Some features to look forward to:
1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large.
2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".
3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.
4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get.
Entries in Shaun Robinson (3)
“Undercover: Performing and Transforming Black Female Identities” @ Spelman College Museum of Fine Art
Spelman College & Patrick L. Riley ask: "Who's Your Alter Ego?"
Spelman College Museum of Fine Art has partnered with my blog "A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities" in the promotion of “Undercover: Performing and Transforming Black Female Identities,” an original exhibition on view through December 5, 2009.
As a Morehouse Man, I consider this collaboration with my 'sister alma mater' a total honor.
The exhibit 'Undercover' (detailed in the attached documents) examines the social implications of race, gender, and disguise. And the Museum emphasizes works by and about women of the African Diaspora (and well-known, mid-career, and emerging artists are a part of this exhibit - detailed in the attached documents).
But to put some POP in the effort, the marketing team sought me out to ask some CELEBRITIES and FRIENDS in my social network (and representatives of CELEBRITIES and FRIENDS in my social network) some questions re: ALTER EGOs. The questions and responses follow:
1. Mara Schiavocampo
30 and proud!
NBC News Digital Correspondent
New York, NY
Don't have one :(
Good question. I'll have to work on that.
2. Ledisi
Grammy-nominated singer
NEW CD “Turn Me Loose” and projects that empower women to love themselves. I am currently speaking to different Historic Black Universities and Colleges for UNCF (United Negro College Fund) being apart of an empowerment series to encourage students to be their best.
Los Angeles, CA
I don't think I have one but if I did she would be an older woman in her 70's that's kinda like a preacher/evangelist with red high heels and loves hanging out at a juke joint in the 1930's. LOL!
WHY? Why I do not have one would be the question? The answer is because I want to stay as honest and as close to me on stage that is comfortable. That's why people like me. In my personal life I will say I am not as forward as the Ledisi I am on stage. I am very shy and nerdy. But all of who I am on stage is who I am off stage to some degree. LOL!
3. Mother Love
AGE: Middle Earlies
Diabetes Awareness Tour
Pasadena, CA
Hannah the House Frau
When I am not traveling, I am a homebody, I enjoy entertaining my family and friends. I am dangerously good with a glue gun, I make most of my own decorations and all my floral arrangements
4. Sheryl Lee Ralph
Actress/Singer; “Original Deena” in Dreamgirls; “Moesha”
My DIVA (DIVINELY INSPIRED VICTORIOUSLY ANOINTED) PROJECT is getting ready to make its way back to Africa and I am creating a few reality shows with a touch of real to them.
W. Hollywood, CA
My alter ego is the DIVA. People often confuse her with Sheryl Lee but they are two very different women.
Because she is bold, fearless, and will and can say all of the things Sheryl Lee would never think to say or do. She empowers me.
5. Bridget Bland
Reality star: “Harlem Heights”
3RD year Law Student at Rutgers Law Newark; entertainment columnist for BV Newswire; launching a brand-engagement firm called What’Snext
New York, NY
My alter ego is comparable to a mix between Naomi Campbell and Wendy
She is loud, hilarious, accomplished, in your face, she
sees through the bull and isn't afraid to tell you. She is poised,
fashion forward and has little tact., but endearing in a sister girl way.
6. Tamala Jones
Los Angeles, CA
My alter ego is Tay Tay Lasha.
Tay Tay Lashay is all show business. She is both new & old Hollywood rolled into one. Smart & sassy. She’s able to walk in & shut a room down. Everybody loves Ms. Lashay because she is filled with fun, laughter, and she’s a whole lot of woman.
7. Judge Glenda Hatchett
Current Projects: Parent Power Now!, which will officially begin January 1, 2010 and will be the premiere global social networking site for parents (; In advance of the 2010 launch, I will roll out the One Million Dreams Campaign to encourage 1 million parents to post their children's dreams. "We are going to be in the business of posting our children's dreams and not their bail!" . The campaign is currently posted on I have established a production company , Great Day Productions, and am currently developing television, movie and stage projects.
Atlanta, GA
A combination of my mother and my maternal grandmother.
My mother who well into her 80's drives a convertible sports car, is sassy, feisty, takes tai chi classes, travels extensively throughout the world, loves to play the slot machines and still supports many charitable causes including the AIDS ministry that she founded in our church and my maternal grandmother who was self educated, as tough a woman as you will find, took no mess, a mother of nine children and a hard nose businesswoman!
8. Shaun Robinson
Spelman sister
"Access Hollywood" anchor/reporter; Author, "Exactly As I Am"
Los Angeles, CA
WHY? Because when I'm in the shower and I belt out "CREOLE LADY MARMALAAAAAAAADE!!!!!", I sound just like her! Truth be told, I couldn't carry a note if I had a bucket to put it in, so singing is a talent I have often wished I possessed. But, Patti LaBelle is the entire package - a beautiful, supreme diva with a God-given gift and a glorious, kind soul that surrounds it. I adore her so much and was blessed that she lent her "voice" to my book, "Exactly As I Am" on girls and self-esteem.
1. Jacqualine Simone Williams
40, but not over the hill (yet)
Mass media/feature documentary
West Allis, WI
WHO IS YOUR ALTER EGO? Sheryl Lee Ralph. I have also been known to transform into Cicely Tyson;
Chaka Khan (the earlier version);
Ruby Dee; Eartha Kitt; Miriam Makeba; and Nina Simone (for whom I am named).
WHY? Sheryl Lee Ralph because, I am a 'Dreamgirl'. She is a triple-threat, a strong and determined woman. I love her style, attitude and talent. Like all the women I've mentioned above, Ralph has the courage of her convictions and she fights vehemently for what she believes in. I've always strived to be that sort of woman--who can use her talent and influence to make the world a better place.
2. Joicleyn Dingle
senior editor at celebrity web mag; writer/director of short film (in rehearsal phase); working on book of African American Men
Brooklyn, NY
She's a spicy force of nature.
She's a double Scorpio.
She's enamored by the night.
She really digs Patron.
3. Michaela angela Davis
Creative Consultant BET, The Shine Society mentoring group, Style TV Show (in development)
Brooklyn NY
Harriett Tubman
Because I would really like to live a life that is completely committed to service and the freeing of oppressed people without the distractions and trappings of red bottom stilletoes, the perfect hair products, a fly crib, the freshest sushi, peer approval - all these and so many surface things are so important to me.
4. Sharmell Sullivan Huffman
Spelman sister
Actress on television in the world of Professional Wrestling
Houston, TX
Debbie Allen
Dance is my first love and I grew up watching her break the barriers for African American women in dance.
5. Lorielle M. N. Broussard,
Spelman sister
Stylist/designer (for Ciara)/Costume Designer/Producer (Purple Stuff TV)
Losa Angeles, CA
My alter ego is Elle.
Elle is the person I am most of the time. The one that you see working like crazy to be the best and on top. Mostly everybody sees Elle all of the time or if they don't know her (Lorielle) very well. She exudes fun and positive energy at all times and is never a bore.
Elle is fearless, that's her word. Her motto is to always have Faith over Fear! This is how she appears to always have it together.
6. Syreta J. Oglesby
Spelman sister
Newark, NJ
My alter ego is Jazzy.
Jazzy is my alter ego that is super talented, outgoing, and glamorous. As I have always been the understated and down to earth, round the way girl, I have always had a side of me that has been wanting to burst out.
