PATRICKRILEYHEADSHOT2.JPGWELCOME to "The Life of Riley" which will include periodic chronicles of pop culture and possibilities that flow out of Patrick L. Riley's day. That's me!!! Through blogging (and soon some other technological features on which I'll keep you posted as they launch), I will pull experiences from my busy life to entertain and inspire all of you. Through this site, I will share my observations and insights. 

Some features to look forward to:

1.) "PATRICK'S POP UP(DATES)" will feature stories from pop culture, music, theater, fashion, and the entertainment industry at large. 

2.) "The Life of Riley" will also introduce a "take-a-look-at-your-life" section (READ: sort of an advice column), where I will help readers come up with their own questions and answers around what "ways of being" are working (or not working) to have them acheive their respective goals and live their best lives. This section is called "WHO YOU BE?".

3.) Additonally, there will be a free-flowing, organic section called "TESTIFY" from which I will pull from my own life's journey to share and hopefully inspire. Some of the fare may be new musings and experiences. Other times, I may pull from my journals and past sharings to shed light on some uncomfortable truths that I've experienced and that may perhaps play a role in healing someone else's wounds as the real-life experience did for me. From my experience of covering 9/11 as a freelance journalist to courageously coming out (as gay) to my family, "TESTIFY" promises to move those who choose to read it.

4.) And a section titled "PR" (like my initials, but also like "public relations") will include press clips from any coverage I get. 

5.) And anytime pictures or video can support an entry (in the blog, and perhaps in the subsequent podcasts, my space, and website), those visuals will keep things aesthetically enrolling. That section will be called "MY TUBE".
Patrick L. Riley



Shout out to my girl Karen for sending the most thoughtful card to me the other day. I was feeling a little down and thought something in the mail could cheer me up. Of course, I was talking about a check. LOL! No, there wasn't a check. Instead, something that filled my soul. Ant and I call them "rainy day notes"...and they typically show up when you least expect them and when you most need them. And the fact that the content inside her card "mourned' what I have been going through in the wake of losing my camera a couple of weeks ago made it that much more special ( ). Also, she took the time to honor all things joy, love, and life via the many things we have in common - old, new, borrowed, and BLUE! Suddenly, a la "The Wiz" (and the revolving kaleidoscope that is the 'emerald city sequence': BLUE (because of Karen) is a joyful color, feeling, and mood that carried me to new heights on that day… and everyday that followed – perfect timing for Fashion Week ( ); Urbanworld Film Festival ( ); and everything else that was going down this week. I must admit, it’s begun to blur… but because I had such great friends like Diaz...  Manivone...  Cynthia... Vince... Ern... Mara... and Tish, who sent me the pic of she, my best friend Eddie and our fellow Morehouse brother and friend Brad – all of whom gathered in Washington DC for some social time [Eddie made sure Tish sent the pic since many of the images with him in them from his visit to NYC were lost with the camera ]. They all ensured that I had photographs to chronicle my ‘mourning’ period pending my next purchase (Patrick to the mailbox a la Celie from “The Color Purple”: “… anything for me?”).

In fact, there are so many pix, they will be my reminders of where I’ve been over the last couple of weeks. And like sitting with someone who just put a scrapbook together, I will narrate it:

This is my Nichole and me on the night of Bill Clinton’s DNC speech ( ). Ant was out of town and Nichole and I were attempting to have a quick bite at my buddy Brian’s Harlem bistro Native – so we could catch up (It had been a minute). This, before seeing the musical production “Hattie… What I Need You To Know” ( or call 212/352-3101). For more information: Well, our chat would end up pre-empting our Hattie moment which we’re still committed to check out. But we did get some wine at a cute new Harlem spot Nectar Wine Bar where Amy Ruth’s Michael Vann ( ) graciously kept our glasses full. We talked all things politics, pop culture, and people – especially since we were missing President Clinton, my buddy.  

Ant soon came back from his weeklong vacation in Denver. We didn’t have enough time to catch an event with Terrence Howard to which we were invited by my Savannah homeboy Stacy Quarterman (promoting Terrence’s new CD: Instead, we joined his good girlfriend Deb (stylist for Wendy Williams) at Caroline’s ( where Miss Wendy hosts a Wednesday night of comedy. In addition to a line-up of hilarious talent including Lady Roz G ( or I also ran into my fellow homegirl from Tokyo (I was born there) DJ SEIKO (I didn’t know her from over there, but she and I were both born on Air Force Bases in Tokyo. I was born on Tachikawa AFB). And then, we ran into author of “Mike Tyson Tried To Kill My Daddy” Mitchell Rose who was selling his tome out of his van ( ). We too saw a couple of my fellow National Association of Black Journalists sistahs Sherry and Kirsten. All of this happened  on just one block in Times Square.

On Thursday, Ant, Ern, and I attended a pre-Fashion Week party (www.ISTYLESTARZENTERTAINMENT.COM) at Glass Lounge ( where we saw lots of our buddies like George. The club sets near where “Ugly Betty” ( was filming. We joked that we felt like we were going to run into Ugly Betty herself (or hopefully Vanessa Williams). Well, it happened. Ant, Ern, and I were just walking down the street… and America Ferrera was being escorted by her handlers to her scene. Ern and Ant caught it first. When I caught on, we turned around and followed her. Eventually I called her name “America” and she turned around and graciously spoke. Her folks wouldn’t allow a picture with us but we snapped one anyway. Only in New York City. (By the way, remember that episode of 'Ugly Betty' that touched me on Mother's Day by way of an Ashford & Simpson composition "Didn't You Know You'd Have To Cry Sometime?" by Gladys Knight - Well, you'll recall I LOVED the Diana Ross version and there's FINALLY an upload on YOU TUBE that I can share here: ). Afterwards, we had a bite at our spot Cafeteria ( ) where we stumbled into DIVA Manager with the most Benny Medina (most recent client Mariah Carey) and he not only spoke (as he, Ant, and I have collabo’d on some development projects), but he offered Ant and me tix for Fashion Rocks the next night ( ).

By now, you’ve all seen it. But Ant and I had a great time with Beyonce serving her best Etta James ( while her sister Solange stole the show with her new-but-vintage sound( ). Afterwards we joined our buddy Malachi Rivers and a host of his friends at our favorite Dallas BBQ before a night of Fashion Show aftersets.

