PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley





UPON MY RETURN FROM THE HOLIDAYS, I HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. I was back one day from the holidays before a dispatch to Phoenix, Arizona came in. Can’t detail much of the trip, but I got the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with some really cool people. Then, upon my return, I got to be an intimate audience with classical violinist Laurent Korcia – one of People Magazine’s sexiest men alive. In addition to that, he proved to be very warm and charming - sharing candidly how challenging it is to adjust to how the American press seems sometimes more interested in his looks than his virtuosity with the violin. But so we're clear, he is one of Europe’s most acclaimed and captivating musicians. Ant, Manivone, and I got to enjoy excerpts from his latest release “Cinema” which – in addition to the theme of his PBS concert special debut, “Laurent Korcia – Live at Les Folies” – celebrates 100 years of music in film and features many famous film scores from classics like “The Godfather” ( Both projects will debut on the airwaves and in stores in March. We also met a couple of cool industry colleagues (also invited by Laurent's publicity team), including Claude Grunitsky, TRACE Magazine's Chairman and Editor-in-Chief (, and John Oseid with Conde Nast Traveler magazine (

Manivone had to step out as she, our good girlfriend Cy, and another friend Tom are graduates of the Momentum Education BASIC course, which Ant and I have taken and praised ( She had a follow-up appointment. The night prior, Ant and I got to celebrate them all (and some of their classmates) at our spot Dallas BBQ ( CONGRATS TO THEM as they take BIG STEPS into their INFINITE POSSIBILITIES!!! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our good friend Hal. He held a special 25 BDAY set in the East Village at The Leopard Lounge ( Lots of fun (as much as we had at my bday party which Hal attended).




1. My girl Marcia Pendelton ( is working on another great stage piece “The Love Project” with Rhodessa Jones and Idris Ackamoor. It’s an organic, interactive piece that is considered part house party, part TV talk show, and part cabaret that testifies to the network of human relations that define our time. Take a look:


2. Buddy Stephen Beasley’s group The sbP w/Ryan Vosler - Vosler - is doing two shows in the next month. Sunday 1.18.08 @ 9pm

The Annex

152 Orchard Street




Saturday 2.8.08 2 10pm

Club Europa

98 Meserole

Greenpoint, Brooklyn



3. Check out the new site of my friend/sculptor Donald Brown: It will feature all things about his artwork. Take 30 seconds to register now at: See two of the sculptures he created to promote and inspire positive change:



4. After a hiatus, Marcos, Eddie and Robert are starting a new venture Uptown in Harlem (REM Productions, they call themselves). They are hosting an event on Tuesdays at a relatively new black-owned business called Oh Restaurant/Lounge on 145th Street between Amsterdam and Convent ( THIRST NYC is the name of their night ( CONGRATS, GUYS! CAN’T WAIT TO COME BY!


5. “American Idol” starts its new season tonight ( Several from the sophomore class of Ruben – including Frenchie and Trenyce – are co-starring in a road show of stage classic “Ain’t Misbehavin’”. For more information, visit


6. If you can’t catch this talented group on the road (but are in NYC), come by ‘the house that Eartha (once) built’ – Café Carlyle ( check out Loston Harris and his trio (


7. Have you tried the Red Bull Cola yet? (


8. Have you seen Toni Braxton’s new PSA on autism ( Style and substance: BEAUTIFUL!


9. Have you wondered where the actress who played Lydia Liza Gutman on the old “Steve Harvey Show” is? Well, watching a syndicated repeat of it, I’m reminded of how much she makes me laugh and has made me laugh over the years. On the episode I clocked, she was channeling her inner-Diana-Ross at the high school graduation. I love this girl. Where are you, Lori Beth Denberg?????? HOLLA!


10. "MOTOWN" is 50. Check out the Detroit Free Press' series:




In order to make this trip work, it required some creativity and many frequent flier miles. Too, it meant I had to fly from Newark to St. Louis to Atlanta for the first leg. My man’s birthday gift, Diahann Carroll’s memoir, kept me royally entertained.    I was really excited to see my good girlfriend/birthday mate Robin Stone acknowledged by Ms. Carroll as the writer with whom she first began the process of putting this book together. I stayed with my sister and her husband in their lovely Lithonia home. The aroma of Christmas cookies (snickerdoodles and pecan sandies) met my nostrils at the door. Too, I got to spend some time with my cousin Floyd, who is getting ready for the real world as he navigates through his last year of college. On Christmas Eve, we packed the car up and headed to the home of my dad and his wife Diana. As always, they were stellar hosts and made sure our bellies stayed full of grits, eggs, sausage, and all things Southern cuisine. And we had lots of great conversation, including a chat about ‘legends’ – including Eartha Kitt. In a twist of fate, we’d find out five hours later (into Christmas morning) that she passed away. LOVE HER! My late mom’s side of the family gathered on one side of town at my cousin Lecia’s new digs (with her husband Skip) while Dad’s side reunited at my Aunt Goldie’s house. It’s not unlike my family to break out in a program and this year was no exception. We sang old Gospel songs that mom loved and a number of other hits from our church repertoire. On one of the evenings, I was my Dad’s date at his high school reunion. He graduated in the early ‘50s from Woodville High School. The event took place at the Savannah’s elegant Desoto Hilton ( Later on that night, many of my classmates from high school 20 years ago (SEE OUR REUNION: gathered. Carey Hilliards was our spot ( My Amazing Grace Natalie and her husband Dwayne inspired the gathering and our “E-wing crew” – as we once called ourselves – were in the house i.e. Ern; Bern; Tish (seen with fellow Spelman sister Nat - showcasing their alma mater's paraphernalia); and best buddies Jay; and Earl. Looking to identify what else was popping off in the city (We found out one classmate and former girlfriend Rachel was at a Playdates gathering in town - – an alternative to the club scene... and it sounded like a good ol’ time. We’ll have to get that in the next time.),   our group ended up at River Street for drinks at Wet Willies ( followed by karaoke at Bernie’s ( Tish and I did Mariah Carey/Jackson 5’s “I’ll Be There”. And I led ALL in Diana’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”. The next day, we went bowling and other classmates came out like Miss Mona. Nat and D even brought their cute little girls Lydia and Hannah who were so taken with their "Uncle Patrick" and I them. After a couple of matches, many of us went to Ern’s mom’s place for a great sendoff meal.


On the heels of Savannah, I got one more night in Atlanta before I segued to my next leg. That gave me some one-on-one time with best friend Michael who took me to The Vortex in Downtown Atlanta ( We caught up on all things November and December as our busy lives in New York City don’t always allow us to catch up as we’d like. My Detroit-based Greg Dunmore – visiting Atlanta for the holiday – came and joined me for a night on the town. We went to popular nightspots Bulldogs and Jungle ( where one of the drag show performers gave homage to Eartha Kitt. Greg updated me on his great works – including an awesome piece on Aretha Franklin's first all-Christmas CD, "This Christmas Aretha" on which she sings duet with her son, Eddie Franklin (WWW.JAZZJEWELS.TV and WWW.PULSEBEAT.TV). Check it out here: We ran into the gay best friend of Sheree from “Real Housewives of Atlanta” and the best gay buddy Alex of another ‘real housewife of Atlanta’ (but not on the show nor in Atlanta anymore) Kelci Stringer. On this night, Greg and I were sure to get an obligatory “Waffle House” in... and it was good (


Dallas was my layover city for my final leg en route to Denver, Ant’s home. He was ever the host and brought all of his buddies out to greet me – starting with his friend Mike who hosted a little welcome-to-Denver set at his place. There were a slew of loved ones who received me warmly and hospitably -including our home host/Ant's art mentor Rodney ( and his girlfriend Jean... and a host of others --- ALL SHOWING LOVE i.e. Dena and Denise (at their “Gypsy House” - - where we rang in the New Year); Brina (who I got to meet earlier in 2008 via NYC); Kevin (music lover); Reggie (Ant's artist friend); Lonni Byrd (and her new Denver business); etc. Too, we enjoyed lovely meals at places like jazz supper club Dazzle ( and Blackberries coffee shop ( It was a GREAT TRIP and nice to be in a new domain of which I'm not that familiar, being hosted and pampered a bit. SMILE! I spent LOADS of quality time with Ant's sister Chanel (who is a year older than he) and her 2-month-old little man Nassir Onyx (WHAT A JOY!).

Holiday time is a schlepping, exhaustive time. (And doing all I did on 'fumes' [LITTLE TO NO MONEY] made it that much more stressful than a 'vacation' should be). But I dug deep down inside to CHOOSE JOY through many of the money challenges, annual depression (I can have at home around family matters), and uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. And it - for the most part - worked. I did my best to keep the BLUES at bay... and not ALWAYS (though sometimes) with a BAND-AID. And as 2009 has rolled out, I am excited to be stepping BOLDLY into this 'season of change'. 


Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 07:27PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References30 References




   Hadn't blogged to you in a minute. Been a little down. Been a little busy. After Thanksgiving, was a little full. But I took notes (along the way) - so I'll bullet my last month or so - to catch you up before I leave to be with my family in Georgia (Atlanta and Savannah). Then, I will join Ant in Denver for New Year's. 


(We had a great Thanksgiving, by the way, with Ant’s family in Brooklyn at which Ant prepared a brilliant banana pudding and monkey bread. 

Afterwards, we enjoyed a meal with our good girlfriend Charlie T and her partner Danielle in Harlem.


Then, we joined Tata and Jules for an after-meal meal at their Newark home.

Too, we got some bowling-and-karaoke time in with Tata and Jules.

Good times for all before the Thanksgiving weekend wrapped.