7. Karen Mauldin Ceesay
Spelman sister
I shot "Drop Dead Diva" & "One Tree Hill" this summer - currently producing a sitcom I wrote for the internet, "loosely" based on the First Family & current administration.
Atlanta, GA
Don't have a specific name, but I definitely change my image whenever I go to LA. I really watch what I eat and workout intensely before I head out so I can wear outfits I would never wear here in Atlanta. And I forget I'm somebody's Mama - just kidding, kinda. I call myself a drag queen sometimes. I love wearing the wigs/weaves & the short, short, dresses or tight pants, but it's a bit much for all the time. I love my low-key jogging pants or jeans & sneakers look for day-to-day, but LOVE going full glam whenever I can. The funny thing is when I run into people from my gym out in the "real world", they barely recognize me, but the gym me is the real me - no make-up, natural hair (scarf optional), old sweat pants and probably stinky.
Even though Atlanta is very image-conscious, LA is completely different. Since I am an actress, how I look is very important, but not so important that I think it is what makes me - it's just a shell, something to draw people in. I'm normally very confident, but I love the attention I get when I'm in full-glam mode. And I love the fact that people enjoy talking to someone who's funny & personable, who they may have thought was just another pretty face.
8. Kelly Mitchell
Spelman Sister
Manager, Business Development at GlobalHue
New York, NY
WHY? My alter ego is a veterinarian because I love animals and tend to be my most compassionate when I am around them. The peace and comfort I feel when I am interacting with an animal is unlike anything I feel with human interaction. I put my pretty, prissiness aside only in those moments. I am a dog owner and animal lover.
9. Karen Chilton
Author, “HAZEL SCOTT: The Pioneering Journey of a Jazz Pianist from Café Society to Hollywood to HUAC” (University of Michigan Press)
New York, NY
WHY? Music is my first artistic love. I studied classical piano as a child and fell in love with jazz growing up on the Southside of Chicago, while listening to the ‘Daddy O’Daly radio show’ with my parents on Sunday afternoons. Although there are dozens of jazz vocalists whom I adore, the lush vocals of Sarah Vaughan have always had, in my estimation, transformative power. She is (not was) the quintessential jazz vocalist, having the ability to transport listeners in a way that carries you inside of the song by virtue of her full-bodied interpretations of every note, every lyric. You’ve not heard “September Song” until you’ve heard Sarah sing it. “The Man I Love” is absolute magnificence pouring from her lips; “My Funny Valentine” and “Misty”—forget it! She used her musical gift to do what Art should do—move an audience to its feet, to inspire and uplift. And even with all my musical training, when asked to sing, I typically decline. In utter devotion to Sarah’s sound and style, I thought, if I can’t sing like Sarah, what’s the point? Sarah Vaughan’s legacy of true artistry, vocal grace and beauty endures. If I could fly back in time, I’d land on some smoky stage in a Parisian hideaway, blowing all night til my dress is soaked and my skin glistening with sweat, singing nostalgic tunes to an appreciative crowd, with a slamming trio at my back.
10. Aquilla Mcintosh
Working with retail establishment – assisting them in revamping their fashion line to attract a broader audience. She and her husband have a non-profit transition home assisting ex-felons in their re-entry into society.
Atlanta, GA
WHO IS YOUR ALTER EGO? "Being a parent."
WHY? Having a stepson has allowed the "Mother/Parenting" in me (which was inherently inactive due to having no biological children and being an only child) to come forth and now has become my second person.
11. Marcia Cole
Founder and CEO, Ivy Communications, Inc. Currently operates a beauty and fashion website; pitching beauty; and fashion-based programming.
New York, NY
WHO IS YOUR ALTER EGO? Oprah… Serena Williams… and Grace Jones.
WHY? Oprah because of her business acumen; Serena Williams because of her athletic ability and her business smarts; Grace Jones because she is FAB at 60 and I want to look like her when I am that age!
1. Mara Schiavocampo
30 and proud!
NBC News Digital Correspondent
New York, NY
- Beyonce!!! I Love Sasha Fierce.
2. Ledisi
NEW CD “Turn Me Loose” and projects that empower women to love themselves. I am currently speaking to different Historic Black Universities and Colleges for UNCF (United Negro College Fund) being apart of an empowerment series to encourage students to be their best.
Los Angeles, CA
- I don't know (which African American women have the most compelling alter egos) because everyone I loved has always been themselves. I will say it was amazing watching clips of how shy Ella Fitzgerald was in her personal life.
When she sang she was on fire. It reminded me of me. I love that part of her.
3. Mother Love
AGE: Middle Earlies
Diabetes Awareness Tour
Pasadena, CA
- I think business women, writers, actors and entertainers all have to have an alter ego because we have to do so much role playing and hat wearing to do daily. We need these alter egos to be able to do what we have to do.
4. Sheryl Lee Ralph
Actress/Singer; “Original Deena” in Dreamgirls; “Moesha”
My DIVA (DIVINELY INSPIRED VICTORIOUSLY ANOINTED) PROJECT is getting ready to make its way back to Africa and I am creating a few reality shows with a touch of real to them.
W. Hollywood, CA
- Grace Jones. Her “male” alter ego was so strong, people believe she has a twin brother. Does she? (EDITOR’S NOTE: He does. But he is a bishop. Not a cross-dresser – further underscoring how compelling Grace’s masculine persona showed up.)
- Tina Turner. She created and became her alter ego in order to save herself. And it worked. Who’s Anna Mae?
5. Bridget Bland
Reality star: “Harlem Heights”
3RD year Law Student at Rutgers Law Newark; entertainment columnist for BV Newswire; launching a brand-engagement firm called What’Snext
New York, NY
- Beyonce and Sasha Fierce
- Wendy Williams
- Naomi Campbell
- Diana Ross
6. Tamala Jones
Los Angeles, CA
- I think Beyonce has the best alter ego, Sasha Fierce. When Sasha hits the stage, you’re in for a major treat . Sasha makes you wish you could sing & move like her & I love her Divatude. When Beyonce leaves Sasha on the stage & is out just being Beyonce, you get a gentle, warm & inviting woman who you have to give praise to for working so hard.
7. Judge Glenda Hatchett
Current Projects: Parent Power Now!, which will officially begin January 1, 2010 and will be the premiere global social networking site for parents (; In advance of the 2010 launch, I will roll out the One Million Dreams Campaign to encourage 1 million parents to post their children's dreams. "We are going to be in the business of posting our children's dreams and not their bail!" . The campaign is currently posted on I have established a production company , Great Day Productions, and am currently developing television, movie and stage projects.
Atlanta, GA
- Drawing a blank.
8. Shaun Robinson
Spelman sister
"Access Hollywood" anchor/reporter; Author, "Exactly As I Am"
Los Angeles, CA
* Beyonce
1. Jacqualine Simone Williams
40, but not over the hill (yet)
Mass media/feature documentary
West Allis, WI
- Whoopi Goldberg to me has several alter-egos living inside. She has a way to make her point clear.
- Maya Angelou has many sides of her that she rarely reveals (she is deep).
2. Joicleyn Dingle
senior editor at celebrity web mag; writer/director of short film (in rehearsal phase); working on book of African American Men
Brooklyn, NY
- Diana Ross
- Beyonce
- Taraji P Henson
3. Michaela angela Davis
Creative Consultant BET, The Shine Society mentoring group, Style TV Show (in development)
Brooklyn NY
- Of course I love Beyonce's Sasha Fierce - a brilliant way to protect her privacy
- I don't know what Michelle Obama's alter ego is BUT I bet it is pretty fierce too.