See my good girlfriend Mara Schiavocampo, Digital Correspondent for NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams ( Here she is in Beijing. Then, it was Denver at the DNC (She and Ant got to hang out for a little bit). We’d been missing her as she’d been on the road for over a month. But upon her return, she and her husband Tommie invited Ern, Ant, and me over to their Harlem brownstone for a night of games – scored by an episode of “The Cosby Show” in which Claire is rejecting Cliff’s competitiveness in “Monopoly” (just as Mara began to chastize her Tommie on his board game intensity). We felt so Huxtable that night. (Speaking of the Huxtables, my Spelman sister Karen Ceesay was featured on the new sitcom "Somebodies" on BET ( ). This is the first original scripted show that BET is producing, plus it is the first in an entire fall line-up of original programming on BET. CONGRATS KAREN!).

And speaking of sitcoms, the next day Carl, Ant, and I attended a fashion show to which my friend Diaz invited me. It was Jose Duran ( at HK Lounge ( Jaslene of “America’s Next Top Model” fame was in the show… and served the children. We even ran into our hip hop dance instructor Tweetie who was sporting an awesome, short do. Afterwards, Ant had business in Brooklyn. So, my platonic boo Carl took me to brunch at Pastis ( where one of my pop culture obsessions took fold. I ran into Thelma’s first fiance Larry from “Good Times” (Carl Franklin) and just had to let him know how much of a fan I am of the show and him. Remember “Love In The Ghetto”? ( and ( Afterwards, Carl and I went to the Gansevoort ---- patio and rooftop ---- for lovely social time ( There, we ran into my Morehouse brother Welborn Preston who you may recall invited me to Atlanta last December to meet up with one of his clients ( Well, he’s got another client in Chris Willis (, a popular house singer who I had the opportunity to meet. And he and Preston invited Ant and me to the studio to hear them work on some material with popular singer Ultra Nate ( whose “Free” everyone should know ( The producer Dave Darlington ( whose Bass Hit Recording Studio in New York City was the home of this session. He shared that he played bass on “my” Diana Ross’ “Summertime” ( ) from her 1987 “Red Hot Rhythm & Blues” project. Ant and I just loved being in the studio. The visit was quite the muse for that sidelight of mine that is itching to place my voice on the spotlight of somebody's recording.

I ended up having business in Washington DC which provided me the opportunity to see two dear friends: My “Amazing Grace” Lisa Goodnight and my Savannah homeboy James Davis. Lisa caught me up on all things ‘latina’ (She’s not), including author Junot Diaz ( My Morehouse brother Chris McDonald’s brother Rodney happened upon us as we nibbled on crabmeat quesadillas at Union Station Restaurant ( ). He says he recognized me from a picture he saw of Chris and me in my blog.

As Fashion Week continued, Ant and I did Russell Simmons’ Argyle Agriculture line’s fashion show ( where Ant and I ran into once-“Scary Spice”/now-stylish-Mel-B. She and her husband are so sweet (or should I say... spicy!?). Too, we hung out at the Launch Party for the BET/Urbanworld Film Festival at Hudson River Café ( There, we got to hang out with my “Amazing Grace” Nichole, Miss Cynthia (who provided me with the pix from our brunch at Maroon’s ( last week, by the way), Michelle, and a host of others --- like Mr. BJ Coleman, who always calls me “Riley”. He is a blog reader. Also, there was the cutest Target party which we attended, thanks to my friend Diaz. It celebrated the launch of the Bullseye Bodegas ( ). Ant’s “Wendy Williams” colleague Michael was there. Always good to see him. Former Destiny’s Child group member Latoya was in the house. But none excited as much as Mr. and Mrs. Seinfeld. And they seemed excited to be there for their roll-through.

Then, Ant and I got the hook up from my nephew and his former colleagues at HBO for Urbanworld Film Festival (Oh, how the tide has turned. Beautifully!). We saw so many great films like “This Is The Life” by my friend Ava Duvernay; Sister’s Keeper (w/”Girlfriends” guest Kent Faulcon), and Lee Daniels’ “Tennessee” - -(and Miss Cannon came to the screening). We got to see the film “Phantom Punch” ( on Sonny Liston that starred Ving Rames and was directed by Robert Townsend who told us about this project when we saw him a couple of months ago ( Also, my Tracey Moore-Marable oversaw an awesome panel at HBO which featured readings of scenes from works-in-progress ( It was quite the inspired session. And Tracey was such an inspiration, as always. Manivone and I even got to see a film “Diary of a Tired Black Man” ( which proved quite entertaining and insightful. We also got a sneak-peek of a new CINEMAX project by erotica author Zane (and collaborator/legendary producer Suzanne DePasse): “Zane’s Sex Chronicles” ( But the highlight was “The Secret Life of Bees” ( – a screening which featured Queen Latifah and her co-star Sophie Okonedo along with director Gina Prince-Blythewood who I interviewed (along with Nate Parker) during Unity ’08 in Chicago ( She was happy to see me as I was her. After the movie, I got the chance to reconnect to one of my fellow Pentavaurates (You remember my ‘dinner group’, right? And how my Stephanie recently got married… the same day as our other buddies Adrienne and Galen [Updated PIX!]). But there’s also my Terri whose husband Alvin Bowles played a key role in throwing the best party I’ve been to in a long time. BET ( threw a set for all sets. It was the consummate culmination of a week in which Fashion and Urban Film took over New York City. It was “Film and Fashion” - a reminder of what used to be more common place in New York City during less economically-strained times. They used movies like "Shaft"; "Bonnie and Clyde"; "Breakfast at Tiffany's"; "Casino"; etc. as the larger-than-life backdrop to a gorgeous fashion show. Each scene was scored by a random but applicable song (not necessarily one from the film itself). Well, the finale was my favorite Diana Ross' "Mahogany" featuring designs by the likes of Kevan Hall, Marc Jacobs, etc. The song select was "No One Gets The Prize" from "The Boss". HOT!!! And beyond that (I digress on DIANA - LOL!), it was an all-around good party - the people, food, drinks, etc. Event producer (whose sets in the late '90s were the ONLY parties in town) David Watkins from ICON did this one along with expertise from star stylist June Ambrose ( Also, one of my favorite designers Omar was on the roster (responsible for my bespoke tailored tux coutured-to-perfection just for me). The work he did on my tux is pure artistry. THANKS OMAR! D-Nice was the DJ. He just married Malinda Williams, “Bird” from Showtime’s “Soul Food”. Mums from “Oz” was there. He asked if I’d seen the new musical directed and choreographed by Tony Award winner BILL T. JONES “FELA!” – pointing out that he found me striking like a young Bill T. Jones. I have yet to see it though invited by my girlfriend Marcia but it has been extended and audiences are welcomed into the extravagant, decadent and rebellious world of Afrobeat legend FELA ANIKULAPO-KUTI. Using his pioneering music (a blend of jazz, funk, and African rhythms and harmonies), FELA! explores Kuti's controversial life as artist, political activist and revolutionary musician. Featuring many of Fela's most captivating songs and Bill T. Jones's imaginative staging, this new show is a provocative hybrid of concert, dance and musical theater. FOR MUSIC, UPDATES, REVIEWS, DOWNLOADS AND MUCH MORE VISIT www.FELAOFFBROADWAY.COM By the way, remember "The Five Heartbeats" and "Sugar Hill". Well, walking from "Urban World" on 34th and 8th to the after-pary on 42nd Street, Ant, Manivone, and I stumbled into Michael D. Wright who too co-owned upscale Southern cuisine "Jezebel" in Hell's Kitchen/Theater District (The take-out is still open). He seemed quite spirited and wanted me to shout him out here. So here goes: ("...Nights like this I wish that raindrops would fall...").

