain’t Got You”
“A Song for You”
Jessica Reedy
“God has Smiled on Me”
Frenchie Davis
Divine Brown
“Close The Door” by Rufus featuring Chaka Khan
Flutist Althea Rene
“De Ja Vu” by Beyonce
Sheryl Lee Ralph (End of 1st Act)
“That Was Divas Then”
Act 2
“My Fantasy”
Loretta Devine
“Bust Your Windows” by Jazmine Sullivan
All 4 One
“I Swear / My Child”
Yo Yo
“Don’t Play with my Yo Yo”
Brenda Russell – “Get Here”
Tamia – “Me”
Kelly Price - “Hero” by Mariah Carey
Faith Evans
“You Are So Beautiful”
“Love Like This”
“Man in the Mirror”
1. Sheryl Lee Ralph sported 5 wigs (by Penny and Kelly). And 9 costume changes --- all by designer Tadashi Shoji who has dressed Sheryl for all 19 DIVAS. Sheryl requests that there be at least one leopard dress.
2. Sheryl shouted out Ant’s boss Wendy Williams since Sheryl recently appeared on the show. She offered up a “How You Doin’?” at one point in the show and she played Wendy’s intro of her at another point.
3. They are still counting buckets, but it is estimated that they raised $200,000 towards the fight against AIDS.
4. Sheryl – quite the comic - called out the white audience members who were late – perhaps thinking things were going to start on “colored people time”. Since they were taping the show for DVD, many folks from the $25 seats got to fill in those prized rows.
5. Sheryl also did a spoof on Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” – quipping “If you like it then you should have put a condom on it!!!”
And of course, Ant and I were roaming the theater lobby and the after party at LIFE for our own pictures:
My ATL friends Dwight Eubanks and Lamoh were in the house. In fact, Dwight donated a pair of high-heel boots (signed) to Sheryl to auction off towards the benefit. Also got to see Dwight and Lamoh again on Sunday at The Abbey.
This is Tristan Wilds of Beverly Hills 90210 and "The Secret Life of Bees" fame.
Rachelle Farrell was in attendance and interviewed on the red carpet. She's the first DIVA to agree to do next year's 20th Anniversary show.
Writer Dale Guy Madison, whose DREAMBOY cover spoofs Mary Wilson’s “DREAMGIRL: My Life as a Supreme”, had a FAB exhibit with all things DIANA ROSS & THE SUPREMES on display in the lobby.
Ran into Rodney Chester from "Noah's Arc". I am such a fan of the show and movie, I was really excited to meet him! As you know, I'm always running into Patrik Ian Polk and the other cast members - including a recent run-in with Jentsen Atwood at The Abbey.
Always good to see Jawn Murray.
My friend Derek Lafayette - who is working with DIVA Divine Brown - and I were so happy to see each other. It's been a minute.
And Ant and I were so proud of our Scott and Tony who worked the production of DIVAS. Also, our friends we met through Scott and Tony – like Ed Roebuck.
And then there was Henry who donated his beautiful body to Sheryl Lee Ralph's opening number.
It truly was a family affair. After Ant left, Scott and Tony invited me to their friend's white birthday party at Lucy Florence in Leimert Park. Here Scott poses with his father, two of his sisters, his niece – all in town for DIVAS, and his partner Tony! THE SOULS OF BLACK FOLKS! I LOVE IT!
And to bullet a few things I did last week:
My NABJ buddy Brian ( is in town from D.C. He invited me to San Pedro where he's staying for dinner and - GASP! - Monday Night Football. I asked him if he was really my friend for such an invite. LOL! But he, Kelly, Li-Ling, and I had a great time - including the game but not exclusively the game. Great food (shrimp, collard greens, mac & cheese); wine; and lots of laughs! THANKS BRIAN! First home cooked meal since my Sidra left me. LOL!
And on another day, Brian met with me to discuss BLOG/website upgrade. Per his expertise, he pointed out some info that could be the difference for my economic blues. Per some research he did, "A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities" has a little bit of an ad-friendly following. Stay tuned! Y'all keep reading, hear? SMILE!
My best friend Ern's cousin Adolpha (who works for Fantasia's reality show at World of Wonder) invited me to the L.A. screening of Man Shops Globe, the Sundance Channel's new show based on the adventures of a world buyer for Anthropologie. The set was held at the Beverly Hills store. Then, Adolpha took me to Chin Chin for a light post-party meal.
And my father, who was visiting his brother Bobby in Pontiac, Michigan, flew in and out of Detroit’s airport where going home he ran into Ashford & Simpson. And here is the proof. This pic was submitted for inclusion in this blog entry. SMILE! – perfect P.S. to an entry primarily about DIVAS!