4. Sharmell Sullivan Huffman
Spelman sister
Actress on television in the world of Professional Wrestling
Houston, TX
- Beyonce has a very compelling alter ego.
5. Lorielle M. N. Broussard,
Spelman sister
Stylist/designer (for Ciara)/Costume Designer/Producer (Purple Stuff TV)
Los Angeles, CA
* Oprah, Michelle Obama, Janet Jackson and Beyonce. To me these women have the best alter egos because they show you what they want to show you and it's not deceiving. They are doing what they do best without giving and sharing all of themselves, you've got to leave some things left unsaid and leave for the ones closest to you.
6. Syreta J. Oglesby
Spelman sister
Newark, NJ
- In my opinion, I think the African American women who have the best alter egos would have to be: Janelle Monae, Beyonce Knowles, Grace Jones, and actress Kerry Washington.
7. Karen Mauldin Ceesay
Spelman sister
I shot "Drop Dead Diva" & "One Tree Hill" this summer - currently producing a sitcom I wrote for the internet, "loosely" based on the First Family & current administration.
Atlanta, GA
- I really don't know. Of course, I'll think of something brilliant in two weeks.
8. Kelly Mitchell
Spelman Sister
Manager, Business Development at GlobalHue
New York, NY
- Beyonce and Sasha Fierce.
Beyonce has mastered having two sides and is alter ego. Period. She has mastered it because her fans love when she’s wind-milling her head on stage and giving the performance of a lifetime but we also appreciate the quiet, humble, Southern girl that’s Jay-Z’s wife.
9. Karen Chilton
Author, “HAZEL SCOTT: The Pioneering Journey of a Jazz Pianist from Café Society to Hollywood to HUAC” (University of Michigan Press)
New York, NY
- There are truly too many to name. We could all begin with our mothers and grandmothers, the fierce freedom fighters who held families and communities together with a smile, a touch, a selfless deed. Any Black woman, known and lesser known, who has been bold enough to express herself freely in spite of societal limitations, false perceptions, and stereotypes. This definition stretches far beyond the confines of entertainment, but includes women in every field of endeavor, from the performing arts to politics, education to medicine, the ministry to the military. It is through their (our) courageous example of unyielding fortitude that has helped shape and define Black womanhood for the world.
10. Aquilla Mcintosh
Working with retail establishment – assisting them in revamping their fashion line to attract a broader audience. She and her husband have a non-profit transition home assisting ex-felons in their re-entry into society.
Atlanta, GA
- Michelle Obama
- Donna Brazile
- Iman
11. Marcia Cole
Founder and CEO, Ivy Communications, Inc. Currently operates a beauty and fashion website; pitching beauty; and fashion-based programming.
New York, NY
- It would be Beyonce since she is the only one who has stated she has an alter ego that I really recall.
- Beyonce – Sasha Fierce
I mean, what can you say? She’s managed to craft something so obvious and cliché into a phenomena. And she’s just disciplined enough to make us believe she’s the sweet, humble, and demure girl from Texas with the boldness, fierceness, and DIVA-tude to generate SPARKS whenever she hits the stage inside her Sasha Fierce alter-ego. YOU GO, GIRL!
- Janet Jackson
So much of our identification with Janet stems from her being Michael and boys’ baby sister. Even as she worked her way through adolescence, she was the “good girl” or “the girl next door”. But then, when she found her CONTROL, she morphed into MISS JACKSON (IF YOU’RE NASTY) and we were sold… and have continued to buy her re-invented policy each time she goes darker, fiercer, and nastier…
- Grace Jones
When Grace Jones sang “My Jamaican Guy”, I remember thinking that maybe she was the guy. My pre-pubescent self couldn’t reconcile what I was seeing and if it was a man or a woman. But I knew it was compelling. Over time, I figured she was a woman. But her masculinity purred through so fiercely that I could only bow at her feet and exclaim: STRANGER!!!!!!!
- Kim Coles
So easy to get it twisted that my girlfriend Kim Coles is very much like her character Sinclaire who she played to convincing effect on Fox sitcom LIVING SINGLE. But hear me now, Ms. Kim Coles is nowhere getting her micro-braids stuck in the fax machine like her alter ego Sinclaire (one of many that the comic-timing expert has perfected over the years). Instead, she is truly a KIMPIRE – a woman that knows her worth and her brand. And has the bookings to prove it – including a run as the first African American game show host on BET’s “Pay It Off”.
- Nina Simone
To hear her sing “FOUR WOMEN” or “MISSISSIPPI GODDAMN”, you might think you’re listening to Fred Sanford as the raspy, husky, baritone coughs those notes out. But to see her behind the piano or the microphone with a crown of tresses stretching up to the sky, you’re clear that Nina Simone is an African Queen from another time and place. And she is FIERCE! No wonder she had to run away to Europe to maintain a following that understood her or didn’t mind being confused by her.
- Patti LaBelle
Patti’s real name is Patricia. And the first time that big voice was heard was in the church. But the world needed to hear her. And from Philly or wherever she is – with or without a mic, we hear her and we love her. But since she’s so shy, the woman we usually experience when she is in concert – at least those big shows in the ‘80s (fans growing out of her scalp and all), she was Priscilla – perhaps Sasha Fierce’s grandmother. And baby! Watch out! She might be flinging a lash and her four-inch heels.
- Vanessa Williams
We know Vanessa Williams has the right stuff. But for all of her multi-hyphenated splendor over these many years, how hot is it that in her 40s, she’s managed to convince us of yet another ‘alter ego’ in her person: Wilhelmina Slater on ABC’s “Ugly Betty”. If I didn’t personally know how sweet she was, I’d believe her Evillene-in-Prada bit.
- Kandi & the “Real Housewives of Atlanta”
So Atlanta-based photographer Derek Blanks has been doing alter ego photo shoots with all the Atlanta elite for years now. But on BRAVO’s “Real Housewives of Atlanta”, NeNe organized a shoot for all the ladies… and become the project’s director. They were to do what she said as their pose and their alter ego pose. Kandi decided to take the concept into her hands. She spoke of how she had to postpone her engagement party because a drunken driver hit one of her now-dead fiance's relatives. She used that as motivation to do something positive with the photo shoot, posing as both the drunk and the victim.
NeNe decided that Lisa would pose as a good girl and as a bad girl. Lisa played along, and looked great.
Kim refused NeNe's idea for her to pose as a black person, and instead posed as a Stepford wife and as a mistress.
Sheree posed as herself, and as a sexy robber who wants "seven figures" -- a jab at her divorce. NeNe posed as a conservative woman at a strip club, and as a stripper.
- Mariah Carey
Mariah’s alter-egos – from Mimi to MC2 to “Imperfect Angel” to Butterfly to Charm bracelet to Rainbow --- all seem to spell Mariah.
This, until her most recent “Obsessed” video when she showed up as her nemesis Eminem. Convincing though ill-advised. We just love you as Mariah! Keep singing pretty, girl!
- Diana Ross
When Miss Ross hits the stage, it’s narcissistic nirvana.
She’s in that round or center stage. She’s in beautiful drag – from head to toe. There’s a spotlight. And all others are in the shadows of her glory. Who would know the degree to which she is – quite simply – mom with five successful examples to boot? But it’s true.