“No One Gets The Prize” ( and all things Diana Ross’ “The Boss” – by the way - was a backdrop at an impromptu hang Ant and I went to at our dear friend Ken Roberson, choreographer of the Tony-award-winning “Avenue Q”. His good girlfriend Karen Chilton. Karen is the author of “Hazel Scott” ( – the first biography of an important but overlooked African American pianist, singer, actor, and civil-rights advocate. It sounds like a sexy read. Celebrity bio is my favorite genre… and this one must get adapted into a film. Karen, also an actress, and Ant, an actor, could play Billie Holliday and Fats Waller respectively. Look at the synergy here.

Speaking of BIOS, another of my diva/pop culture icons Diahann Carroll has a new memoir coming out. “The Legs Are The Last To Go: Aging, Acting, Marrying, and other things I learned the hard way” promises a history lesson and juice.

I’m sure Diahann Carroll will LOVE my friend Patrik-Ian Polk’s feature NOAH'S ARC which comes out on October 24th ( (According to these JET Magazine covers, she seems to be aligned with us. SMILE!). It will be put out in a Platform Release- opening weekend will be Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, and Atlanta. As with most platform releases, the better the film does in these initial cities, the better the chances the film has of expanding to more markets in the weeks following. My good industry girlfriend Jackie Bazan is handling the publicity for the film ( I’ve moderated and hosted lots of Q&As and interviews for her company. We all have to go out and support this flick as we LOVE NOAH’S ARC and must help its big screen impression make a splash.

Last night, Ant, Ern, Michael K. Watts, and I went to see Celine Dion. I was able to snag some tix for the sold-out Madison Square Garden show in New York City. She was amazing!!!!

Remember I saw Pepa at the Vibe 15th Anniversary Party? ( Well, last night, Ant and I attended a LIFEBEAT set in celebration of Pepa’s latest tome “Let’s Talk About Pep” ( and SALT WAS IN THE HOUSE as well!!!!! Well, actually it was HOME ( I’m complete now! They were both so kind and sweet… yet savory!

What a week!

Posted on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 04:02AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment | References4 References


Well, you recall the note that one of my best friends, Bernie, sent me. She and I were pages - along with six of our other friends - at Georgia’s State Capital (by way of Savannah). I reflected on that special moment in 1982 via this blog from a few weeks ago: ( Bernie reminded me that after listening to Luther Vandross’ sultry cover of The Carpenters' “Superstar” on a loop (compliments of our other good girlfriend Lori - that we too FINALLY got the chance to get another song in. It was Kool & The Gang’s “Joanna” ( ) – only my 12-year-old brainchild was that we replace the title name with “Atlanta” (“Atlanta… I love you…”). This, as we eased restlessly yet excitedly down the road [READ: I-16 N and I-75 N] to our ‘Emerald City’ (Atlanta which – at the time – was such a big metropolitan compared to Savannah… and still, to some degree)!!!

Well, I couldn’t write that without another friend of old, Tonja, weighing in. She is my friend from 6th grade who shared the title “Oreo” with me as – at our Savannah elementary school – we were the only two African Americans in accelerated classes, which included special projects like our published book “A Child’s View of Savannah Squares” and our history presentation on Wickersham Iron (which took us from Savannah to Atlanta to The Smithsonian in DC). Plus, Tonja and her family – just after our family (and a couple of other brave clans) – began to turn our once-all-white, South side neighborhood “Colonial Village” into a more integrated space, if you will [In my lifetime, a cross was burned in our front yard with some KKK paraphernalia in the mailbox that included a note that read “Niggers go home!”]. I was 10. Tonja nor I had an issue with our identity (as African Americans) and – eventually as we matriculated through middle school and high school – we identified those folks of color who understood us (as we were) and welcomed us with open arms as we also embraced our White brothers and sisters with whom we continued to relate harmoniously. I last saw Tonja in 1987 as she left Savannah suddenly for her mother's hometown of Macon and we never saw each other again. With buzz around our recent 20-year high school reunion planning (, she found me and recently reached out via email. The subject line on her cyber-note read “FROM OREOS TO COOL J COOKIES…” (a line from LL Cool J’s “I’m Bad” – rap from our high school days: She caught me up on her life. She’s a wife and mother now – working in Atlanta… and I’m so proud of her. She too wrote me in response to the blog in which I referenced Bernie's feedback regarding my way with words. Tonja echoed Bernie's sentiments: “… You've always had a knack for "remixes". Don't tell me you forgot "Fried Chicken Woman" instead of “Alligator Woman”. Wasn't that a Cameo song? Also you rewrote a song for [some of the closely-cropped girls] in high school… We should've known in middle school you were destined for greatness-so much creativity.”

So as not to disappoint Bernie or Tonja, I’m channeling Natalie Cole’s “Good To Be Back” (substituting “Black” for Back - because I was invited back to The South (Atlanta… to be exact) to host an event at Atlanta’s High Museum ( on the campus of The Woodruff Arts Center ( ) – also home to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (which – as a member of the Morehouse College Glee Club - - I had the chance to perform with many times. I even got to speak on behalf of the glee club as we performed a tribute to Atlanta Symphony Orchestra composer and conductor Robert Shaw in 1991 when honored on CBS' "Kennedy Center Honors" -

But get this: My good friend Kelly Welborn (Senior Marketing Manager at The High) made it possible for me to host “ Art in the City” in which The High extends its hours and hosts an open mic/spoken word experience. Easy enough, but on this occasion, they sweetened the deal with HistoryRemixed: Road to Freedom and After 1968 – two exhibits-in-one that take you on an amazing ride through the civil rights movement and beyond, highlighting how the movement has changed our nation and inspired artists today. And I got a private tour from Julian Cox, curator of “Road to Freedom” (below left). Also, I got to engage in a long, thoughtful chat with Jeffrey Grove, curator of “After 1968” and one of its artists Nadine Robinson whose “Coronation Theme: Organon” segues the museum patron from the ‘movement’ into a sculpture-of-audio-speakers in the shape of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church where Dr. King preached. POWERFUL!