2009 will – for sure – be about attracting steady work as I am grateful to have gotten some spot work and solid, networking feathers in my cap. I have blogged about my CN8 “Your Morning” First Lady Fashion Show segment ( Here I can share the link so you can see it: (Just got news that now that I have been folded into CN8 “Your Morning”s repository of recurring pundits, it has been cancelled. Like many, its folks are out of work. By the way, “Million Dollar Password” is back with its new season - - and you recall my moment on the show earlier this year. See it excerpted on the following link:


My Morehouse brother Kevin Kitrell Ross is someone I met in 2005. He is a an author, speaker (, trainer (, life and business coach (, minister (, and radio host ( He has invited me to be a guest on his “Design Your Life” show, which he notes is for people who are working to shape their life purposeful, passionate, powerful, peaceful, and prosperous. Kevin Ross & Friends are on every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Pacific, 12:00 noon Central, and 1:00 p.m. Eastern. for Design Your Life on online radio. Log in, tune in, and call in for real time coaching and distinctions that can make the rest of your life, the best of your life! I’ll hip you to when I will be on in 2009. THANKS KEVIN... and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS!


A few more shoots from my regular clients (to freelance field produce) have come through in the last few months – including Dr. Phil-spinoff “The Doctors”. However, I did get the chance to work on some cool, spot projects in the last month or so. My ‘platonic boo’ Carl Nelson made it possible for me to join two projects on which he was working with Harlem florist and event planner Saundra Parks ("Daily Blossom" - Saundra asked me to volunteer with a set she was throwing for a Susan Taylor fundraiser for her mentoring organization “National Cares” ( was assigned to work closely with Ms. Taylor’s VIP guests – including Ruby Dee, Congressman Charles B. Rangel, Sean Combs, Michael Eric Dyson, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Roland Martin, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Phyllis Yvonne Stickney. Yolanda Adams and Donnie McClurkin performed. And by now, everyone is a buzz about the $1,000,000 donated by a single donor who everyone knows and loves. The night started at a private reception (at Ms. Taylor's home) followed by the party and performance that took place at ESPACE ( – the lovely event space at which I attended BET’s Fashion Week/Urban World Film Festival closing night party a couple of months back ( LOVELY NIGHT! GREAT CAUSE! GOOD NETWORKING... and face time with some of the best in the business (alerting them all of my need to get some steady, revenue-generating work popping off in 2009). Last week, I helped produce a Paterson-for-Governor program that featured Vanessa Williams and Alec Baldwin. ( THANKS CARL FOR THE WORK AND THE NETWORK! (By the way, Carl’s best friend out of Atlanta Dwight Eubanks is known as Ne-Ne’s ‘gay boyfriend’ on ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’. Well, he’s getting his own show on Bravo in the spring. Check this clip out: And my good girlfriend Nicole Childers and her team at Farai Chideya’s NPR News & Notes have all been alerted of their cancellation and subsequent layoffs scheduled for March. Their show was key in keeping the black perspective present on the airwaves. This economy is kicking so many butts (including my own). But we are all resilient!!!!




Ant and I got to see several diva legends in the last couple of months. Miss Tina Turner showed all the young girls what longevity looks like – not just in her legs, but in her singing voice and her show’s staging. She was awesome! Ant and I secured VIP tickets which came with the luxury of sitting behind Beyonce and Jay Z at the Newark Prudential Center. (


Then, last night, Ant and I got our TAKE 2 with LABELLE ( at the legendary Apollo Theater ( Patti, Nona Hendryx, and Sarah Dash successfully did their part on Friday night – got back together with great new music, great voices for the classics, and a SOLD OUT crowd. Unfortunately, a power outage (amidst what was a fierce snowstorm in the city) caused the amps to go out 20 minutes into LaBelle’s tour de force of a performance. A disappointed and patient audience waited for the faulty system to repair but instead we got two a cappella selects from the ladies and the promise for their return last night. Though Patti was under the weather due to diabetes complications (on the subsequent night), she sang the roof off of the Apollo (just as I’m sure she did when they were on the chitlin’ circuit in the early ‘60s). Sitting nearby: our friends Karu, Kevin-Anthony, Michael, George Faison, Susan Taylor and her husband Khephra Burns, Seitu, Jean Parnell, and a host of others.


The concert provided one of many opportunities to see folks I haven’t seen in a minute and the opportunity to meet some new folks. My “Soulful Diva” guru David Nathan, for example, introduced me to Dr. Jason King (who is the Artistic Director at the Clive Davis Department of Recorded Music at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts).  Jason is a songwriter, producer, and performer whose work behind the boards can be heard on Labelle member Sarah Dash’s next project. At an after party held in Harlem, I got the chance to pose with Ms. Dash (and Labelle’s music director John Stanley). She shared with me the news of her upcoming inspirational CD – including songs written and produced by Dr. Jason.    Amidst both days of Labelle (who you recall we also got to hang out with at their sigining a few months back), Ant and I also got to see some great folks. Our buddy Tony was there. He is always so good to send me the pix he takes from the many parties we attend in common. He took all these pix of Sarah and the folks at the after-set - hosted by Collin, a Harlem businessman who always throws a vibrant holiday set in his brownstone. Tony too provided these awesome video montages of our night. We also got to hang out with our buddy Ken Roberson (choreographer with the most). He’d just returned from Baltimore where he’d been choreographing “Caroline or Change”. Our mutual buddy Chris invited us to welcome him back. The chosen location was my dear friend Brian’s spot No Parking ( We had a blast! From there, we got to hang out with Ken and his ‘Amazing Graces’ Michelle Robinson and Karen Chilton (the Hazel Scott bio author). After the first LABELLE show wrapped, we all spent some time at the iconic Lenox Lounge. We also got to hang out with Adrian Bailey (Broadway actor from 'The Lion King' and 'Kiss of the Spider Woman', etc.). You'll recall, he suffered a near-fatal accident at a Broadway theatre before he was to take the stage in "The Little Mermaid". Remember the "Black 2 Broadway" benefit? Well, he came out for LaBelle and appears to be healing well. Cautiously, but well. THANK THE LORD!