Snatch off that wig and those lashes, throw you on some Uggs and a fanny pack, and drop by Ralphs and see what the most successful female singer in the history of pop is most proud of: Motherhood. 20 #1 songs notwithstanding and a bunch of other drama. For her, it’s BABY LOVE!
And now, she must shed all that diva-ness --- one layer further --- as she steps into ‘grandmotherhood’ through oldest daughter Rhonda who just gave birth to her first child (and the first grandchild from any of Diana’s troop).
Patrick L. Riley
"A Day in the Life of Riley: Pop Culture & Possibilities"
Key Museum Events/Dates:
- Thurs., Sept. 10, 6:00pm Opening of Exhibition
- Thurs., Oct. 22, 2:30pm Conversation w/Artist Renèe Cox and Art historian Lisa
Farrington, Ph.D. @ Spelman Museum
- Thurs., Oct. 22, 7:00pm Artist Lecture: Renèe Cox (Atlanta Celebrates Photography,
Spelman Women's Research and Resource Center, High Museum)
at High Museum of Art, Hill auditorium
- Wed., Nov. 4, 4:00pm Undercover Open House @ Spelman Museum
- Thurs., Nov. 10, 6:30pm Deep Cover: An Interactive Gallery Walk with exhibition
Curators Andrea Barnwell Brownlee, Ph.D. and Karen Comer Lowe
- Wed., Dec. 10, 6:30pm Closing Reception
View "Undercover" mini-tour on YouTube -
Follow us on Twitter@spelmanmuseum
Become a Fan on Facebook
Learn more at
ACP Artists lecture 10/22 -
1) Arts Critic Catherine Fox’s Blog in ArtscriticATL
2) Meghan Norman’s Review and Commentary Blog in

Ant’s and my weekend in Detroit was a hard act to follow, but follow it we have. From an early celebration of Ant’s BIG 3-0...
to the affordable escape of the Universoul Circus (
to a “RuPaul’s Drag Race” sighting (, it’s been a time. A good time, actually (butt-kicking economy notwithstanding).
“There's only two types of people in the world
The ones that entertain and the ones that observe...”
I’ve told you ladies about my good girlfriend from Dallas, Mrs. Patrice ( And through Patrice, we met Delecia, who has visited with us here in New York City a time or two ( She came down from D.C. where she now lives. Patrice, Ern, and I always have such a great time together – from our travels to Martha’s Vineyard to their ski trips to our visits to each others’ respective homes. Delecia, who we met at Patrice’s wedding, continues to be a part of the fun as well.
Ern was delayed with appointments – so I picked Patrice up from the airport before we snatched Delecia up from NYC Penn Station. The ladies and I hooked up with Ant and Ern for a day of cocktails and a rare visit to our favorite restaurant Houston’s ( Then, we did a quick drive by Bergen County’s newly renovated pride-and-joy Century 21 ( This, before the girls needed a cat nap.
Ant and I – however – had to hightail it to Brooklyn for our good girlfriend Jonna’s birthday party which used the naturally-lit loft space of her friends John and Jared to unveil her new paintings ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONNA! Then, after our guests received their beauty rest, Ant and I joined them at The Empire Hotel’s Rooftop Lounge ( across from Lincoln Center where last I attended a party for Miss Sandra Lee (
(I also recently interviewed Fran Drescher in a suite there). From there, we went to one of Patrice’s haunts Tao ( for an assortment of sweet-and-tart thirst-quenchers which – as always – got us to running our mouths about all things controversial and grown-&-sexy.
Then, a late night bite at one of our favorite diners The Red Oak ( in Fort Lee, NJ across from what was once my place of employment CNBC (
”...Well baby, I'm a put-on-a-show kind of girl
Don't like the backseat, gotta be first...”
The next day, the girls, guys, and I did bottomless mimosas at HK – just catty-corner from NYC’s Port Authority ( We ate some delicious meals as well. From there, we made sure Delecia (with whom I would have another chance to hang later in the week) got to her train to get back to D.C. Then, we walked to The Playwright Horizons Theater ( to see our girlfriend LaChanze in “Inked Baby”.
A group of 30+ joined Ant and me for this special evening of NYC culture that was followed by a meet-and-greet with the show’s star.
LaChanze agreed to join us at West Bank Café ( She generously posed for pictures and shared ‘tales of LaChanze’ (post-Tony-Award for her life-changing role in Broadway’s “The Color Purple”).
One of those tales is an announcement she’s given me permission to share with all of you: She will be playing “Glenda the Good Witch” in Broadway’s revival of “The Wiz” this summer ( Of course, I will be all up and through several of those performances. So excited to see LaChanze in this role that Lena Horne brought to the big screen in the film.
CONGRATS LACHANZE! It too was great to see LaChanze’s sister Michelle Sapp who shares a light similar to her sister, but on a different stage.
Michelle is CEO of MP & Associates which provides professional event management & marketing services ( She is currently working with the United Way of New Jersey for a Women's Conference ( that will focus on female youths between the ages of 14 - 17. The event will take place later this month at Kean University ( The conference will target a minimum of 250 girls from diverse backgrounds including "at risk" female teenagers. Michelle was looking to book the "perfect" keynote speaker to motivate these young women. Well, Michelle came to me for a referral (or two).
She went with one of my top referrals: Miss Tracey Moore Marable, dear friend/director/acting coach extraordinaire/all-around spiritual force ( who is making quite a name for herself in the media’s eye these days ( and Anyone who knows me how much I LOVE SYNERGY! So, I’m thrilled that two of my favorite people are collaborating on a project that is for such a good cause.
”...I'm a like the ringleader, I call the shots
(Call the shots)
I'm like a firecracker I make it hot
When I put on a show...”
Though I didn’t get the chance to celebrate the birthday of my dear friend Kevin-Anthony ( who performed at The Triad ( earlier this week, friend and VP of Media Relations for 2Rs Entertainment & Media’s Ra-Fael Blanco ( and made it possible for me to give Kevin-Anthony (left) some sugar as he and another favorite Karu Daniels ( attended party for multi-award-winning Broadway star and now-R&B recording artist Chester Gregory (
He was celebrating the release of his debut album "In Search of High Love" at BAR 41 @ Times Square.
Too, his music video was unveiled to the masses. Chester is such a talented man.
I came with Ant and his “Amazing Grace” Manivone (who was hot off a plane from Puerto Rico).
Our buddy Theo – publicist with the most – sponsored the rounds that weren’t built into our V-I-P status that Ra-Fael always makes sure is present for me.
(Theo even bought a post-party round of frozen drinks at our BBQ -
Too, it was good to hear the news from our buddies’ Troy and Darryl ( who are beginning to present intimate evenings of song with unheralded, underground artists who are – what they deem – Bangin’ Ass Artists.
Their first: Abby Dobson ( who will share her soulful mix of jazz and R&B in an acoustic set at AJA ( where we celebrated Ant’s birthday – in part - last year.
And it’s always great to see my favorite usual suspects including pop/R&B Group THA HEIGHTS (;
male supermodel MIGUEL PERDOMO – always the sweetest (and the cutest); model CHRISTINA MENDEZ; actresses MEAH PACE and NICOLE ALLEN;
Publisher of Bleu Magazine DE'VON CHRISTOPHER; etc. For more access to Chester Gregory’s work, you can download "I ONLY HAVE EYES 4 U" via and you can download “SEARCH IN" via and 2R's Artist Page is at
”...I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break...”
I mentioned my good girlfriend Shaun Robinson ( and her new book "Exactly As I Am".