BUT THERE’S MORE: HBO came in to partner with The High (You know how I love synergy…) to host an exclusive, preview screening of HBO’s “The Black List” ( ) which premiered this week on HBO (IT’S A MUST-SEE as I wrote about last week from the NYC screening where I met Chairman of Time Warner Richard Parsons and one of the featured "Black List"-ers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar : And like last week, its creator Elvis Mitchell (seen with me below) was in the house. (Photographer Timothy Greenfield-Sanders couldn’t make it.)

NOW STAY WITH ME: I got to invite many of my friends from the industry here in Atlanta… and many of them came out. But most importantly, my sister Janice, her husband Vincent, my cousin Floyd, my “Original Amazing Grace” and best friend from Savannah Natalie, her husband Dwayne, good girlfriend from college Audrey Irvine, my AABJ/NABJ sister Angela Robinson, and a host of others from my intimate world were in the house (I’ll detail a bit of it later).

But MOST excitedly, after not seeing her since November 1987, the aforementioned TONJA was there with her husband Prince in tow (and his client Keyoshe is singer/writer/actress/model - – who performed in the open mic portion of the evening... and is seen in this picture below.).

AND I TOOK PICTURES OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!! (Unfortunately, my camera was stolen once I got back to New York City. MORE ON THAT LATER:

Fortunately, I have friends in HIGH PLACES. My fellow Atlanta University Center brother ( ) who attended Clark Atlanta University ( while I was at Morehouse (, Shannon Mccollum ( was commissioned by HBO to shoot the event and he has made it possible for me to illustrate the night via my blog (if not my personal pix with my family, friends, and – most disappointed [in my lust for “full circle moments”] – Tonja). THANK YOU, SHANNON! YOU ARE THE BEST! [He took each and everyone of the pix here from that night!]

OH, ONE MORE THING: Remember Tonja’s reference to “Alligator Woman” by CAMEO ( Well, one of Cameo’s members Gerald Bright was in the house. He was there to support his wife Sheila Pree Bright whose “Young Americans” exhibit just wrapped ( And I made sure to introduce him to my brother-in-law Vincent, fellow-Cameo-enthusiast. And I took that picture too - the one that was on the camera that was stolen. <Okay, I'll move on...>

Now, ONWARD with my telling of the night:

It truly felt like a homecoming for me. And everyone is doing so well. In addition to my Audrey and my Angela Robinson, there were so many others.

My NABJ baby ( Errin Haines (reporter at The Associated Press - ) is doing her thing as the now-emerged journalist that The National Association of Black Journalists named "Emerging Journalist of the Year" in 2006. My friend Gil Robertson was in the house ( ). His clients did brilliantly in Beijing at The Olympics ( ). Here's the final medal count for athletes managed by Gil's client Icon Management Inc. ( ):

Angelo Taylor Gold, 400mh, 1600 meter relay;

LaShawn Merritt, Gold 400m and 1600 meter relay;

Shawn Crawford, SIvler 200m;

LaShawn Merritt, Bronze 100m & 200m.

I’ve blogged about Icon before: .

And let me just list the WHO’S WHO IN BLACK AMERICA - including Kenny Leon of True Colors Theatre Company (, which has upcoming final series of August Wilson Full Circle: Gem of the Ocean & Radio Golf at the Alliance Theatre ( opening this week and Stephanie Hughley, creator of National Black Arts Festival ( Many of those from Atlanta, in Atlanta, who traveled to Atlanta … were there:

On the HBO tip: Elvis Mitchell, of course; And a special shout out to Lynn Waymer, Director of Affiliate Marketing and Pat Conner, Director of PR… and though she wasn’t there, Janet Walley was there in spirit and organized everything including the NY premiere particulars before heading out on a European vacation. Also, Valerie Harris, PR, and Stephanie and Jermaine in marketing. WE LOVE YOU, HBO!!!!

Kelly’s High Museum marketing team includes: Terra Washington and Monifa Clunie and recently departed Tiffany Bailey (now at the CDC). And all of my buddies on the security staff in the City and at The High (Officers Holland, Duncan, Waldon, Benjamin, and entire staff). JOB WELL DONE… and THANKS FOR TAKING CARE OF ME!

My fellow Renaissance man DJ Tabone ( and who scored the night with his great sounds and helped keep the PASS THE MIC/OPEN MIC going (with over 30 artists, musicians and poets to boot) – so I could continue to hop around from all the concurrent events going on. By the way, “Art in the City” is the High’s weekly event held every Thursday, 5 to 8pm at the High Museum of Friday Jazz. It is a monthly event held every third Friday, 5 to 10pm. Open Mic is held on the third Thursday of the month.

Other than Julian and Jeffrey, the other HIGH creators were in the house (and quite lovely and supportive to this event):

Linda Dubler, Curator of Film

Carol Thompson, Curator of African Art – High Museum of Art

Virginia Shearer, Assoc. Chair of Education, High Museum

David Manuel, Director of Community Affairs of Woodruff Arts Center

Tara Perry, VP of Strategic Planning

Joe Bankoff, CEO of Woodruff Arts Center

Road to Freedom &After 1968 Creative Team:

The HistoryRemixed campaign was created by Co-CEO, McGhee Williams Osse and her team: Cara Cocroft, Michele Andwele, Jacqueline High, and the creative team: Lisa McConnell, Ron Smith, Karen Kane. Shout out to Jeff McFarland of Verizon for the lead). Media Director, Gail Warren and new account reps from the Atlanta Burrell Communications office attended Thursday’s event.

Dawnne Amey and Ashlee Feemster from Brand Apostles promotional agency were in attendance. They produced the engagement program and street team activities (promoting “Living Statues” pulled from the photos in the Road to Freedom exhibition around the Metro-Atlanta area at festivals and parks (check them out at V-103’s For Sisters Only and 100 Black Men of Atlanta’s Parade in September)).

Artists: Sam Mahone was also in the house!

V-103: Joyce Littel of the Quiet Storm, Bob Jackson, Shelice Smith, and Elle Duncan

-- all of whom represent the Number one radio station in Atlanta ( ).