We’ve been running into a lot of folks (during times where we didn’t have our camera ready). We popped into Bill Murray at one of our karaoke spots in the city... and chatted him up. He was very nice. Also, we ran into ‘Mary Mary’ while eating at Amy Ruth – (before we went to Labelle). They were eating hearty and healthy with their background singers (and admiring the sounds of Beyonce and Brandy as they played on the music system in the restaurant). By the way, have you folks seen the “Unsung” series on TV One – featuring bios on Debarge, Phyllis Hyman, The Clark Sisters, and Donny Hathaway????? NOTHING SHORT OF BRILLIANT! (


Some other sightings of note showed up the other night as Ant, Manivone, and I accepted an invite from my friend Ra-Fael Blanco ( whose client “Atomic Wings” is the first of the ‘wings’ franchise to set in Harlem. I got to meet the franchise’s owner Adam whose partners include my buddy and Ra-Fael client Devon Christopher of BLEU Magazine fame (He’s the publisher). I ‘chicken’d’ out and went for a mild wing which was quite tasty (and still a bit spicy). Manivone went all the way for the “suicide”, which is the hottest wing. I didn’t touch that one with a ten-foot pole. I love spice. My intestines don’t. The space itself is awesome as it boasts three large flatscreen TVs,internet access, and a comfortable lounge area. I pitched myself as the host of karaoke night. We could have some fun there! Also, we met some great folks including Damaa Bell, publisher of “UPTOWNflavor: your online guide to Harlem” ( and Ian Jarrell ( Afterwards, Ian, Ant, Ra-Fael, Devon, and I went to “17 Below” – new hot spot in Harlem, which was having its holiday party. Not without sightings of great friends – including good girlfriend Eunice who graciously took some pix of me with Bree from “America’s Next Top Model” and "Tyra". Also, she shot Nashawn Kearse, the brother in the basement the season Alfre Woodard moved into Wysteria Lane ("Desperate Housewives").




Too, we got the chance to hang out with our friend Derrick Briggs. He just celebrated a birthday and whose new season of his web series launches on Christmas morning (‏). HAPPY BIRTHDAY... and CONGRATS!



I mentioned we had the chance to see Sheryl Lee Ralph at the Susan Taylor event. Her assistant and director of all-things-Sheryl-Lee-Ralph Scott and his partner Tony accompanied Ms. Ralph to New York City for some other business. This meant Ant and I got to play with them. On that night we ran into Bill Murray, we took Tony to our hip hop dance class with Tweetie at Alvin Ailey ( It was quite the work out. Ant is trying to get Tweetie to teach us Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” dance come late January 2009 ( Tweetie, by the way, has been working a lot in Canada for “So You Think You Can Dance?” – assisting choreographer and judge Luther Brown ( CONGRATS TWEETIE! WE LOVE YOU! Afterwards, Scott joined Ant, Tony, and me at the karaoke spot... and I shared with Sheryl Lee Ralph (the following day) how Scott joined me on the tune “Dreamgirls” (but that it was I who channeled my inner-Sheryl to make our performance pop perfectly). She and her husband got a kick out of that and lots of giggles (at our expense). This was all on Ant’s and my THREE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY of being together. So, we had a great time! I LOVE YOU, BABY!




Ant and I missed out on a night to meet with one of my favorite singers Deborah Cox who has a new album out ( Instead, Ant and I took advantage of a gift from my Morehouse brother Mario who made it possible for us to make some money and do some temp work at his current gig. This, while my main clients are on winter break. (Bringing in even some extra ‘pennies’ is making a difference these days not to mention the kindness and generosity of my friends - from Michael to Nat to Audrey to Chandra to Ern to Mara to Tata to Camille to Ms. Ann [etc.]. They are and continue to be the best friends a man could have. And I love them... and I thank them.). Soon, I will hear Deborah’s new project; meanwhile, have you seen Deborah and her fellow Canadian Tamia on this cover of Deborah’s duet with Whitney “Same Script Different Cast” (though in this version, Deborah does Whitney’s part and Tamia does Deborah’s part: I LOVE FINDS LIKE THESE!!! LOL!