Well, Shaun’s cousin happens to be a dear friend of mine Robin Stone who shares a birthday with me and shared her beautiful Harlem home with Shaun and a wonderful group of NYC tastemakers.
Shaun’s Detroit native father even flew in from Motown for the occasion - waxing his brand of progressive wisdom and history to Ant and me.
The book is about 'Girls and Self-Esteem' and features the diverse voices of many dynamic women including Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson, Eva Mendes, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Sharon Stone, Queen Latifah, and so many more.
The party brought out some movers and shakers in the their own right – including a blast from my past Sana Butler with whom I used to work at CNBC years ago.
Sana is now an author in her own right of “Sugar of the Crop: My Journey To Find The Children Of Slaves”, which is a collection of narratives that stems out of Sana’s search for the last surviving children of slaves.
It’s so well written and way compelling.
I’m thrilled that my friend Ike brought her back to me.
Also in attendance: Co-host of the night (with Robin), my fellow and favorite journalists Patrik Henry Bass – Senior Editor at ESSENCE Magazine ( and his ESSENCE colleague Jenisha Watts attended as well.
She's at the on-line companion to the magazine;
Jacque Reid (; Constance White (;
and a host of my other buddies – from Miss Katti Gray ( to Lisa Herndon and on and on and on...CONGRATS TO SHAUN on her inspiring new tome: ( She is an example of a class and presence that can sometimes be missing from our industry. Though she is promoting a book, I was taken by how present she was to ensure that all her people were in attendance at these book sets (including herself going the extra mile to email her close folks and make sure they got the information they needed to attend.) Even I - with the blog (for example) - can sometimes be so busy that my blasts don't go out comprehensively (and those readers I have will wonder what happened - even taking it personally). I - of course - ask that they charge it to overwhelm and not my heart. Some folks, on the other hand, can be interestingly available when they need something from you and curiously missing-in-action when they reach a certain level. It is what it is as our industry goes, but I want to make sure I celebrate those who - by results - show up connected and approachable at all times (even when it's clearly a busy time). We all have them.
”...I'm like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage
Better be ready, hope that you feel the same...”Shaun invited me to a party that L.A. Reid and his wife Erica were throwing the next night.
This posh set was attended by – I understand – some great NYC folks I'm used to seeing socially here in The Big Apple like Al Roker and his wife Deborah Roberts;
Shaun's fellow Detroiters - from Veronica Webb and Crystal McCrary Anthony...
to Mr. Ed Gordon;
however, I had a prior commitment that prevented me from attending.
LIVE OUT LOUD – an awesome mentoring organization for LGBTQ youth – is an organization for which I’ve been a patron and active participant for several years now (
You’ll recall, a speech I did last year in Brooklyn (
Well, this go around, I was asked to moderate “Out In The Arts” at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn ( The panelists were most esteemed: Lola Flash, Fine Art Photographer (; Renaldo Barnette, Creative Consultant, Lauren Dresses (; Michael Cooper, President, Point C Studios (; Robert Farrell, Interior Designer (; Sam McConnell, Filmmaker, owner of McConnell/Hauser Productions (
After we all waxed philosophical about how we’ve managed to navigate in our respective disciplines with a firm sense of self and who we are (as gay men and women), I had to get on a train to D.C. for some business. (By the way LIVE OUT LOUD is hosting its annual scholarship/fundraising gala on April 27th. If you're in NYC, check out It's always a good time and they have the best silent auction items).
I got the chance to meet with some of my colleagues in The National Association of Black Journalists ( which is always a good mix of working hard and playing hard.
My lovely Angela Robinson was among a group of folks I hold near and dear. As I am working hard to hold my career afloat, it was great to bounce ideas and emotions off of folks like Angela, Lecia;
Bonnie, Russell;
and Ryan and Irving – folks I consider family, my industry family who too are on their respective surfboards - wading through these tempestuous waters known as our careers or our industry. Angela – by the way - got dubbed “Mary Wilson” for the weekend to my “Diana Ross”. Long inside story... but it provided levity to a busy weekend of duty and focus.
Angela is truly a force with which to be reckoned in our TV business and a hoot of a good time -
Kim Betton proved a delight as we shared all things social networking – including her fab site on jazz music –
(We even had a “Cindy” – as in Birdsong. Her real name was Jackie. And there was "(Marcus) & the Vandellas".
Too, "Patti Labelle & The Bluebelles" in the house too.
Yes, we were all in character. But what fun!)
Also, my dear Delecia resurfaced (with her Denver-based buddy Leslie). The ladies picked me up from my fab, boutique hotel Rouge (which boasted all things RED – from pens to wall treatments to the complimentary wine in the lobby for happy hour) -
This too is where I also got the chance to catch up with one of my dearest “Amazing Graces” Lisa Goodnight who I have missed desperately since she left New Jersey some five years ago.
Delecia and Leslie took me to Banana Leaves ( and a cool Greek tapas spot Zaytinya ( that boasts a cocktail called “The Immortal” featuring honey vodka and a slew of other undetectables. Fortunately, I didn’t have a hangover the next morning as that night, I had the luxury of reconnecting to all the girls again. They joined my colleagues and me at Alero Restaurant ( where we partook of contemporary Mexican cuisine.
After that, we popped by night spot Jin ( for bottle service and dancing.
My Lisa Goodnight continued to hang into the night with me – even securing me a chili half-smoke (or two) at world-famous Ben’s Chili Bowl ( Great stuff. This, after NABJ buddy Brentin Mock ( – a brilliant writer - took us to a house party with some folks who write for “The Root” (
On Sunday, one of my best friends and “Amazing Graces” since 1982, Tish, came and picked me up from the hotel to take me to her place. Then, she sponsored dinner at the elegantly-appointed B. Smith Restaurant ( Though not in attendance on this day, I took a picture with a picture of B. Smith and ‘original Supreme’ Mary Wilson – for kicks.
(Hi Angela Robinson! SMILE!).
Also, Tish and I happened upon a small world.
As she and I were dining, in walks her dear family friend Davida who is the oldest sister of a Savannah classmate of ours Lori (who provided all the karaoke at our 20-year high school reunion last year - We were excited to be running into our Savannah folks in a place removed from where they currently live (I think they are in North Carolina) and where I currently live - that Tish and I just - in the 11th hour - made the decision at which to eat. No coincidences, huh? And hey! We're all from Savannah - so it's clear we wanted to get our fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread dressing ON for Palm Sunday.
Tish capped off my special weekend in D.C. with just the right dosage of love power that I needed to keep going. THANKS TISH AND ALL MY SINGLE LADIES!
”...All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus...”
The other night, my dear friend Renea with whom I did all of my MOMENTUM EDUCATION ( trainings (along with many others) introduced me to John Castagnini ( – publisher of a compelling series of books “THANK GOD I...: Stories of Inspiration for Every Situation” (Limited Edition). It explores being grateful for the worst that life has to offer towards moving through the negativity to a brighter, loving, more inspired life. My kind of content (Favorite genre of book next to celebrity bio). Well, after a delectable dinner of roasted Portabello mushrooms and a shockingly tasty shredded artichoke/crab dish at Bianca’s in the East Village with Renea, John, and John’s wife Dina Dillon Castagnini, I joined my Morehouse brother Mario (per his nudging) at Chelsea spot 'g'... and who walks in? MISS REBECCA - 3rd place drag on Rupaul's weekly race won ultimately by MISS BEBE ( And "he" was cute as a button - sporting the most kempt and curliest of silky, dark brown locks that would make Shirley Temple proud. The children at large weren't checking for ‘her’ but I approached for blog photo-op. She graciously agreed. To ensure she wouldn't punctuate our exchange with any "oh-no-more-autographs-please" shade, I spoke her name and lifted her up with words of pride and encouragement. It inspired her to give me some sugah before I returned to my "margarita on the rocks, cuervo, no salt". But props to BEBE for being the FIERCEST OF THEM ALL!!!!!