High Museum of Art Civil Rights Influencers: Frank Sanchez of the Boys and Girls Club of America; 100 Black Men of Dekalb County Sylvester Hopewell Jr.; Mocha Moms Shenia Kirkland; GA State Coordinator, Marie Smith; Wande Meadows, President of South Dekalb Chapter; Lesia Mescudi of USalon in Buckhead; and Cynthia Craig of Azar Salon in Buckhead; Melissa McGhie from Turner; Rasheedah Ali of Spectrum Communications; and Ed Phelps of Studio Vis.

Other notables: My Savannah homeboy Stacy T. Quarterman, Artist Development from SONY BMG and Terrell Henderson from Universal Music Group for their Art in the City/HBO gift bag contributions; Johnna M. Snell , Senior Director of Workplace Giving, American Heart Association; Lisa Turner, member of the High, Carmen Jones of Turner, Author Roger Louis Kennedy of “My Spouse Made Me Rich”, Xylina Knuckles of 300 Atlanta, Michael Heard (and wife) from CNN’s “Black in America”).

AS IS HER STYLE: My friend Kelly Welborn ensured that I was truly taken care of. I was put up at 12 ( ). We had a briefing lunch at Lobby at 12 ( ).

For dinner, Lynn Waymer, Director of Affiliate Marketing at HBO, joined Kelly and me for a lovely dinner at Spice Market ( ) inside the W Hotel in Colony Square ( When Ant and I stayed there last year, it was a Sheraton ( ). It has totally been transformed into a slice of Los Angeles.

Afterwards, we enjoyed cocktails upstairs at Whiskey Park with David Manuel, Director of Community Affairs of Woodruff Arts Center and Johnna M. Snell , Senior Director of Workplace Giving, American Heart Association.

The next day, I got to experience the Atlantic Station my nephew has boasted about (as he is a junior at my alma mater Morehouse and is ever the patron in these parts - ): Copeland’s Cheesecake Bistro ( ). My "Amazing Grace" and best friend from Savannah Nat came and sponsored that moment which gave us our face-to-face time vs. our daily voice-to-voice time during her (and sometimes my) commute to or from our work. Later, she came to the event with her husband Dwayne in tow.


The Atlanta Dialogue: Met many of the family members participating in the program who attended the screening. Check out to blog about your experience after visiting the High Museum or any of the Arts entities in Atlanta this year.

High Museum of Art highlights:

FINAL WEEKS of HistoryRemixed: Road to Freedom: Photographs from the Civil Rights Movement, 1956-1968 and After 1968: Contemporary Artists and the Civil Rights Legacy.

The First Emperor: China’s Terracotta Army is coming to the High Museum on November 16. Hurry, tickets are selling fast! Become a member and enter for free.

The High has already pre-sold over 20,000 tickets in anticipation of this exhibition.

“Highlight”. This is going to be the largest exhibition to come to the High Museum!

Art in the City, Thursdays,

Talk and Talk Back: Gallery Talk with After 1968 artist, Hank Willis Thomas “Unbranded”

Yes, in my lifetime, this African American man was invited back to Atlanta to host an event at The High Museum featuring content that celebrates the resillience and brilliance of being African American. "IT'S GOOD TO BE (BLACK)", indeed!!!!!

Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 03:07PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments2 Comments | References2 References


As I have begun to take high-profile assignments (as freelance field producer) from my most lucrative clients, more and more on-camera pop culture work is coming my way - keeping this hustle alive!!!:

1.) Last week, 'CN8's Your Morning' featured me (for the first time on its air) in a live segment on Ben Stiller's Hollywood satire 'Tropic Thunder': . In addition to the pop culture analysis, we too are exploring some style segments I may front for the Philly-based COMCAST morning show that reaches 9 million subscribers from Virginia to Maine.

2.) In that spirit, check out two fashion segments (on which I step into my style-maven persona) for AT&T's 'The Hugh Thompson Show' which once streamed on AT&T's Technical Station (website now-under-reconstruction). I do 'Geek 2.0' makeovers on two subjects. Click here to see one female and one male subject in full (from shopping to the reveal). Cute pieces! ENJOY!: I blogged much about the behind-the-scenes of this experience. From the shoot (on which Ant collaborated with me as a credited style consultant for our subjects and me), which we did at our favorite boutique "N" ( -, we had a blast. And Ant also pulled some hot-off-the-presses "American Chang" ( and "R. Scott French" ( for my looks (as well as Dan, our makeover subject):

3.) And THANKS to the new round of supporters who just saw "Million Dollar Password" for the first time (It reran last night!):

4.) 'Password' (excerpted) and much of my work of late (including 'NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams' (on-line)) can be viewed here: 
It is fast paced and fun and the outcome may suprise you!

I don’t stand alone. I have a slew of folks who are doing awesome things in their lives and with their careers:

James Aguiar, one of my fellow co-hosts from the much-buzzed about "tvQ" pilot I shot a couple of years ago, has launched a new web series for WE ( Just click on "She Got Game". Each webisode is about three minutes no excuse if you have A.D.D.! He also has a companion blog for each... and would love you to leave a comment. If the network sees enough interest they may turn it into a half hour for the air. Registering is simple and you don't have to give a ton of personal info. Let's support James... and somebody out there, give me one of these opportunities (It runs Monday and Thursday. CONGRATS, JAMES!!!). 

Aforementioned new friend David Manuel (from the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta) told me about his book: “I Am A Father” ( One needs look no further than one of Obama’s messages today to know how important this issue has been in 2008. Congrats, David! I look forward to hearing more about this project and supporting you anyway I can.

Further proof? April R. Silver (… Editor of “BE A FATHER TO YOUR CHILD” ( – an anthology that discusses family, love, fatherhood, and hip hop… as told by Black Men.

And as a brother who too is a father – being the difference out there, I think of Jimmy Witherspoon, Publisher of “Girlfriends: Health Guide For Women of Color” ( ). I ran into him while in Atlanta and he shared this wonderful periodical which promotes optimum health for women of color.

And though I’m not a father, I am an uncle and a mentor. One of my NABJ babies Chloe Hilliard ( is currently a staff writer at The Village Voice ( ). And she had a great cover story last week on black models struggling to get on the runway ( ).

And here in this era of possibility, I’m pleasantly haunted in remembering the 1988 Democratic National Convention in Atlanta where Jennifer Holliday led the party in “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” ( Well, I’m excited to hear that Obama has asked Holliday doppelganger Jennifer Hudson to perform on Thursday after his speech. Can’t wait to hear and see. Perhaps another Holliday remake?