Have you folks seen Noah’s Arc yet ( Ant and I stumbled into this clip on the actress who plays Noah’s boss Brandy in the show, Jennia Fredrique. She is a hoot: The host is Lonnell Williams ( I stumbled into that as I was navigating through singer Brandy’s media blitz on “You Tube”. I’m really feeling her new project and pray it to be a success. I just love her...and this current single “Long Distance” is the HOTNESS! (


I’m so proud of my friend Ted Gibson who is the hairstylist for the stars. See him and his clientele chronicled in Vanity Fair ( Ant and I got a glimpse of our buddy Dwayne Grayman on a Mega Million lottery commercial. LOOKING GOOD, MY FRIEND!



My boy Miles gifted me with his presence at my birthday party the other week. Too, he brought his client Darien who - as the Holiday Season and New Year approaches - has a time-appropriate, Righteous Music Media release for the fans, a brand new song called "Holiday". 

Darien's New Album, "If These Walls Could Talk" will be released in 2009. And he's performing at The Blue Note in NYC on February 6th where he will be performing songs from his new abum and have special guests. You can hear Darien's Music Log On to and/ Holiday is written
Written and Performed by Darien. It's produced By Robert Stephens III

Another release worth mentioning is offered by my industry buddy, the Grammy-award-winning Gordon Chambers whose songwriting and vocal skills all converge on his "Love Stories" (  It's been great to see him through this holiday season and to know that he is continuing to share his gift of song all over the globe. KEEP SINGING PRETTY, GORDON!



  Seated in the middle of the pic above, good girlfriend Camille (stylist and all-around Renaissance woman) came into town from Beijing, China where she is teaching. Sadly, she was here to bury a dear friend Cynthia who’d been killed. Camille and Cynthia were friends since college. Fortunately, Ant and I got to wrap our arms around her for a day before she headed out of town to see her family and friends in Orlando and Atlanta before returning to China. See us above with our girlfriend Cy who hosted us for a couple of hours before we went to dinner. We laughed. We cried. We ate (vegetarian soul food - Red Bamboo - We caught up. We declared. I LOVE CAMILLE. She's such a GREAT FRIEND! TO CYNTHIA: HONORED TO HAVE KNOWN YOU. REST IN PEACE!

I too lost a friend. His name is Mark Griffith. And he died suddenly last week. I know him through the National Association of Black Journalists – a family comprised of media professionals who since I joined in 1991 have been my industry brothers/sisters, mothers/fathers, nieces/nephews (as I’ve grown older), and friends. Mark is the big brother who ensured I (and so many others) networked with all the key people towards achieving our respective goals. And if that part was done well, he typically had a great after-set of food and cocktails for each of us to be able to play as hard as we worked. Such a presence at so many of the annual NABJ conventions, I can’t imagine not seeing him. Truth be told, it’s a bit much for me to wrap my brain around right now. But he’s for sure gone. And while he was here, he was so PRESENT. He was a PRESENT. MARK GRIFFITH! REST IN PEACE!

Posted on Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 02:40PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References52 References


Well, the BIG 3-8 came on November 19th... and went! Still the BDAY EXTRAVAGANZA continues into December! LOL! And despite some recent breakdowns I produced, Ant still graciously chose to put together a simple-and-most-festive evening for me. Like last year, karaoke was the theme. Tequila Jack’s (on the upper east side of Manhattan) was our backdrop ( And upwards of 50+ of my dearest friends – old and new – came out to sing a song and take down $5 margaritas and tasty comfort bites. I hosted ‘the program’ and Ant brokered the night so that I can perhaps go back on Wednesdays and host this karaoke night beyond my birthday evening. It was so good to see each and everyone as they all came bearing gifts and well-wishes. And I am grateful to Ant and each and every one of my friends who came out to celebrate. At a time in which I haven’t been feeling my best on several fronts – from economic challenges to rounds of depression that don’t bode well for my relationship, this evening was a good reminder of how blessed I am and how rich I am with lots of love – all around me. THANKS ANT! THANKS ALL!


The following day, Ant and I received a lovely invite from a couple of friends at Chicago-based Burrell Communications, Iman Jefferson and Tracy Anderson, who I worked with some years ago in New York City (via a place called Medialink – It was World Children’s Day and Grammy-nominated singer Tamia Hill and actress/philanthropist Holly Robinson-Peete joined members of Mocha Moms, a support group for stay-at-home mothers of color (, for a service day at the New York Ronald McDonald House ( and In addition to baking cookies; placing decorations to ready the house for the holidays; and mentoring the young kids, the service day concluded with a spirited and most impressive performance by the Ronald McDonald House Children’s gospel choir. It was “This Little Light of Mine” and these ‘little lights’ sparkled. As Tamia came to the stage to do her part, she joked they pulled from the oldest trick in entertainment: ‘hold back in rehearsals’! This, as they proved a hard act to follow. But as those of us who are Tamia’s die-hard fans go, we know she always comes through in performance. This morning was no exception as she performed her hit “Still” with piano accompaniment followed by a tear-jerking “I Hope You Dance” with the kids singing background. I couldn’t stop crying during this beautiful anthem of hope, optimism, and possibilities.