All in a NEW YORK CITY evening: EXTRAVAGANZA! ELEGANZA! Also in attendance, my dear friend Derrick Briggs whose new movie "FINDING ME" is finally premiering next week in New York City for one night only before coming out on DVD.Atlanta. Details to come at a later date.). I’ve mentioned the project before: WWW.THANKS4FINDINGME.COM.
Ant and I were invited (He may attend in my absence as I prepare to leave for a five-week stint in
I even posed with the cast last summer at an event.
From first-time Haitian-American filmmaker Roger Omeus, Jr., comes this inspiring story self-acceptance and self-love. It poses the question, "What am I doing with my life?" Faybien Allen (Ray Martell Moore) begins his journey with this question and it defines every decision he makes. This young gay man world is defined by a homophobic father and a colorful cast of friends who he realizes are as flawed as he feels.
However, when Faybien meets a man that proves there is life after 'coming out' it is revealed to him that he is worthy of love, respect, and happiness. His self-hate, love and relationships collide in a dramatic resolution that will leave him forever changed and reborn. CONGRATS DERRICK BRIGGS! ( Keep doing your thing, my brother!
”... Don't stand there watching me, follow me, show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor just like a circus...”From Miss BeBe (as in ‘Cameroon’ from Rupaul’s Drag Race) to Jill Scott’s new HBO show “The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency” (, Ant and I have been surrounded by contemporary-yet-historical-and-often-irreverent interpretations of African culture.
Our Marcia Pendelton ( who keeps us in the seats of Broadway’s greatest works introduced a side of Africa we’ve not seen explored so candidly yet pivotally.
Nationally acclaimed Brooklyn-based playwright LYNN NOTTAGE’s current project “RUINED” ( is the story of Mama Nadi who runs a whorehouse in today's raging and restless Democratic Republic of the Congo. The plot underscores some horrific realities of the men and the women who spend much of their time inside of a seemingly senseless conflict. Still, there were laughs and many-a-heartbreak.
We shared an audience with Mr. Big-Brother-Almighty himself Giancarlo Esposito. Also, sitting next to us, my friend Kevin Powell (
”...There's only two types of guys out there
Ones that can hang with me and ones that are scared...”
I got an invitation from friend/marketing/networking guru Pam Pickens ( She is working on a campaign to promote Universoul Circus here in NYC ( She invited me to come and attend the show towards a blog entry. Well, here goes. Firstly, I was first introduced to the Universoul Circus about a decade ago when I sat on the Board for NABJ ( My good girlfriend Paula Witt – communications director for the circus at the time – enrolled Universoul in co-sponsoring our Brooklyn-based regional conference in addition to providing an enjoyable evening of entertainment for my registrants. Since that time, Paula left Universoul for Shore Fire Media and a now-independent career that brings her back into the Universoul-Circus fold from time to time. Imagine her excitement when she saw me on the list of bloggers to attend tonight. Imagine my elation when I got the chance to reconnect with “my old friend” from back in the day. I LOVE PAULA SO MUCH!
And I LOVE THE UNIVERSOUL CIRCUS! You must get out and catch it!
Ant and I secured an extra pair of tickets for his cousin Shantay and her lovely daughter Makayla who seemed to really enjoy the Chinese Foot Juggles from Shandoong, China.
The publicity folks and staff arranged for us to take a tour "back stage".
We also got to interview a variety of performers pre-show.
Then obviously, we got to enjoy the show. The circus boasted its first woman ringmaster Patrice Lovely (as “Maggie Shirley Lillie Mae Frances Upshaw Jenkins”).
Fode Sylla (from Conakry, Guinea. West Africa.) did a James Brown with Atlanta-based go-go dancers Monica Nobles and Jessica Brundidge as his bookends.
They performed an old-school-style number with hip hop appeal.
Also from Conakry, we got to meet Maria Soumah who is a 'rough rider'.
She is the only woman to hang from the horse as her head lies beneath the animal’s belly.
And then there were my favorite moments: The Soul Train Line and Platinum Couples – a scene in which two couples (one ‘new school’; one ‘old school’) ‘LIPSYNC FOR THEIR LIVES’! The audience really loved the old schoolers who did their thing!
Throw in some well-salted-and-buttered popcorn, a funnel cake, and a Pepsi (oh, a lion, tiger, and bear along with my friend Nekesa Moody from the Associated Press and the NABJ A&E Task Force), you have what amounted to the most light-hearted, childlike fun I’ve had in a long time (maybe since my last trip to Six Flags Great Adventure minus a 1/10 of the overcharges). During these economically challenging times, the Universoul Circus is - for sure - something the whole family can do without breaking the bank (which is already broken for the many fiscal woes in our society today).
Check out the UniverSoul Circus blog: For deeper access to stats, go to: And check out the FaceBook page:
”...So baby, I hope that you came prepared..."
Another film “American Violet” ( is coming out. I wasn’t able to attend a private screening of it earlier this week, but my friend Jackie Bazan ( is working the publicity on it. She always brings us the great films to NABJ.
We're in Tampa this year and working on something that will hopefully bring Jill Scott's HBO star Anika Noni-Rose to our convention for me to interview her and her to tell us all about her animated Disney debut "The Princess and The Frog" ( - a clip of which follows:
We've met a time or many - so I think we'd have lots of fun. Planners want to create some magic similar to when I interviewed Jennifer Hudson a few years back before "Dreamgirls".
Also, the Disney folks are aiming for similar energy as we achieved when I interviewed Steve Harvey and several 'dream'-makers in Vegas.
Hopefully it will all come together and make everyone happy (We'll have to make sure it's recorded this time). Meanwhile, one synopsis for "American Violet" reads as follows: Based on true events in the midst of the 2000 election, AMERICAN VIOLET tells the astonishing story of Dee Roberts (itically hailed newcomer Nicole Beharie), a 24 year-old African American single mother of four young girls living in a small Texas town who is barely making ends meet on a waitress' salary and government subsidies. On an early November morning while Dee works a shift at the local diner, the powerful local district attorney (Academy Award nominee Michael O'Keefe) leads an extensive drug bust, sweeping her Arlington Springs housing project with military precision.
Police drag Dee from work in handcuffs, dumping her in the squalor of the women's county prison. Indicted based on the uncorroborated word of a single and dubious police informant facing his own drug charges, Dee soon discovers she has been charged as a drug dealer. Even though Dee has no prior drug record and no drugs were found on her in the raid or any subsequent searches, she is offered a hellish choice: plead guilty and go home as a convicted felon or remain in prison and fight the charges thus, jeopardizing her custody and risking a long prison sentence.
Despite the urgings of her mother (Academy Award nominee Are Woodard), and with her freedom and the custody of her children at stake, she chooses to fight the district attorney and the unyielding iminal justice system he represents. Joined in an unlikely alliance with an ACLU attorney (Tim Blake Nelson) and former local narcotics officer (Will Patton), Dee risks everything in a battle that forever changes her life and the Texas justice system. AMERICAN VIOLET also stars Emmy Award winner Charles S. Dutton and Xzibit.