Or they could invite my Morehouse brother David Redic – already in Denver for the week, singing his “Season of Change” to anyone who will listen. Obama anyone?

CHECK THIS OUT: I wrote about him last week ( ).

Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:41PM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | Comments1 Comment


I lost my camera Sunday while having drinks at G ( Ant and I met up with friends Chris and Ken Roberson ( and were really enjoying ourselves. We even took pictures. Not these pix though. THESE ARE FROM ANOTHER TIME we were ready to leave, I managed to get up without grabbing my blackberry nor my camera. I realized as soon as we got out to the sidewalk on 19th Street. So, Ant and I quickly returned to where we were and they were gone. It turns out the blackberry was turned in. The camera was not. Nothing could console me. I was very upset (though Ant says he’s going to replace it as he wanted to anyway, but there’s no replacing the many images that were on this camera):

It was chockfull of joyful images that I’ve been chronicling since Ern and I went to see Miss Vanessa Williams at “The Wendy Williams Show” (, which – by the way – has been picked up ( ). Ant produced all of the opening announcers for the show (among many things) – so it was so great to see him coaching Vanessa’s mother Helen, known lovingly as “Gaga”. Afterwards, we didn’t get private time with Vanessa (she had left), but her glam squad includes a friend Sam Fine ( ) and the very kind Oscar James (who too works on Tyra’s tresses – www. oscarjames .com ) with whom I’ve photo op’d before (but our picture from that morning of the ‘Wendy’ show was stellar. Not sure who that is in the middle of this file photo. :(). I'M GLAD ERN TOOK THE PIC WITH VANESSA'S MOM ON HIS CAMERA AS WELL.

From there, Ant left for Denver where he’s partaking of related DNC fare and benefiting from being home as he’s worked hard over this last six weeks. My former fellow NABJ Board member Tamara Banks is producing documentaries and hosting her own show on PBS in addition to media consulting. I hooked Ant up with her (though they have their own history as she gave Ant a NABJ scholarship by way of the Colorado Association of Black Journalists some years ago). One of the groups she is working with is organizing the After Five Jazz & Blues Festival 2008 (, a series of jazz & blues concerts to be held in the Black neighborhood, Five Points, this week. Ant too may be helping her out during the festivities.

Before he left and between my return from Atlanta, Ant and I got lots of social time and karaoke in:

  • One night, we hung out with Ant's best friend Manivone and her girls on the lower east side. The Sutra Lounge ( ) was our night (and oh, the pix were so great! <I’M SAD!> But here's a pic of Manivone from our past).
  • Friday, we went to Central Park (by way of the Diana Ross Playground) to join one of Ant’s co-workers and her friend at HAIR, the musical that was running in the park. But it was sold out. So, we met them at One 17 – our karaoke spot ( ). (Also, GREAT PICTURES! EH!!!!!)
  • Then, my best friend from Morehouse Eddie was in town from Chicago for a wedding. He, a friend Tereska (former Chicago resident now in NYC), Ern, Ant, and I did more karaoke at Players II. Eddie provided this pictures from when they joined a couple of friends of Tereska for drinks at The Bryant Park Grill ( ) after she and Eddie went to see “Boeing Boeing” ( ). (BUT OUR KARAOKE PICTURES WERE GREAT! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN AND IT WAS CAPTURED!!!)
  • On Sunday, Ant and I joined my ‘Amazing Grace’ Nichole and a group of our friends (from Dawn to Cynthia to her cousin Jeffrey to some other friends of theirs). Too, my friend Vince (from Chicago was in town visiting his beau Earl who is on Tyra’s glam squad) - . My friend Mitchell’s restaurant Maroon’s was our locale ( ). <THESE PIX WERE GREAT TOO BUT SEE VINCE FROM MY TIME IN CHICAGO… AND SEE NICHOLE AND SOME OF OUR FOLKS IN THE MIX!>After we partook of great food and mimosas (and a Savion Glover sighting), Ant and I did a little shopping and then did a pitstop at the karaoke bar – so we could rest before we were to meet our friends at G Lounge. Imagine our excitement when my Savannah homeboy Maurice Marable and his friend Karen popped in and ‘sang with us’. Our impromptu double date made the night ( (ANOTHER ROUND OF GREAT PIX MISSING, BUT YOU RECALL MAURICE AND KAREN FROM OUR RECENT “PASSING STRANGE” EVENING OUT… ...AND ANOTHER RUN-IN IN THE CITY).

While on our way to G, Ant noticed our good friend Henry Krieger on the street (composer of all songs "Dreamgirls" - Broadway musical and the movie). You'll recall, Ant interviewed him for STARZ! here in New York City when the film was set to come out. And I - the "Dreamgirls" CRAZY MAN - about lost my mind as Ant invited me to watch in the wings as he interviewed one of my hero architects of song  ( Well, the other day (on the street), I was lots more composed and WE TOOK SOME GREAT PICTURES AS WELL after which we chatted him up about his projects and our projects, etc. AND NOW THOSE PIX ARE GONE TOO. But at least, we have our pix from December 2006, including this cute one (these 2006 pix were with a disposable camera, by the way):

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS to two pairs of friends:

  • My fellow Pentavaurate member Stephanie Elam whose boyfriend Jeffrrey Rush we met the week Ant came to town last February ( is now Mrs. Stephanie Elam. I wish I could have been there to bear witness to the union. But it speaks volumes everytime I see you two. CONGRATULATIONS! Now we are a quorom of spoken-for PENTAVS. When our dinner group formed, we were all single (though not exactly footloose and fancy free). One step at a time, each of us has gotten 'married' (though my attachment falls under the category of 'committed' as the legislation around gay marriage requires some tweaks for Ant's and my taste. Regardless, we're all spoken for... SMILE!).
  • And on the same day this month, two other friends Galen Gordon and Adrienne Stewart became ‘flesh of flesh and bone of bone’. Too, we wish we could have covered them (in the Caribbean no doubt), but from afar, we were right there with them. HERE’S TO LOVE… and HERE’S TO LIFE! (I WASN’T EITHER PLACE TO TAKE THESE PIX BUT THEIR RESPECTIVE LOVE HAS BEEN CAPTURED HERE IN THE BLOG BEFORE!)


Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 11:42AM by Registered CommenterTHE LIFE OF RILEY in | CommentsPost a Comment


Well, summer is coming to an end – the first indicator of which is my nephew wrapping up his internship at HBO ( ) and heading back to Georgia to get ready for his junior year at my alma mater Morehouse ( ). We have lots of blessings on which to reflect. (Doesn't it seem like just yesterday when he arrived? Though I couldn't provide him as flossy a summer as I'm used to providing (in seasons gone by), I did what I could to keep it exciting for him. (Still, no amount of Broadway, off-Broadway shows, A-list parties, and free cultural events can sufficiently impress an aspirational A-lister who is simply searching for JAY Z and Beyonce - or the like - as this popular couple (and their contemporaries) always seem to be right there by way of the seemingly accessible pages of the NYC celebrity/paparazzi blogs that would occupy much of his time and energy… and still). And my ‘juice’ (nor ‘liquid’ money) could come up with the access to their private dinners and parties nor the tickets for him to – at least - see Jay Z/Mary J. Blige in concert not to mention summer blockbusters Alicia Keys, Kanye West, and – what of my own idols? – George Michael. He was cool about it (if disappointed), but I would have LOVED to have it all pop off as he envisioned.

Still, I was able to secure access for him to accompany Ant and me to the VIBE 15th Anniversary party ( ). Actually, it inspired a memory of Herman (Noot… I call him) from 1995. Noot (my brother’s kid), my sister (his aunt), and my dad came to visit me in New York City . I then secured an invite for my sister and me to attend VIBE's Anniversary party. Much like now, Noot was a minor (though the 19-year-old version of him was much more malleable to this function). Well, clearly we couldn't justify getting 8-year-old mini-Noot into a set. With that, the little boy (who has always been what our folks down south call "grown") told his grandfather (our father) to tell my sister Janice and me that we could NOT go to this party without him. He was kicking and screaming (literally) for us not to go without him.

Fast forward 13 years, I had to go through hoops, but anything (within my reach and sometimes beyond my reach) for my nephew to not call my father - kicking and screaming - for me to not go to another party without him. And get this: HE HAD THE TIME OF HIS LIFE!!! For most of us in the know, it didn’t carry the excitement of other industry parties we’d attended in the past. But it was enjoyable just the same. And it was absolutely the best… for Noot. It all happened because of a dear friend of mine Olivia Scott-Perkins. I met her some years ago in Chicago (through my Morehouse brother Eddie) as he launched our annual Listening Experience (which has been on hiatus for a minute, but excerpted inside this entry: . A handful of us get together and appreciate new music in a laid-back, social setting. The last one was at Olivia's Harlem pad). She too has been a #1 supporter of my personality pursuits - hiring me to host one of her LIVE NATION events with Motorola Boost Mobile ("Music Biz 101") during her days at Clear Channel and LIVE NATION. She has just joined Vibe Media Group as the Associate Publisher of Marketing. Her responsibility is to lead the marketing team in all marketing communications efforts including brand, PR and sponsorship functions for Vibe Magazine,, VSessions, VCommunity, Vibe Awards and more Vibe properties. And according to Noot, she is on her way. It was great to see her and our mutual friend Anise who is a Listening Experience member and singer/songwriter her own ( The sightings that made the impression for him include: Cassie (; Teyana Taylor (; fellow Morehouse man Fonzworth Bentley, host of MTV’s “From Gs to Gents” (; and one of Ant’s and my social buddies of late Nic of “America’s Next Top Model” fame ( But of course, there were the sightings that stimulated us both equally, like Miss Diana Ross’ 2nd born Tracee Ellis Ross, who I adore. And she was ever the Diana doppelganger – sporting a fiercely supreme liquid eyeliner and vintage pair of stilettos (Mama IS Proud, I’m sure!). Then, there was Pep, who is promoting her new book project “Let’s Talk About Pep” ( And dear friend from back in the day (VIBE’s beginnings) Kevin Powell who is doing his thing – from writer (of new book “THE BLACK MALE HANDBOOK: A Blueprint for Life” ( to his activism to his 2008 Democratic candidacy for Congress in Brooklyn , New York . To learn more about what he’s doing, click on He was thrilled to meet Noot and Ant - even sending me an encouraging note the next day saying so. And then, of course, like Kevin, I loved seeing my friends (and introducing Noot to them). There’s Q, who is the stylist and hairstylist with the most (clients including Miss Iman). There’s new friend Kwame Smalls (of VH1’s “I LOVE NEW YORK ” fame. He was "IT" on the show - Ant and I had met him the night before through our hip hop dance instructor Tweetie. He was in class and is friend's with Tweetie's substitute teacher Akira ( ) who will be taking over the class while Tweetie is in Poland this month. And my friend Antoine who now coordinates public relations for the men’s lines at Giorgio Armani ( was in the house. Also, the face behind the brand of 'Parish' ( and my friend Tony Shellman. Morehouse brother and fellow journalist/co-producer for special events Michael K. Watts. And of course, there was an array of old school hip hop (“Naughty By Nature” and “Doug E. Fresh”) and new school (“T.I.” and “Ryan Leslie”), etc. CONGRATS to Editor-in-Chief – another old industry friend – Danyel Smith on returning to the helm to take VIBE into its next level. And BIGGEST of THANKS to OLIVIA for making Noot’s night - an awesome finish that punctuated his time here just lovely. This was a lesson-learning summer for us both as we’ve never lived under the same roof for such a long amount of time. And generally, we are both pretty easy. But it was a tough summer inside of circumstances. It required I humble myself to simply operate in the WHAT IS. Not as many car services and 5-star-meals to bestow on my arguably-spoiled nephew (in part because Uncle Patrick gives him anything I can but didn't have those disposable funds to pull out all the stops this go around). Still, for three months, it was probably smart to let him experience something closer to what it would be like once and if he moves here i.e. public transportation, fast food, limited access to the A-list sets, etc. I LOVE YOU, NOOT! 