So, I still have no link to share with you folks from my First Lady Fashion Show appearance on CN8s “Your Morning” ( But it’s coming soon. Meanwhile, the appearance made for a bit of a buzz via Philly-based cosmetologist Ursula Augustine who supported all steps of my pulling this segment together. With that, she has shouted me out on her website. Please check it out: and Thanks Ursula! And one more shout out to Celebrity Stylist Debra Ginyard who donated her time and worked with Ant and me to pull the First Lady looks together. Here’s some access to her greatness: and and



Ant and I got to see “Cadillac Records” the other day ( The film – featuring Beyonce as Etta James – chronicles the rise of Chess Records and the many artists who came through – playing the blues, r&b, rock & roll, etc. As I LOVE any ‘celebrity bio’ in any genre – from literature to film, I have to say this project is well done. Beyonce – for sure – goes deeper as the brassy, sassy, Heroin-addicted Etta James requires it. As I am just catching up with Beyonce’s new material from “I Am... Sasha Fierce” (as graciously sent by her publicist Yvette Noelle-Schure), she is at the top of the charts on her double-disc’s debut week ( CONGRATS B! Last year this time, Ant took me to Manila to see Beyonce (surely you knew I was gonna run this picture again. LOL!). And look at her now. GO GIRL!


Much like my Diana did in her 1987 “Red Hot Rhythm & Blues” special (on which Etta James was a guest -, Beyonce must know she owes a great debt to Etta James who almost cracks the top 20 of Rolling Stone magazine’s 100 Greatest Singers of All Time ( And since Beyonce’s interpreted a Diana-like character in “Dreamgirls”; performed with Tina Turner on The Grammys (Ant and I are going to see Miss Tina tonight in Newark, NJ... by the way!); and Beyonce is now portraying Etta James, maybe next on her list will be Miss Aretha Franklin who is the #1 Greatest Singer of All Time, according to Rolling Stone. We’re watching, Beyonce (just don't forget to call her "The Queen of Soul" at all times, hear?)! You can do anything, Beyonce, it seems (though some critics are likening your much-duplicated “Single Ladies” dance to the new Macarena. Perhaps time to add some new choreography flips to that song and get those new singles going).


Speaking of great ‘celebrity bios’, my friend Vy Higginsen – creator of “Mama, I Want To Sing!” (which chronicles the life of her sister Doris Troy [“Just One Look”]) - just recently got back from her 6-week tour in Japan with her new show “Sing, Harlem, Sing...”. They traveled to my birthplace Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. And they got many standing ovations and love amidst their run. Vy says they were in Japan when they received the news of Obama’s victory. She says that show was such a celebration! And from her vantage point, she says it seemed the Japanese audience was as excited and joyful as all the cast members and staff! Please click on the site –


Speaking of great singers (one with whom I’ve had the chance to sing and share a stage): Cassie Davis, my Spelman sister who you may know as Ella Payne in Tyler Perry’s sitcom “House of Payne” (, has returned to a place we know and love Spelman College ( and after 25 years of making her mark on the stage, the big screen, and the small screen, she went back to Spelman College to do the one thing she’d yet to accomplish--completing her senior requirement in order to receive her Bachelor of Arts degree. She performed a Senior Showcase a couple of weeks ago – titled “THE DREAM OF MY LIFE”. Surely, life and her career have given her the tools she needed to complete. CONGRATS CASSIE! MUCH LOVE!


Another great voice from a friend Norm Lewis who I’ve shouted out here in the blog many times. He’s got a new CD coming out and a performance to showcase it on Monday, December 1st at Joe’s Pub ( For those of you who don't know, Norm is one of Broadway’s best, currently working his magic in “The Little Mermaid” ( CONGRATS NORM!


I know I mentioned “Somebodies” from BET before (My Spelman sister Karen Ceesay was featured in one of the episodes) - Well, I just got some more tidbits on its creator Hadjii and I will share them here. He is an award-winning filmmaker and responsible for “Somebodies”, its first original scripted sitcom. And the journey to get there is as follows:


  • A BET intern slipped a copy of his film (featured at Sundance) to Reggie Hudlin who brought it to BET.
  • At 32, Hadjii became the executive producer of that sitcom as well as published a book (Random House)
  • He is an intellectual with southern charm and wit, but has a way that translates to an ability to talk to the average guy, street thugs and scholarly types. (He is a former college instructor.)
  • He is one of the most humble people I know and as of this note, we’re not certain if BET will pick up the show for a second season though it has received critical acclaim and he has a following of viewers globally

Keep Hadjii on your radar. I relate to the journey, my brother!