"...I run a tight ship so beware...”
Ant and I have done four years of his birthday (and four of mine). Nothing tops him taking me to Manila to see Beyonce for my birthday in November 2008. But I've done my share to make sure he knows ceremoniously how much he is loved.
For his 27th, we did a weekend-long extravaganza - including cake, cocktails, and the club. (For an unprecedented gathering, my 'original Amazing Grace' Natalie and her husband Dwayne flew up from Atlanta while our Patrice and her husband Keron came up from Dallas to take part in the festivities). Then, in 2007, we went back to where we first met - "The Color Purple" along with some other cool runnings.
Last year, Ant's friend Chris joined us from North Carolina.
We enjoyed a casual round-up of saki and brownies and museum visits.
But now, my baby Ant is turning the BIG 3-0 on April 22nd.
Since I’m leaving town for a month, he wanted to have his birthday celebration precede my departure.
This, so we can share in the landmark celebration together.
(We’re hoping to uncover a day or few that he can come to Atlanta and we celebrate his birthday further. But we'll see.
He’s got work projects and freelance field shoots that are popping in as we both aim to stay afloat amidst this here economy. That said, I’m looking at some busy days ahead myself.).
But our thoughts were all on Ant as Brooklyn was the backdrop of his party.
Inside of our fiscal snapshot, Ant’s aunt Linda generously provided the lovely venue in the Red Hook area. My Morehouse brother (responsible for Ant and my meeting three years ago) prepared a lovely melange of food - from shrimp potstickers to spring rolls to succulently seasoned chicken on skewers, etc. Ern managed the bar.
My buddy Lamar with whom we worked last year on a Remy Martin campaign ( provided some solid spirits to keep the night going ( Last year, I interviewed a number of 'maverick tastemakers' on their thoughts of the limited edition bottle that David LaChappelle designed for the brand.
And for those who don’t drink VSOP, there was one of REMY's champagne products.
Moreover, Ant cleverly themed the night out as a B.Y.O.B. – inspiring a speakeasy and an assortment of liquor bottles to use as props for a creative project.
Think of it as a liquor potluck with lots of great friends and energy in the room.
He gathered a unique collection of bottles that will be used as art (after they're emptied out).
But the ART is really MY ANT who – three years – ago took my blank, boring canvas-of-a-life (in the wake of unbearable grief) and he has been painting vibrant color on it ever since. We are the work-in-progress towards a masterpiece. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABY!
And a shout out to all of our friends who came out to play... and play they did - especially on that dancefloor.
Our superstar journalist friend Mara Schiavocampo (recently got some hot press: and her husband Tommie - both busy folks in their own right - took time out of their crazed work schedules to be with us.
I was so excited to see my Savannah homeboy Maurice Marable and his friend Karen in the mix - especially on the dancefloor. And everyone - from Tata to Jules to Carl to Wilson to Valente to Ern to Kimberly to Manivone to Dustin to Chris to Cy to Sana to Ike to Chante to Stacey ('Chauncey' - SMILE!) to Cynthia to Lisa to the many others whose names are escaping me now. THANKS for showing ANT the LOVE!
”...Let's go
Let me see what you can do
I'm runnin' this like-like-like a circus...”
Well, I fly out to ATL first thing tomorrow morning. Sad to leave Ant. Happy to be moving into a new, creative space where a steady stream of revenue can catch me up on mounting debts. I’m back in a month for a month. Then, back again to ATL for another five-week stretch followed by a five-week stint in L.A. There’s a few days of Tampa on my calendar at the top of August as well for the annual NABJ convention for which I have longstanding contract commitments. No Amsterdam on our itinerary yet, though we want to go back (and maybe catch one of Diana Ross' classic Netherlands shows). No Tokyo on our docket just yet as I want to return to my birthplace and experience Japan as an adult. And Ant and I want to see Janet Jackson over there, when she performs again. (Just putting it out there.) But we’ll soon get there... ONE DAY AT A TIME!

I wrote about the song “Jesus is Love” a couple of years ago ( and its presence in my life on the day my mother died. Now, it’s been remade by Heather Headley and Smokie Norful (
I like the remake. As it was piping from a car radio recently, I was riding in the backseat of a car – cruising along 125th Street. When I became aware and awakened to this now-positively post-traumatic moment, I looked up to find that we were getting ready to pass a building that inhabits my family’s denomination The United House of Prayer for All People. Something in that moment made me do something I hadn’t done with that song the times I’ve heard it since July 20, 1994: I smiled. Still, a tear dropped.
I do feel as if I continue to be “helped” by forces bigger than me and far off into the distance yet right next to me:
- Ant and I are preparing to go to Detroit this weekend for Ms. Aretha Franklin’s birthday party.
There’s much more to the story that I will have to share later. But TRUST! It’s a BLESSING... and a TOTAL HONOR! Plus, we’ll get the chance to see our Greg Dunmore who just recently did a feature on jazz great Harvey Thompson ( via his Jazz Jewels TV, which proves jazz is truly an international language. Harvey salutes one of Japan's hottest jazz clubs, the Sone Jazz Club located in Kobe.
- As certain clients have been able to outsource my services more of late, I’m happy to say I’ve attracted a special project my way that – for 10 weeks – will have me in Atlanta and Los Angeles. Though not optimum to be away from Ant and our home for that window of time, the wages are welcome and much needed for us to catch up with our arrears. And when I can tell you more, I will. But, TRUST that it is a GOOD, CREATIVE FIT that you will all be able to see sometime later this year! STAY TUNED!
- In the words of Rupaul: “BB, life isn’t always fair... I have two words :Extravaganza! Eleganza!” Not sure what that meant.
But let me tell you - it made me laugh each and every time I played TIVO back to repeat it: This, before each of the bottom two lipsync'd for their life via Mary Mary's "Shackles".
Meanwhile, BLESSINGS ABOUND all around for many! Let me catch you up!
- A shout out to our South African girlfriend Melony who invited “my Amazing Grace” Nichole, Ant, and me to her NYC home for a lovely meal.
Got to see Johnna and several others from her circles. Always a good time!
- Though we didn’t get to see our Jason, we got some great hang time with Marqice in he and Jason’s Queens’ home.
- We got quality time with Charlie T; Danielle; Karu; and Kevin-Anthony at THE GOOD NEGRO at the Public Theater ( Kevin-Anthony will be celebrating his birthday with a performance on Monday, April 6th, 2009 @ The Triad in NYC (
He will be recording a live CD that evening. So bring your energy and love in the house that evening as this is Kevin-Anthony’s 1st CD. For tickets: or call 212.868.4444 and check out his new blog site:
Kevin-Anthony was also featured on “HARLEM HEIGHTS” this week on BET ( His recent BLACK 2: Broadway event last November was featured on the show. Without blinking, you can see Ant, Ern, Kimberly Jajuan, and me in the background at the VIP reception that preceded the awesome showcase on the Schomberg stage.
Keep tuning into “Harlem Heights” as you’re bound to see us again (We’ve been hanging with this crew a bit – socially).