Ironically, before the VIBE party, I attended a private screening of HBO’s “The Blacklist” ( ) at the Time Warner building. I got photo ops with documentary subjects Time Warner Chairman Richard Parsons ( ) – also host of this event, and Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Also, ran into lots of old friends including Randy Fling from Rolling Out (out of Atlanta - and Miss Jacque Reid - also from A-T-L. and so many of the usual suspects, as I call them sometimes. Elvis Mitchell produced and conducted all of these interviews beneath the aesthetic provided by photographer and filmmaker Timothy Greenfield-Sanders to brilliant effect. Atria Books ( ) even published a companion project for the film which will premiere on HBO August 25th. Ant and I LOVED it, though we felt it could have been cut lovingly 15 minutes shorter. But we were so inspired and moved by much in this project. Not sure how life-changing it will be as evidenced by one white woman with whom we shared an elevator after the screening was over. We walked on the 10th floor elevator; pushed GROUND LEVEL; and the doors closed. She began to speak of how “buoyant” and “intriguing” the film was. I began to feel suffocated because I just knew she was going to offer an adjective for this project and the people in it that I would find insensitive. The elevator just couldn’t descend quickly enough nor could the door open fast enough as – by the time we hit the ground – she continued her soliloquy: “The people in it were just SO…. <can you guess what she’s gonna say?>… ARTICULATE!!!!!!” Fortunately, the door opened to the ground level and I could breathe again but not before rolling my eyes at yet another myopic turn from a white person who doesn’t realize the degree to which that awe-struck observation can offend so many of us African Americans who don’t need our articulation underscored – simply because “they” deem it so. Articulation – to me – shows up in a number of ways and with a slew of accents, dialects, and expressions. Just because it’s malleable for their ear doesn’t make it – unabashedly – ARTICULATE! 99% percent of the time, my people are ARTICULATE… and we don’t need that point validated so righteously by anyone else. (JUST MY PET PEEVE. SORRY!). But given some of the sharings in the project, I don’t think I stand alone in that observation:
* Loved Serena's analysis on how she's never been credited for her mind (just physical) in all her underrated-8-time-world-class-splendor.
* I appreciated Faye Wattleton sharing how her mom wanted her to missionary in the dark continent of Africa when she felt the calling to do her work in the ‘dark continent of North America ’.
* Loved Diddy's ego-play to possibilities. And why not, black man?
* And Chris Rock's white neighbors bit. GENIUS!
* Loved Suzan-Lori Parks too.
(The film with companion book inspired me with my "BIG WILLIES & AMAZING GRACES: gay men and their best girlfriends"
project-in-progress. I'm thinking I found my perfect template). ANY TAKERS?????

Next week, I'm hosting an event in my other hometown of Atlanta at the High Museum which will include a preview screening (for an exclusive ATLANTA audience) of "BLACKLIST", the current CIVIL RIGHTS MUSEUM exhibit, and the backdrop of extended hours. My dear friend Kelly Welborn (marketing exec at The High Museum) booked me for this special occasion, which promises to attract many of my old friends from back in the day (I started my career in Atlanta 16 years ago).

With that, let me breakdown what it will be: HBO invites you to experience PASS THE MIC/OPEN MIC NIGHT during Art in the City at the High Museum of Art , Thursday, August 21, 5 to 11pm. Hosted by DJ Tabone and Journalist Patrick Riley, all poets, spoken word artists, musicians and listeners are welcome.

Walk through the galleries with Road to Freedom exhibition curator Julian Cox and HBO Filmmaker Elvis Mitchell.

First 500 visitors to Art in the City receive an HBO giveaway! Reserve tickets today at H.I.G.H. dot org, or call 404-733-HIGH.

Airing on HBO, August 25 at 9p.m, THE BLACK LIST: VOLUME ONE presents dramatic portraits of fascinating African-Americans, who share their stories into the struggles and triumphs of black life in the U.S.


Links to the Civil Rights Road to Freedom video can be found on these pages

and .

Road to Freedom longer format video on High Museum webpage:,1,1,5,1


Link to HBO Documentary Film THE BLACK LIST trailer:

Another HBO property is worth mentioning here. Upon my return from UNITY '08 in Chicago , my Morehouse brother and friend Michael K. Watts took me to a private screening of SUGAR (HBO). Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden's Sugar, the follow-up to their critically acclaimed Half Nelson, has finally been picked up for distribution. HBO Films, which financed the film, retains television rights ( ). Sugar, which premiered at Sundance earlier this year, felt at the time like a tough sell after Half Nelson; it still does. The film, which is subtitled, tells the tale of a young baseball star from the Dominican Republic who crashes after getting moved up to the big leagues. It's really very much a coming-of-age kind of tale about this young boy who grew up poor but talented, always believing baseball to be his one ticket out. At the baseball training school, he was the big fish in a little pond; once he's in the real world of minor and then major league baseball, he starts to realize that, not only are there many other players as talented as he is (or more), but that he's put all his eggs into one basket. He begins to see how limited his knowledge is, both academically and of the world in general. When he realizes that if he doesn't make it in baseball, he has little to fall back on, he spirals downward -- though not in the way you might expect. I loved it! Check it out!

My HIGH MUSEUM booking, by the way, comes on the heels of my being booked to host "Dance Theatre of Harlem's" 35th annual Street Festival ( ). I've admired the company for many years. My college classmate ( Clark Atlanta University alum Matt Morgan) coordinated this whole effort. Matt says he wanted to book me on the heels of experiencing my hosting duties at Carl Nelson's "Drums Along The Hudson" ( It was a blast! Many of my friends came out to play, including Morehouse brother Michael Bryant, etc. Also, shoe designer Ron Donovan and one of Tyra's glam squad experts (also my Savannah homegirl Paula Dean, who recently shot another TV pilot) Earl Nicholson was there with his niece Brittany, a dancer. And Noot graciously joined me – agreeing to be my assistant and photographer for the day. (As the photography piece goes, Ant couldn't come as he had to work. A freelance field producing call from Dr. Phil-spinoff "The Doctors" ( came to me and due to this paid Harlem booking, I couldn't do the gig. Bummed, the execs asked if I knew of someone else. I thought that Ant would be perfect as he too field produces -- including the night we met at the Broadway opening "The Color Purple" back in 2005. Though Ant has been working some grueling hours on "The Wendy Williams Show" (13 – 16 hour days… Monday through Friday), he agreed to stretch his exhaust and take one for the team (that is us). Imagine our excitement when we found out the crew attached is a dear old friend and colleague of mine - also one of my AUC little brothers Will Miller (He's a CAU grad too), W. Miller & Co ( The shoot went very well. And I got to hang out a little bit with Will after they (and I) wrapped from our day's work. We foresee more collaboration in the near future.

But back to the festival, I hosted a " Harlem 's Got Talent" competition which was won by Lotus Music & Dance’s Bollywood Dancers ( ). We too received a performance from Vickilyn Reynolds who performed excerpts from a one-woman show she wrote and in which she stars based on the life of Hattie McDaniel, the first African American to win the Oscar in 1940. The musical production is called “Hattie… What I Need You To Know” ( or call 212/352-3101). For more information: On the heels of that afternoon (and the subsequent check), Noot, Tata, and I enjoyed dinner at “Cheesecake Factory” ( – a suburban, franchise staple for which my nephew was craving as his our long, hot summer felt like it was getting even longer in the tooth. Fortunately, before his departure, some of the stresses subsided and we made it through – our relationship and strong bond firmly in tact.