Many of you know I Chair the National Association of Black Journalists’ Arts & Entertainment Task Force ( Its founder and first Chair Karyn Collins is style editor/features writer at 40-74 Magazine ( and The Asbury Park Press ( Well, she’s got two blogs that I want to shout out here:

The Look (fashion and beauty blog) -

Culture Klatch (the dance and arts blog) -


My friend Diaz who works with jeweler Dorian Webb ( in Summit, New Jersey is overseeing a hot post-Thanksgiving sale for the line of jewelry, Venetian glass chandeliers, glassware, decorative ornaments, and one-of-a-kind collectibles. Check it all out at


I need a getaway! Unfortunately it won’t be Bermuda. Fortunately, my friend Kimberly Jajuan will be performing there and Ern (her manager) will accompany her. My friend Raymond P Lewis via his company RPL & Associates is co-producing the festivities called "Feed Your Spirit Holiday Gift Weekend"in conjunction with the Relevations Group and the Bermuda Department of Tourism. This faith-based destination event will take place December 4th - 7th, 2008 on the beautiful island of Bermuda. The weekend includes:

- 4 days and 3 nights at the beautiful four star Fairmont Southampton Princess Hotel
- Opening Night Performance of the hit gospel musical " No Ordinary Christmas" Starring Gospel Sensation Kim Burrell
- Opening Night Post Performance Gala Reception hosted by Clifton Davis Star of the hit sitcom AMEN
- Tickets to panel discussion " Sisters in the Name of Love" with (Rev. Suzan Johnson Cooke, Evangelist Denise Hill, and WNBA New York Liberty Star, Kym Hampton
- Tickets to panel discussion "Everlasting Faith" Moderated by Rev. Clifton Davis, with Rev. Suzan Johnson Cooke, Evangelist Denise Hill and a stellar line up of Bermuda's most prominent clergy representing over five (5) denominations.
- Tickets to the "Go With God" Worship and Praise Performance hosted by Rev. Davis and the John P. Kee Worship and Praise Band
- Invitations to the Book signings of Rev. Suzan Johnson Cooke and Evangelist Denise Hill
- $1000.00 Passport of discount coupon to Bermuda's finest stores courtesy of the Dept of Tourism
- One Year Subscription to Black Enterprise Magazine



Back to Beyonce (for a sec): Per Ellen’s request (, Beyonce pulled from her BDAY catalogue to perform one of Ellen’s favorites “Flaws & All” ( – a song with which I identified as it relates to how I can show up – especially in my relationship with Ant. Surely, there are no coincidences. I needed to learn this lesson again. And where there are TWO WILLS, there’s a WAY for me to continue learning until I get it already. WORK IN PROGRESS:


Flaws And All


I'm a train wreck in the morning

I'm a bitch in the afternoon

Every now and then without warning

I can be really mean towards you

I'm a puzzle yes indeed

Every complex in every way

And all the pieces aren't even in the box

And yet, you see the picture clear as day.



I don't know why you love me

And that's why I love you

You catch me when I fall

Accept me flaws and all

And that's why I love you [3x]


I neglect you when I'm working

When I need attention I tend to nag

I'm a host of imperfection

And you see past all that

I'm a peasant by some standards

But in your eyes I'm a queen

You see potential in all my flaws

and that's exactly what I need.



I don't know why you love me

And that's why I love you

You catch me when I fall

Accept me flaws and all

and that's why I love you!!!!

Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 01:22PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment | References12 References


Well, IT’S A NEW DAY!!!!!! OBAMA is IN! And we are ALL now a part of HISTORY! I’m reminded of a song by my DIANA (who I hope will sing this Stevie-Wonder-penned song “Force Behind The Power” – and more – during Inauguration time in January:

And/Or And/Or The lyric says it all and captures what is clearly acknowledgement that there are times in history where spirituality and resilience of the underdog shines through brightly to A NEW DAY of LOVE and LIGHT:


Since the beginning of all life's beginnings
Right at the very dawning of the sun
Any and everyone had cause and reason
For in good all good is done

Now down in every heart there are two forces
One is for the wrong, one's for the right
But never do you have to fear with this as armor
For good always wins the fight

What's that force behind the power that wakes you each day
What's that force behind the power that chases evil away
What's that force behind the power that puts a smile on your face
It is love, pure love, it is love

In every book of truth it has been written
That we are measured by the things we do
If for the good of all is what you like doing
Then all that good will come to you

That doesn't mean you have to be a rich man
You could be a person living on the street
But if you give but only words to lift someone higher
Then a heart of gold is what you will be

What's that force behind the power that wakes you each day
What's that force behind the power that chases evil away
What's that force behind the power that puts a smile on your face
It is love, pure love, it is love

What's that force behind the power that makes you willing to share
What's that force behind the power that for a lost soul you're there
What's that force behind the power that's not to busy to care
It is love, pure love, it is love

Not trying to preach about it, but no one can do without it

What's that force behind the power that will lend a hand
What's that force behind the power when others can't yes you can
What's that force behind the power it's greater than any man
It is love, God's love, it is love

What's that force behind the power that tears walls down of hate
What's that force behind the power that is never too late
What's that force behind the power that forever will wait
It is love, God's love, it is love