But also, my good girlfriend/acting coach Tracey Moore-Marable will be sharing her “The Spirited Actor” philosophy on the show (
It’s still not too late to join Ant and me at “Inked Baby”. It’s Sunday, March 29th and IF YOU'RE STILL GAME, DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR CHECKS TO THE ADDRESS BELOW ASAP - TO ENSURE THE GROUP RATE OF $30 **** (SEE DETAILS BELOW. That's a $20 discount... and LACHANZE says she will join us for an after-show cocktail!!! By the way, check out the link to her new CD, an EP of awesome songs from her repertoire. Entitled "Love LaChanze," the CD can be purchased by visiting iTunes ( or Amazon (
Here’s how it works:
1. Commit to attend the Sunday, March 29th /7:30 pm “INKED BABY” starring Tony-award-winning LACHANZE at Playwrights Horizons (416 West 42nd Street close to 9th Avenue)
2. By Tuesday, March 24th: Send a $30 check (per person) payable to:
NEW YORK, NY 10018
Phone: 646-467-7393 or 917-334-6492
3. After you do that, PLEASE let me know that you will be joining us via
4. On Sunday, March 29th, let’s meet at 6:30 pm – so I can personally ensure your tickets get to you. Showtime is 7:30 pm. It’s about 90 minutes – so will wrap about 9:00 pm.
And my friend LACHANZE has agreed to join us across the street for a quick cocktail at:
407 W. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-695-6909
Since I wrote about Ms. Melinda Doolittle last month (, her fans have become readers of my blog. One fan, Louise, asks me to hip you folks to one of Melinda’s fansites:
My friend Shaun Robinson may want to reach out to Melinda as an example of a great role model.
This could be for the follow up to her debut tome for young girls, “Exactly As I Am” (
Celebrated women share candid advice with today's girls on what it takes to believe in yourself. I’ve worked alongside Shaun via our National Association of Black Journalists’ annual convention programming ( and I couldn’t be more proud of her.
She’s heading to NYC soon and I’ll get to buy the book and congratulate her in person.
My dear industry friends Kirsten Poe Hill & Renée E. Warren (pictured on right) are now published authors.
We all have CNBC in our roots. They left just before I started there in the mid-90s to start their business. When I left CNBC a few years later, their media consulting firm became a safe place for me as a freelancer (who wrote, pitched, and promoted on their company Noelle-Elaine’s behalf – but I also had the chance to hire them for their services via volunteer work I did with one of their major clients The New York Association of Black Journalists (
Fast forward 15 years and you’ve got “You Buy the Peanut Butter, I’ll Get the Bread: The Absolutely True Adventures of Best Friends in Business”. It hits book shelves on March 31st.
To purchase the book, visit one of the book stores below:
Catch them at one of the following book signings:
Baltimore, MD March 31, 2009
Chevy Chase, MD April 1, 2009
Washington, DC April 3, 2009
Harlem, NY April 15, 2009
New York City, NY April 16, 2009
More locations to come ...
For more information, visit:
CONGRATS to Sheila E who took home the “Gone Country” prize this season ( with grace, a competitive edge, loads of talent, and spirituality.
And already the rollercoaster of “American Idol” ( is throwing viewers – like me – for a loop with its new judge, new rules, new surprises.
After seeing the Top 13’s take on a “Jackson 5” medley, Ant reminded me that A.I. was showing up where “Kids Incorporated” ( meets “Star Search” (
And like “Gone Country” (under the category of WHO KNEW I’D BE TUNING INTO CMT?), I hear there’s another show that I haven’t seen that I should be watching: “Kitchen Nightmares” with Gordon Ramsay ( Anybody seen it? Worth my time or squeezing the already-exhausted memory of my antiquated TIVO?
My good girlfriend Juanita Stephens (who you recall had a lovely dinner recently where she brought journalists together with another of her clients Kindred) is working with her sister publicist Karen Lee on Charlie Wilson’s new project ‘Uncle Charlie’ (Jive Records) which debuted at #2 on Billboard’s Hot 200 a few weeks back.
It’s been a long time since ‘The Gap Band’ but Charlie is still kicking. He was also recently diagnosed with PROSTATE CANCER last July... and is living not only to see himself back at the top of the charts but to also testify about his journey from that grim diagnosis through a journey of medical options to where he stands now as a healthy advocate to shed light and awareness on this disease which impacts 1 in 3 African American men.
He is now
informing as well as performing" by becoming a spokesperson for the Prostate Cancer Foundation ( to help raise awareness and funds for future research. On June 12th, Charlie will be a part of a panel, where he will share his knowledge and information about this disease, at the National Conference for 100 Black Men in New York City.
These are the kind of updates we rely on JET and EBONY to give us. Many are buzzing about the layoffs at many media shops but the ones at JET and EBONY could impact those fellow journalists I know who’ve been working for Johnson Publishing a long time, but I am also wondering where we’ll get “our” info without these magazines running at full capacity. For a walk down memory lane (to know what we could lose):
Some friends and friends of friends who are doing great things – proof in the links or websites below:
* My Morehouse brother Chris McDonald’s cousin owns this little boutique that WILL:
* My alma mater Morehouse College’s Glee Club of which I was a member during my four years there (much chronicled here) just performed at Abyssinian Baptist Chuch this past weekend. I couldn’t make it but wanted to shout them out as they continue their Spring Tour (
* One of my college mates and true leader to many of us in the glee club and the arts overall Maurice Mcrae just launched his new website. He's an actor, director, and overall creative spirit who I've admired mostly for his kindness. Check him out:
* My “Original Amazing Grace” Natalie’s brother-in-law Tavares just launched his new website. He is a poet/actor/teacher/motivational speaker... and all-around Renaissance Man:
* Ant’s friend and supervisor on “The Wendy Williams Show” Lorraine Haughton has been working on other projects as they wait to go back in for the re-launch this summer. She has been working on "Bought & Sold" which airs on HGTV. It's a reality show about real estate agents in New Jersey (
* My girl, CHEMENE PELZER, is a producer at “NBC Today”. Check out her recently posted blog and video related to a recent trip she took to West Africa:
* My dear friend Camille introduced me to a lovely lady out of ATL named Ivy Simmons. She is on the steering committee for Earth Hour 09 ( Earth Hour began in Sydney in 07 with 2.2 million participants and thousands of buildings all turning their lights out for one hour to show they care about global warming. Last year such iconic buildings went dark for the hour as the Coliseum in Rome, Golden Gate Bridge, Coca Cola's Times Square billboard, the Bank of America Building in Atlanta and more. This year, they are looking for the Vegas strip to go dark. Earth Hour takes place March 28 from 8:30-9:30pm this year.
* Chef Love Jones who recently catered a fashion week event I attended last month has finally launched his website. It will keep you updated with his day-to-day happenings.
* My friend Reginald Barnes is an actor/publicist/promoter/talent extraordinaire and never ceases to amaze ( His next round of projects will include a turn in popular ‘Down Low’ author JL King’s new off-Broadway play titled “RAW”.
It opens May 1st and features six men (and... full frontal nudity). It’s a controversial adult show running at 10pm on weekends in May. Stay tuned for more as I get it. Congrats Reginald!
Y’all remember a Black version of “Cinderella” from the ‘70s before Brandy went there? IMDB tells me I’m not crazy for this childhood memory. This version of the Cinderella tale with an all-black cast has Cinderella, who wants to marry a dashing army officer, finding out out that her father, who she thought had an important job at a big hotel, is actually the men's room attendant. Her wicked stepmother finds out, too, and complications ensue. Charlayne Woodard starred as “Cindy” and Cleavant Derricks, Clifton Davis, and Nell Carter also starred.