Inside of the grim snapshot of a broken-down America right now – in war and economic straits, it is clear something needed to change. And OBAMA is the tangible, active symbol of that CHANGE. But like Miss Ross cautioned while performing “REACH OUT AND TOUCH (SOMEBODY’S HAND)” at The Kennedy Center in celebration of the 1986 launch of Martin Luther King’s birthday as a national holiday ( Miss Ross pointed out that no matter the charisma, brilliance, and effectiveness of our BLACK LEADERS who reign supreme, there’s still work for each of us to do – beyond our impressive turnout to VOTE: “...Sometimes we sit back and wait for our LEADERS to save us, but the TRUTH is we’re the saviors. We have to do the work through UNITY, through BEING TOGETHER, through REACHING OUT AND TOUCHING...” Hear, hear MISS ROSS! (By the way, check out Vanity Fair’s feature on MOTOWN’s 50th Anniversary - And Hear, hear PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA!!!

Posted on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 01:32PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References4 References


Well, surely we’ll all have stories to tell regarding where we were when it was announced that America would soon operate under its first African American President. I won’t soon forget. I was on a plane to Chicago from an assignment in Dallas. It happened while I was in the air and there was no announcement on our flight. Landing at O’Hare, I turned on my Blackberry and there the texts and emails began to pop up – one vibration at a time. But amidst what seemed a ghost town of an airport, I still needed to get my bag and squeeze out some cash from the ATM (as I’m still standing in the YES when assignments come my way but am not quite re-calibrated fiscally --- credit-wise; cash-wise; or otherwise --- to afford fronting expenses on many of these out-of town jobs. But I’m trusting: The account didn’t quite look as I expected it to look and for a minute, I was stranded. This, as a NEW DAY was being promised just a stone’s throw away as President-Elect Barack Obama addressed a quarter-of-a-million people in Chicago’s Grant Park. I still hailed the cab; received a CONGRATULATIONS from my Persian-American driver. I alerted him of my conundrum and my solution which – at this point – was get me to a particular bank from which I think I can retrieve the cab fare or take me to my destination and I’m certain I can find someone who will take care of this debt (I wasn’t sure, but I TRUSTED...). On this NEW DAY, the perhaps-once-jaded-and-cynical driver said “NO PROBLEM! MY FRIEND! NO WORRIES!” Well, I was able to do the ATM-squeeze at the pointed financial institution... and all was well. I made it through the two days of work (away from home) with no scars. But that night, on the heels of President Obama’s speech and “our First-Lady-in-waiting” Michelle Obama’s daring fashion turn, I did get the chance to hang out a bit. (By the way, remember my First Lady Fashion show segment at CN8’s “Your Morning” last week? I’m still waiting on a copy of the segment to share with all of you. I know you’ll love it!). My Chicago Carl and Itika celebrated Obama’s victory with me --- partially up and down the Michigan Mile but also at a Downtown Hilton set that Jesse Jackson Jr. threw. Itika (who is blogging these days: and introduced me to several folks from – a production company that – via – released an exposé regarding the 2008 Presidential Election. In this unique piece, sheds light on the ignorance in America, the importance of voting, and the need for change in this country. Key Hip Hop artists like The Game, Bun B., Young Jeezy, Kidz In The Hall, Common, etc. share their political beliefs and experiences, all of which illustrate the high level of inspiration Barack Obama has provided for today’s youth and future generations. 247HH.COM is a multi-media website dedicated to the Hip-Hop lifestyle. features exclusive interviews and performances with rappers, DJs, producers, managers, tastemakers, music executives, and fashion designers. Interviews can be viewed on the site or downloaded to your computer and/or iPod/Zune just like an audio pod-cast. Links include:



Daily Motion




It seems many – like my friend from Detroit Greg Dunmore – who are using the visual on-line medium to express the INFINITE POSSIBILITIES of this time. See his project below:


And I received a call from my good friend Elise Durham who is Media Relations Manager at Morehouse College ( She wondered if my nephew Herman would be interested in participating in a roundtable with NBC News’ Tom Brokaw; the Honorable Andy Young; and a few other Morehouse students. I forwarded his number to her and told her to call him as I hoped he would be interested. Well, he’s a part of this history as well. A segment (in which he’s shown but not excerpted) ran on NBC Nightly News ( Then, TODAY ran a special edit the following morning that featured several sound bites from my chip off the old block (a sibling removed): As always, I am proud of him and excited at the synergy around NBC, OBAMA, and the RILEY men. Remember my Obama-related NBC impression earlier this year? AND


And as both Ant and I are still inside of OPTIMISM around our own professional fates turning around – so we (like many) don’t have to continue to suffer through the cash-strapped blues, work has been picking up. From Obama to SRB Productions (my NABJ mentor Sheila Brooks’ company - to CN8’s “Your Morning” to "The Doctors" (, the calls for my freelance services (and Ant’s too) have been coming in a bit more lately and holding it down for the last couple of weeks. Of course, it is Election time and November sweeps, so the search for regulated income is still the order of the day. But with these forthcoming checks, we can soon catch up on many-a-bill now. PRAISE THE LORD!

Posted on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 01:31PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References6 References